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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Oh, we see. There should be "Safe Spaces" for people who disagree with your viewpoint?

Nope, more like bouncy castles I reckon.

A little bit of respect goes a long way Boon Mee. On any side, in any argument.

I hate how Trump is tearing the fabric of your nation apart. I hate how he plays to the lowest common denominator to achieve this. I hate to see people victimised because of who or what they are.

You know, the simple things...

Yet it doesn't seem to bother you one bit that violence is being carried out in Bernie's name against innocent Trump supporters merely attempting to exercise their rights to an unfettered free assembly.

Trump isn't tearing the fabric of MY nation apart.

Those tearing it apart were seen burning American flags, waving Mexican flags and attacking innocent people.

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Having 11m illegals in the country is JUST PLAIN WRONG. Indefensible. Anyone who attempts to sweep the programmatic failures under the rug with yet another amnesty, lacks moral courage. Public officials who do so deserve a one-way ticket home.

Trump is right on this one. Those who derail and deflect with these hyperbolic refs to Trump Trains and mass deportations as in Nazis and Jews, are easily dismissed.

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Must admit, that one got a chuckle out me. Some of these graphics are a giggle... SOME of them.

Don't you think it's a shame though? We're discussing the next US President and it's degenerated down to a 'your liar's worse then my liar' argument. Much as I respect Bernie, he's got some issues too unfortunately.

So baring a late squeaky-clean independent putting his hand up to run, what options has the theoretically responsible US voter got left? Not a lot really I suppose... but putting a non-vote to one side, wouldn't you vote for the least DUMBEST candidate, hmmm?

Kinda rules Trump out, don't you reckon?

Me too. Yes, it is a shame but I reckon this thread is just a bit of fun at this point? Hillary material is indirectly on-topic because she is a factor in Trump's success thus far.

In all seriousness and IMO, Trump has/is drifting further right and will ultimately lose the undecided/independent voters who initially clung to the intriguing idea of a Manhattan Dem with some palatable conservative positions..... hoping he'll "straighten up pretty soon". His Pro-Life flub was the first shot across their bow.

In the end, A or B choice, my guess is independent/undecideds will grimace and join in checking the box for the Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flopping, former Red Neck Mafia faker, DNC Lapdog, Big Oil/Fracking Boot Licker, Tax Evading, Lying, Self-Proclaimed "I'm a Po' Folk Jus Like All Ya'all", Shape Shifter. sad.png

Agree with your main points and analysis 55Jay. I reckon the independants will mostly grin and bear it too and ultimately come down on Clinton's side... if they want to make their voices heard and not waste their vote that is.

Would just add that the 'shapeshifting' is not just happening on Clinton's side. Trump is the epitome of a Shapeshifter. If you look up 'Shapesfiting' in the dictionary you'll see a piccies of both Clinton AND Trump before/after lizard/human happy snaps.

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Donald Trump is fighting this like it's a war because it is a war. It's a war against corporations who have decimated big cities by closing factories and shipping jobs to other countries. It's a war against China and Mexico who get unfair trade deals. It's a war against those who would let the country get overrun by illegals and those who hate America, all so that companies can get cheap labor.

Voters for Trump see it as a war and are lining up. Trump began the race against 16 other candidates some of whom had powerful backing and big money such as Bush. Trump handily dispatched all of them, drawing a record number of voters in the process. He now has a majority of the delegates and is "finally" getting the support of the elite. The chairman of the GOP has called for people to back Trump and the Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan FINALLY announced that he will vote for Trump.

These people see the inevitability of Trump and have no choice but to go along to get along. I wish I had a dollar for every "expert" who's bet against Trump since last June.

Trump hasn't even started on Crooked Hillary and when he does he'll skin her alive. Ms. Teleprompter will have to debate Trump one on one and he'll crush her just like he's crushed everyone else who's challenged him.

This is the year we elect President Trump.


Edited by NeverSure
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^ Slowly but surely the USA is slipping back into the dark ages.

I'd hate to think of the violence and crime that takes over when the USD is dispensed with. Guess we won't have long to wait and see.

