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Rainsy Manipulated Facebook Information: Minister

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Khmer Times / May Titthara

Senior Cambodian People’s Party minister Som Soeun, who is suing opposition leader Sam Rainsy for accusing Prime Minister Hun Sen of using fake accounts to boost the number of likes on his Facebook page, claimed yesterday that the opposition leader was manipulating information. Mr. Rainsy posted messages attributed to Mr. Soeun that had been allegedly posted by another government official over the dissemination and liking of the premier’s Facebook page.

He also alleged that a significant portion of the premier’s likes were bought from poverty-stricken places abroad, claims which an independent analysis conducted by the BBC supports. According to the study, 43 percent of Mr. Hun Sen’s likes came from abroad, with the majority from India, Thailand, the Philippines and Vietnam.

read more: http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/23141/rainsy-manipulated-facebook-information--minister/

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