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Enhance -


​1. Many larger, older, malls have key-making shops. Perhaps technician there can come to your condo after shop closes. Such shops usually on the lower level or in an odd corner of the parking garage. Information counter at the main entrance will know where. You are in Din Daeng -- FortuneTown is likely to have a key-making shop.

​2. If you're handy with a screwdriver, it is possible to change the cylinder yourself. Buy cylinders at (I'm guessing now), Home Pro.

​3. If you're only semi-handy with a screwdriver, you can change the entire lock and not bother fiddling with the cylinder. I have bought door locks at Home Pro and changed them myself. Need only one screwdriver, medium size, Phillips head.

​4. If you anticipate similar problems in future, Home Pro also sells key-less door locks. Front panel of buttons that you push in sequence to open. Can change the combination yourself, less than a minute.


If the lock is unusual, maybe contact the Juristic office at your condo? The building technician might be familiar with the locks used.


Big C and lotus and home pro on ratchada Rd beside you all sell locks very cheap

All you probably need is a screwdriver to switch it if you don't mind doing it yourself...


In the meantime you could put a lockable sleeve on the handle. I saw the folks in the apt. next to mine put that gizmo on when they went out - guess they were paranoid about maids etc. getting in. Again Homepro I would guess.

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