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Lawyers Centre cries foul against NCPO for detention, disappearance of a Facebook page admin


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This could be much worse than an "attitude adjustment", which is enough of a human rights violation. It's been almost a week and still the government denies all knowledge of a man arrested by 30 uniformed military and police personnel:

"HRW says the ruling Thai junta has "officially denied" knowledge of his arrest and location, raising what it says are grave concerns of an enforced disappearance." http://HRW says the ruling Thai junta has "officially denied" knowledge of his arrest and location, raising what it says are grave concerns of an enforced disappearance.

It's possible the junta has decided that attitude adjustment isn't good enough, now it will make critics disappear.

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Thailand is slowly becoming North Korea

you really have no idea do you, just because they grab people that they claim are causing dissent and "chat with them" doesnt mean we are anything like north korea. Here you still have all your freedoms to do pretty much what you please, doesnt matter if you disagree with what they are doing we are a long way from anything like nk, the only people that are upset are the ones that cant handle their team not running the show. Maybe when you cant buy food, watch tv, listen to the radio, get put into concentration camps, are executed for not saying/doing the wrong thing etc you can have a go at them, pretty pathetic on your part but then what more can we expect.

What part of "slowly becoming" don't you understand? Your irrelevant rant is all about your political bias towards an oppressive regime.


This story goes beyond the usual "little talk," these fearful bullies are disappearing people. That is a sign of the worst possible regime. We are not there yet, but Thailand most definitely is "becoming" something, and people who condone it like seajae are dangerous in my opinion. The fact the guy was eventually released goes to prove the operative word 'becoming' is perfectly apt.

I just don't have any faith that if he (victim of the oppressive junta) never surfaced alive again that the seajae's of this world would change their song.

Edited by Squeegee
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Thailand is slowly becoming North Korea

you really have no idea do you, just because they grab people that they claim are causing dissent and "chat with them" doesnt mean we are anything like north korea. Here you still have all your freedoms to do pretty much what you please, doesnt matter if you disagree with what they are doing we are a long way from anything like nk, the only people that are upset are the ones that cant handle their team not running the show. Maybe when you cant buy food, watch tv, listen to the radio, get put into concentration camps, are executed for not saying/doing the wrong thing etc you can have a go at them, pretty pathetic on your part but then what more can we expect.

Not the first time and won't be the last time that this will happen. It happened under the previous regime, the regime in the 2000's and now under this one (allegedly). It is an SOP for govt in power in Thailand though some like to agitate the Junta and present false information for the gullible. In fact there were more "disappearances" under the previous regime from the 2000's than the last one and the current one put together. (I only remember one famous disappearance under the previous regime)

But just like the North Korean ambassador that visited Thailand recently ( he has visited Thailand nearly every year since 1960's) some illogically statements will come out stating "Thailand is slowly becoming North Korea"..Or "Thailand is walking to North Korea" or "Will they befriend Syria and Iraq next" as if North Korea has had no relation with Thailand before the Junta came to power.

Well, if Thailand is becoming like North Korea it must be a very slow transition then because it started 50 years ago with strong relations with North Korea starting in 1953.

Clear evidence that the junta propaganda has managed to be comprehended by the least intelligent of the TVF community


What's really sad is that some members of the TVF community who purport to have a modicum of intelligence decry this but seemingly lap up the Shin propaganda as complete truth.

Nobody listened to you the first time you posted this comment. Were you hoping for better results the second time around?

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The guy arrested was in charge of the facebook page which is a bit like csila facebook but it's all about politics. It's anti-coup for sure, I thought T.V was brave for its allowing of some posts but this site goes a little to far. With nearly 500,000 followers I can see why the men in green banged on his front door. Still the sites still up and running. I won't post a link, don't want ppl knocking on my door. If your desperate try google translating 'stop fake Thailand' into Thai and then search with the word facebook. You should find it no prob.

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