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The Real Reason Old Guys Come to Thailand


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Who the hell are you trying to kid?

Yep, I agree, 99% of foreign men are in Thailand for the cheap sex.

It ain't that great a place to be otherwise.

Without the availability of the cheap women, I'd be in Spain/France/Portugal/Florida, all much nicer and safer places to live. Better food, and maybe even cheaper living.

And why pick on old guys?

Young guys are here for the cheap women too!

If it is so nice in Spain/France/Portugal and Florida, may I suggest you go there. I am sure that you'll find there as many "cheap" women as in Thailand, particularly now with all the refugees in Europe. Reading some of your comments about Thailand, I really have to wonder why you are still here!

Wonder why he is still here? He clearly states it in his post. CHEAP WOMEN!!!

If nothing else he is very honest.

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Who the hell are you trying to kid?

Yep, I agree, 99% of foreign men are in Thailand for the cheap sex.

It ain't that great a place to be otherwise.

Without the availability of the cheap women, I'd be in Spain/France/Portugal/Florida, all much nicer and safer places to live. Better food, and maybe even cheaper living.

And why pick on old guys?

Young guys are here for the cheap women too!

If it is so nice in Spain/France/Portugal and Florida, may I suggest you go there. I am sure that you'll find there as many "cheap" women as in Thailand, particularly now with all the refugees in Europe. Reading some of your comments about Thailand, I really have to wonder why you are still here!

Unfortunately I have a Thai wife and family, unlike Syrians, they aren't welcome in the UK.

(and the EU ain't that keen on them either)

If I were single, I'd probably be in Spain.

(I'm a bit old to appreciate the cheap women now)

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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For me it is about warm weather, being in a country where you feel more free and the country itself is alive.

I am currently back in Australia doing some work, it is boring and very overpriced.

I am not a sex pat just happily married and content where I am at.

I agree so much with what you said here. I'm 54 and moved to Thailand last year for a new adventure. I had grown bored with being a professor at a community college in America. What I did not expect is the experience of "being in a country where you feel more free and the country itself is alive." I could go into a diatribe about how living in the "West" destroys one's soul (I am an anthropologist) but there is no need to here. Suffice it to say I am very grateful to be living in Thailand as an "old guy".

as an anthropologist it must be fascinating to walk on soi nana or walking street ; like taking a stroll through evolution

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So, by your definition, if I, an Australian, were to marry someone born in NZ, England, US or anywhere other than Australia, I am a sexpat!

That's some crazy, F..... up thinking!

Let's face it, the western guys taking Thai women back home are usually too old, too ugly, too poor, or too socially inept to bag a western woman. And so 'sexpats'.

Bulls**t. There's a lot of Western women out there in their fifties and sixties who want to throw a net over anything male that breathes, walks, and can use words of more than one syllable. They are desperate for a companion. They generally outlive the Western male.

One of the big attractions of Thai women for guys like me is that with a modicum of intelligence one can preserve one's financial assets in Thailand. In most Western countries, the male gets taken to the cleaners by fiat, even though the female of the species may have done diddly squat in terms of financial contribution.

The other attractions are Thai women don't usually degenerate into fat slugs as they age. They look after themselves, and are not ballbreakers.

And as other posters have noted, they readily convert to carers later on. Fat chance of that happening in Australia.

I get a lot of snide references to sexpats when I'm in Australia. I just smile. I leave unspoken the proposition the interrogator secretly envies my freedom, but is too scared to make the move from a loveless relationship because of the monetary penalty attached.

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Bulls**t. There's a lot of Western women out there in their fifties and sixties who want to throw a net over anything male that breathes, walks, and can use words of more than one syllable. They are desperate for a companion. They generally outlive the Western male.

You'd consider having sex with a woman in her 50s and 60s ............

Now that's desperate.

Sorry, my definition of a woman includes a working womb.

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So, by your definition, if I, an Australian, were to marry someone born in NZ, England, US or anywhere other than Australia, I am a sexpat!

That's some crazy, F..... up thinking!

Let's face it, the western guys taking Thai women back home are usually too old, too ugly, too poor, or too socially inept to bag a western woman. And so 'sexpats'.

Perhaps, but they have the 'balls' to do it.....smile.png ..........thumbsup.gif

Let's face it, unless you like demanding,aggressive, plus sized women with feminist tendencies, Thailand is ten times better woman wise.

