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Monk faces prosecution over using dogs to pull food cart


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Thais seem to have a thing about Huskies the owner of our local hotel bought a nice husky puppy now its grown does not have any exercise and now they are complaining they need to leave a fan on or aircon for it...

last heard they were looking for another owner for it

These are relatively educated wealthy people goes to prove sadly thai people do not care or have the mentality to take care of dogs

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I'd rather give food to the dog. At least he works for a living.

Agreed. Strap 8 monks to a sled and run 'em in the Iditirod race--now that would be a hootclap2.gif

Oh, wait...I heard the contest may be cancelled due to lack of snow on the ground sad.png

Never mind...

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Cute, assuming the animal is not actually suffering.

Unbelievable responses from the overly-sensitive in this thread. Too hot for dogs to work? Then it's surely too hot for people to work outdoors too. Damages their health? It will keep them fit.

All sorts of animals pull all sorts of things - dogs, horses, buffaloes, reindeer. Like people, they probably get to enjoy the routine and the discipline.

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Why the fuss?

In Canada they use dog sleds, so what is the difference.

Dog seems ok in the video. Maybe just more of the green eyed monster sindrome.

Don't say that! Our Watt has many huskies....now how did they end up at a Watt in Bangkok where it's 35 celcius every day????

Why did he use a golden retriever to work? Because he looks so cute and western?

My neighbour has a labrador which lives in a 3x3 metre cage and they only let him in the garden one hour in 4 days....That's his life. And have you seen how sick/cripple/dirty the soidogs in BKK are?? That's Thainess at it's best.

This is so hypocrit as can be. Thai don't care at all for dogs, they are too lazy to treat them well. In Europe i could call the animal police if we treated our dogs the same way and they would all get taken away from their owners.

Thai even do the same to their kids which never come out of the house. We live in a great moobaan with playgrounds but they never ever go there because grandma/pa is too lazy to walking with them. The parents also don't give a dime.

WHERE is your Wat.. Huskies are expensive. I'm off down to get one!

I guess if you just visit some Watts in the subs of BKK (where the moobaans are) you will find them. They are in fashion but people dump them as easy as they buy the pups.

Last week on a market i saw a Thai family with kids passing a dogvendor and both their kids wanted a husky, so they bought 2 of them. Easy peasy.

You can also ask at the dogtrimming salons, i bet many people get tired of them and offer them for free.

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Why the fuss?

In Canada they use dog sleds, so what is the difference.

Dog seems ok in the video. Maybe just more of the green eyed monster sindrome.

Agreed, this is such a stupid thing to complain about. Whoever is concerned about this should be looking at real cases of animal cruelty.

Dogs instinctively want to pull and work. If you have ever tried walking an untrained dog you would know this. They love to be outside and when you put them on a leash they instinctively want to pull you.

It is more cruel to not give a dog any purpose in life. As another poster said, "the dogs in the photos are not stressed" they love it!!!

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"they saw that Phra Nutee was using the dogs as a gimmick to ask for food and money" I do not see anything that suggests this assertion. Maybe there is but it is not included in the post.

If there is any solid evidence of what is said then let's see it. Word of mouth is not good enough, sorry.

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dog is not made for this kind of work.

will shorten the life expectancy of the animal in general with 30%-50%.

beside the dog used on the picture they are known to have hip problems. Hip are the power engine and now overloaded.

the is abused of an animal .

I disagree....


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Why don't they dare to tell the monk about it? Just stop giving him food if they're not happy with his behaviour.

I don't like the way the Thai treat their dogs and dump them at the temples and i tell it to anyone who wants to listen to me. Even more i dislike people who let it become a soidog who causes roadaccidents and bites passing people.

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Buddhist's obese, vintage cars, dogs used to pull carts, is this country out on a witch hunt to demonise Buddhism?

Someone high up the food chain has a hatred of all things Buddhist? What is going on in Los? Leave the religion alone!

Leave the religion alone, what planet do you live on?

Guess jet setting monks, monks with contraband cars, monks with girl or boy friends, monks on drugs, this is without really digging too deep into the corruption in Thailands excuse for Buddhism is ok by your standards, well it's not ok to many Thai people.

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Buddhist's obese, vintage cars, dogs used to pull carts, is this country out on a witch hunt to demonise Buddhism?

Someone high up the food chain has a hatred of all things Buddhist? What is going on in Los? Leave the religion alone!

Leave the religion alone, what planet do you live on?

Guess jet setting monks, monks with contraband cars, monks with girl or boy friends, monks on drugs, this is without really digging too deep into the corruption in Thailands excuse for Buddhism is ok by your standards, well it's not ok to many Thai people.

Your right jet setting monks, monks with illegal imported parts for cars, monks who aren't celebate, monks smoking weed, corruption, monks closing major roads, monks interrogating people, monks closing down a major government building which is next to the army headquarters and no one stopped them doing it, monks who align themselves alongside the P.A.D and current government disrupting the installing of the next Supreme Patriarch. Those monks.
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Buddhist's obese, vintage cars, dogs used to pull carts, is this country out on a witch hunt to demonise Buddhism?

