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Embassy Rescues Cambodian Fishermen from Thai Vessels

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Khmer Times / Ros Chanveasna

The Cambodian embassy in Thailand has come to the aid of its citizens after authorities caught two Thai fishing boats over the past month carrying 15 Cambodian laborers that they believed to be trafficking victims, according to a Foreign Affairs Ministry statement yesterday. “Those Cambodian fishermen were sent to the provincial rehabilitation center in Ranong,” the statement read, adding that Thai authorities want the fishermen to stay in the center until they are called to testify in court regarding charges that the company owning the fishing boats on which they worked was involved in human trafficking.

Aged between 19 and 35, the victims hailed from several provinces. Five were from Kampong Speu, four from Kampong Thom, three from Svay Rieng, two from Kampot and the last from Kampong Cham. “A Thai court will consider allowing them to leave Thailand if they receive the answers they need,” the statement continued, adding that the company had paid the Cambodian men 25,000 baht each for an unknown period of work.

read more: http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/22870/embassy-rescues-cambodian-fishermen-from-thai-vessels/

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