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Credit Card Spiral


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Well its great to be back in Thailand, and always something new to discover

Met a special lady and on day 3 I discovered her family have convinced her to get credit card after credit card to send money home, now she has 6 credit cards all maxed out, using 1 to pay the others,

She is on a one way trip to a financial crash and it is not if, but when

So I took here to Citibank in Silom to see if she can get some help and have their cards stopped and amalgate 3 cards into 1 so she can afford to pay her debt

At this stage let me say she is willling to pay her debts, but they now amount to 150% of her income, which is impossible

Now Citibanks response, they can do nothing she must pay the seperate cards or face the bill collectors, we are reallly not interested

She owes us the money and thats that

I explained the situation and said she was heading for personal Bankcrupcy, and the feeling I got was there was nothing in place in Thailand to help people who had gotten themselves into trouble

In fact they offered her another card to borrow from to pay the first debts, Thai Lunency

Okay question

What is the situation for personal bancruptcy in Thailand?

What does she do?

who should she go to?

what is the black list period 3 - 5 -10 years?

She has a good job, so how can she protect her employment wage so they do not take her full income.

I believe this is why she need to declare bankrupcy so all creditors must claim in a single action

Again I must say she is an honest Thai lady and wants to pay her debts, but oweing 150% of her income is impossible

Now she just needs to learn that credit is dangerous

any advice is welcome

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I'm not sure there is any help, the banks will quite happily allow her to slide into debt.

Does she have any assets she can sell to clear the debt? Or perhaps mortgage to raise a loan to pay off the debt in order to get a more favourable interest rate?

But it also seems it is not only her that might need some advice, I started a thread on the very subject yesterday The Debt of a Loved One

I suspect showing your face at the bank might have been sufficient signal for one or both parties to assume you might at some time come to the rescue and pay off the debt... The debtor by association as it were.

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I just read the Thairat - thai newspaper - 2 days ago

According to the front page article.....

Credit card debts seem to be an upward spiral problem in Thailand, as much so that the central bank of thailand is thinking to mandate the borrowing rate from credit card in thailand starting at 20% min.

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she has no assets

so the banls will get zero

but still they don't seem to care

as far as I am concerned, that can go to xxxxxxx? as she will be with me I can look after her, my advice is they can't touch me, and they can not get blood out of a stone

But she wants to do the right thing,

But they seem not interested

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Hey, I heard a guy in a coffee shop chatting over the internet to someone about this exact situation.

Now I was on one side of the coffee shop and you were on the other....one could not help but hear it all you were so loud.

If you do not mind the world listening to your woes, then keep it quieter.

Personaly it was kinda funny listening to your conversation, but if i had been a Thai understanding english listening to you, I would have thrown a cold glasss of water over you to settle down your oh so public and loud Thai bashing rant. You were somewhat embarrassing....to yourself.

And I though only Yanks were that loud...by the way, just to confrim this, you were also discussing Oz and US exchange rates currently and how on one recent trip here you were getting 42/43b. Also your soon to be bankrupt gf ran out of there rather sheepishly....or did she really forget something.

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i'm afraid you have the wrong guy my friend, i don't drink coffee

maybe there are more ladies in this situation than we know

Just for your informatuon Australia has its own dollar and its never beeb as high as 42/43b

Again for the record I have nothing against Thailand or Thai people, just Currupt Western companies and banks that take advantge of them

Yes advice was given, "Don't pay"

is it bad that she wants to pay her debts

sorry you logic avoids me?

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.....just Currupt Western companies and banks that take advantge of them

Which are run by Thai people......but that neither here nor there for your GF.

Best bit of advice, is to cut up the cards for starters! Don't let her go near a credit card again.

Cut her expenses down to a minimum, and pay the buggers off one at a time.

And if she asks you to pay.....run for the hills.