Clear soft skin, small feminine frames, minimal body hair and pleasant to be around.

There are just more "good ones" than in the west.

Plus there are more single good ones for a variety of reasons. More men, 20% here are gay,, 30% are not appropriate husbands being drunks, punch happy or work shy, so that leaves 50% of who many know they can get away with having giks and mia nois.

So there is a surplus here of good ones. In western countries even average ones consider themselves to be good ones and have the c...y attitude to match. You don't even need a dick to score a hot woman in Thailand. Tomboys here clean up.

Plus, there is more emphasis/pressure on a woman to look good here and be womanly, so ones we think are good ones often don't consider themselves to be good ones, eg if they have a nice tan, or a cute noses they will have a bit of a hang up about it. Very few Thai blokes would even consider taking on a single mum, and Thai women are considered old at around 30.

Perfect storm.

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The Real Reason Old Guys Come to Thailand


Welcome to Every Picture Tells a Story; a weekly post about living in Thailand. Each week well post a picture that illustrates some of the best parts about living in Thailand.

Sex tourists, whoremongers, dirty old men sexpats; weve all heard the labels any man over the age of 40 gets stuck with when they move to Thailand.

As a man well over 40, I take great offense to such insinuation. If I were a Thai person, Id be insulted by the idea that Thailand has nothing to offer other than cheap thrills to an old man.

Great food, warm weather and easy living dont count? Misty mountains, golden beaches and turquoise seas arent attractive enough features? And what about personal safety and affordable health care?

Ive got news for everyone; Thailand beats the hell out of a whole lot of over-legislated, up-tight, freezing-ass cold places on this planet. Nobody bats an eye when a middle-aged or older man packs up and moves to Spain or Costa Rica or just about anywhere else theres sunshine and easy living. But, if a man chooses to live or retire in Thailand, hes branded a pervert.

Now Im going to let you all in on a secret. The real reason us old dudes choose to live in the land of smiles has nothing to do with sex. Its all about respect and longevity.

If I were living back in my home country right now, I can ride the bus for free, get half-priced movie tickets and enjoy a free silver checking account at my bank. But thats about all the respect Im going to get.

Read more: http://www.inspirepattaya.com/lifestyle/real-reason-old-guys-come-thailand/


-- Inspire Pattaya 2016-03-20

Yes I totally agree. Having 3 Mai Noi's has nothing to do with me staying in Thailand and is just part n' parcel of the culture and like to fit in so to speak. Getting marriage proposals every time I go out shopping or going out for a quiet pint has its benefits. I like to try before I buy.

I took ugly pills for years but they don't work and the Doctor told me I'm a severe case remaining hansum' for the rest of my life.

Life's a Bitch and then you die !!!!!!

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It always surprises me that so many farang would choose to live in Thailand and elsewhere in Asia when all they do is complain about how bad it is.

The only conclusion one can draw is that the primary motivation is dictated by finances or lack thereof. Otherwise, why waste precious time and your remaining years in a place you clearly despise...

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I came for a holiday, liked it so much I could have stayed but funds at that time would not allow. I made up my mind at that time I would retire here, a few years and holidays here later, I did just that and have never regretted it.

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It always surprises me that so many farang would choose to live in Thailand and elsewhere in Asia when all they do is complain about how bad it is.

The only conclusion one can draw is that the primary motivation is dictated by finances or lack thereof. Otherwise, why waste precious time and your remaining years in a place you clearly despise...

Are you saying all farang guys here are skint....?

Of course he is, His millions don't go as far as they used to.giggle.gif

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Bulls**t. There's a lot of Western women out there in their fifties and sixties who want to throw a net over anything male that breathes, walks, and can use words of more than one syllable. They are desperate for a companion. They generally outlive the Western male.

You'd consider having sex with a woman in her 50s and 60s ............

Now that's desperate.

Sorry, my definition of a woman includes a working womb.

MTB.............That is crap man..........rolleyes.gif

So Trans, if you were starting over, your first choice would be a woman over 50 (or 60)?

Me, I'd stay single, if that were all that was available.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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Sex is not the only reason. You can find sex everywhere even in Germany, Holland, Vietnam, Philippines, Cambodia, Laos, etc etc.

Life in Thailand is more fun, more happy people around, best infrastructure in all the countries around them, for safe, lots of good food and all kind of expat food, many kind of sport like Golf, etc.