Somebody fetch me some popcorn.........and a tissue (need to clean my spectacles)

And another voice from the Australian outback joins the US bashing brigade.

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^ Slowly but surely the USA is slipping back into the dark ages.

I'd hate to think of the violence and crime that takes over when the USD is dispensed with. Guess we won't have long to wait and see.

Somebody fetch me some popcorn.........and a tissue (need to clean my spectacles)

And another voice from the Australian outback joins the US bashing brigade.

Well normally chucky, I'm cheering from the sidelines for one of the canadates, but this time round there's not much to smile about.

I'm actually very Pro-USA, but just have a look at this mess. I'm fairly sure none of these people can fix it, yet without a doubt each of them can make it much much worse.

But because I'm Australian, I couldn't be right because only people from the USA can have opinions about the USA.

........time to build that little bridge chuck and then climb it. ;)

Now the real issue is, whilst all this money is being wasted on yet another drama filled election campaign, the USA as an economy is struggling to pay the interest on their loans, it will DEFINATELY end at some point and sadly it's the ordinary citizen of the USA that will suffer the most.

Sure there's more violence coming YOU CAN BANK ON IT, it's more certain than anything either of these canadates offer.

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Oh, we see. There should be "Safe Spaces" for people who disagree with your viewpoint?

Nope, more like bouncy castles I reckon.

A little bit of respect goes a long way Boon Mee. On any side, in any argument.

I hate how Trump is tearing the fabric of your nation apart. I hate how he plays to the lowest common denominator to achieve this. I hate to see people victimised because of who or what they are.

You know, the simple things...

Yet it doesn't seem to bother you one bit that violence is being carried out in Bernie's name against innocent Trump supporters merely attempting to exercise their rights to an unfettered free assembly.

Trump isn't tearing the fabric of MY nation apart.

Those tearing it apart were seen burning American flags, waving Mexican flags and attacking innocent people.

It does bother me chuckd. Read my post above, I HATE what it's doing to your country. How can I be any more clear? Did you read my post or did you just knee-jerk reply to it?

Even a Rocket Surgeon knows if you denigrate an entire group of people purely on their race you are asking for trouble. There is a special place in hell for people who race-bait.

Trump instigated this race-hate, Trump opened Pandora's Box. And like Pandora found, Trump's race-hate is a loose cannon now and it's getting away from him. And again as Pandora found, it's probably too late now to put the genie back in the bottle.

Pandora's Box

In a more typical race to the bottom, candidates usually start somewhere in the middle and work themselves down from there. Trump started at the bottom and is slowly but surely reversing his extreme viewpoints IN PLAIN SIGHT. Trump supporters are like the proverbial frog in the saucepan, with the heat slowly being turned up... and they're not even noticing.

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^ Slowly but surely the USA is slipping back into the dark ages.

I'd hate to think of the violence and crime that takes over when the USD is dispensed with. Guess we won't have long to wait and see.

Somebody fetch me some popcorn.........and a tissue (need to clean my spectacles)

And another voice from the Australian outback joins the US bashing brigade.

The real radical position is that of not wanting to secure the borders. Anyone who can look at Europe and not see that clearly is indeed a radical.


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Having 11m illegals in the country is JUST PLAIN WRONG. Indefensible. Anyone who attempts to sweep the programmatic failures under the rug with yet another amnesty, lacks moral courage. Public officials who do so deserve a one-way ticket home.

Trump is right on this one. Those who derail and deflect with these hyperbolic refs to Trump Trains and mass deportations as in Nazis and Jews, are easily dismissed.

We guess the SJW's and the PC crowd won't want to be reminded of Operation Wetback, eh?


Saving American jobs then - time it's done again.smile.png

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^ Slowly but surely the USA is slipping back into the dark ages.

I'd hate to think of the violence and crime that takes over when the USD is dispensed with. Guess we won't have long to wait and see.

Somebody fetch me some popcorn.........and a tissue (need to clean my spectacles)

And another voice from the Australian outback joins the US bashing brigade.

The real radical position is that of not wanting to secure the borders. Anyone who can look at Europe and not see that clearly is indeed a radical.