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I am sorry if my question is to hard to answer

It seems there are many who are ready to add their little small minded comments

The posting was specific for information on Thai law as far as bankrupcy is concerned

Please refrain for giving your comments on myself, and stick to the question asked

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Why should we refrain, you did not hold back on your criticisms out so loud the whole place could here you.

Also if you read my post, the comment of exchange was re the US$, but you were also mentiong the oz dollar being 27/26 at the moment.

It was you, deny it if you like, nobody else could have such a conversation like that and over hear it. You were on your laptop, in the back corner, you had headphones on and by the sounds of it you were talking to someone in Oz, you also mentioned your battery getting flat so your call may not last much longer.

If your embarrassed about your conversation and the volume of it and the content, then maybe you should do it in the privacy of your hotel....oh sorry I forgot, you mentioned you had to hold your computer out the window and sit halfway out there to get a connection.

Also you seem to pull out information from my post which is not there, I never said you were drinking coffee, but were in a coffee shop. In fact it was Mrbeans just at the entrance to soi 8.

The simple fact is, you were loud, obnoxious and putting the Thai people down so loudly that you deserved a flogging from one of them. I am no angel and have also bitched and whined about them at times, but not as loud in public, ignorantly as yourself.

You also mentioned how you put the bank person in their place by telling them that you were not a newbie, you were an experienced Thai expat, knew Thai law well etc. So why did'nt you have this conversation in Thai...in fact you said to your friend that you spoke Thai very well, but then you proceeded to tell them some phrases and your Thai language skills came accross as very basic, nothing wrong with that, but when you know a few words and you claim to know it well...again in public...you are just making a fool of yourself...loudly.

Oh, you also told your friend on the phone that your gf only had a TV, thats it, no assets and works in the restaurant of a hotel. You also mentioned speaking Laos and proceeded to show your skill with the laos language also.

Anyway, dont be so stupid to deny it, you know it was you, remember the fat farang chick on her laptop also near you, did you see her giggling at your predicament ??

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This thread rocks! :D

If ozzieman is genuinely seeking advice and not trolling (benefit of the doubt, m8! :o ) then I would advise him to steer clear of debt-ridden girls; their credit cards; and grasping relatives; before everything ends up pear-shaped. Hope this helps. :D

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It seem you know more about me than I do

refer to ladies as Fat

and precede to tell me of my thai skills are poor (not bad for someone I have never met)

At this stage I feel more sorry for you than my lady friend

At least I still have the manners that I brought up with, and I have never heard her say a bad word against any one

Please do not be mistaken by my user name. In fact I am English not Australian or Amrican

Sorry if this fact was not included in your description of me

I wish you the best, and hope you enjoy your day, as you seem to enjoy being right

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It seem you know more about me than I do

refer to ladies as Fat

and precede to tell me of my thai skills are poor (not bad for someone I have never met)

At this stage I feel more sorry for you than my lady friend

At least I still have the manners that I brought up with, and I have never heard her say a bad word against any one

Please do not be mistaken by my user name. In fact I am English not Australian or Amrican

Sorry if this fact was not included in your description of me

I wish you the best, and hope you enjoy your day, as you seem to enjoy being right

Out of that part, I used myself to abuse or to be abuse, so here I do not care, allow me to advice you on that problem.

Igot the same some years ago, and it's how I did.

I went ALONE to the credit society (amrican express), with the money to pay the bills. The discussion was simple : I showed the cash, then did 2 parts of it (50% 50 %) and said in my broken english : one now ... one next month. After 2 hours of very bad english conversation I paid the half of the bills, andget a document as the rest have to be paidthe month after, untill that no more phone calls.

Alone, because I introduced me as a friend , stating my gf was in france for the next 6 month and she have ask me to handle that problem ... Bottom line was they accepted half now and half in a given date was trully better than nothign from someone abroad for a long time.

And it was not my money (well the second half was mine, but it was no used). So yes genuine people can run on those peoblem and yes it's possible to help without to be guarantor ...