Just try to visit surrounding countries and compare it with Thailand.

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Kabula, you and I have similar reasons for being here. I was supposed to come on R&R in '67, I went back out in the field instead because taking the R&R would have forced garrison duty on me for the rest of my tour. We disagree greatly one thing, there is NOT one recorded instance of a returning GI being spit on, none, nada, zip. I was part of the anti-Vietnam War movement, Vietnam Veterans Against the War. We had more trouble with the American Legend and VFW than any demonstrators, hell we were the demonstrators. Back to the subject at hand, I came because especially at that time everything was cheap compared to the states, still is. I've a wife, 3 bdr/2 bath modern house, relatively new truck, kids, bills out the ass, and I couldn't afford this in the states. My income is well above the required but I'd be on the cat food diet back in the states. I freely and proudly admit I came for the women and the party. I'll say this, many that say they didn't, you know the ones that met their wives at the temple, university, business conference, etc. are liars. I met mine in Pattaya and damn glad I did, been together since 2006. I still hit the bars a few times a week, enjoy the company of the ladies, and the wife has spies everywhere....lol. When the wallet's thick I'm once again a hansum, young man and the tigresses are always on the prowl. For all it's faults, still no place better. Oh, I really don't give a damn why anybody came here, young or old.

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For me it is about warm weather, being in a country where you feel more free and the country itself is alive.

I am currently back in Australia doing some work, it is boring and very overpriced.

I am not a sex pat just happily married and content where I am at.

Good to know but sadly you are in the minority.

No, he isn't in the minority, his wife is Thai.

Never understood guys who marry a Thai then claim they aren't sexpats.

It's the same game, just a longer contract.

The only guys who can legitimately claim not to be sexpats, are those married to a woman born in their own country.

You Sir have just been slapped by my gauntlet!

Kindly step outside Sir and say that to my face!

I am married to a Thai wife and I am not now nor ever have been a Sexpat!

I am one of the lucky ones who found the greatest companion in the world, good, caring, kind, forgiving, helpful, loving and more.

As indeed am I.

We were made for each other and I am now in my twilight years with a woman who cares for me and I care for her and is 20 years younger than me - Bliss!

For both of us.

She is Menopause victim No.3.

I am therefore, well versed in what to expect.

I, we, have put this knowledge to good use and with our support, she has more or less sailed easily through the traps that can totally destroy even the best relationships.

I returned to Thailand 45 years after a fleeting visit whilst I was working in Penang in 69.

Whilst there I learned to love the Tropical Paradise of SEA and promised to return.

I returned to Penang in 2000 for a months holiday with a Brit g/f.

By 2009 she had stripped me of many of my assets and told she didn't need me any more, the pensions I had paid for her matured.....

A few years later a friend was staying with me in Spain before he traveled to Thailand to see his son who worked in Bangkok.

In a rash moment, I agreed to travel with him.

He met up with his g/f and I never saw him in Thailand again. We are still best mates and meet up in Spain from time to time.

I made friends with a Danish man and his Thai wife and now a long story starts, but I will spare you the details.

It resulted in me meeting my now wife.

We have been to Karon but did not visit Patong, despite our Danish friends urging me to do so.

I have never been to Patts.

I have visited many cities all over Thailand for short holidays and to visit some of the many temples nearby.

As to our sexual frequency.....

Remember the Psychologist who was giving a lecture about sex?

He asked for a show of hands for those in the audience who "did it" every day, there were many hands raised.

Less for the "weekly" crowd and even less for the "monthly" crowd.

At the "Year?" only one old man raised his hand but waved it vigorously.

The psychologist asked why was he so pleased about this.

Well the old man said.

Tonight is the night!

Say no more eh?

Just behave yourself and be more careful not to lump All Together..... (whoever All is)

These are the differences and that's what makes life interesting and different!

Have a great day.

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Bulls**t. There's a lot of Western women out there in their fifties and sixties who want to throw a net over anything male that breathes, walks, and can use words of more than one syllable. They are desperate for a companion. They generally outlive the Western male.

You'd consider having sex with a woman in her 50s and 60s ............

Now that's desperate.

Sorry, my definition of a woman includes a working womb.

When did I say I'd be interested in reciprocating with Western women? My Thai GF is 50, and looks about 35.

I could think of nothing more stupid than fathering a child at age 72, a teenager when I'm 85 - wonderful.

