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Marmite Sandwiches Take On


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Apr 17 2004

By Heln Cook

MARMITE could be the key to a bite-free holiday according to health experts - because, like some of us, mosquitoes hate it.

Public health consultant Dr Martin Schweiger revealed his secret weapon for the launch of a new advice leaflet for travellers. When we eat it our skin gives off an odour undetectable to humans but repulsive to mosquitoes.

Dr Schweiger told a meeting of Co-op members in Leeds: "It's nothing to do with spreading it on the skin. The effect of eating it could be linked to the vitamin B1 thiamine it contains. This theory is supported by the rise of malaria in countries where rice has been dehusked and the thiamine-rich outer coating is discarded."

The vegetarian spread made from brewer's yeast celebrated its centenary in 2002. Early last century scientists found it was a good source of five B vitamins, including B12 which helps prevent anaemia, and folic acid. It was given to soldiers during both World Wars to keep them healthy.

A Marmite spokesman said: "You either love it or hate it and mosquitoes are clearly not in the former category."

One piece of advice from Marmite is only eat it spread THINLY on toast.

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It must be the Marmite that is keeping me so young and adolesant looking, I also put it on my nipples, the wifey loves it


I've heard you described in a different fashion to that by another forumer Bash, maybe it's the fishing that keeps you young :o

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makes sense really.

The Brit SAS have been using Vit B12 since the fifties as a mossie repellant, seems to work very well in the jungles of malaysia, it does make your pee very orange and smelly though.

And by the way I had Marmite on my toast this very morning, I had the urge what with all these postings, put scrambled eggs on top and little bits of bacon too.... mmmmm


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makes sense really.

The Brit SAS have been using Vit B12 since the fifties as a mossie repellant, seems to work very well in the jungles of malaysia, it does make your pee very orange and smelly though.

And by the way I had Marmite on my toast this very morning, I had the urge what with all these postings, put scrambled eggs on top and little bits of bacon too.... mmmmm


Thats great , but did you know how its made ??

Its a black industrial sludge a by product of the brewing industry .

They didnt know what to do with it years ago ,then some bright spark had the idea of adding some flavourings and selling it as a food product . And voila Marmite was born !

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God, Marmite and Promite are nothing compaired to the Aussie Tar of Vegemite. Nothings better then vegemite on toast with scrambled eggs :o mmmmmm.

" Were happy little vegemites , happy as can be. We all enjoy our vegemite for breakfast, lunch and tea ... da da da da deeeeeeeeeeeeee ." ( happy little vegemite - theme song )

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I've been married to a Thai for more than 40 years and I STILL have to leave the house when she's brewing up one of her bamboo shoot concoctions. Vegemite is ambrosia in comparison - and if it acts as an insect repellent as well, that can only be good news!

Question - can you buy Vegemite in Thailand, or should I bring my own? :o

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I've been married to a Thai for more than 40 years and I STILL have to leave the house when she's brewing up one of her bamboo shoot concoctions. Vegemite is ambrosia in comparison - and if it acts as an insect repellent as well, that can only be good news!

Question - can you buy Vegemite in Thailand, or should I bring my own? :o

You can certainly buy it in Bangkok around Sukhumvit supermarkets. :D

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I've been married to a Thai for more than 40 years and I STILL have to leave the house when she's brewing up one of her bamboo shoot concoctions. Vegemite is ambrosia in comparison - and if it acts as an insect repellent as well, that can only be good news!

Question - can you buy Vegemite in Thailand, or should I bring my own? :D

You can certainly buy it in Bangkok around Sukhumvit supermarkets. :D

Vegemite is for the more discerning of yeast eaters.

Marmite is for the soapdodgers, they can't smell it because of their overpowering BO :D:o:D

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