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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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They also like having a job that isn't shipped to China or Mexico.

Like the ones making Trump merchandise?

You won't get far debating with Trump supporters on this issue because they have given him a free pass on the mountain of glaring hypocrocies that characterize this man.

I'll post an article from last autumn's Forbes that details this, but don't expect Trump supporters to read it, or if they do, they will somehow compartmentalize and minimize that due to their belief he is the messiah.


The post and link are accurate so this poster does associate himself with them.

I'd add further that Trump has fans, boosters, barristers as his supporters. Fans. Trump at one point months ago referred to "My fans."

After all, if I said to a Newcastle footie fan his team sucks I'd better be ready to defend my use of what the fan would consider fighting words.



They only dig their heels in deeper. Which makes the end of the match all the harder for 'em to take.


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There isn't any rush to Trump among viable elected officials in Republican states mentioned in this piece.....

New York Times: “A remarkable range of leading Republicans, including Gov. Nikki Haley of South Carolina and Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona, have been emphatic publicly or with their advisers and allies that they do not want to be considered as Mr. Trump’s running mate. The recoiling amounts to a rare rebuke for a front-runner: Politicians usually signal that they are not interested politely through back channels, or submit to the selection process, if only to burnish their national profiles.”

“Several Republican consultants said their clients were concerned that Mr. Trump’s unusually high unfavorable ratings with all voters and his unpopularity among women and Hispanics could doom him as a general election candidate and damage their own future political prospects if they were on his ticket.

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This is why Democrats including Bernie Sanders supporters and blacks and others are going to cross over and elect Trump as President. It's a complete explanation of this phenomena that's happening.

"The Inevitable Mr. Trump"

"The American political class ignored for decades the gradual illegal infiltration of the country by twelve million illegal immigrants, and has concluded trade deals with many countries that entrenched trade deficits that effectively imported unemployment into the United States. Senator Marco Rubio, as he graciously withdrew from the race for the Republican nomination, acknowledged that Donald Trump had foreseen a “political tsunami” that none of the other candidates had. The public has a right to know why they didn’t, and to reward the candidate who did."


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Yeah, Haley would be stupid to accept and she doesn't impress me as stupid.

Yep, Barack won North Carolina in 2008, it was Romney's narrowest state he barely won in 2012 and Hillary Clinton is favored in this 2016 cycle year.

The R US Senator there up for reelection in November Richard Burr is running to his left so fast his hat flew off, voting for equal benefits to gay spouses of veterans and supporting the gay R in the MD party primary for the US Senate seat being vacated by Barbara Mikulski.

Burr actually wants the endorsement of the North Carolina Log Cabin Republicans most of whom are prosperous and smoozing with HRC.

We don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.

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This is why Democrats including Bernie Sanders supporters and blacks and others are going to cross over and elect Trump as President. It's a complete explanation of this phenomena that's happening.

"The Inevitable Mr. Trump"

"The American political class ignored for decades the gradual illegal infiltration of the country by twelve million illegal immigrants, and has concluded trade deals with many countries that entrenched trade deficits that effectively imported unemployment into the United States. Senator Marco Rubio, as he graciously withdrew from the race for the Republican nomination, acknowledged that Donald Trump had foreseen a “political tsunami” that none of the other candidates had. The public has a right to know why they didn’t, and to reward the candidate who did."


I agree MISTER Trump is inevitable.

PRESIDENT Trump ... not so much.

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Donald Trump's rock-bottom ratings with women

"Trump is already so dangerously underwater with female voters — who represent a majority of the electorate that,

it raises questions about whether a GOP ticket led by the billionaire could lead to a historic gender gap and blowout defeat."

"The percentages of women who had an unfavorable or negative impression of Trump in recent public polls are staggering:

67 percent (Fox News), 67 percent (Quinnipiac University), 70 percent (NBC News/Wall Street Journal), 73 percent (CNN/ORC),

and 74 percent (ABC News/Washington Post)."