Think you are confusing a working womb with the ability of a woman to have an orgasm. The latter is not dependent on the former.

Edited by bazza40
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Well,i could be described as an older guy.But in all honesty i have never had a young girl.I always went for the older type lady.I found them more fun and willing to please.My age group for the ladies was always 40+.I have a daughter of 30 and i suppose that,mentally,that had something to do with it.I have found some beautiful ladies of the older age that have kept their looks and their size 10 figures.I have since then settled down with a lady(whom i have since married and been with for 5 years.She is in her high forties and i still think she can knock the socks off any 25 year old.And yes! she is Isaan,she can be fiery and temperamental at times,but i wouldn't swap her for the world.

It brings to mind,a mate of mine that said.

When i die i want my Thai girlfriend to be so upset,that she has to drop out of school for the day,to attend my funeral.

Did you live at Riverside in Chiang Mai previously?

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Talking about Rod and The Band of Smiles . I first met him in New Cross south east London . About 40 years ago .He was at the Goldsmiths College of Art and Music . He learned his art there and went on to play as a session musician filling in the gaps for Eric Clapton , The Waterboys and almost every famous band that had to do an impromptu gig on ITV or BBC TV . A true master and by the way the Band of Smiles are awesome . He also happens to be a gentleman .

It's true the land of smiles is changing . There is political polarisation now and uncertainty and we are in the first line of fire . Good luck All '

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Why aren't older farang ladies flocking to Thailand to enjoy all these benefits the article describes too?

They tend to go to Indonesia, Greece, Morocco, The Gambia and Jamaica for their 'groove' as the feminists call it, where blokes who come to Thailand/SEAsia are 'dirty, desperate old men'......

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I could think of nothing more stupid than fathering a child at age 72, a teenager when I'm 85 - wonderful.

Think you are confusing a working womb with the ability of a woman to have an orgasm. The latter is not dependent on the former.

Ahhhh .... that explains it then, you're way older than me.

At 60 I just want more babies.

Don't care about her having an orgasm, I'm not paying her to enjoy herself.

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For me it is about warm weather, being in a country where you feel more free and the country itself is alive.

I am currently back in Australia doing some work, it is boring and very overpriced.

I am not a sex pat just happily married and content where I am at.

Good to know but sadly you are in the minority.

No, he isn't in the minority, his wife is Thai.

Never understood guys who marry a Thai then claim they aren't sexpats.

It's the same game, just a longer contract.

The only guys who can legitimately claim not to be sexpats, are those married to a woman born in their own country.

So an Englishman married to a German wife, with the pair of them living in Thailand, is a sexpat?

Would he still be a sexpat if the pair of them lived on the Amalfi Coast during the summer months?

Is there anywhere they could live where he would not be a sexpat?

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Umm..., what was the question ?
I don't really fit the mould.., but for what it's worth..., I originally got off the plane in 1973 at DM airport looking for adventure and some remote S/E Asian waves..., it's a habit that's now welded on. I've returned many times over the years always using LOS as a convenient base hub while away from the roaring 40's down under winters of the home farm..., unless things gets much worse I will always call Australia home.
Why Thailand..., I come here for the weather (of course) and the 'quality but nonetheless cheaper' dental treatment and I love Asian food generally - I really love learning a new recipe or 2. I appreciate that my $'s go much further in Thailand.., and yes I am a red blooded male so I do on occasions, pay for and mindfully enjoy the company of selected Thai women...., as respectfully as I can manage within a client/service provider relationship. Those who choose to sit in the rarified air of the moral high ground will no doubt choose to judge..., the reality is there is always a cost !
\Also, despite what many people choose to believe, I think the majority of Thai people are generally warm, friendly and yes, honest...., people seeking to take something from you can happen anywhere around the globe..., so wherever I am..., I take personal responsibility for my own security..., mentally, physically and emotionally.
I greatly enjoy my time in and around Thailand..., albeit between late April through till Sept every year.
Retire there ?...., don't think so.wai.gif

Edited by Sandy Freckle
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Why aren't older farang ladies flocking to Thailand to enjoy all these benefits the article describes too?

They tend to go to Indonesia, Greece, Morocco, The Gambia and Jamaica for their 'groove' as the feminists call it, where blokes who come to Thailand/SEAsia are 'dirty, desperate old men'......

Excuse me but I wash often and I'm not desperate..., yet.

I just have an occasional hankering for the poon tang !


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