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Brussels Zaventem airport rocked by two explosions


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Every single attack comes from one ideology, Islam

I'm with Trump keep them out and if necessary revoke any passports of those who are suspects, especially in the EU.

Enough is enough, let them go and blow themselves up in the desert, so we can join them in their celebrations!!

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Every single attack comes from one ideology, Islam

I'm with Trump keep them out and if necessary revoke any passports of those who are suspects, especially in the EU.

Enough is enough, let them go and blow themselves up in the desert, so we can join them in their celebrations!!

Islamic terrorism became a threat after the cold war ended. Until the end of the cold war the west used Jihadism for their benefit against the Eastern bloc, but after soviet union collapsed, all the jihadist contractors became unemployed overnight.

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Ahhh...the heart of democracy of the EU, so opened minded that brains fell off...

Inappropriate comment. We don't know the state of injuries.

Kindly clear off if you are going to spew bile

It is nauseating, isn't it - the smoke is still not clear, but the zealots are already trying to score cheap points.

There is no cheap points to be gained in terrorism or terrorist activities.

Perhaps you and others should appreciate that there are some people on this forum that have a degree of expertise when it comes to terrorism.

That would be them that you are quick to label zealots, the very same ones that have been posting warning after warning that terrorism is only going to increase.

RIP to those that have died and a speedy recovery to those that were injured.

Perhaps you and others should appreciate that there are some people on this forum that have a degree of expertise when it comes to terrorism.

What a joke!

From the comfort of their chair?

The comment from Trogers is just a pure trolling thing and he is probably now drinking some beer...."degree of expertise"....my arse

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Every single attack comes from one ideology, Islam

I'm with Trump keep them out and if necessary revoke any passports of those who are suspects, especially in the EU.

Enough is enough, let them go and blow themselves up in the desert, so we can join them in their celebrations!!

if you are with Trump, move to USA!

just because pervert sects like ISIS bombed somewhere, all muslim does not mean bad people!

or it does not mean you can discriminate them or revoke their passport and send them where?

if you are not happy with muslim, you can move to mars. bc they are everywhere and with such words, you just inviting more bombs!

hatred brings hatred!

Edited by Galactus
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And it was just the other day the Dailymail ran a report that the UK authorities were making contingency preparations for dealing with up to 10 simultaneous terrorist attacks, but of course that would be scaremongering.

P.s Europe is infested, they need urgently to implement Trump's immigration policy, pending mass deportations.

please post your racist remarks elsewhere, what you wrote is off topic and directing this terrorism to somewhere else. what you ask is ethnic cleansing nothing else!

or maybe they send all those muslim to Palestine? you deport them and they will turn back as more bombs or more problems for Israel basically more radical muslims.

please think straight a bit and dotn be this short sighted.

Of course "wacist" comment must not be tolerated !

What is your solution to the Muslim terror problem ?

Do you want Europe to become part of the Worldwide Caliphate?

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Trump is not a hypocrite like western leaders. He is not just agaisnt islamic terrorism, he is against all forms of terrorism. He doesn't distinguish terrorists based on their ideology. I as a secular muslim adore him. He should be the next president, the world has had enough of radical ideologies.

Edited by ChimeIn
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Every single attack comes from one ideology, Islam

I'm with Trump keep them out and if necessary revoke any passports of those who are suspects, especially in the EU.

Enough is enough, let them go and blow themselves up in the desert, so we can join them in their celebrations!!

Brussels airport is an international airport. The press didn't release any feedback concerning the age, identities and/or religion from the terrorists and the victims.

The bomb locations in the airport let us know that no specific group or airline was targeted. One in the subfloor train station, another one next to the main elevator, close to the lugage wrapping service counter.


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Listen that scumbag that planned the paris Masscres was arrested 100 ft or meters FROM HIS PARENTS HOME in a Muslim area where he has been hiding IT IS VERY CLEAR the community are hiding these terrorists and are just as guilty as the shooter and terrorists and if these bombers come from the same area I hope the idigious people of Belgium rise up and make them pay.

jup hiding. jup some people (close family, friends) surely knew. nope, not the whole community knew unless u are psychic and also know what colour my briefs are.

idigious people of Belgium... oh boy... please define idigious (sic) people of Belgium ? french speaking, flemish speaking, german speaking, with dutch ancestry, italian roots, jewish roots, spanish roots, mixed ???

