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What's killing Americans in Thailand?


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You have some catching up to do with us Brits.

I agree.

It seems Brits are always in the News for getting lost, raped, killed or killing themselves in Thailand.

For reasons I have yet o figure out,

Brits excel in all fo the aforementioned categories.

Maybe they just take pride in being "Number one" ??

We Brits were last years Darwin award winners, but earlier this year there was a spate of Chinese deaths, fairly recently being overtaken by a series of French deaths.

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A lot of people falling off balconies ARE suicides.

Some of those are unintentional though - someone high on drugs, or drunk doesn't realise that the level of the balcony railing is below their centre of gravity when they lean against it. (Seriously - if you don't want to go over the railing - from a condo you own - get the railing raised to a height above your centre of gravity so that it has to be intentional...)

And then there's the traffic... - which tends to kill Thais as well.

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One small point I would add, is that if you are in a high-density tourist area (anywhere in the world) you may start to feel a slight loss of identity. You may be treated very kindly, and all your needs catered for. But the feeling is that you are being processed, you are walking the same path that everyone walks. You are a sort of product, an essential tourist thing being pushed into a system. So even though you are essential, you are still a tourist thing. Also, in many tourist hotspots, there is often a sense of hurry, of being moved onwards very fast, it is very hectic and busy. This contrasts with what I personally like about visiting new places, which is relaxing and taking things slowly.

For most people, this is fine, we are very happy to support the tourism industry and the local businesses, and we are thick-skinned enough to remember that underneath the 'tourist' label, we are a real person too. A person with unique characteristics, and a personality that may not match all the cookie-cutter activities on offer, or subscribe to the hectic hurry of a holiday schedule.

For anybody who already has identity issues, or mental-health issues such as depression, I think the perception of undergoing a transition from a person to a product, may be a lot harder to cope with.

And again this is a global factor, it is not a Thailand factor. For decades people have tried to take holidays worldwide and go "off the beaten path" and to avoid the uniformity of the tourist areas, where everyone is encouraged to take an interest in the same activities, places or products. Many people broke away from all that, and tried to go their own way on unusual holiday treks etc., and I believe it is partly to retain their very important sense of self-identity, without which even the most well-balanced person could find themselves losing touch with reality.

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Whats killing Americans in Thailand?

Drink/drugs, low balconies, greedy wifes/girlfriends, old age.

The same things that are killing many farangs here.

With suicides, drugs/drink and motorbike accidents causing most of the deaths we can conclude that they are a big danger to themselves.[/quote)

I think Pattaya is a great place to die if your an Exit fan or plan on seeing the sights at 500 miles an hour after supposidely short changing some little runt who reckons you owe him and 20 of his mates 4,000 baht for a 500 metre trip. Inviting psycho sluts back is another great laugh once they call some back-up to collect funds for services rendered. These lethal midgets pledge to take you for free flying lessons and don't even offer any crash helmets if you refuse to pay.

It's Suicide Heaven with lovely verandas for take off and great views on the way down. Occasionally tourists tend to stab themselves in the back a few times after repeatedly shooting themselves in the back of the head with a rifle just to make sure it's done right.

Tourists visiting Pattaya can always guarantee to travel light on the way home with one of their friends in an urn. I heard some street traders are doing a roaring trade on bullet proof T-Shirts & Shorts it's the new fad it seems.

Yeah' great place to visit with a one way ticket !!

I have a feeling such posts are written by people who have never visited Pattaya, probably too scared. But if they have visited Pattaya and this is how they view it they are suffering from delusions.

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Interesting how the view changes so quickly, two weeks ago a small team of posters were adamant that murder was the number one cause, there were people being murdered daily and all those balcony jumpers were really, yes you guessed it, murder victims, funny.

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Whats killing Americans in Thailand?

Drink/drugs, low balconies, greedy wifes/girlfriends, old age.

The same things that are killing many farangs here.

With suicides, drugs/drink and motorbike accidents causing most of the deaths we can conclude that they are a big danger to themselves.[/quote)

I think Pattaya is a great place to die if your an Exit fan or plan on seeing the sights at 500 miles an hour after supposidely short changing some little runt who reckons you owe him and 20 of his mates 4,000 baht for a 500 metre trip. Inviting psycho sluts back is another great laugh once they call some back-up to collect funds for services rendered. These lethal midgets pledge to take you for free flying lessons and don't even offer any crash helmets if you refuse to pay.

It's Suicide Heaven with lovely verandas for take off and great views on the way down. Occasionally tourists tend to stab themselves in the back a few times after repeatedly shooting themselves in the back of the head with a rifle just to make sure it's done right.

Tourists visiting Pattaya can always guarantee to travel light on the way home with one of their friends in an urn. I heard some street traders are doing a roaring trade on bullet proof T-Shirts & Shorts it's the new fad it seems.

Yeah' great place to visit with a one way ticket !!

I have a feeling such posts are written by people who have never visited Pattaya, probably too scared. But if they have visited Pattaya and this is how they view it they are suffering from delusions.

55555555, delusions. I think you are the one with delusions.

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