The blowout is gonna be Yuge. thumbsup.gif Down, down, down goes the Bloviator. clap2.gif


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Why Trump Is Doomed With Black Voters

"The Republican Party’s relationship with black voters can at best be described as contentious. At worst, it’s downright hostile. In the last 50 years,

no more than 15 percent of black voters have voted for Republican presidential candidates or identified as Republican."

"The idea that Trump would succeed where no GOP candidate has succeeded since Richard Nixon in 1960 is mystifying,

especially since the billionaire is running a campaign fueled by appeals to racial anxiety and hostility, xenophobia, and economic distress."

"Though not single-issue voters, African Americans often use their racial identity and experience as a guiding principle,

informing their decisions on politics and political candidates. And with Trump, their opinion is overwhelmingly negative."


It's going to be grand to watch such a crushing defeat. laugh.png

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Trump and the Black Vote

In boasting of his support among African American voters, Donald Trump made some false and misleading statements:

  • Trump claimed “African American youth is 58 percent unemployed.” The official unemployment rate for blacks ages 16 to 19 in January was 25.2 percent.
  • Trump said a “recent poll” showed 25 percent of blacks support him in a hypothetical race against Hillary Clinton. That “recent poll” is actually from September.
  • Six recent polls, all taken in February, show his support ranges from 4 percent to 12 percent.
  • Trump said Republican presidential candidates “usually get about 4 percent or 5 percent” of black support.
  • That was the case in 2008 and 2012, when Barack Obama — the nation’s first black president — was on the ballot.
  • But from 1980 to 2004, the Republican candidate received 8 percent to 12 percent, which is consistent with Trump’s support among blacks.
  • http://www.factcheck.org/2016/02/trump-and-the-black-vote/

Read on, for more lies from the Bloviator. laugh.png


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^^^ You might want to stop quoting the "experts" who've been dead wrong so far. All along the way they've been wrong even with their polls.

Just keep watching the voting which is the only poll that matters. It's always far better for Trump than predicted. Trump keeps winning the women vote which helps him finish much higher than predicted.

Trump will be the next President of The United States.


PS Crooked Hillary's unfavorable ratings are sky high if you care about ratings.

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Crooked Hillary has already created 137 new jobs at the FBI.

If anything demonstrates what a closed world Trump supporters live in it's this posting. The Washington post published a figure of 147 and almost immediately had to retract it. The revised posting said less than 50. Less than 50 can mean anything from 1-49. The only specific number I read was 12. You could look it up but something tells me you won't.

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^^^ You might want to stop quoting the "experts" who've been dead wrong so far. All along the way they've been wrong even with their polls.

Just keep watching the voting which is the only poll that matters. It's always far better for Trump than predicted. Trump keeps winning the women vote which helps him finish much higher than predicted.

Trump will be the next President of The United States.


PS Crooked Hillary's unfavorable ratings are sky high if you care about ratings.

lol! republican females arent women!!

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^^^ You might want to stop quoting the "experts" who've been dead wrong so far. All along the way they've been wrong even with their polls.

Just keep watching the voting which is the only poll that matters. It's always far better for Trump than predicted. Trump keeps winning the women vote which helps him finish much higher than predicted.

Trump will be the next President of The United States.


PS Crooked Hillary's unfavorable ratings are sky high if you care about ratings.

He may be getting some women votes, but nearly all the voting thus far has been Reps voting for Reps. Thus far, Trump hasn't had to deal much with votes from women who aren't Republican. Trump has been "preaching to the choir" and only some of the choir has been voting. Wait until the much larger numbers of general public get to vote in Nov. That's when grim reality might sink in for pie-in-the-sky Trump fans. You can wail excuses and rant about how the system is fixed, but I'll be outside of earshot. I'll be relaxing peacefully by a beach, with a lime-aid in hand.

Also: 80 to 90% of likely voters have already made up their minds who they're going to vote for. So the general election campaigning will be trying to sway the 10 to 20% who haven't decided yet or who might switch their vote. Trump is so rich, he could simple send each wavering voter $60 and a Trump steak, a bottle of Trump vodka, some Trump wine, 2 free tickets on Trump Airlines, A 50% discount voucher for Trump University, a packet of Trump condoms (oh, he doesn't peddle them yet? well, consider it an introductory business-probe offer). When pot becomes legal throughout the US, Trump could expand from one drug (alcohol) to the other, more mellow drug. If there's money to be made, Trump will be there with tens of millions of borrowed money and his super-duper publicity machine - to make a killing.

