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New Airport


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I remember when the Denver Int. Airport opened in the US. There was all of the build up, all of the delays, and then the let down. The biggest complaint is that they pushed too much technology into the airport and nothing worked right. Less than a year later Denver became just another airport.

I agree with the post that mentioned the more frequent the flyer implies the more positive responses will be about the airport. Most airports get the job done pretty well. The only airport that I really don't like is Philadelphia (PHL). I liked Don Muang because I was very familiar with it. I learned where the employee cafeteria was at and I really liked catching a meal there. The new airport is not Don Muang, but that does not make it a bad airport.

My wife has already flown through Suvarnabhumi and she thought it was just fine. Her arrival and departure were during off-hours (we both prefer to travel off-hours) and she passed through each part with no problems.

As far as the corruption; it is Thailand...what do you expect. I think that the only thing that PM Thaksin did in dealing with the airport that may be iffy is he pushed to open it before elections. The bottom line on that is if he did not push, then the really corrupt officials would have continued milking the project for a couple more years and then we would be where we are today.

Take a pill, recline your seat, and enjoy the flight.

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I agree with CWilliam:

Stop your complaining.

......blah blah blah......

The airport is a success.

Find something else to complain about you old Farts!


SUCCESS!!!!..... then why are their moving back to the old air port? WHAT A JOKE! OR ARE YOU TELLING US A JOKE?

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I remember when the Denver Int. Airport opened in the US. There was all of the build up, all of the delays, and then the let down. The biggest complaint is that they pushed too much technology into the airport and nothing worked right. Less than a year later Denver became just another airport.

I agree with the post that mentioned the more frequent the flyer implies the more positive responses will be about the airport. Most airports get the job done pretty well. The only airport that I really don't like is Philadelphia (PHL). I liked Don Muang because I was very familiar with it. I learned where the employee cafeteria was at and I really liked catching a meal there. The new airport is not Don Muang, but that does not make it a bad airport.

My wife has already flown through Suvarnabhumi and she thought it was just fine. Her arrival and departure were during off-hours (we both prefer to travel off-hours) and she passed through each part with no problems.

As far as the corruption; it is Thailand...what do you expect. I think that the only thing that PM Thaksin did in dealing with the airport that may be iffy is he pushed to open it before elections. The bottom line on that is if he did not push, then the really corrupt officials would have continued milking the project for a couple more years and then we would be where we are today.

Take a pill, recline your seat, and enjoy the flight.

For every complaint made about the new airport this forum seems to have a core of supporters who shrug them off saying everything is fine, stop complaining, and so on and so on. Just like the post above. One wonders sometimes, in the face of the enormity of the various problems that are now overwhelming evident , who is paying them for their undying support of this farce of an airport, because it is difficult to see how they could be so blind as to not see that everything is simply just not okay with this airport.

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I remember when the Denver Int. Airport opened in the US. There was all of the build up, all of the delays, and then the let down. The biggest complaint is that they pushed too much technology into the airport and nothing worked right. Less than a year later Denver became just another airport.

I agree with the post that mentioned the more frequent the flyer implies the more positive responses will be about the airport. Most airports get the job done pretty well. The only airport that I really don't like is Philadelphia (PHL). I liked Don Muang because I was very familiar with it. I learned where the employee cafeteria was at and I really liked catching a meal there. The new airport is not Don Muang, but that does not make it a bad airport.

My wife has already flown through Suvarnabhumi and she thought it was just fine. Her arrival and departure were during off-hours (we both prefer to travel off-hours) and she passed through each part with no problems.

As far as the corruption; it is Thailand...what do you expect. I think that the only thing that PM Thaksin did in dealing with the airport that may be iffy is he pushed to open it before elections. The bottom line on that is if he did not push, then the really corrupt officials would have continued milking the project for a couple more years and then we would be where we are today.

Take a pill, recline your seat, and enjoy the flight.

For every complaint made about the new airport this forum seems to have a core of supporters who shrug them off saying everything is fine, stop complaining, and so on and so on. Just like the post above. One wonders sometimes, in the face of the enormity of the various problems that are now overwhelming evident , who is paying them for their undying support of this farce of an airport, because it is difficult to see how they could be so blind as to not see that everything is simply just not okay with this airport.

