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AOT will be asked to cut prices of fast food and drinking water at airports


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Tend to see all airports are expensive, captive audience and high rents.

This is a double edged sword, if the rent in these airports is high , then the vendors are forced to up their prices to survive. London Gatwick has the answer I believe, and that is the vendors receive outlets rent free, but the airport takes a percentage of their monthly income. This attitude is much easier to controll

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Although I do find the prices quite expensive, I really wouldn't mind paying the current prices IF the quality was better. I have yet to enjoy a single meal at Swampy; the food's bland AND expensive. Reduce the price or improve the quality.

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If you fly Thai air you better eat well before you go.

In Tokyo water costs about 40 baht at Narita airport but that's in a great luxe smokinglounge, not the dirty smokingrooms they have in Thailand.

And their taxfree shops had qeueu's from 50-70 people so that's a no go for me.

Taxfree shopping can be done everywhere in Tokyo and they return the tax immediatly cash...much better. But it's only for tourists, not for locals. Also traintickets are much cheaper for tourists....And they have supergreat trains.

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Although I do find the prices quite expensive, I really wouldn't mind paying the current prices IF the quality was better. I have yet to enjoy a single meal at Swampy; the food's bland AND expensive. Reduce the price or improve the quality.

What they served hot are just microwaved precooked food. There can be no kitchen at those shop outlets.

But prices are higher than those proper restaurants downtown.

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Has anyone ever actually seen good prices for electronics in an airport's duty free shop recently?

I haven't in so many years. I mean, even in places with a good reputation like e.g. Dubai every phone, tablet I've checked I can get for significantly cheaper over regular internet shops here in France, with full local warranty. I'm not even speaking of the Chinese boutiques.

Back to the original topic: yes, the prices for food at Suwa are outrageous. And the folks at the Burger King (is it really a BK? I have a doubt) are not even nice or efficient. How many times have I been told "no have" while asking for some incredibly overpriced combination menu?

I've seen fast food chains displaying (almost) normal prices in many european and middle-eastern airports.

Don't know if the prices are good but at least they dare to show them:


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You should complain....Try any one of the Australian international airports...forget cash bring your credit card.

Many airports have free water after check in like Perth so bring an empty and fill after the security check.

This should be mandatory to stop this scamming of an essential health requirement.

The biggest health risk of flying is dehydration with the attendant risks of stroke, DVT, hypertension and heart attack all of which are dramatically increased with lack of water.

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King power = double price

Example: cheap bottle of wine cost in 7/11 BKK or around country aprox 250 Baht and the same bottle at Swampy the price is 500 Baht


AOT Should be ordered to cut the prices at Thai airports

They should be monitored regularly -re-their profit margins - The other useless (near) body should be in on the act TAT.

A thorough cleansing of both departments if Thailand wishes to get their visitors to return, You get them once and then they go else where.

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