Sorry mate,

You seem to have quoted the wrong posts. Firstly, Australia isn't in Europe, it's close if you call half a world away close......and secondly, Australia has a very secure boarder compared to most countries in the world, we dug a little moat around the place and planted Crocadiles in the North and Great Whites in the south.

I'm all for a TIGHT border.

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And/or this one! tongue.png

Must admit, that one got a chuckle out me. Some of these graphics are a giggle... SOME of them.

Don't you think it's a shame though? We're discussing the next US President and it's degenerated down to a 'your liar's worse then my liar' argument. Much as I respect Bernie, he's got some issues too unfortunately.

So baring a late squeaky-clean independent putting his hand up to run, what options has the theoretically responsible US voter got left? Not a lot really I suppose... but putting a non-vote to one side, wouldn't you vote for the least DUMBEST candidate, hmmm?

Kinda rules Trump out, don't you reckon?

Me too. Yes, it is a shame but I reckon this thread is just a bit of fun at this point? Hillary material is indirectly on-topic because she is a factor in Trump's success thus far.

In all seriousness and IMO, Trump has/is drifting further right and will ultimately lose the undecided/independent voters who initially clung to the intriguing idea of a Manhattan Dem with some palatable conservative positions..... hoping he'll "straighten up pretty soon". His Pro-Life flub was the first shot across their bow.

In the end, A or B choice, my guess is independent/undecideds will grimace and join in checking the box for the Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flopping, former Red Neck Mafia faker, DNC Lapdog, Big Oil/Fracking Boot Licker, Tax Evading, Lying, Self-Proclaimed "I'm a Po' Folk Jus Like All Ya'all", Shape Shifter. sad.png

Agree with your main points and analysis 55Jay. I reckon the independants will mostly grin and bear it too and ultimately come down on Clinton's side... if they want to make their voices heard and not waste their vote that is.

Would just add that the 'shapeshifting' is not just happening on Clinton's side. Trump is the epitome of a Shapeshifter. If you look up 'Shapesfiting' in the dictionary you'll see a piccies of both Clinton AND Trump before/after lizard/human happy snaps.

A distinction to be made, slightly in his defense I suppose, is that he FREELY admits to it over his lifetime as a business man. As a politician, indeed, and I acknowledged that to myself as I typed it above.

The thing that captured my interest was when I stumbled across the now well-circulated Oprah interview with a much younger Trump. I had no real interest in him but when I saw that video clip, it did make an impression on me in a Bernie Sanders sort of way. Both of them stand in stark contrast to the opportunistic Hillary Clinton.

Unfortunately, the political machine is what it is. Sticking to convictions and being consistent is, of course, preferable, but it doesn't get you elected as POTUS. You can watch as Trump is learning this and he says so himself. Hillary is a master at it already. Bernie won't budge, which is commendable, but is also why he won't be POTUS.

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^ Slowly but surely the USA is slipping back into the dark ages.

I'd hate to think of the violence and crime that takes over when the USD is dispensed with. Guess we won't have long to wait and see.

Somebody fetch me some popcorn.........and a tissue (need to clean my spectacles)

And another voice from the Australian outback joins the US bashing brigade.

The real radical position is that of not wanting to secure the borders. Anyone who can look at Europe and not see that clearly is indeed a radical.


Sorry mate,

You seem to have quoted the wrong posts. Firstly, Australia isn't in Europe, it's close if you call half a world away close......and secondly, Australia has a very secure boarder compared to most countries in the world, we dug a little moat around the place and planted Crocadiles in the North and Great Whites in the south.

I'm all for a TIGHT border.

So tight that Australia is putting their unwanted illegal immigrants on some South Pacific island under gulag type conditions.

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^ Slowly but surely the USA is slipping back into the dark ages.

I'd hate to think of the violence and crime that takes over when the USD is dispensed with. Guess we won't have long to wait and see.

Somebody fetch me some popcorn.........and a tissue (need to clean my spectacles)

And another voice from the Australian outback joins the US bashing brigade.

Well normally chucky, I'm cheering from the sidelines for one of the canadates, but this time round there's not much to smile about.