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It's an airport, it works. Planes land and take off. If it has problems that need fixing, they'll be fixed. Don Muang will help out. The bottom line is that if you want to fly in and out of Thailand the airport is working for that purpose. Other than that, it is a political hot potato and will continue to be, so what?

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It's an airport, it works. Planes land and take off. If it has problems that need fixing, they'll be fixed. Don Muang will help out. The bottom line is that if you want to fly in and out of Thailand the airport is working for that purpose. Other than that, it is a political hot potato and will continue to be, so what?

I agree the airport is number one in the world.

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The best in the world: I don't think so (maybe someday).

Some people walk down a hallway and complain about the shade of stain on the doors while others walk down the same hallway and wonder at the design of the carpet. Everybody lives their life their own way. I would not try to take the complaint out of a complainer.

I heard that the new airport has a peak hourly push of over 75: that's not shabby at all.

Personally I would give Minneapolis, MN (MSP) my favorite airport spot, but even they do not have a 75 push.

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I liked the new airport, as I was in and out quickly, the first 2 times through it. Third trip, I was one of the passengers, sitting at U-tapao,because of the runway closure at swampydoom.

As the airport is sinking so fast, that large portions have become unusable after only 6 months . I hate to imagine what the upcoming rainy season will bring. Unless we have a very dry year, I expect to see Suvarnabhumi, closed completly within the year.

Is it cost effective, to fix Suvarnabhumi? 100 billion baht? 200 billion baht? At what point, do the Thais, abandon the airport? I have to wonder, how will they replace the foundation, of a completed airport? Stabilize it?


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It's an airport, it works. Planes land and take off. If it has problems that need fixing, they'll be fixed. Don Muang will help out. The bottom line is that if you want to fly in and out of Thailand the airport is working for that purpose. Other than that, it is a political hot potato and will continue to be, so what?

I agree the airport is number one in the world.

If your name happens to be Swamp Thing :o:D

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It's an airport, it works. Planes land and take off. If it has problems that need fixing, they'll be fixed. Don Muang will help out. The bottom line is that if you want to fly in and out of Thailand the airport is working for that purpose. Other than that, it is a political hot potato and will continue to be, so what?

I agree the airport is number one in the world.

If your name happens to be Swamp Thing :o:D


New Passenger Transportation System Inaugurated Within The Airport Terminal

Due to the latest difficulties involved at Bangkok's new airport involving the automated walkways, the AoT announced today that it was instituting a new system to transport passengers from the arrival gates to the terminal's main section. AoT spokesman Idunnowhatiamdoing stated that the new system would involve a courtesy pick-up and delivery for new arrivals utilizing some new staff that the airport has hired.

Bangkok Herald-Examiner

*Disclaimer: There are no problems with the automated walkways..... yet*

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It's an airport, it works. Planes land and take off. If it has problems that need fixing, they'll be fixed. Don Muang will help out. The bottom line is that if you want to fly in and out of Thailand the airport is working for that purpose. Other than that, it is a political hot potato and will continue to be, so what?

I agree the airport is number one in the world.

If your name happens to be Swamp Thing :D:D


New Passenger Transportation System Inaugurated Within The Airport Terminal

Due to the latest difficulties involved at Bangkok's new airport involving the automated walkways, the AoT announced today that it was instituting a new system to transport passengers from the arrival gates to the terminal's main section. AoT spokesman Idunnowhatiamdoing stated that the new system would involve a courtesy pick-up and delivery for new arrivals utilizing some new staff that the airport has hired.

Bangkok Herald-Examiner

*Disclaimer: There are no problems with the automated walkways..... yet*


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"then why are their moving back to the old air port"

Because it is typical of the overreaction by Thias. Do you remember the non-fatal subway train crash? "Oh my God! We have to shut down the entire Metro system and redesign it. OH MY GOD!" Do you remember when it was discovered that an illegally constructed disco was too close to the proposed Suvi to Skytrain railway? "Oh my God! We can't do ANYTHING about it. The railway will NEVER be built! OH MY GOD!" Perhaps you missed the extraordinary TVer reaction to the idea of a subway system in BKK. "Oh my God, it will never work! It rains in BKK, and the subway tunnels will fill up with water! OH MY GOD!"

