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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Donald Trump now has even more ammunition leading into the election. Hillary keeps praising Obama and it came out yesterday that "Obama will be the only U.S. president in history who did not deliver a single year of 3.0%+ economic growth."


Couple this with all the blue collar people (including many Dems) across the country backing Trump and the slogan for this election could be "It's the Economy Stupid!".

Obama is not only a 2-term president, which in itself is a verification of his sustained popularity, but he's been quite good at the job.

He didn't have to spend months learning how to maneuver around Washington, as Trump would have to do. He's well liked and respected by foreign leaders - which won't happen with a Trump presidency. Obama is also gracious, well-spoken, and a gentleman, which Trump can only dream of being.

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That article sure seems to indicate that it's all over but the crying...and there will be lots of that in the Republican party. The words used are resignation and weariness, and acceptance.

This really does look like the beginning of the end for the party as we know it.

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It seems likely Trump will be nominated. Not as much of a complete done deal as on the democratic side. I think the republicans are going to need to work through the destruction the Trump movement wreaks on their party so they can rebuild for another day. Hopefully, not anytime soon!

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The anti-Trump movement is now resorting to violence in their last-ditch effort to stop Trump. It won't work.


I think you're confused.

There is the stop Trump movement that is on the republican side to try to get someone else nominated. Usually from farther right of Trump and more conventional establishment republicans.

Then there is a more general non-partisan movement that is horrified at the idea of the orange clown being president. When violent as your example, they are leftists, anti-racists, etc. Those people are not republicans and it's not as if they would support Cruz or Kasich either ... quite the opposite.

Personally I'm in the ALL IN for Trump to be NOMINATED (only that). But once nominated ... then the real games begin.

Edited by Jingthing
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That article sure seems to indicate that it's all over but the crying...and there will be lots of that in the Republican party. The words used are resignation and weariness, and acceptance.

This really does look like the beginning of the end for the party as we know it.

Maybe so, since you added the words, "......as we know it" But the GOP will come through this storm. They've still got many multi-millionaires and more than a few billionaires. It's easier to keep a club going when there's billions of dollars behind it. Sure, there will be the ever-present bickering, with some pulling further to the right, and others trying to get the Party more aligned with the wishes of the general public (gay rights, higher minimum wage, more than 25% tax for super rich, respect for women's choice, etc.) Those pulling to the right usually get the upper hand, that's part of the reason their candidates are so unappealing now, to the general public. And, amazingly, to Republican insiders themselves! I can name some diseases that are better liked than Cruz or Trump.

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Former House Speaker John Boehner is a retired politician, so he seems to have retired from being politic. He went with radical honesty at a recent event at Stanford, according to the Stanford Daily, when he was asked about his opinion of Republican presidential candidate and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.
"Lucifer in the flesh," the former speaker said. "I have Democrat friends and Republican friends. I get along with almost everyone, but I have never worked with a more miserable son of a bitch in my life."
Consider: John Boehner was in Congress for 24 years.
source - NPR
Boomer's comment: It's a sad scenario for Republican Party when the top two candidates are reviled by their long-time colleagues. It would be like a First Division League Football team having to choose a captain; between Tiny Tim and Bozo the Clown.

Just to be pedantic, Trump has never, to my knowledge been a colleague of weeping Boehner, so that it's one long time colleague and a non politician.

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Donald Trump now has even more ammunition leading into the election. Hillary keeps praising Obama and it came out yesterday that "Obama will be the only U.S. president in history who did not deliver a single year of 3.0%+ economic growth."


Couple this with all the blue collar people (including many Dems) across the country backing Trump and the slogan for this election could be "It's the Economy Stupid!".

Obama is not only a 2-term president, which in itself is a verification of his sustained popularity, but he's been quite good at the job.

He didn't have to spend months learning how to maneuver around Washington, as Trump would have to do. He's well liked and respected by foreign leaders - which won't happen with a Trump presidency. Obama is also gracious, well-spoken, and a gentleman, which Trump can only dream of being.

