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Brussels mayor deplores 'hooligans' who disrupted Place de la Bourse


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Brussels mayor deplores ‘hooligans’ who disrupted Place de la Bourse
By Sarah Chappell


BRUSSELS: -- Several hundred protesters, many of whom appeared to be right-wing nationalists, disrupted a vigil in central Brussels being held to honour the victims of Tuesday’s terror attacks.

The group descended on Place de la Bourse, where people were paying their respects and laying flowers, early on Sunday afternoon.

They chanted slogans denouncing the Islamic State militant group, or ISIL and criticising Belgium’s immigration policy. Some made Nazi salutes.

The mayor of Brussels, Yvan Mayeyr called the demonstrators “hooligans” and said he was “appalled at what has happened, to see that such scoundrels come here to provoke people at their place of homage.”

Mayeur also said that they had come into Brussels from other towns, including Antwerp.

Dozens of riot police quickly arrived and encircled the demonstrators to isolate them from others on the square before later using water cannon to move them on.

Ten people were detained, police said.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-03-28
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Though I disagree with them using nazi salutes and being rowdy and disrupting an important area for people to pay respects, if these bombings occurred in my country, I would be upset too. coffee1.gif

War of Civilizations started after 9/11 and it will only get worse now.sad.png

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Heros coming to the rescue of traditional European womenfolk. Heros trying to save the culture and advanced civilization our ancestors fought for us to inherit, Heros attempting to highlight extreme double-standards in Europe whereby a group of muslim immigrants yet to be granted citizenship are allowed to rape and pillage en masse for eg Cologne, but get a few hundred anti-immigration protestors and they are water cannoned and called Nazis? Incredible. These people are clearly patriotic, end of.

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Brussels mayor deplores ‘hooligans’ who disrupted Place de la Bourse

Yes there actions are deplorable, especially the place that the demonstration took place.

What is worse than deplorable is the fact that these demonstration are even happening.

The frustrations of being ignored, labelled and branded for decades has now reached boiling point.

Politicians, you have a lot to answer for.

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Watching this on CNN last night, it was really disgusting as the black commentator from Atlanta called it a gathering of Neo-Nazis, while both of his reporters on the ground called it a nationalist gathering with some Nazi salutes. CNN and other mainstream outlets are really deforming the news into the new world order of open borders, total government control and the real suppression of free speech by suggesting that a patriot is a fascist.

What was their main message,"that this is our country". Now is that way out of line following the murdering Muslims that have been hidden and protected in their no go communities by their fellow Muslims?

The left wing nuts of the world (Ted Turner, George Soros etc) are wanting the borders open to allow the western world's conservatives to be overrun by immigrants skewing future elections.

It is the goal of liberals of this world to control us all by taking our hard earned pay and redistributing it out to their power blocks. This is an endless cycle that unless stopped will lead to the total destruction on the western world.

Mainstream media has turned a horrible attack on the west by infiltrating Arabs into blaming western Europe for not giving enough freebies to their beloved immigrants. News program after news program paints the current problem as disenfranchised immigrants being treated unjustly. Therefore putting the blame on the innocents and not on the terrorists. A sad state of affairs that we have become in the world.

I do notice that Japan, China and Thailand are not having the same problems since they do not allow immigration from the Mideast, it is only in our western world that we are the bad guys, for not doing enough...enough already, time to take our world back.

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Brussels mayor deplores hooligans who disrupted Place de la Bourse

Yes there actions are deplorable, especially the place that the demonstration took place.

What is worse than deplorable is the fact that these demonstration are even happening.

The frustrations of being ignored, labelled and branded for decades has now reached boiling point.

Politicians, you have a lot to answer for.

And answer they may well have to. The time will come when if ISIS don't get them, one of their own people will. Plenty of lamp posts to go round, Mr. Mayor and Mrs. Merkel...
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Heros coming to the rescue of traditional European womenfolk. Heros trying to save the culture and advanced civilization our ancestors fought for us to inherit, Heros attempting to highlight extreme double-standards in Europe whereby a group of muslim immigrants yet to be granted citizenship are allowed to rape and pillage en masse for eg Cologne, but get a few hundred anti-immigration protestors and they are water cannoned and called Nazis? Incredible. These people are clearly patriotic, end of.

Sieg Heil !!

