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Rong Kluea market relocated in Poipet? Or not

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Governor Announces New Market in Pipeline

Khmer Times/Pav Suy
Wednesday, 09 March 2016

A new market is in the works for Cambodian vendors now working at Thailand’s Rong Kluea market, most of whom have been battling Thai authorities over the confiscation of counterfeit goods over the past month, according to Banteay Meanchey provincial governor Korsum Saroeut. His province borders Thailand’s Sakaeo province, the location of the market.

The majority-Cambodian Rong Kluea market, across the border from Poipet town, has been in the throes of a police crackdown since early February, when Thai authorities raided stores selling counterfeit goods, costing vendors millions of baht in sales and confiscated inventory. On Saturday morning, as 500 Cambodian vendors protested, Thai officials seized a large number of counterfeit goods from Cambodian stores, cutting locks off doors in the process.

“We are preparing the procedures to apply for the principles from the national level,” said Mr. Saroeut, who has been tasked with communicating with Thai authorities over the recent crackdown. He did not give a specific location for the proposed new market. According to a National Police report, the market will be in Poipet town. Mr. Saroeut added that provincial authorities will facilitate the travel of Thai shoppers who wish to cross the border to the Cambodian market.

read more: http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/22486/governor-announces-new-market-in-pipeline/

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