Carson is gracious, well spoken and a gentleman, but it didn't do much for his chances at the top job.

Obama has presided over the worst and longest recovery from a recession in US history, to my knowledge. Gracious doesn't create jobs.

Trump, whatever people may think of him, has created thousands of jobs, and he's only a businessman.

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It seems likely Trump will be nominated. Not as much of a complete done deal as on the democratic side. I think the republicans are going to need to work through the destruction the Trump movement wreaks on their party so they can rebuild for another day. Hopefully, not anytime soon!

The people - the voters - actually want to and ARE destroying the Republican Party. It hasn't represented the people who elect it for at least 25 years. Politicians promise and then do the opposite.

The Republican Party as we've known it is dead. We are witnessing a full scale revolution of the voters AGAINST what the party wants. The Party, the GOP is being derisively referred to as the GOPe with the e standing for "establishment." This is to differentiate the power brokers in the party from the voters who want them out.

We are seeing a real revolution by voters. It is historic in proportion. Both parties have a scheme they use to assure that their choice of nominee gets nominated. Hillary started with a mass of "superdelegates" that assured Bernie couldn't win. She was given those delegates by the wealthy and highly placed Democrats. It's rigged and it's corrupt.

Those who win are always beholden to the big donors and other power brokers who put them there, assuring that The People don't really have a say.

That's over on the Republican side. Donald Trump came in saying that he was paying for his own campaign and would be beholden to no one. People are eating that up. People are tired of losing to China and having China bully. After Trump sweeps Hillary out of the way, Russia and China are going to have to deal with him and he's an expert at offering "deals people can't refuse."

Relax. The guy ain't no green pea. He's a top notch executive who's used to making big deals worldwide and and getting things done. He'll do a very good job.


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The latest Rasmussen poll has Trump and Hillary tied at 38% each, and Trump hasn't even gone after her yet!

When he starts focusing on her criminality, it will be game over. Expect a landslide victory for Trump in the general.


Edited by mesquite
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Trump is going to mop the floor with Hillary. He's drawing record crowds and record numbers of voters and many of them are Democrats and Union workers who also want jobs.

There are whole cities such as Detroit that are wiped out due to loss of manufacturing jobs. There are places like Pennsylvania where the coal mines have been shut down by environmentalists even though coal can burn clean now. Those places have always voted Democrat but look where it got them.

Stupid Democrats talk against any type of fossil fuel but offer no alternatives while wiping out millions of jobs. The list goes on.

The same people who said he wouldn't last a month as a candidate then said he couldn't get the nomination and now say he can't beat Hillary.

Are people NEVER going to stop underestimating Donald Trump?

Edited by NeverSure
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Rest assured.

Hillary cannot win. The polls are, in no way, reflective of electoral votes. There is no "true" democratic vote...no popular vote is counted. It is all indirect, state by state....and Trump is king of the the count, in the important states.

I am sure Hillary will be exposed for what she is, and was, and could be. Lets put the old dogs out of the white house, and try something new.

Truthfully, the ones who want Hillary are the unemployed and illegals.....looking for handouts.

Trump supporters just want good jobs and to get these lying, no good politicians out of power....like obama..and hillary. bye.

Edited by slipperylobster
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I'm quite relaxed. He will NEVER be president.

Nice to sleep, and pretend all is well.

That is what we want you to do.

However...You are posting resistance even more so than us Trump people. Your posts belie your "relaxed" state of mind.

I would say, by the amount of violent, vocal protests (against Trump Supporters)...that the shoe is on the other foot. NeverTrumpers are getting very nervous...not at all "relaxed". HRC supporters are going nuts....conniving and scheming, loudly and violently trying to stop Trump, or sucker punch.