I'm actually very Pro-USA, but just have a look at this mess. I'm fairly sure none of these people can fix it, yet without a doubt each of them can make it much much worse.

But because I'm Australian, I couldn't be right because only people from the USA can have opinions about the USA.

........time to build that little bridge chuck and then climb it. wink.png

Now the real issue is, whilst all this money is being wasted on yet another drama filled election campaign, the USA as an economy is struggling to pay the interest on their loans, it will DEFINATELY end at some point and sadly it's the ordinary citizen of the USA that will suffer the most.

Sure there's more violence coming YOU CAN BANK ON IT, it's more certain than anything either of these canadates offer.

Good post neverdie. I know we're from the opposite end of the spectrum politics wise, but I'd like to think we would agree on the obvious points that really matter.

And where did you get I'm a 'US basher' from chuckd?

I could never hate the country that invented the concept of the National Park. That invented the electric guitar. That helped win WWII with lend-lease and then heal it when the fighting was done with the Marshall Plan. Yes, George Marshall, one of the great unsung heroes of WWII. I just went and read his Wiki entry, and the first line said 'George Marshall was an American statesman and soldier...

George Marshall

What a champion! And what a truly great world citizen.

Which leads me to the point I want to make. Where are the George Marshall's now? Where are the statesmen? The men who would put their country before themselves for the betterment of their fellow citizens?

Instead we have... Trump. If he's got a vision for your country I need bifocals.

I'd love to visit the US chuckd. I'd like to see the trees turn orange in fall in New England, I'd like to see the Grand Canyon and Marlboro Country, I'd like to see the Rockies and Washington State, and I'd love to drive Route 66 in a classic Mustang with the roof down as I'm too old for bikes now and I'm a Ducati man anyways.

And that's just a little bit of why I'm involved in this thread, quixotic as it is.

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^ Slowly but surely the USA is slipping back into the dark ages.

I'd hate to think of the violence and crime that takes over when the USD is dispensed with. Guess we won't have long to wait and see.

Somebody fetch me some popcorn.........and a tissue (need to clean my spectacles)

And another voice from the Australian outback joins the US bashing brigade.

The real radical position is that of not wanting to secure the borders. Anyone who can look at Europe and not see that clearly is indeed a radical.


Or Australia for that matter.

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And another voice from the Australian outback joins the US bashing brigade.

The real radical position is that of not wanting to secure the borders. Anyone who can look at Europe and not see that clearly is indeed a radical.


Sorry mate,

You seem to have quoted the wrong posts. Firstly, Australia isn't in Europe, it's close if you call half a world away close......and secondly, Australia has a very secure boarder compared to most countries in the world, we dug a little moat around the place and planted Crocadiles in the North and Great Whites in the south.

I'm all for a TIGHT border.

So tight that Australia is putting their unwanted illegal immigrants on some South Pacific island under gulag type conditions.

It's not illegal to be a refugee chuckd. And this is a subject for another thread.

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More violence against Trump supporters.


Protest is moving pretty quickly. The guy in stripes just punched out, knocked a pregnant lady to the ground

This should be required viewing for every Bernie supporter on this forum.

Notice the Mexican flags, chants of "Bernie, Bernie" as they attack Trump supporters merely walking away and trying to exercise their First Amendment rights to free assembly.

The tables will be turned in July during the Democrat convention. The minute Hillary is announced as the candidate, anarchy, rioting and violence will break out.

Some of our more vociferous Bernie/Hillary supporters were gloating a couple of weeks ago about the upcoming Republican convention saying it was going to be a circus.

I will be gloating in July during the Democrat convention. It won't be a circus. It will be a war.

Bernie's comments, always the Socialist agitator...

“we cannot stop Trump’s violent rhetoric with violence — only peaceful protest in a voting booth can do that.”

Still blaming Trump for his supporter's violence.

I don't like Trump's pandering to parochial whites, but his supporters should be allowed to peacefully voice their opinions and attend his rallies without being harassed.

Some elements in Bernie's "supporters" are acting like rabid lunatics, and Bernie should condemn their violence pronto.

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Donald Trump is fighting this like it's a war because it is a war. It's a war against corporations who have decimated big cities by closing factories and shipping jobs to other countries.

