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The Benefits Of Marrying A Prostitute?


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What is it about the Hua Hin/Cha Am area that produces this redneck attitude? Maybe in the water? :D[/QUOTE]

Hmm. suprising. This phenomenom may be in the water, however I believe it is imported and more likely comes from years of inbreeding.


By successfully mating with a Thai BG the wicked trend can be broken.

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i've just read some of erco's previous postings, he has a thing about bar girls just as goosethai did. not only that but he misspelt "course" as coarse, just as goosethai did in one of his posts. both from hua-hin/cha-am as well.

i reckon they are one and the same person. on the wind up.

Ai, ai, Sherlock.

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What is a prostitute?

Definition please,...?


Prostitute n.

1. One who solicits and accepts payment for sex acts.

2. One who sells one's abilities, talent, or name for an unworthy purpose.

Time you got a dictionary ;-)

There you'll find interesting words suitable for Erco like:

Snob n.

1. One who tends to patronize, rebuff, or ignore people regarded as social inferiors and imitate, admire, or seek association with people regarded as social superiors.

2. One who affects an offensive air of self-satisfied superiority in matters of taste or intellect.

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What is a prostitute?

Definition please,...?


Prostitute n.

1. One who solicits and accepts payment for sex acts.

2. One who sells one's abilities, talent, or name for an unworthy purpose.

Time you got a dictionary ;-)

There you'll find interesting words suitable for Erco like:

Snob n.

1. One who tends to patronize, rebuff, or ignore people regarded as social inferiors and imitate, admire, or seek association with people regarded as social superiors.

2. One who affects an offensive air of self-satisfied superiority in matters of taste or intellect.

Surely you are too young for that stuff bro? :o

Judging by your avatar

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What is a prostitute?

Definition please,...?

And how do we "define" men who go with prostitutes?

Any definition available?

Hmmm, time to sleep, getting stupid again,...

Can't really say, what is a prostitute.

Perhaps a girl who figures all her options and marries the guy who offer her a financial secure future?

4-500 years ago the king of ......-country sent his daughter to the neighboring king, so she could marry the prince and the two countries be united. Berlieve that was prostitution.

Give me a break guys. Gals or guys are looking forward to get married and, hopefully, stay secure. Love is lovely, but what does your partner think if you cannot offer support. I believe that is prostitution.

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What is a prostitute?

Definition please,...?

And how do we "define" men who go with prostitutes?

Any definition available?

Hmmm, time to sleep, getting stupid again,...

Can't really say, what is a prostitute.

Perhaps a girl who figures all her options and marries the guy who offer her a financial secure future?

4-500 years ago the king of ......-country sent his daughter to the neighboring king, so she could marry the prince and the two countries be united. Berlieve that was prostitution.

Give me a break guys. Gals or guys are looking forward to get married and, hopefully, stay secure. Love is lovely, but what does your partner think if you cannot offer support. I believe that is prostitution.

Isn't a prostitute a person in the holesale trade ? :o

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Thai men will not have anything to do with prostitutes in public so the avenue of marriage is not there.

I worked at a paper mill at Tathoom near prachinburi. Every day I saw thai men dropping the wifes off to work as BG's at a little bar right outside the mill. They were happy to let there wife sleep with a farang for the money. So I would have to say you statement is a load of crap. Alot like most of your posts.

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Thai men will not have anything to do with prostitutes in public so the avenue of marriage is not there.

Every day I saw thai men dropping the wifes off to work as BG's at a little bar right outside the mill.

Were they husbands or lovers (or pimps)? There is a difference between husbands and lovers.

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Isn;t there a few different levels of "prostitute" in this country? Maybe... There's the desperate street girls trying to support kids as a single Mom... the bar girls look down on them. The BG's, some good some bad are either looking for quick cash or security, a quick f### or a boyfriend. If they;re looking for a B-friend maybe they have to go through a few (or many) failed attempts. Then there's the go-go girls who look down on the bar girls 'cause they earn more. Then there are the girls who hang out in "straight" nightclubs often looking for a boyfriend, there are the massage parlour girls who would never set foot in a bar, there are the daughters a rich Thais looking for a rich husband who will supply Mercedes Benz.... They're all hookers in one way or an other....... Sorry if I offend

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So please tell me why a normal educated person would marry a prostitute.

Erco, have you not seen Pretty Woman?! Richard Gere is normaly an educated person, except when it comes to gerbils* Julia Roberts wanted the dream.....and she got it

You strike me as the kind of greasy monkey p.a that Gere would have need to punch towards the end of a film. [this italic button is winners]

* Urban Legend

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I'll tell you why:

Even a BG has a much better understanding of men than the most educated and sophisticated Western woman. They actually deliver on the deal.

Listen to a group of Western women gossip and it's pretty difficult to draw a distinction between prostitute and girlfriend. They compare restaurants, gifts, the kind of car he drives, etc. Bottom line is that it's about money. The only question is where one draws the line between gold digger and prostitute.

Nobody asks that balding and overweight doctor how he can fall in love with that super-hot model who is half his age. Isn't that the same thing as a middle class Western guy coming to the LOS and meeting a knockout prostitute and falling in love? Regardless of how big his ego is, the doctor knows that he wouldn't be scoring a woman like that if he was bagging groceries at the local supermarket. And the middle class Western dude knows that he could never meet a woman like that back home.

To some degree, that's why I always find it a complete joke when you see some Western woman get angry that men in a higher socio-economic class aren't interested in dating them. Think about it . . . they want to be treated as an equal when they're obviously not (on a socio-economic scale) but the hot receptionist gets it and is willing to trade down in looks in order to trade up in socio-economic status.