Nothing is working.... NeverTrumpers are alienating those people who are undecided" . Let them go ahead with their shenanigans...and see where the undecided votes go. Also, deep in the bowels of American Politics, are those people that are "quick to turn". Many jobs and business just want to be on the winning side. Perceiving that HRC is losing the battle...and wanting to protect their own interests...they will flee from Hillary troublemakers.

so best to sleep. Sleep well, as the truth (and reality) could be painful.

Edited by slipperylobster
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So, we not only have China's belligerence in the SCS but not we have a Russian plane thumbing its nose at our military - again.

That Obama never had a chance against real leaders like China or Putin.


Washington (CNN)

A Russian SU-27 conducted a "barrel roll" Friday over the top of a U.S. Air Force RC-135 which was flying a reconnaissance mission in international airspace above the Baltic Sea, the Defense Department said.

The Russian SU-27 approached alongside within 25 feet of the U.S. aircraft and then flew inverted over the top of the plane to the other side, Lt. Col. Michelle L. Baldanza, a U.S. Army spokesperson, said in a statement.

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For non-Americans, the State of Indiana primary is next Monday. Indiana has a long tradition of excellent college basketball. Their retired, great, big time winner coach Bobby Knight has endorsed Trump and is campaigning with him. Indiana loves Bobby Knight.

So my joke for today is that I can't wait to see Bobby Knight throw a metal folding chair at Hillary Clinton.

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Rest assured.

Hillary cannot win. The polls are, in no way, reflective of electoral votes. There is no "true" democratic vote...no popular vote is considered a prerequisite for a win. It is all indirect, state by state....and Trump is king of the the count, in the important states.

I am sure Hillary will be exposed for what she is, and was, and could be. Lets put the old dogs out of the white house, and try something new.

Truthfully, the ones who want Hillary are the unemployed and illegals.....looking for handouts.

Trump supporters just want good jobs and to get these lying, no good politicians out of power....like obama..and hillary. bye.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Two things about Trump that amaze me.

1. I've never seen a guy who can work that hard. He'll do two live rallies in different cities in one day, and still find the energy to do a live TV interview. Then he'll show up the next morning in another state and maybe clear across the country in California like he did yesterday to speak to 31,000 people. He'll still find the time and energy to appear on a TV show and he's been doing this non-stop since July.

2. Nothing shakes or discourages him. There is no going back, only forward. He is so goal oriented and determined that it's no surprise he's as successful as he is. His mood is always positive about his goals and he's like a whirlwind.

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Two things about Trump that amaze me.

1. I've never seen a guy who can work that hard. He'll do two live rallies in different cities in one day, and still find the energy to do a live TV interview. Then he'll show up the next morning in another state and maybe clear across the country in California like he did yesterday to speak to 31,000 people. He'll still find the time and energy to appear on a TV show and he's been doing this non-stop since July.

2. Nothing shakes or discourages him. There is no going back, only forward. He is so goal oriented and determined that it's no surprise he's as successful as he is. His mood is always positive about his goals and he's like a whirlwind.

We know you're deeply impressed by Trump. And, to be honest, one of the hallmarks of leaders and winners is a high energy level. He does have that, and he does have tremendous focus and drive, another hallmark. And, make no mistake, those of us who think he is mostly a joke and caricature of himself as a politician and just terribly wrong for America on so many levels also appreciate and respect the fact that he has come this far. This is notwithstanding being born with a silver spoon up his rear, and notwithstanding the many dicey business deals he has done. Every successful businessman flies close to the sun.

And, yes he's a whirlwind, a movement, a major change agent in the Republican party shaking it to its core. So, he is a deeply influential person who will be remembered in history for this. And, the most memorable and powerful leaders are those who effect huge change. And, to be honest, most of us who have never taken him seriously over the years are puzzled and dismayed at Americans who support him.

But, according to most experts, in the US, and worldwide, and according to most betting houses, he will not be the next POTUS. I can't ever state positively that I can see into the future, but the odds are as they are. Finally, even if he is miraculously elected President, we will get through it.