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Trump Derangement Syndrome ... A mental condition affecting millions of die hard Liberals, Leftists, and Progressives who are in an extreme state of denial over the fact that their Leftist - Communist Leaning - Islamic Leader Obama is going away and will be replaced by a true American Loving President Trump. And that there is not a damned thing they can do about it but wring their hands, stomp their feet and whine...

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Trump Derangement Syndrome ... A mental condition affecting millions of die hard Liberals, Leftists, and Progressives who are in an extreme state of denial over the fact that their Leftist - Communist Leaning - Islamic Leader Obama is going away and will be replaced by a true American Loving President Trump. And that there is not a damned thing they can do about it but wring their hands, stomp their feet and whine...

Hillaryostreptacockus....a condition in which democrats spew fallacies and garbage about good people that just choose to support Trump.

This condition spreads quickly..

Springs from low self-esteem, and the perception that Hillary is not going to pull this one off.

No "Happy Ending" for sufferers of HIllaryostreptacockus.....just a lingering death.

lol....caught when assembling outside Trump Conventions while mingling with other infected people of the same persuasion. Foaming of the mouth, jumping on cars, and blood lust are the symptoms.

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Trump and the Black Vote

In boasting of his support among African American voters, Donald Trump made some false and misleading statements:

  • Trump claimed “African American youth is 58 percent unemployed.” The official unemployment rate for blacks ages 16 to 19 in January was 25.2 percent.
  • Trump said a “recent poll” showed 25 percent of blacks support him in a hypothetical race against Hillary Clinton. That “recent poll” is actually from September.
  • Six recent polls, all taken in February, show his support ranges from 4 percent to 12 percent.
  • Trump said Republican presidential candidates “usually get about 4 percent or 5 percent” of black support.
  • That was the case in 2008 and 2012, when Barack Obama — the nation’s first black president — was on the ballot.
  • But from 1980 to 2004, the Republican candidate received 8 percent to 12 percent, which is consistent with Trump’s support among blacks.
  • http://www.factcheck.org/2016/02/trump-and-the-black-vote/

Read on, for more lies from the Bloviator. laugh.png

Never noticed his backside....were you up close?

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There's a primary in Indiana next Monday. Let's see how Trump does. Not that long ago he was predicted to lose it.

Oh, speaking of predictions. The "experts" have counted Trump out since last July when he entered. I hope they are looking for new jobs.


According to this poll, Cruz is leading in Indiana.


I personally can't stand Cruz. But him winning Indiana keeps it interesting....and entertaining.

Actually, I brain f'd and the primary is Tuesday.

Forget the polls. They are shamestream people with a deep case of Confirmation Bias. They just keep underestimating Trump.

Trump will win this thing by a landslide - at least 15 points against two other guys and hit near or well above 50%.

It's over.

Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States.

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Seriously, actually a comparison of the Hillary and Trump rallies in Indiana today. Actual pictures. Trump supporters are jazzed and Hillary can't excite anyone.

Polls can't predict what percentage of voters will actually show up and vote!!

Here is what to watch, and part of how I know Trump will beat her. This is seriously, actually what's going on right now.


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Crooked Hillary has already created 137 new jobs at the FBI.

If anything demonstrates what a closed world Trump supporters live in it's this posting. The Washington post published a figure of 147 and almost immediately had to retract it. The revised posting said less than 50. Less than 50 can mean anything from 1-49. The only specific number I read was 12. You could look it up but something tells me you won't.

How about posting a link to your alleged numbers?

I could look it up but you're the one that posted the numbers. You need to provide a link, but something tells me you won't.

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"Ducey called the past eight years "the most futile in modern American history" and said that it's time to "put a Republican in the White House and Hillary Clinton in the Big House." clap2.gif

The Associated Press


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