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Scottish police investigate killing of Muslim shopkeeper


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The metro being a Londonistan publication obviously has to be aware of that demographic.

More research needed!

The Metro may have started out as a London paper, but is now, and has been for many years, available in, and at many commuter stations serving, Birmingham, Brighton, Bristol, Cardiff, Derby, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, London, Manchester, Nottingham, Newcastle, Sheffield and Norwich.

Nice try, but like Sgt Rock and his absurd claim that the Not In My Name campaign was merely a Twitter account in North Carolina, had you done even a cursory Google search you'd have avoided looking like an ignorant fool.

BTW, The London Evening Standard, also owned by the same people as the Daily Mail, is also very similar to the Daily Mail in it's politics.

As a side note if you fret obsessively about sources you are in danger of not seeing the wood for the trees.

It is you who frets obsessively over sources, labelling as you do every source which proves you wrong as leftie PC apologists or similar!

I merely pointed out that both left wing and right wing sources have questioned the veracity of the poll used in Phillips' programme.

But for more on that, see my post in Britain's Cultural problem.

There is a real problem in the UK where 5 alleged terrorists, linked to the Paris and Brussels atrocities, were arrested recently !

It would seem these 'nice" Muslims were being sheltered within the Muslim ghettos of Birmingham.

People should realise that were it not for the skill and dedication of the UK's security forces the evil intent of those 'nice' Muslims would be unleashed upon innocents. It is frightening to be aware that the extremist only needs to get lucky once.

Clearly not all Muslim are terrorists but those who are not are scared (in the main) to break ranks and actively oppose/expose the extremists.

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The metro being a Londonistan publication obviously has to be aware of that demographic.

More research needed!

The Metro may have started out as a London paper, but is now, and has been for many years, available in, and at many commuter stations serving, Birmingham, Brighton, Bristol, Cardiff, Derby, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, London, Manchester, Nottingham, Newcastle, Sheffield and Norwich.

Nice try, but like Sgt Rock and his absurd claim that the Not In My Name campaign was merely a Twitter account in North Carolina, had you done even a cursory Google search you'd have avoided looking like an ignorant fool.

BTW, The London Evening Standard, also owned by the same people as the Daily Mail, is also very similar to the Daily Mail in it's politics.

As a side note if you fret obsessively about sources you are in danger of not seeing the wood for the trees.

It is you who frets obsessively over sources, labelling as you do every source which proves you wrong as leftie PC apologists or similar!

I merely pointed out that both left wing and right wing sources have questioned the veracity of the poll used in Phillips' programme.

But for more on that, see my post in Britain's Cultural problem.

Nit-picking minutiae, several of the cities you mentioned where the Metro is available are culturally enriched, not least Birmingham where five have been arrested over possible links to European terror attacks and approx 21% of the population are Muslim, so the entire city would have qualified for the poll.

I see you have no answer to my point that Trevor Philips has had such a dramatic road to Damascus style conversion in his attitude to Muslim assimilation.

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It is true that terrorists hide out in communities where they will be less noticeable.

When the IRA was carrying out it's bombing campaign in Britain the terrorists hid in Irish communities.

Now Muslim terrorists hide in Muslim communities.

That does not mean that community supports them and wont report them; the security services get the intelligence they need to find and arrest them from various sources, one of which is the local community.

After all, the survey for Phillips' programme, despite mainly asking conservative, orthodox Muslims, found that if respondents discovered someone was thinking about engaging in terrorist activities 34 per cent said they would immediately report it to the police, 46 per cent said they would talk to the person directly about it to dissuade them, and 37 per cent said they would look for help elsewhere.

BTW, Steely Dan, anyone who has actually watched the programme will know that Philips' 'conversion' is not as Damascene as you are trying to make out!

But, as said, I believe discussion of that programme is better suited here and so will not be responding to any further comments on it in this topic, which is supposed to be a topic about the brutal murder of a good and kind man.

Even though the usual suspects have yet again turned it into the usual anti Muslim hate fest!

Including desperate attempts to 'prove' a paper they have almost certainly never read as it doesn't reach Thailand, and probably had never even heard of until I linked to it, is pro Islamic extremism!

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The metro being a Londonistan publication obviously has to be aware of that demographic.

More research needed!

The Metro may have started out as a London paper, but is now, and has been for many years, available in, and at many commuter stations serving, Birmingham, Brighton, Bristol, Cardiff, Derby, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, London, Manchester, Nottingham, Newcastle, Sheffield and Norwich.

Nice try, but like Sgt Rock and his absurd claim that the Not In My Name campaign was merely a Twitter account in North Carolina, had you done even a cursory Google search you'd have avoided looking like an ignorant fool.

BTW, The London Evening Standard, also owned by the same people as the Daily Mail, is also very similar to the Daily Mail in it's politics.

As a side note if you fret obsessively about sources you are in danger of not seeing the wood for the trees.

It is you who frets obsessively over sources, labelling as you do every source which proves you wrong as leftie PC apologists or similar!

I merely pointed out that both left wing and right wing sources have questioned the veracity of the poll used in Phillips' programme.

But for more on that, see my post in Britain's Cultural problem.

