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Cambodia: Int'l Women's Day bike ride thwarted by police

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By Lauren Crothers

PHNOM PENH, Cambodia

A bicycle rally to mark International Women’s Day was thwarted by police in Cambodia on Tuesday, a day after the United Nations urged governments around the world to focus on empowering women.

Rights group Licadho said in a statement that about 200 unionists, factory workers and rights activists gathered in front of the Women’s Ministry, from where they intended to set off on a single-file 9-kilometer bike ride, ending at the National Assembly.

“The rally was intended to celebrate economic, social and political achievements of women in the country but also call for further action by the government to eliminate disparity in the recognition and enforcement of women’s rights throughout the country,” Licadho said.

However, as the convoy prepared to leave, “they were met nearly immediately by approximately 60 mixed security forces who blocked the road in both directions, creating a large traffic jam”. Women’s ministry spokeswomen Sy Define could not be reached Tuesday. The disruption came after the UN committee tasked with assessing member countries’ treatment of women used International Women’s Day to urge governments to put more of a focus on the needs of women in rural areas.

read more: http://aa.com.tr/en/world/cambodia-intl-womens-day-bike-ride-thwarted-by-police/533644


Ah Yes,Sorry ladies but most of Asian Governments are still eons behind other countries governments to even give a glimmer of hope to "Any Women's" causes.Those countries that we use for measurements of such causes ( The EU,America,Canada,Australia,ETC) ) still need to go a long way for equalization. : My opinion.


Cambodia got it right, give an inch they will take a mile.Australia empowered Juliar Gillard as PM and look at how that turned out the ultra PC brigade running the country


empowering women?...what rubbish..glad it was thwarted.

Democracy and civil rights were obviously wasted on you.

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