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We all know that a lot of the actual confrontation has been caused by the US army invasion of Iraq....

However the attack of 9/11 was before the Iraq war and before ISIS...and caused by radicalized Arab citizens against innocent citizens working in the World Trade Center and those victims were mostly Christians but there were also others.

Saudi journalist Nadine Al-Budair asks what would be the reaction if Christian radicalized citizens committed similar violence against Muslims innocent citizens


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It is disappointing to see ISIS achieving their intended goals using terrorism. The reason they commit violent terrorist acts is to break down social cohesion and engender fear and violence within a community. It isn't so much the initial act of terrorism that is their main objective it is what flows from that act of terrorism. A society gripped by fear, violence and hatred. The more ISIS can encourage a society to oppress and mistreat Muslims within a Nation the more success they have of grooming the ever increasing number of the most vulnerable to strike back at their oppressors and take revenge for their mistreatment. I doubt very much, the meaning of the 'Nazi Salute' is lost on the Muslim community of Belgium or Muslims throughout the world. The message is clear their intent is to exterminate Muslims the way Hitler attempted to exterminate the Jewish peoples.

People who believe a successful and civilised society is strengthened and prospers by mutual respect and acceptance are vilified and labelled as 'the PC brigade', 'Left Wing Nuts' and those evil 'Liberals' in an attempt to sideline them from the debate. While those that play right into the strategy of ISIS are labelled 'Hero's', 'Patriots', protectors of 'womenfolk' and 'an advanced civilisation'.

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Heros coming to the rescue of traditional European womenfolk. Heros trying to save the culture and advanced civilization our ancestors fought for us to inherit, Heros attempting to highlight extreme double-standards in Europe whereby a group of muslim immigrants yet to be granted citizenship are allowed to rape and pillage en masse for eg Cologne, but get a few hundred anti-immigration protestors and they are water cannoned and called Nazis? Incredible. These people are clearly patriotic, end of.

Do you have your pointy white Hat and asked the Great Wizard for KKK card?

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Watching this on CNN last night, it was really disgusting as the black commentator from Atlanta called it a gathering of Neo-Nazis, while both of his reporters on the ground called it a nationalist gathering with some Nazi salutes. CNN and other mainstream outlets are really deforming the news into the new world order of open borders, total government control and the real suppression of free speech by suggesting that a patriot is a fascist.

What was their main message,"that this is our country". Now is that way out of line following the murdering Muslims that have been hidden and protected in their no go communities by their fellow Muslims?

The left wing nuts of the world (Ted Turner, George Soros etc) are wanting the borders open to allow the western world's conservatives to be overrun by immigrants skewing future elections.

It is the goal of liberals of this world to control us all by taking our hard earned pay and redistributing it out to their power blocks. This is an endless cycle that unless stopped will lead to the total destruction on the western world.

Mainstream media has turned a horrible attack on the west by infiltrating Arabs into blaming western Europe for not giving enough freebies to their beloved immigrants. News program after news program paints the current problem as disenfranchised immigrants being treated unjustly. Therefore putting the blame on the innocents and not on the terrorists. A sad state of affairs that we have become in the world.

I do notice that Japan, China and Thailand are not having the same problems since they do not allow immigration from the Mideast, it is only in our western world that we are the bad guys, for not doing enough...enough already, time to take our world back.

If I were to devise a strategy to encourage the rise of Neo-Nazis I could think of no better way than current government policy and press reporting in the Western world.
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It is disappointing to see ISIS achieving their intended goals using terrorism. The reason they commit violent terrorist acts is to break down social cohesion and engender fear and violence within a community. It isn't so much the initial act of terrorism that is their main objective it is what flows from that act of terrorism. A society gripped by fear, violence and hatred. The more ISIS can encourage a society to oppress and mistreat Muslims within a Nation the more success they have of grooming the ever increasing number of the most vulnerable to strike back at their oppressors and take revenge for their mistreatment. I doubt very much, the meaning of the 'Nazi Salute' is lost on the Muslim community of Belgium or Muslims throughout the world. The message is clear their intent is to exterminate Muslims the way Hitler attempted to exterminate the Jewish peoples.