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Trump's odds in Las Vegas of winning the Republican party nomination have never been greater than as of this morning, 1-8, or the probability percentage of 88.8%.

HRC has sky-high odds to win the Democratic party nomination of 1-50, or the probability percentage of 98%.

So both of 'em are hollering at each other with Trump of course hollering the loudest. Bernie's trying to squeak in between 'em to holler at Hillary. So here's the real reality check....

Vegas odds this morning, to be elected Potus on November 8th:

HRC has odds to win of 2-7 or the probability percentage of 77.8%

Donald Trump has odds to win of 11-4 or the probability percentage of 26.6%

The line on the winning party in November, no names

Democratic Party has odds to win of 1-3 or the probability percentage of 75%

Republican Party has odds to win of 5-2 or the probability percentage of 28.7%

Independent has odds of 50-1 (1.96%)

Edited by Publicus
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Trump is going to mop the floor with Hillary. He's drawing record crowds and record numbers of voters and many of them are Democrats and Union workers who also want jobs.

There are whole cities such as Detroit that are wiped out due to loss of manufacturing jobs. There are places like Pennsylvania where the coal mines have been shut down by environmentalists even though coal can burn clean now. Those places have always voted Democrat but look where it got them.

Stupid Democrats talk against any type of fossil fuel but offer no alternatives while wiping out millions of jobs. The list goes on.

The same people who said he wouldn't last a month as a candidate then said he couldn't get the nomination and now say he can't beat Hillary.

Are people NEVER going to stop underestimating Donald Trump?

Where to start with this?

First off, you must be living in 1980. The Reagan Democrats split off from the Democratic party back then and have pretty much stayed Republican. The ones who stayed with the Democrats have remained Democrats. And as you ought to realize, that generation is now is now a rapidly declining segment of the population.

As for coal mines being shut down by environmentalists...no. As any personally moderately aware knows, coal mines have been shut down because of the very low price of natural gas thanks to fracking. Coal can't compete in the marketplace. That's a hard fact.

And no, coal can't burn clean now. That you believe this just shows how the gullible have succumbed to the PR emanating from the coal burning industry. Burning coal isn't clean. It's just less filthy than it used to be. And that goes only for modern plants. The older coal burning plants still spew out huge amounts of pollution including neurotoxins like mercury. And conservatives have been massively opposed to taking steps to clean them up.

As you may not be aware, under one Stupid Democrat, Barack Obama, fracking has flourished.

And what really makes your post bizarre, is you seem to think that the only people Trump's candidacy has aroused are people voting for him. It cuts both ways, you know. As can be seen from the violent counterdemonstration to Trump. And before you think of making some pointless wisecrack about Hispanics being all or mostly illegals, that's not the case. And Hispanic voter registration is booming. Also, the're been a big uptick in Hispanics who have a green card and are now becoming citizens in order to vote. Even though the cost is $680.

And most of Trump's supporters don't even realize that he's against an increase in the minimum wage. Or that his tax cut plans hugely favor the .01%. How do you think that's going to play out when that fact is pounded on over and over?

Edited by borborygmus
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Donald Trump now has even more ammunition leading into the election. Hillary keeps praising Obama and it came out yesterday that "Obama will be the only U.S. president in history who did not deliver a single year of 3.0%+ economic growth."


Couple this with all the blue collar people (including many Dems) across the country backing Trump and the slogan for this election could be "It's the Economy Stupid!".

Obama is not only a 2-term president, which in itself is a verification of his sustained popularity, but he's been quite good at the job.

He didn't have to spend months learning how to maneuver around Washington, as Trump would have to do. He's well liked and respected by foreign leaders - which won't happen with a Trump presidency. Obama is also gracious, well-spoken, and a gentleman, which Trump can only dream of being.

Carson is gracious, well spoken and a gentleman, but it didn't do much for his chances at the top job.

Obama has presided over the worst and longest recovery from a recession in US history, to my knowledge. Gracious doesn't create jobs.