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How the hell did they smuggle bombs inside an airport. If this happened in Thailand all barstool investigators here would be mocking the Thai police and calling Thailand a 3rd world country. I guess Thailand is much safer than Europe.

The majority of airports around the world are soft targets prior to check-in and security.

Generally, the departure areas are largely unrestricted and unchecked as passengers queue to check-in.

I've been wondering about this for years. Why not plant bombs before the security area or even carry one in on those long crowded lines where people are going through security. Now, we'll see security perimeters around airports proper, just like in Thailand's south.

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And it was just the other day the Dailymail ran a report that the UK authorities were making contingency preparations for dealing with up to 10 simultaneous terrorist attacks, but of course that would be scaremongering.

P.s Europe is infested, they need urgently to implement Trump's immigration policy, pending mass deportations.

please post your racist remarks elsewhere, what you wrote is off topic and directing this terrorism to somewhere else. what you ask is ethnic cleansing nothing else!

or maybe they send all those muslim to Palestine? you deport them and they will turn back as more bombs or more problems for Israel basically more radical muslims.

please think straight a bit and dotn be this short sighted.

Of course "wacist" comment must not be tolerated !

What is your solution to the Muslim terror problem ?

Do you want Europe to become part of the Worldwide Caliphate?

nope, i dont want europe turn out to be muslim caliphate. i might have to live there later on and dont want to see bigotry and blood.

and i dont fancy devout muslims much too but i cannot discriminate them or revoke their passport. or i defend them if they are discriminated.

solution: no solution now. you cannot deport them or camp them otherwise you become a nazi.

it was a big big mistake to get that many muslim people as cheap work for by some money monger factory and mine owners and profit hunters many decades ago. If i was European, i did not allow this half a century ago so damn your politicians and rule makers that times.

Now, all can be done is making those muslims integrate fast fast and ban fascist discriminating politicians in Europe (Le Pen or Geert Wilders) bringing hatred and moving communities far from each other.

there are many normal muslims there in Europe too.

other solution, send European armies to middle east and exterminate and bash all ISIS! If it was done 5 years ago, no migration now and no ISIS. damn your politicians in Europe!

Edited by Galactus
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How the hell did they smuggle bombs inside an airport. If this happened in Thailand all barstool investigators here would be mocking the Thai police and calling Thailand a 3rd world country. I guess Thailand is much safer than Europe.

It is trust me. I am a belgian citizen and the main reason i decided to move to Thailand is because it is much safer compared to Brussels. You dont want to live in Brussels, the "capital of europe" at the moment. So much tension, frustration and hate. Its very sad but we all know why it came so far. :(
And I remember talking to my work colleagues about the nasty Waycist Vlams bloc back in the 90's, I asked how it was possible for a far right party to be so popular in Flanders? They politely smiled and shook their heads.

Now I'd like to ask the politicians in the Berlaymont how their plans for Eurabia are working out for them?

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Time to take our homelands back............This shit will never stop all the time WE bend over.......

i'm sure the native americans think the same thing ... coffee1.gif

All the Americas, whether north or south have European influx. Australia, New Zealand, you name it, just to live a life........This lot are killing for one reason only, which I do not have to post..

the muslims in my quarter, yes i live surrounded by them, live a life too, working, feeding children, eating and sh*tting just like u and me. they mean no harm. there's a serious problem with radical pyscho muslims, true, but out of 22% of the world population, muslims (1,5 billion), how many blow themselves up in airports ? coffee1.gif

how many? Enough, it seems. This isn't their first attack, you know.

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Trump is not a hypocrite like western leaders. He is not just agaisnt islamic terrorism, he is against all forms of terrorism. He doesn't distinguish terrorists based on their ideology. I as a secular muslim adore him. He should be the next president, the world has had enough of radical ideologies.

"I as a secular muslim"

You should take great care about where you announce that !