People who believe a successful and civilised society is strengthened and prospers by mutual respect and acceptance are vilified and labelled as 'the PC brigade', 'Left Wing Nuts' and those evil 'Liberals' in an attempt to sideline them from the debate. While those that play right into the strategy of ISIS are labelled 'Hero's', 'Patriots', protectors of 'womenfolk' and 'an advanced civilisation'.

So what's the alternative, do nothing and wait for Sharia4Belgium to declare a Caliphate?
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It is disappointing to see ISIS achieving their intended goals using terrorism. The reason they commit violent terrorist acts is to break down social cohesion and engender fear and violence within a community. It isn't so much the initial act of terrorism that is their main objective it is what flows from that act of terrorism. A society gripped by fear, violence and hatred. The more ISIS can encourage a society to oppress and mistreat Muslims within a Nation the more success they have of grooming the ever increasing number of the most vulnerable to strike back at their oppressors and take revenge for their mistreatment. I doubt very much, the meaning of the 'Nazi Salute' is lost on the Muslim community of Belgium or Muslims throughout the world. The message is clear their intent is to exterminate Muslims the way Hitler attempted to exterminate the Jewish peoples.

People who believe a successful and civilised society is strengthened and prospers by mutual respect and acceptance are vilified and labelled as 'the PC brigade', 'Left Wing Nuts' and those evil 'Liberals' in an attempt to sideline them from the debate. While those that play right into the strategy of ISIS are labelled 'Hero's', 'Patriots', protectors of 'womenfolk' and 'an advanced civilisation'.

So what's the alternative, do nothing and wait for Sharia4Belgium to declare a Caliphate?

Maybe look at the foreign politics from US, EUROPE in middle east for the last 30 years and change it, as it is clearly a failure.

People really believe bombing countries for 30 years, trying to put leaders who suit the occidental countries interest, is the right way to do...

It is clearly not.

Also it is strange that all the media do not cover the same terror attacks in middle east : Daesh and islamist kill more muslims than non-muslim..but who cares, right?

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If I were to devise a strategy to encourage the rise of Neo-Nazis I could think of no better way than current government policy and press reporting in the Western world.

No the easiest way is to recruit a handful of young Muslims who are totally isolated from their society because of their religion living in a Ghetto with little chance of an education or a decent job to build a family and a good future. Assist them with what is needed to detonate bombs in an Airport and a subway train. In three days you will be knee deep in Neo Nazis. Oh sorry, 'hero's', 'patriots', protectors of 'womenfolk and an advanced civilisation'. My mistake.

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Saudi journalist Nadine Al-Budair asks what would be the reaction if Christian radicalized citizens committed similar violence against Muslims innocent citizens


a very powerful and well-written piece. A must-read.

Oh, and for the foolish people who would whine about Breitbart, read it here instead: http://www.memri.org/report/en/0/0/0/0/0/0/9037.htm

Edited by mopar71
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BS. None of the killers on 9/11 were from countries which had been attacked by countries in the West nor were any of them poor in the sense that they were sponsored by Bin Laden who was extremely wealthy. He was a Saudi. They were mostly from Saudi with a couple from the UAE and maybe one from Egypt. All were in the US legally.

They came after us, looking for us.

BS. BS. This huge and horrible act of terror is all on them and their gdddddm Muslim religion.

Anyone stupid enough to think that the West caused or causes this problem will never get the problem solved.

Europe - stupid - horse - barn door - see ya - yer history.


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BS. None of the killers on 9/11 were from countries which had been attacked by countries in the West nor were any of them poor in the sense that they were sponsored by Bin Laden who was extremely wealthy. He was a Saudi. They were mostly from Saudi with a couple from the UAE and maybe one from Egypt. All were in the US legally.

They came after us, looking for us.

BS. BS. This huge and horrible act of terror is all on them and their gdddddm Muslim religion.

Anyone stupid enough to think that the West caused or causes this problem will never get the problem solved.

Europe - stupid - horse - barn door - see ya - yer history.


Daesh is proud of you and your work to help promote confrontation, which is their main goal!

Anyone stupid enough to believe the terrorist attacks come from nowhere and just "muslim hate toward non muslim" will never get the problem solved.

Terrorism kill more muslim than non muslim

USA - Stupid - donkey - planes in tower - "mission accomplished" - what a joke - let's have fun with Trump

Edited by GeorgesAbitbol
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If I were to devise a strategy to encourage the rise of Neo-Nazis I could think of no better way than current government policy and press reporting in the Western world.

