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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but since when have people listened to a liberal's opinion on military service? That's like asking the KKK for their opinion on race relations.

But to listen to the Donald in this regard, again, horribly embarrassing non-Presidential stuff.

While John McCain was being tortured The Donald was spending Daddy's bucks champagne and chicks, but his views on the matter, well, this says it all.

"He's not a war hero. He's a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren't captured, OK, I hate to tell you."

No he doesn't hate telling us, it's just that it lets us all know what a complete as**ole he is.

Edited by grumpyoldman
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Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but since when have people listened to a liberal's opinion on military service? That's like asking the KKK for their opinion on race relations.

There are "liberals" who have or have had active military service. Over a period of years. To not think it could be so or is not fact would be astoundingly sheltered and closed.

Not enough people condemn the KKK, Stalin, Hitler or Mussolini btw. Starting with Trump. They seem oblivious to history, or they might be in pain over it.

Who also know that Trump, like Goldwater, isn't all there upstairs.

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As an outsider looking in....If Trump should get the nomination when he faces up to a real politician in Clinton certainly in policy she will cut him to ribbons, she don't have the razzamatazz like the golden boy what she has is real experience in government and for us watching this circus we all hope the Trump does not make president.

LOL you are too funny. Watch and learn.

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As an outsider looking in....If Trump should get the nomination when he faces up to a real politician in Clinton certainly in policy she will cut him to ribbons, she don't have the razzamatazz like the golden boy what she has is real experience in government and for us watching this circus we all hope the Trump does not make president.

"when he faces up to a real politician in Clinton certainly in policy she will cut him to ribbons"

​It was said that when he faced up to the Republican contenders he would be cut to ribbons as well. That didn't work as predicted.

"and for us watching this circus we all hope the Trump does not make president."

Well not all. The majority of Republicans than voted for Trump hope he does make president and after all they are the ones that count.

Everyone asks how do we stop him, but obviously those people are not the majority because if they were Trump would not be in the position he is in now. Winning!

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Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but since when have people listened to a liberal's opinion on military service? That's like asking the KKK for their opinion on race relations.

Having proudly served 15 years in the USAF, defending our Nation against true existential threats back in the 80's I take exception to your comments.

I was a missile launch officer, totally prepared to engage nuclear Armageddon in defense of our country, constitution and way of life.

I am also a liberal, so in your view I'm akin to the KKK???

You people disgust me, and are a disgrace to the flag and all that we stand for if that is how you view your fellow Americans

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And this:

"This table lists the top donors to this candidate (Trump) in the 2016 cycle."

"The money came from the organizations' PACs; their individual members, employees or owners; and those individuals' immediate families."


And a bunch o' clothing and apparel manufacturers in there... whistling.gif

What a surprise!


Edited by iReason
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The bloviator lying again. This guy doesn't know what he says from day to day.

"Knock the crap out of 'em" "I promise I will pay for the legal fees. I promise, I promise."

"I never said I would pay for legal fees"

And there are those who would like to see this oscillating buffoon with his finger on the button.


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Trump, who recently came under fire for proposing the U.S. back out of the NATO alliance, asserted that experts have started to come around to his way of thinking.

"I said something a few days ago and I was vastly criticized," Trump said. "I notice now this morning, people are saying Donald Trump is a genius."

When asked how he came to settle on these experts, Trump said they were "recommended by people."

"These are people recommended - people that I respect recommended them," he said. "I've heard very good things about them. In addition, we're going to be adding some additional names that I've liked over the years."

"Many of them that I actually like a lot and that like me a lot and that want to do 100 percent, many of them are tied up with contracts working for various networks, you understand?" He said. "There are some that are tied up where they have a contract with, as an example, they might have a contract with Fox,



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In a lengthy interview published on Saturday, Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump said he has avoided being too specific about his foreign policy views because he “wouldn’t want [adversaries] to know what my real thinking is.”

This man is simply brilliant. Astoundingly so. A genius of epic proportions.

He is really clever. Here we just thought he was clueless, and it turns out that it was really part of a diabolical plan to not let our enemies know his plans. I am awestruck. He is like listening to and watching a beautiful symphony of intellect.


Edited by keemapoot
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Quite a lot of Hillary and Bernie "supporters" (real word starts with an f and ends with ascists) on this forum as well.

I would go and give that dingleberry a wedgie but it sounds like the cool kids already gave one to the wannabe pretty boy.

Anti-leftist polemic makes no more sense just because it is spoken than if it is written. The intellectually challenged, like pretty boy in the VDO demonstrate their status by exhibiting no shame at the crap that comes out of their mouths. Thank goodness you lot are a minority and will never have a chance to control the levers of power. As time goes by there will be fewer and fewer of you. We can only wish for that to accelerate. Enjoy your white privilege while it lasts.

What predictable Jokes you Trump fanboys are.

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Quite a lot of Hillary and Bernie "supporters" (real word starts with an f and ends with ascists) on this forum as well.

I would go and give that dingleberry a wedgie but it sounds like the cool kids already gave one to the wannabe pretty boy.