Trump, whatever people may think of him, has created thousands of jobs, and he's only a businessman.

Obama has contributed to tens of thousands more jobs than Trump. Many of Trump's jobs were given to foreigners, the same people he vows to eliminate from the job pool Trump has also laid-off and famously fired many workers. Trump says he'll raise tariffs by 35 to 45%. That's a job killer in itself. Obama has presided over a recovery. Recovery from what? Recovery from awful governance of the prior Republican prez, who nearly allowed a depression because of his coddling of money manipulators. Then Bush appointed the top money manipulators and put them in charge of fixing the problem What did they do? Shovel out billions of dollars to the biggest banks, ...even to banks which didn't want added money. And then shovel out more tens of billions to badly run companies which were deemed "too big to fail." Republicans in general, and Trump in particular have no real sense of money. They think there's a gargantuan tub full of the stuff (which magically fills, like the tooth fairy leaving a quarter under your pillow at night) which they can tap into any time. And, like Trump, they don't bother with paying back loans. Trump's tax plan guarantees massive deficits, but his billionaire buddies love it.

So, we not only have China's belligerence in the SCS but not we have a Russian plane thumbing its nose at our military - again.
That Obama never had a chance against real leaders like China or Putin.
Washington (CNN)
A Russian SU-27 conducted a "barrel roll" Friday over the top of a U.S. Air Force RC-135 which was flying a reconnaissance mission in international airspace above the Baltic Sea, the Defense Department said.
The Russian SU-27 approached alongside within 25 feet of the U.S. aircraft and then flew inverted over the top of the plane to the other side, Lt. Col. Michelle L. Baldanza, a U.S. Army spokesperson, said in a statement.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't. If the US military had shot down the hotdogger, the world's press would be yelling, "see! Americans are trigger-happy. Always first to shoot. Always wanting to start a military conflict!" But because the US military is mature and reserved in these recent challenges, it becomes a put-down for people who want to find any fault with the Commander in Chief. By the way, as powerful as Obama is, he's not physically stationed on each and every plane and ship. There are professional soldiers on those vessels who are charged with split second decisions. I can't judge a person's professional split-second judgement from thousands of miles away, can you? Kerry, who I admire, already publicly stated that US forces have the right to dynamically challenge any foreign forces which pose a threat. The skippers and pilots can make the call. Are you going to second guess their judgement, sitting on the other side of the world in your computer chair? Go ahead, it's your option.

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The latest Rasmussen poll has Trump and Hillary tied at 38% each, and Trump hasn't even gone after her yet!

When he starts focusing on her criminality, it will be game over. Expect a landslide victory for Trump in the general.


Scott Rasmussen had to leave the company he founded because his polls were among the worst in 2008 and then again in 2012. Blatant Republican party bias.

Nothing has changed however at the company that continues to bear his bad name.

As Nate Silver wrote after the 2010 mid-term election, “Every election cycle has its winners and losers: not just among the candidates, but also the pollsters. This year, Rasmussen has the honors. In the final three weeks of the campaign, Rasmussen released the results of 105 polls, with an average error of 5.8 percentage points and an average bias in the Republican direction of 3.9 percentage points – far worse than other polls.”

In its most outlandish poll, taken in mid-October, Rasmussen showed incumbent Democrat Daniel K. Inouye leading his Republican opponent Cam Cavasso by just 13 points, though Inouye won* by a 53-point margin, “the largest error ever recorded in a general election in FiveThirtyEight’s database, which includes all polls conducted since 1998” (writes Nate Silver).


Same-o same-o Rasmussen. It's compulsive over there.

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So, we not only have China's belligerence in the SCS but not we have a Russian plane thumbing its nose at our military - again.
That Obama never had a chance against real leaders like China or Putin.
Washington (CNN)
A Russian SU-27 conducted a "barrel roll" Friday over the top of a U.S. Air Force RC-135 which was flying a reconnaissance mission in international airspace above the Baltic Sea, the Defense Department said.
The Russian SU-27 approached alongside within 25 feet of the U.S. aircraft and then flew inverted over the top of the plane to the other side, Lt. Col. Michelle L. Baldanza, a U.S. Army spokesperson, said in a statement.