There is a real problem in the UK where 5 alleged terrorists, linked to the Paris and Brussels atrocities, were arrested recently !

It would seem these 'nice" Muslims were being sheltered within the Muslim ghettos of Birmingham.

People should realise that were it not for the skill and dedication of the UK's security forces the evil intent of those 'nice' Muslims would be unleashed upon innocents. It is frightening to be aware that the extremist only needs to get lucky once.

Clearly not all Muslim are terrorists but those who are not are scared (in the main) to break ranks and actively oppose/expose the extremists.

Wonder how many millions it costs to have the UK's security services constantly monitoring these threats to prevent further attacks?

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Scottish Muslim groups fail to attend Ahmadi anti-extremism event

Ahmadi Muslims in Scotland have launched an anti-extremism campaign following the death of the Glasgow shopkeeper Asad Shah, despite the failure of other prominent Muslims to attend the event.

Representatives of the Glasgow Central Mosque and the Muslim Council of Scotland were invited to attend the launch alongside other faith groups, but the Guardian understands that both sent their apologies at the last minute.


Speaks volumes.

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Wonder how many millions it costs to have the UK's security services constantly monitoring these threats to prevent further attacks?

Good point, on a risk/reward or cost/benefit basis it doesn't look god. Their cost to the country = billions, their benefit to the country = absolutely zero

Remind me again why we are in such a stampede to import more and more?

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As a follow on to my above post. This from the times.

Muslim chaplains appointed by the Ministry of Justice routinely distribute Islamist hate literature in British prisons, a leaked report has found.

The review, ordered last year by Michael Gove, found extremist pamphlets and CDs in more than ten jails in November. It uncovered misogynistic and homophobic leaflets, hate tracts encouraging the murder of apostates and ultra-conservative Islamic literature preaching contempt for basic British values.

The material, some of it published in Saudi Arabia, was kept on bookshelves in prison chaplaincy rooms where it was available for anybody to come in and pick up, a Whitehall source said.


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  • 3 months later...
5 hours ago, katana said:

Asad Shah killing: 'Disrespecting Islam' murderer jailed for minimum of 27 years.
Continued: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-37021385


A rope or a bullet would have been a better sentence and sent out a strong message to these fcukwits



James Matthews, Sky News' Scotland Correspondent, said: "Inside court, a section of the public gallery was filled by supporters of Tanveer Ahmed.

"As he was led away from the dock he faced them, raised his hand to the air, and shouted in Arabic.

"One told Sky News he said: 'Muhammad is the prophet, he is the only one'. 

"They returned the sentiment, with a collective voice, as the killer was forced down stairs into the holding cells beneath court."




No doubt that these murderer supporting scumbags are just everyday moderate Muslims.

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10 minutes ago, SgtRock said:


A rope or a bullet would have been a better sentence and sent out a strong message to these fcukwits





No doubt that these murderer supporting scumbags are just everyday moderate Muslims.


One of the many tragedies in this case was that a man who showed that Islam (of whatever flavour) can live perfectly comfortably with other faiths lost his life for it. It is not Islam that is it the enemy, but the stone-age mentality of people like the killer and his supporters.

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7 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


One of the many tragedies in this case was that a man who showed that Islam (of whatever flavour) can live perfectly comfortably with other faiths lost his life for it. It is not Islam that is it the enemy, but the stone-age mentality of people like the killer and his supporters.


It is Islam that is still in the stone ages.


That stone age mentality is indoctrinated into the followers by the 5 x a day rug munching.


Thankfully there are Muslims in the world that have more than 2 brain cells and steer themselves clear of that indoctrination. Sadly, there is nowhere near enough of them.


Stop making excuses.

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Just now, SgtRock said:


It is Islam that is still in the stone ages.


That stone age mentality is indoctrinated into the followers by the 5 x a day rug munching.


Thankfully there are Muslims in the world that have more than 2 brain cells and steer themselves clear of that indoctrination. Sadly, there is nowhere near enough of them.


Stop making excuses.


Please point to the excuse so I can consider stopping.

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27 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


Please point to the excuse so I can consider stopping.


Try this



It is not Islam that is it the enemy, but the stone-age mentality of people like the killer and his supporters.


Where the flock do you think they get that stone age mentality ?


Rug munching and listening to illiterate elders who know nothing other than what is indoctrinated by a stone age religion called Islam.


In your myopic and apologetic view. It was nothing to do with Islam that someone jumped in their taxi, drove 200 odd miles to stab someone else to do death for '' Insulting the Prophet Muhammed ''


There go those West Yorkshire taxi drivers again. They seem to be severely stricken with stone age mentality disease.

Edited by SgtRock
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40 minutes ago, SgtRock said:


Try this



Where the flock do you think they get that stone age mentality ?


Rug munching and listening to illiterate elders who know nothing other than what is indoctrinated by a stone age religion called Islam.


In your myopic and apologetic view. It was nothing to do with Islam that someone jumped in their taxi, drove 200 odd miles to stab someone else to do death for '' Insulting the Prophet Muhammed ''


There go those West Yorkshire taxi drivers again. They seem to be severely stricken with stone age mentality disease.


