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Body Cleanse


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I visited my doctor the other day at the Ram and she mentioned that one of her patients had great success with the lemonade diet http://themastercleanse.org/maple-syrup/ , anybody tried it, or know of somebody? I'm just wondering where I can get some maple syrup? I'm assuming the ones in Rimping are full of sugar and not suitable?

I'll do this diet for 10 days and then celebrate by having a beer, burger and pizza..whistling.gifgigglem.gif

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To answer your question, no one I know is desperate and gullible enough to try something so ridiculously faddish and unhealthy. Maybe next you can try the Cabbage Soup Diet. rolleyes.gif

From WebMD regarding "The Master Cleanse":

"Because you're getting so few calories, you'll probably lose weight. You’ll also be losing muscle, bone, and water. And you're likely to gain the weight right back.

There's no proof that detoxifying leads to long-term weight loss. Plus, you don't need to detox your body -- your liver takes care of that.
For lasting change, you're better off eating a healthy diet of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy, and lean proteins like fish, skinless chicken or turkey, and healthy fats like olive oil."
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