But what about L O V E ?? Love is what people think it is. To a guy who's been treated like dirt by Western women all his life, a woman who treats him like a king despite the fact she's only with him for his money may be the closest thing to love he's ever known. ######, take a guy who's had a girlfriend or wife leave him because he's only a mediocre wage earner and the distinction between love and prostitution only becomes that much more cloudy.

Now before I sound too much like a Western woman hater, I'm not. We all shape our world views based on our individual experiences and all I'm trying to do is point out why some men might be willing to overlook a woman being a prostitute. Let's just be honest though, an average guy earning an average wage in the West is far less likely to receive the affections of a drop-dead beautiful woman who treats him like a king in the US than he is in Thailand. And if that's what he's looking for, if that's what he considers "love" then a Thai BG is far more likely to provide that experience than an average Western woman. Personally, I'm looking for something deeper than that but, believe me, making poor choices in love interests is not exclusive to Western men in Thailand. Plenty of men make poor choices right here in the West.

Like I said, love is what you think it is. :o

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Erco.. In answer to yer question - I married my little hoe coz no other woman would marry me, let alone talk to me or let me **** her.

I mean, before getting to thailand I hadnt had sex for 5 years and upon my arrival all these girls a quarter of my age (appologies to those who are married to women who are young enough to be there daughters and not grandchildren) wanted sex with me, and all I had to do was pay the bar where she worked £3 so she could finish early, then give her £8 the next day because her mother was sick (or thats what I told myself anyway)

It was love @ first sight she just looked so attractive, intelligent, sophisticated dancing round that poll.

I knew I was in an exclusive relationship and that she really loved me because she had split up with her last boyfriend way more than 24hrs ago, and the one before that 4 days ago, and before that 6 days ago, and before that 9 days ago, and before that 14 days ago, this was as far back as she went, she said she had lost contact with the rest a long time ago and that she wasnt on the rebound or anything. She loved them all to the bottom of her heart, its just didnt work out apparently.

BUT, she loved me now, so we got married! :o

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I look at it this way:

A man's wife, is a man's wife and if you believe in marriage then you should support them as a couple.

I wouldn't marry a prostitute, I would advise anyone who me asked for advice, not to marry a prostitute, but if a friend of mine marries a prostitute then she is my friends wife and I'll let him worry about what she was before.

Analogies to western women and prostitutes are uncalled for, they are poorly argued and are based on the exact same kind of generalizations implicit in the opening post.

If you asked me why I advise guys not to marry Thai prostitutes, it isn't because I regard them as bad people, rather I know that Thai prostitutes make their money by manipulation rather than by merely turning tricks.

The old addage, you can take a girl out of a bar, but you can't take the bar out of the girl, runs too true and it's consequences are too often revealed here and on many other Thailand websites for the warning to be ignored.

But like I say, a man's wife is a man's wife.

And I'll be the first to help any married couple along the road they travel together, its never easy and it ALWAYS deserves respect.

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I ought to add, I'll also be the last to throw stones at anyone elses marriage, its hard enough to keep a marriage together these days, and anyone who does do deserves respect, no matter who they are or where they are from.

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Thai men will not have anything to do with prostitutes in public so the avenue of marriage is not there.

Every day I saw thai men dropping the wifes off to work as BG's at a little bar right outside the mill.

Were they husbands or lovers (or pimps)? There is a difference between husbands and lovers.

The BG's told my wife that they were their husbands. Some of them wanted their wife's to marry a farang so they could send money back to Thailand and support them. One of the farang I worked with there brought the BG back to our hotel and we had breakfast with them and that when the BG told my wife she was married and had 3 kids. The poor farang bought her 2 baht gold necklace after one nite.

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Listen to a group of Western women gossip and it's pretty difficult to draw a distinction between prostitute and girlfriend. They compare restaurants, gifts, the kind of car he drives, etc. Bottom line is that it's about money.

Finally, I got it.

Prostitutes sell their body, non prostitutes just rent it out,...

Thanks Neenthewiser and Digibum for the english lesson,... :o

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One girl was a prostitute who didn't usually sleep with customers, but she worked in a go-go bar.

Baw ha ha ha ha ah ahahahahhahahhahahahahahhahahahah!

Whew, that was a good one!

I also laughed so hard when the former love of my life told me exactly the same story. I just thought to myself, "Yeah, right. And you're George Clooney, honey!"

Well, even though I hated what some of them did - like.. when some BGs shouted out "Hello Hansum man!" from across the street while I was walking back to the hotel with my then partner (it was 2am and they had no customers. So, I forgave them!), but I think erco is a scum. I wouldn't recommend anyone to marry a BG or ex BG. But if one did, so what? Each to his own. After all, it's their decision and it's their live. Better mind your own business, erco.

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I wouldn't recommend anyone to marry a BG or ex BG. But if one did, so what? Each to his own. After all, it's their decision and it's their live.

And if you indeed marry her, take your time before taking the decision, like you should do with any other girl,...

Back to my favourite English writer:

One should always be in love - that's why one should never get married. Oscar Wilde.
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And if you indeed marry her, take your time before taking the decision, like you should do with any other girl,...

Exactly, BC. BG.. non BG.. Asian.. Farang.. whoever she/he is, you need to take some time to get to know the person, and then make the decision. As long as one is happy with their decision, why would we (or just erco?) make a big deal out of it?

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One should always be in love - that's why one should never get married. Oscar Wilde.

So true, but I prefer Confucius:

"Marriage is a three-ring circus:

Engagement-ring, wedding-ring, suffering" :o

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Marriage should never be taken lightly....you marry a person for who they are, not what they did in their past. I think people like Erco are missing the point that it's not like the lad doesn't know what a BG did-everything is in the open. Besides a BG is human like anyone else why shouldn't they be afforded the same opportunity to find love as any other woman?

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