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My biggest issue with the place is the cramped immigration area and the postage stamp sized arrival area.

As far as departure facilities goes, that seems quite ok.

But, as I have a business here and have to host guests, I do wish that arrival setup was a lot different.

Dr. B

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Short of catastrophe, it will never be closed permanently.

In the auto industry, one way to make money is to sell people a lemon.

The second way to make money is to convince people to keep fixing the lemon... forever.

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I bet a few people in here who support and say how great the airport is, must have got a cut!

Now Im waiting to see what other problem that will arise. Perhaps coconut or banana trees growing on the runway?

Did ya know that the airport was build on a WAT and grave yard? spooooky.......

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Short of catastrophe, it will never be closed permanently.

In the auto industry, one way to make money is to sell people a lemon.

The second way to make money is to convince people to keep fixing the lemon... forever.

Absolutely. It's all media-fueled nonsense, pandering to people's natural desire to whine and complain.

If the new airport is closed for even a day, I'll eat my hat. Three days ago Don Muang was going to be reopened; now we learn that only three LCCs want to go there.

Let's get real.

It's a decent facility with some teething problems. It will get better. End of story.

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Yep... might as well just shut down the Suvarnabhumi Airport Forum.....

at least until that catastrophic accident does occur.

I agree with sriracha john. This political football game has gotten pretty monotonous. The thread about the drunk guy trying to take a luggage trolley down an escalator is far more entertaining!

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Short of catastrophe, it will never be closed permanently.

In the auto industry, one way to make money is to sell people a lemon.

The second way to make money is to convince people to keep fixing the lemon... forever.

Absolutely. It's all media-fueled nonsense, pandering to people's natural desire to whine and complain.

If the new airport is closed for even a day, I'll eat my hat. Three days ago Don Muang was going to be reopened; now we learn that only three LCCs want to go there.

Let's get real.

It's a decent facility with some teething problems. It will get better. End of story.

It could have been a decent facility. Maybe with a little less graft and a bit of common sence it will be.It can't help but get better IMO.

let's get real.

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Yep... might as well just shut down the Suvarnabhumi Airport Forum.....

at least until that catastrophic accident does occur.

Yep...great ideea, could keep all the moaners and whiners away. Once you get older, nothing new is a good news for you, you keep remembering how you were coming on Don Muang some decades ago and everything was cheap and your favourite wench was waiting for you and all the good times you had with hundreds of them while spending less for a 1 month holiday than you would spend in 3 days back home and all the army memories...few people will ever manage to get passed that, so moaning and whining about the new airport and all the work thousand of people put for it in the past 7 years might be a good start to cheer up...

Come on, even when you have new shoes, first you doubt about them, then you go complaining that they hurt yor feet and then, in time, you decide to declare them your favourite ones...We all know that the new airport has some problems, but even I am convinced that everything will be just fine, so wuit whining and complaining about it, this country has other more bigger problems than this

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Yep... might as well just shut down the Suvarnabhumi Airport Forum.....

at least until that catastrophic accident does occur.

Yep...great ideea, could keep all the moaners and whiners away. Once you get older, nothing new is a good news for you, you keep remembering how you were coming on Don Muang some decades ago and everything was cheap and your favourite wench was waiting for you and all the good times you had with hundreds of them while spending less for a 1 month holiday than you would spend in 3 days back home and all the army memories...few people will ever manage to get passed that, so moaning and whining about the new airport and all the work thousand of people put for it in the past 7 years might be a good start to cheer up...

Come on, even when you have new shoes, first you doubt about them, then you go complaining that they hurt yor feet and then, in time, you decide to declare them your favourite ones...We all know that the new airport has some problems, but even I am convinced that everything will be just fine, so wuit whining and complaining about it, this country has other more bigger problems than this


Nothing we can write here will change their minds. They have decided that the airport is bad, so let them vent their frustrations here and ignore them.



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