Someone high up the food chain has a hatred of all things Buddhist? What is going on in Los? Leave the religion alone!

Leave the religion alone, what planet do you live on?

Guess jet setting monks, monks with contraband cars, monks with girl or boy friends, monks on drugs, this is without really digging too deep into the corruption in Thailands excuse for Buddhism is ok by your standards, well it's not ok to many Thai people.

Your right jet setting monks, monks with illegal imported parts for cars, monks who aren't celebate, monks smoking weed, corruption, monks closing major roads, monks interrogating people, monks closing down a major government building which is next to the army headquarters and no one stopped them doing it, monks who align themselves alongside the P.A.D and current government disrupting the installing of the next Supreme Patriarch. Those monks.

I was under the understanding that you approved of any thing unbuddhist and that they were being unfairly treated.

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Buddhist's obese, vintage cars, dogs used to pull carts, is this country out on a witch hunt to demonise Buddhism?

Someone high up the food chain has a hatred of all things Buddhist? What is going on in Los? Leave the religion alone!

Leave the religion alone, what planet do you live on?

Guess jet setting monks, monks with contraband cars, monks with girl or boy friends, monks on drugs, this is without really digging too deep into the corruption in Thailands excuse for Buddhism is ok by your standards, well it's not ok to many Thai people.

Your right jet setting monks, monks with illegal imported parts for cars, monks who aren't celebate, monks smoking weed, corruption, monks closing major roads, monks interrogating people, monks closing down a major government building which is next to the army headquarters and no one stopped them doing it, monks who align themselves alongside the P.A.D and current government disrupting the installing of the next Supreme Patriarch. Those monks.
I was under the understanding that you approved of any thing unbuddhist and that they were being unfairly treated.
Well, having just seen the news on Buddha Issara's temple being shot up, I think you might be right and it is time to reform Buddhism before some sort of Buddhist extremism is born. A sad day for Buddhism, shooting at a temple has gone way to far. This is why religion and politics should never mix.
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This is what the news is about! The monk leaves his dogs in a camper bus with a few windows open in tropical heat during the hot season. Passers by call the police as they fear for the dogs well being. This is the news. If the news in the coconuts article said this with the video attached we all can understand why there was a social media uproar. Maybe the PM is right, the news media are unable to report the news accurately.

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This is what the news is about! The monk leaves his dogs in a camper bus with a few windows open in tropical heat during the hot season. Passers by call the police as they fear for the dogs well being. This is the news. If the news in the coconuts article said this with the video attached we all can understand why there was a social media uproar. Maybe the PM is right, the news media are unable to report the news accurately.

Yes but they police didn't release the dogs, they were still in the hot van.

In my homecountry the police will smash any carwindow if a dog or baby is inside during hot days. Even for a short stop of 10 minutes to do some fast shopping. And also at expensive cars no matter who the owner is.

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This is what the news is about! The monk leaves his dogs in a camper bus with a few windows open in tropical heat during the hot season. Passers by call the police as they fear for the dogs well being. This is the news. If the news in the coconuts article said this with the video attached we all can understand why there was a social media uproar. Maybe the PM is right, the news media are unable to report the news accurately.

I'm not saying it's right but it looked like ALL the Window's were open in that video.. Obviously the gobby woman may have opened more of them.
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Buddhist's obese, vintage cars, dogs used to pull carts, is this country out on a witch hunt to demonise Buddhism?

Someone high up the food chain has a hatred of all things Buddhist? What is going on in Los? Leave the religion alone!

What is still 'Buddhist', in the ways of the Lord Buddha himself I mean, in what is nowadays called 'Buddhism' in Thailand, pray tell us...?

'Witch hunt to demonise Buddhism', 'hatred of all things Buddhist', in your opinion maybe, but not in mine: rather what I hope will become a large 'cleansing', a return to the original values.

Oh, and: Buddhism is not a religion, by the way!

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What's the difference? The heat.

Dogs should not be worked in this country unless the weather is cool enough. Firstly the ground they walk on, if it is the road as in the picture above, is too hot during the day. Try taking your shoes off and having a go.

Secondly, I've never seen Thais showing due concern to animals in heat. The only reason the dogs are being used by the monks is to save their own workload and create a public scene of "narak-ness". What possible benefit does it serve the dog?

Working dogs (outside of Thailand that is) such as German Shepherds and Huskies enjoy the work they are given due to the environment and climate they work within. Compare that to a busy, noisy hot shatty Thai street then ask what the difference is.

I sorta think Monks walk the streets early in the morning when the roads are not too hot , but I could be wrong as I do not donate to them? Also the soi dogs around my area do not seem to care too much about what time of day they roam up and down barking in the heat and all.

I'd rather be a dog walking the streets of Thailand in the mornings than freezing my b***s off in the Alaskan snow.

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