LOL. Name the film where Tom Cruises character does that ( the inverted over another plane thing ).

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So, we not only have China's belligerence in the SCS but not we have a Russian plane thumbing its nose at our military - again.

That Obama never had a chance against real leaders like China or Putin.


Washington (CNN)

A Russian SU-27 conducted a "barrel roll" Friday over the top of a U.S. Air Force RC-135 which was flying a reconnaissance mission in international airspace above the Baltic Sea, the Defense Department said.

The Russian SU-27 approached alongside within 25 feet of the U.S. aircraft and then flew inverted over the top of the plane to the other side, Lt. Col. Michelle L. Baldanza, a U.S. Army spokesperson, said in a statement.


LOL. Name the film where Tom Cruises character does that ( the inverted over another plane thing ).
Reflects the change in the balance of power. I wonder if the russki took a photo.
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Trump's odds in Las Vegas of winning the Republican party nomination have never been greater than as of this morning, 1-8, or the probability percentage of 88.8%.

HRC has sky-high odds to win the Democratic party nomination of 1-50, or the probability percentage of 98%.

So both of 'em are hollering at each other with Trump of course hollering the loudest. Bernie's trying to squeak in between 'em to holler at Hillary. So here's the real reality check....

Vegas odds this morning, to be elected Potus on November 8th:

HRC has odds to win of 2-7 or the probability percentage of 77.8%

Donald Trump has odds to win of 11-4 or the probability percentage of 26.6%

The line on the winning party in November, no names

Democratic Party has odds to win of 1-3 or the probability percentage of 75%

Republican Party has odds to win of 5-2 or the probability percentage of 28.7%

Independent has odds of 50-1 (1.96%)

These odds do not take into account what happens between now and the elections...of course.

They are published way too early...before the starting gates have even opened. So they are not valid.

Hillary will lose more and more followers, as Trump gains momentum (republican backing).

To see him overcome the odds (almost no republican backing) and, in effect, become their nominee...will swing those odds more in his favor.

Also, Democrats are stupidly wreaking havoc at each and every opportunity. This will be their downfall. Hillary has not yet escaped her past...that is still up in the air.

Too many variables. All the cards are not on the table...so too early to bet.

Too early to tell.

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Donald Trump now has even more ammunition leading into the election. Hillary keeps praising Obama and it came out yesterday that "Obama will be the only U.S. president in history who did not deliver a single year of 3.0%+ economic growth."


Couple this with all the blue collar people (including many Dems) across the country backing Trump and the slogan for this election could be "It's the Economy Stupid!".

Obama is not only a 2-term president, which in itself is a verification of his sustained popularity, but he's been quite good at the job.

He didn't have to spend months learning how to maneuver around Washington, as Trump would have to do. He's well liked and respected by foreign leaders - which won't happen with a Trump presidency. Obama is also gracious, well-spoken, and a gentleman, which Trump can only dream of being.

2-terms is a verification of popularity? Bush will be happy to hear that.

Obama didn't learn how to maneuver around Washington and that is why he is one of the biggest failures in US history. The voters don't really want someone who knows there way around Washington so much, but as a NY billionaire developer, Trump certainly knows about dealing with politicians. I'm sure he has bought enough in the past.

Obama is not respected by any foreign leader. Even Castro didn't bother to meet him at the airport. No one has ever been as disrespected abroad as Obama. And in Putin's case, it really is about his skin color.

Obama is very well-spoken when reading from a teleprompter. His Bush-like stumbling around words and getting lost and off message is why in his 2008 campaign they switched him over 100% to teleprompters. He even needed one to speak in front of 6th graders. Trump, really, really, really should read from a teleprompter and under no circumstances be allowed to write his own material.

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