About complaining thai, it is bad word to say Thai people are generaly not prepare to handle those situation?????????? Saying is not say bad about thai people, but simply state a fact , but it's trully complain against an 'educational/cultural' system that let people without capacity to simply understand ....

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OzziEnglish man, if you still have the manners you were brought up with, then why were you so loud and so rude for so long in a public place.

Also I remember you commenting on some high tech gadget the person on the other end must have asked you if you had or could get. You went off on your rant about how that was to high tech for thais, they would not have that here or understand it, to high tech for these people you said. Quick to belittle them, are you an expert on high tech crap and nobody in this country has the capacity to reach your level of high tech understanding.

All I am saying is that a few people heard you, including the Thai staff, although I doubt they understood it exactly to the extent you were ridaculing their race in public. Learn to keep your rants private next time, thats all and you will not make a fool of yourself.

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OzziEnglish man, if you still have the manners you were brought up with, then why were you so loud and so rude for so long in a public place.

Also I remember you commenting on some high tech gadget the person on the other end must have asked you if you had or could get. You went off on your rant about how that was to high tech for thais, they would not have that here or understand it, to high tech for these people you said. Quick to belittle them, are you an expert on high tech crap and nobody in this country has the capacity to reach your level of high tech understanding.

All I am saying is that a few people heard you, including the Thai staff, although I doubt they understood it exactly to the extent you were ridaculing their race in public. Learn to keep your rants private next time, thats all and you will not make a fool of yourself.

H i Nawtilus

if you had had a mobile phone with you ,you could have taken a picture of the thai basher

I certainly would have,maybe even video'd it, whilst claiming to be holding it up trying to get a signal maybe even asking him about how do you get a mobile signal here in this country

step well back as you have just lit the touch paper and the fuse is burning :D

and yes the technology in phones is good enough to do this surreptiously.

these could then be shown on the forum (with the face doctored and maybe replaced with a horses arse or a donkeys head? ) as a lesson for newbies to learn how not to conduct themselves at any time whilst in a foriegn country ,let alone in public and post it on here in a new thread " How to be obnoxiuos to your hosts"

the guy,and i am not saying it was the aforementioned poster as I wasn't there, is an ignoramous of the tallest order Imho

and I say respect to the Thai's running the shop as I would have peed in his next coffee or something similar (maybe they did?? who's to know?) :D

revenge is always best served cold

I thought people come to Thailand to chill out ........ NOT stress out

or maybe he is ranting in Thailand as he knows he can get away with it and no-one will question his actions like the would in the west by telling him to keep it down

and failing that pulling the plug on his connection

anyway lets have a better disciption so we can keep guessing who it is/isnt :o

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I give up

I started off trying to help a THai friend, and this post has been high jacked by some idiot who has totaly reveresd the reason for the postingmming people you do not know

Trying to make someone who loves Thais look the opposite

After nly a short time here I now belive this site is only for flammers just looking to have a go at somene else

and to my dear friend I hope your fun you have condemmig people you do not know heps you pass the time

For the record this twisted person has taken the truth and totally twisted it all up.

I can see no reason to keep this post open as it seems you are the ones who have decidd this girl only wants me for money and are pulling down Thais

This is not my and never was my intention

calm down or the thread will be closed.

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There is no twisting of the truth, just factualy stated as overheard from your very loud conversation in a public place.

You then added fuel to the fire by denying it was you, that I had the wrong person.

Now that you were caught out, you seem a little too embarrassed to admit it.

There is no issue re you wanting to help someone, nor did I mention anywhere that your gf only wants you for cash, maybe that comment is from your own conscious.

Nor did I say hate Thais, I and probably everyone on here would have a bitch about them and their practices and some stage somewhere to varying degrees. But not many do it as loudly and publicly as you did.

The simple thing is, if you want to appear and come accross as a sex tourist, keep up what you did that day. If you want to come accross as something much better, don't continue down that path in public where the ENTIRE shops population can over hear your personal diatribe of whine, woman and ..... oh the song was missing, knew something was missing.

Best of luck in the future.

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