Anti-leftist polemic makes no more sense just because it is spoken than if it is written. The intellectually challenged, like pretty boy in the VDO demonstrate their status by exhibiting no shame at the crap that comes out of their mouths. Thank goodness you lot are a minority and will never have a chance to control the levers of power. As time goes by there will be fewer and fewer of you. We can only wish for that to accelerate. Enjoy your white privilege while it lasts.

What predictable Jokes you Trump fanboys are.

Unlike you that "pretty boy" is actually quite often invited to "talk shows".

But it's really not news that leftist think like this: "right leaning people using freedom of speech is violence but when we use violence it's freedom of speech". Kind of like the thought process children have in kindergarden.

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Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but since when have people listened to a liberal's opinion on military service? That's like asking the KKK for their opinion on race relations.

Having proudly served 15 years in the USAF, defending our Nation against true existential threats back in the 80's I take exception to your comments.

I was a missile launch officer, totally prepared to engage nuclear Armageddon in defense of our country, constitution and way of life.

I am also a liberal, so in your view I'm akin to the KKK???

You people disgust me, and are a disgrace to the flag and all that we stand for if that is how you view your fellow Americans

You are not allowed to say this. It is not politically correct. The political correctness of the anti-Left replaces the respect for diversity which is the received wisdom of PC with a respect for dogma. Dogma requires that anti-Leftists own the national security and law enforcement space. Nobody who respects diversity, inclusiveness and tolerance is allowed to occupy that space. They are interlopers. This is the PC of the anti-Left. Since you have served, then you are given a pass by the anti-Leftists and treated like some intellectually challenged relative and but they will still go after you, like they did to John McCain and countless other people who have served but do not conform to the anti-leftie PC dogma.

I would be willing to bet that the poster to whom you responded did not serve. That is not necessarily something to be ashamed of but as a card carrying member of the anti-Leftists, he feels entitled to slag off those who did if they do not conform with his PC. Naive propagandist parroting the anti-leftist polemic like a good little robot - that is what we get from these kinds of people. I fully endorse your expression of outrage at those insensitive, stupid and demeaning remarks.

I now no longer refer to the Right but use the term anti-Leftists. All real Conservatives or those of the Right who actually have an understanding of the concept of conservative republicanism have condemned Trump and his fanboys. Of course they are dismissed as RINO's or the 'Establishment' but it is telling that no Republicans endorse Trump. So we need another term that encapsulates the true nastiness, vindictiveness and rage against the dying of the light of these people like the one to whom you responded so well.

On another issue, I must say, without at all being judgemental, that the mindset of a person who has done the job you describe is completely alien to me. I cannot being to relate to or empathise with it. I guess I am fortunate enough to have not had to face that reality. I grew up in that era. I can still remember the first time I saw the television movie, The Day After in 1983 and I fully agree with those who claim that this production helped end the Cold War (but don't tell that to the anti-Leftists).

Edited by lostboy
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Quite a lot of Hillary and Bernie "supporters" (real word starts with an f and ends with ascists) on this forum as well.

I would go and give that dingleberry a wedgie but it sounds like the cool kids already gave one to the wannabe pretty boy.

Anti-leftist polemic makes no more sense just because it is spoken than if it is written. The intellectually challenged, like pretty boy in the VDO demonstrate their status by exhibiting no shame at the crap that comes out of their mouths. Thank goodness you lot are a minority and will never have a chance to control the levers of power. As time goes by there will be fewer and fewer of you. We can only wish for that to accelerate. Enjoy your white privilege while it lasts.

What predictable Jokes you Trump fanboys are.

Unlike you that "pretty boy" is actually quite often invited to "talk shows".

But it's really not news that leftist think like this: "right leaning people using freedom of speech is violence but when we use violence it's freedom of speech". Kind of like the thought process children have in kindergarden.

Pretty Boy is not invited to participate in Talk Shows. He is invited to spout his nonsense on ideologically driven propaganda productions that market themselves as objective i.e. 'Fair and Balanced TM'. Besides, you think that you are insulting me by implying that no one is inviting me on talk shows. Pretty limp response really. I don't know how I will recover from being whipped by that piece of wet lettuce.

You ascribe to me the reference on the use of violence against free speech, which is intellectually dishonest because there is nothing in my post remotely related to that and then you reference kindergartens. I think a kindergarden is some place where they plant children in the soil and grow until they are ready to be consumed. Did you attend such a place? I attended a kindergarten during my pre-school years that firmly established my path on liberalism because we were taught to share our toys. Oh well, you must have gone to the other sort where they were taught that the one who screams the loudest gets what they want.

I notice your posts are full of the predictable anti-Leftist polemic. I had thought you might have some bite in you. Clearly not with the same predictable responses to a challenge. You lot should really try and understand the word fascist. It represents something truly dark in human affairs for a reason. The parallels to Trumpism are worryingly close.

Oh well. The anti-Left continues to disappoint.

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Quite a lot of Hillary and Bernie "supporters" (real word starts with an f and ends with ascists) on this forum as well.

I would go and give that dingleberry a wedgie but it sounds like the cool kids already gave one to the wannabe pretty boy.