Simple - I think they get the stone-age mentality from their cultural and ethnic backgrounds.


The bible calls for some pretty gruesome 'punishments' but in our supposedly enlightened society, we are able to contextualise those requirements and, in the main, do not enact them. By all accounts, Mr Shah was also integrated and enlightened - a pillar of the community and a tremendous ambassador for how the Muslim faith could thrive in a secular society.


However, if you want to continue to refuse (or fail?) to comprehend, go ahead. Your ignorance is not much different to those Bradford enclaves that are stuck in their tribal ways.

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Simple - I think they get the stone-age mentality from their cultural and ethnic backgrounds.


So simple it is just plain wrong. Explain what part of killing someone for '' Insulting the Prophet Mohammed '' has got anything to do with cultural or ethnic background ?



The bible calls for some pretty gruesome 'punishments' but in our supposedly enlightened society, we are able to contextualise those requirements and, in the main, do not enact them.


Your attempt at introducing the bible into a Muslim on Muslim killing is nothing but a red herring in an attempt to obfuscate and deflect. Epic fail.



However, if you want to continue to refuse (or fail?) to comprehend, go ahead. Your ignorance is not much different to those Bradford enclaves that are stuck in their tribal ways.


If you want to see someone who refuses, or fails to comprehend, or is just plain old ignorant,I would suggest that you go and look in a mirror.


Or we can just call a spade a spade and an apologist an apologist.

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18 minutes ago, SgtRock said:


So simple it is just plain wrong. Explain what part of killing someone for '' Insulting the Prophet Mohammed '' has got anything to do with cultural or ethnic background ?



Your attempt at introducing the bible into a Muslim on Muslim killing is nothing but a red herring in an attempt to obfuscate and deflect. Epic fail.



If you want to see someone who refuses, or fails to comprehend, or is just plain old ignorant,I would suggest that you go and look in a mirror.


Or we can just call a spade a spade and an apologist an apologist.


The aggression that you display every time you respond to someone with whom you disagree suggests some sort of deep seated insecurity - you should try and work on that. But until you resolve your personal issues, I think that there is no point discussing with you any further - can you please put me back on your ignore list? I was happy when you did that previously.

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2 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


The aggression that you display every time you respond to someone with whom you disagree suggests some sort of deep seated insecurity - you should try and work on that. But until you resolve your personal issues, I think that there is no point discussing with you any further - can you please put me back on your ignore list? I was happy when you did that previously.


If you see aggression in any of my posts on this thread you have led a very sheltered life.


If it offends you, perhaps you should avoid addressing that poster in the first place.


Otherwise, take time to reflect and do a bit of growing up.

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1 minute ago, SgtRock said:


If you see aggression in any of my posts on this thread you have led a very sheltered life.


If it offends you, perhaps you should avoid addressing that poster in the first place.


Otherwise, take time to reflect and do a bit of growing up.


The ability to debate a topic without the need to stoop ad hominem is, in my book, a sign of maturity.

But don't fear, you never caused me offence - I am merely trying to help you contribute your thoughts in a more constructive manner. 

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2 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


The ability to debate a topic without the need to stoop ad hominem is, in my book, a sign of maturity.

But don't fear, you never caused me offence - I am merely trying to help you contribute your thoughts in a more constructive manner. 


Ad Hominem attacks, could not an answer a question but you respond thus. 



The aggression that you display every time you respond to someone with whom you disagree suggests some sort of deep seated insecurity - you should try and work on that.


Pot and kettle springs to mind.


I wish you well in your attempt at growing up.

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1 hour ago, i claudius said:

What is just as terrible and worrying is the ones who cheered for him as he was taken off to prison , for every one like the poor guy who was killed ,there are thousands that are like the killer .


The TV footage of the killer's families leaving the court was sickening and incredibly disheartening but the genie is out of the bottle - the answer is not division and isolation.

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57 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


The TV footage of the killer's families leaving the court was sickening and incredibly disheartening but the genie is out of the bottle - the answer is not division and isolation.


It may be our answer but it certainly seems to be theirs .

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  • 4 weeks later...

Asad Shah killing: 'Disrespecting Islam' murderer to appeal sentence




It has now emerged that lawyers for Ahmed have lodged an appeal against his sentence.




Let the appeal go  ahead. When it fails, give the ambulance chasing scumbags 27 years up their hoop to keep the POS company.

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  • 5 months later...

Murderer Tanveer Ahmed inspires Pakistani hardliners from Scottish jail (01/03/17)
When Tanveer Ahmed was sentenced to a minimum of 27 years in jail for murder last August, Judge Lady Rae said he had committed a "brutal, barbaric and horrific crime".
...But in Pakistan, Ahmed is developing a growing number of supporters who see him as a "defender of Islam" for having killed someone they believed to be disrespecting the Prophet Muhammad...  
...Over the past few months a Facebook page ... has released a number of audio messages from Ahmed whilst in jail. The messages included Ahmed justifying his own actions - and repeating slogans that "the penalty for blasphemers is for their heads to be cut off.
Continued http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-39112840 (01/03/17)

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