Many of the "Bothers & Sisters" would be very happy to denounce you as an "unbeliever". Which in many parts of the Muslim world results in death

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Post Removed - from all the same Posters - for all the Same Reasons - Troll / Flaming / Racist / Off Topic / Derogatory / -

Read the Moderator comment above - 30 day Suspensions handed out - Post in a Polite, Respectful manner or receive one yourself

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Every single attack comes from one ideology, Islam

I'm with Trump keep them out and if necessary revoke any passports of those who are suspects, especially in the EU.

Enough is enough, let them go and blow themselves up in the desert, so we can join them in their celebrations!!

if you are with Trump, move to USA!

just because pervert sects like ISIS bombed somewhere, all muslim does not mean bad people!

or it does not mean you can discriminate them or revoke their passport and send them where?

if you are not happy with muslim, you can move to mars. bc they are everywhere and with such words, you just inviting more bombs!

hatred brings hatred!

Doesn't matter where you move these scum find the tiniest crevice to cause carnage.

I do not want to be anywhere near a Muslim, that's my human right isn't it?

I don't give a shi-ite where they are sent as long as it's a long way from me.

Move to Mars, what a sensible retort. laugh.png

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How the hell did they smuggle bombs inside an airport. If this happened in Thailand all barstool investigators here would be mocking the Thai police and calling Thailand a 3rd world country. I guess Thailand is much safer than Europe.

Suicide bomber, you know that vest Abdeslam threw away when running scared out of Paris? That's a suicide vest. Edited by tartempion
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Ahhh...the heart of democracy of the EU, so opened minded that brains fell off...

Inappropriate comment. We don't know the state of injuries.

Kindly clear off if you are going to spew bile

It is nauseating, isn't it - the smoke is still not clear, but the zealots are already trying to score cheap points.

There is no cheap points to be gained in terrorism or terrorist activities.

Perhaps you and others should appreciate that there are some people on this forum that have a degree of expertise when it comes to terrorism.

That would be them that you are quick to label zealots, the very same ones that have been posting warning after warning that terrorism is only going to increase.

RIP to those that have died and a speedy recovery to those that were injured.

Perhaps you and others should appreciate that there are some people on this forum that have a degree of expertise when it comes to terrorism.

What a joke!

From the comfort of their chair?

The comment from Trogers is just a pure trolling thing and he is probably now drinking some beer...."degree of expertise"....my arse

Naahh...such acts are not terrorism. Just acts of tantrums from unhappy voters...

A quick election would bring peace back for another couple of years...

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Just waiting to hear now that is was a one off attack from out of the blue that nobody could have seen coming, etc etc...

And the bombers no doubt seemed like just such nice, polite people who you would never expect to do something like this.

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Every single attack comes from one ideology, Islam

I'm with Trump keep them out and if necessary revoke any passports of those who are suspects, especially in the EU.

Enough is enough, let them go and blow themselves up in the desert, so we can join them in their celebrations!!

if you are with Trump, move to USA!

just because pervert sects like ISIS bombed somewhere, all muslim does not mean bad people!

or it does not mean you can discriminate them or revoke their passport and send them where?

if you are not happy with muslim, you can move to mars. bc they are everywhere and with such words, you just inviting more bombs!

hatred brings hatred!

Doesn't matter where you move these scum find the tiniest crevice to cause carnage.

I do not want to be anywhere near a Muslim, that's my human right isn't it?

I don't give a shi-ite where they are sent as long as it's a long way from me.

Move to Mars, what a sensible retort. laugh.png

i can understand your trauma and fear.

but ethnic cleansing or extreme measures like camping them or killing them etc will never work and these measures will just bring more bombs and result on more muslim radicals.

and you know, how you understand a muslim? so when a muslim sits next to you, you always understand? how? i really wonder.

and at the end, you give a s..ite or not, you cannot choose to live away from muslim. some muslim guy can buy the house next to you tomorrow. even in Thailand where 10 percent of population is muslim!

so yes, only solution for you being away from muslim is moving to mars or moving to a cave in himalayas.

Edited by Galactus
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This would appear to be yet another well planned terrorist attack.

The Politicians should be held accountable for their "open door policies" which have allowed these fanatics into Europe.

Those who dared voice concern where labeled as being "wacist" but it seems the concern was well placed.


small correction !

When you export war and weapons, don't be surprised to import refugees and terrorists.

The open door policies wouldn't happen if we didn t mess with Syria, Libya, Irak,....

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