Anti-leftist polemic makes no more sense just because it is spoken than if it is written. The intellectually challenged, like pretty boy in the VDO demonstrate their status by exhibiting no shame at the crap that comes out of their mouths. Thank goodness you lot are a minority and will never have a chance to control the levers of power. As time goes by there will be fewer and fewer of you. We can only wish for that to accelerate. Enjoy your white privilege while it lasts.

What predictable Jokes you Trump fanboys are.

Unlike you that "pretty boy" is actually quite often invited to "talk shows".

But it's really not news that leftist think like this: "right leaning people using freedom of speech is violence but when we use violence it's freedom of speech". Kind of like the thought process children have in kindergarden.

Pretty Boy is not invited to participate in Talk Shows. He is invited to spout his nonsense on ideologically driven propaganda productions that market themselves as objective i.e. 'Fair and Balanced TM'. Besides, you think that you are insulting me by implying that no one is inviting me on talk shows. Pretty limp response really. I don't know how I will recover from being whipped by that piece of wet lettuce.

You ascribe to me the reference on the use of violence against free speech, which is intellectually dishonest because there is nothing in my post remotely related to that and then you reference kindergartens. I think a kindergarden is some place where they plant children in the soil and grow until they are ready to be consumed. Did you attend such a place? I attended a kindergarten during my pre-school years that firmly established my path on liberalism because we were taught to share our toys. Oh well, you must have gone to the other sort where they were taught that the one who screams the loudest gets what they want.

I notice your posts are full of the predictable anti-Leftist polemic. I had thought you might have some bite in you. Clearly not with the same predictable responses to a challenge. You lot should really try and understand the word fascist. It represents something truly dark in human affairs for a reason. The parallels to Trumpism are worryingly close.

Oh well. The anti-Left continues to disappoint.

So you went in a kindergarden that taught you that socialism is liberalism and didn't notice that you had to by force share your toys with the kids screaming the most?

Because that is what lefitst are: whining crybabies that demand this and that and the reasons is "because".

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Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but since when have people listened to a liberal's opinion on military service? That's like asking the KKK for their opinion on race relations.

Having proudly served 15 years in the USAF, defending our Nation against true existential threats back in the 80's I take exception to your comments.

I was a missile launch officer, totally prepared to engage nuclear Armageddon in defense of our country, constitution and way of life.

I am also a liberal, so in your view I'm akin to the KKK???

You people disgust me, and are a disgrace to the flag and all that we stand for if that is how you view your fellow Americans

The post merits reposting.

It may serve a reader in several of many ways, but perhaps principally to refresh everyone that too many on the right are pious and sanctimonious, intemperate, overheated, over the top. Skewed in too much of their (alleged) thinking.

Not to mention the extremists' lack of the respect the mainstream society as a whole renders to military service period, to include of course POW status. Military service is not predicated on political affiliation, any ideological bent or any individual's personal and knotted litmus test. The Constitution and its oath of military service is unmistakable in this fundamental respect.

"I, (state name of enlistee), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."


Commissioned officers take the same oath as Potus and every officer promotion proposed by the CinC must be confirmed by the advice and consent vote of the House and the Senate.

Anyone using derogatorily the words in the same sentence of liberals, military service, kkk, needs rightfully and fully to be called to account. Extremists especially and in particular. IMHO.

(The "So help me God" is of course optional, no longer required.)

Edited by Publicus
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What will all the haters do if Trump is elected President?

The LGBT community is still using the word 'hater' so it is not available for you Old White Right fanboys. You have to come up with some other term. Anyway, such terms are too cool for you old guys to use.

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I would like to see Sanders get the Presidency but I think it will be very hard for him to overtake Clinton.

Poll after poll shows that Clinton or Sanders would easily beat Trump, whom I think will most probably be the Republican candidate.

I honestly can't see Trump defying all odds/polls and winning the Presidency.

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I would like to see Sanders get the Presidency but I think it will be very hard for him to overtake Clinton.

Poll after poll shows that Clinton or Sanders would easily beat Trump, whom I think will most probably be the Republican candidate.

I honestly can't see Trump defying all odds/polls and winning the Presidency.

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I would like to see Sanders get the Presidency but I think it will be very hard for him to overtake Clinton.

Poll after poll shows that Clinton or Sanders would easily beat Trump, whom I think will most probably be the Republican candidate.

I honestly can't see Trump defying all odds/polls and winning the Presidency.

Democrats are extremely short sighted with their campaign to crown HRC at any cost. Not only does she poll worse against all Republicans (losing to some), than does Bernie Sanders, she polls worse than Sanders head to head.

I could easily see Trump beating Hillary once she and the DNC have disposed of Bernie Sanders. Maybe an FBI indictment comes up. Maybe it's only rumors or leaks from inside the FBI. Maybe some Democrat Party members file a class action suit against the DNC for marginalizing them in favor of their own interests. Maybe RICO charges against the DNC. Other organizations behaving similarly have received them (OK, maybe not from this AG and admin). My point is Dems are really putting themselves at risk by carrying the water for a candidate almost no one likes.

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