You're funny.


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^ Slowly but surely the USA is slipping back into the dark ages.

I'd hate to think of the violence and crime that takes over when the USD is dispensed with. Guess we won't have long to wait and see.

Somebody fetch me some popcorn.........and a tissue (need to clean my spectacles)

And another voice from the Australian outback joins the US bashing brigade.

Well normally chucky, I'm cheering from the sidelines for one of the canadates, but this time round there's not much to smile about.

I'm actually very Pro-USA, but just have a look at this mess. I'm fairly sure none of these people can fix it, yet without a doubt each of them can make it much much worse.

But because I'm Australian, I couldn't be right because only people from the USA can have opinions about the USA.

........time to build that little bridge chuck and then climb it. wink.png

Now the real issue is, whilst all this money is being wasted on yet another drama filled election campaign, the USA as an economy is struggling to pay the interest on their loans, it will DEFINATELY end at some point and sadly it's the ordinary citizen of the USA that will suffer the most.

Sure there's more violence coming YOU CAN BANK ON IT, it's more certain than anything either of these canadates offer.

Good post neverdie. I know we're from the opposite end of the spectrum politics wise, but I'd like to think we would agree on the obvious points that really matter.

And where did you get I'm a 'US basher' from chuckd?

I could never hate the country that invented the concept of the National Park. That invented the electric guitar. That helped win WWII with lend-lease and then heal it when the fighting was done with the Marshall Plan. Yes, George Marshall, one of the great unsung heroes of WWII. I just went and read his Wiki entry, and the first line said 'George Marshall was an American statesman and soldier...

George Marshall

What a champion! And what a truly great world citizen.

Which leads me to the point I want to make. Where are the George Marshall's now? Where are the statesmen? The men who would put their country before themselves for the betterment of their fellow citizens?

Instead we have... Trump. If he's got a vision for your country I need bifocals.

I'd love to visit the US chuckd. I'd like to see the trees turn orange in fall in New England, I'd like to see the Grand Canyon and Marlboro Country, I'd like to see the Rockies and Washington State, and I'd love to drive Route 66 in a classic Mustang with the roof down as I'm too old for bikes now and I'm a Ducati man anyways.

And that's just a little bit of why I'm involved in this thread, quixotic as it is.

No mate, that's a good post.

I love the USA too, they have been responsible for more donations to needy people than any other in the planet, there's been hundreds of millions of wonderful folk that were born & lived on its shores and contributed so much to the human race.

Sadly though, the work of the minority has brought this once great nation to its knees and it DESPERATELY needs a leader than can pick through the sheet and get the country up and running again.

In years to come there will be a darkness that's sets over the USA and it's not going to be pretty, for that I fear for the Ordinary folk, the ones that deserve so much more than what was delivered.

These are sad times, some of us use humour to get through it, but eventually only sadists will be smiling.

God Bless America, hopefully the people see the evil that lurks upon them and take the appropriate course of action.

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The real radical position is that of not wanting to secure the borders. Anyone who can look at Europe and not see that clearly is indeed a radical.


Sorry mate,

You seem to have quoted the wrong posts. Firstly, Australia isn't in Europe, it's close if you call half a world away close......and secondly, Australia has a very secure boarder compared to most countries in the world, we dug a little moat around the place and planted Crocadiles in the North and Great Whites in the south.

I'm all for a TIGHT border.

So tight that Australia is putting their unwanted illegal immigrants on some South Pacific island under gulag type conditions.

It's not illegal to be a refugee chuckd. And this is a subject for another thread.

No, it's not. It is illegal to enter a country illegally though, which is relevant because, if there was a single point issue on why Trump has been successful to this point, it is this one. Otherwise known as "Stating the Bleedin' Obvious".

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^ Slowly but surely the USA is slipping back into the dark ages.

I'd hate to think of the violence and crime that takes over when the USD is dispensed with. Guess we won't have long to wait and see.

Somebody fetch me some popcorn.........and a tissue (need to clean my spectacles)

And another voice from the Australian outback joins the US bashing brigade.

The real radical position is that of not wanting to secure the borders. Anyone who can look at Europe and not see that clearly is indeed a radical.


Sorry mate,

You seem to have quoted the wrong posts. Firstly, Australia isn't in Europe, it's close if you call half a world away close......and secondly, Australia has a very secure boarder compared to most countries in the world, we dug a little moat around the place and planted Crocadiles in the North and Great Whites in the south.

I'm all for a TIGHT border.

So tight that Australia is putting their unwanted illegal immigrants on some South Pacific island under gulag type conditions.

Nothing to do with Trump.

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Sorry mate,

You seem to have quoted the wrong posts. Firstly, Australia isn't in Europe, it's close if you call half a world away close......and secondly, Australia has a very secure boarder compared to most countries in the world, we dug a little moat around the place and planted Crocadiles in the North and Great Whites in the south.

I'm all for a TIGHT border.

So tight that Australia is putting their unwanted illegal immigrants on some South Pacific island under gulag type conditions.

It's not illegal to be a refugee chuckd. And this is a subject for another thread.

No, it's not. It is illegal to enter a country illegally though, which is relevant because, if there was a single point issue on why Trump has been successful to this point, it is this one. Otherwise known as "Stating the Bleedin' Obvious".

I was referring to genuine refugees 55Jay, but they must be genuine displaced refugees, not economic migrants.

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Rick Perry, governor of Texas and one of Trump's dispatched competitors for the nomination" "Donald Trump will peel Hillary's skin off".


I thought judging by her appearance that her skin had been peeled off long ago.

They are very similar in appearance these two, is there any chance that Donald & Hillary could in fact be the same person?

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Donald Trump is fighting this like it's a war because it is a war. It's a war against corporations who have decimated big cities by closing factories and shipping jobs to other countries.

You're funny.


Tired old chestnut.

Even CNN and the National Review blink.png seem to 'get' why he manufacturers overseas. The fact he does highlights precisely what he says is WRONG with US Trade Policy and why he wants to change it.


Now, if he was able to influence policy in the way he says will level the playing field, and he DIDN'T bring his jobs back to the US, then he would, rightly, be tarred and feathered. No problem with that.

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Tired old chestnut.

Even CNN and the National Review blink.png seem to 'get' why he manufacturers overseas. The fact he does highlights precisely what he says is WRONG with US Trade Policy and why he wants to change it.


Now, if he was able to influence policy in the way he says will level the playing field, and he DIDN'T bring his jobs back to the US, then he would, rightly, be tarred and feathered. No problem with that.

It's indicative of nothing more than that he is a two-bit conman who says one thing and does another.

He can barely open his mouth without another lie coming out.

No wonder he hates journalists.

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So tight that Australia is putting their unwanted illegal immigrants on some South Pacific island under gulag type conditions.

It's not illegal to be a refugee chuckd. And this is a subject for another thread.

No, it's not. It is illegal to enter a country illegally though, which is relevant because, if there was a single point issue on why Trump has been successful to this point, it is this one. Otherwise known as "Stating the Bleedin' Obvious".

I was referring to genuine refugees 55Jay, but they must be genuine displaced refugees, not economic migrants.

Oz has gotten tough on Immigration, and that's how it's relevant to Trump.

The opposition says it's racist and damaging to Australia's reputation. Sounds familiar. It only takes a little while for the word to spread that the jig is up and Oz' tough policies have gotten a result. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-28189608

The US is waking up to the fact that it can't continue to be an exception to the rule. Trump's position is NOT unreasonable at all. It is the way it ought to be and was intended to be all along. The 11m illegals don't get a free pass. Not this time. Not again.

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Tired old chestnut.

Even CNN and the National Review blink.png seem to 'get' why he manufacturers overseas. The fact he does highlights precisely what he says is WRONG with US Trade Policy and why he wants to change it.


Now, if he was able to influence policy in the way he says will level the playing field, and he DIDN'T bring his jobs back to the US, then he would, rightly, be tarred and feathered. No problem with that.

It's indicative of nothing more than that he is a two-bit conman who says one thing and does another.

He can barely open his mouth without another lie coming out.

No wonder he hates journalists.

OK, "suit" yourself.

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