No the easiest way is to recruit a handful of young Muslims who are totally isolated from their society because of their religion living in a Ghetto with little chance of an education or a decent job to build a family and a good future. Assist them with what is needed to detonate bombs in an Airport and a subway train. In three days you will be knee deep in Neo Nazis. Oh sorry, 'hero's', 'patriots', protectors of 'womenfolk and an advanced civilisation'. My mistake.

The ONLY reason the nationalist movement is growing is because the elected officials in these countries keep denying the problem and seem to purposely make it worse with their open-door immigration policy.

Normal, peace-loving Europeans and Americans clearly see with their own eyes what is happening and who is causing it.

Then their "leaders" tell them that they are wrong and that they are racist for what their eyes and ears are telling them. On top of that, they blame the normal citizens and expand bad policies to make it worse.

The biggest, unanswered question in all this is WHY are these western leaders doing this to their own people? It can't be all just to win votes or get cheap labor.

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It is disappointing to see ISIS achieving their intended goals using terrorism. The reason they commit violent terrorist acts is to break down social cohesion and engender fear and violence within a community. It isn't so much the initial act of terrorism that is their main objective it is what flows from that act of terrorism. A society gripped by fear, violence and hatred. The more ISIS can encourage a society to oppress and mistreat Muslims within a Nation the more success they have of grooming the ever increasing number of the most vulnerable to strike back at their oppressors and take revenge for their mistreatment. I doubt very much, the meaning of the 'Nazi Salute' is lost on the Muslim community of Belgium or Muslims throughout the world. The message is clear their intent is to exterminate Muslims the way Hitler attempted to exterminate the Jewish peoples.

People who believe a successful and civilised society is strengthened and prospers by mutual respect and acceptance are vilified and labelled as 'the PC brigade', 'Left Wing Nuts' and those evil 'Liberals' in an attempt to sideline them from the debate. While those that play right into the strategy of ISIS are labelled 'Hero's', 'Patriots', protectors of 'womenfolk' and 'an advanced civilisation'.

So what's the alternative, do nothing and wait for Sharia4Belgium to declare a Caliphate?

Know your enemy and know his weakness. ISIS knows yours.

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It is disappointing to see ISIS achieving their intended goals using terrorism. The reason they commit violent terrorist acts is to break down social cohesion and engender fear and violence within a community. It isn't so much the initial act of terrorism that is their main objective it is what flows from that act of terrorism. A society gripped by fear, violence and hatred. The more ISIS can encourage a society to oppress and mistreat Muslims within a Nation the more success they have of grooming the ever increasing number of the most vulnerable to strike back at their oppressors and take revenge for their mistreatment. I doubt very much, the meaning of the 'Nazi Salute' is lost on the Muslim community of Belgium or Muslims throughout the world. The message is clear their intent is to exterminate Muslims the way Hitler attempted to exterminate the Jewish peoples.

People who believe a successful and civilised society is strengthened and prospers by mutual respect and acceptance are vilified and labelled as 'the PC brigade', 'Left Wing Nuts' and those evil 'Liberals' in an attempt to sideline them from the debate. While those that play right into the strategy of ISIS are labelled 'Hero's', 'Patriots', protectors of 'womenfolk' and 'an advanced civilisation'.

So what's the alternative, do nothing and wait for Sharia4Belgium to declare a Caliphate?

Maybe look at the foreign politics from US, EUROPE in middle east for the last 30 years and change it, as it is clearly a failure.

People really believe bombing countries for 30 years, trying to put leaders who suit the occidental countries interest, is the right way to do...

It is clearly not.

Also it is strange that all the media do not cover the same terror attacks in middle east : Daesh and islamist kill more muslims than non-muslim..but who cares, right?

""It is strange that we [Muslims] believe we have the right to condemn such statements rather than address the implications of some of our extremist curricula, our education, and our regimes, and be ashamed [of them]... It is strange that we condemn [the West] instead of addressing what is happening in our midst - the extremist ways in which we interpret the shari'a and our reactionary attitudes towards each other and the world. It is strange that we condemn instead of apologizing to the world."


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It is disappointing to see ISIS achieving their intended goals using terrorism. The reason they commit violent terrorist acts is to break down social cohesion and engender fear and violence within a community. It isn't so much the initial act of terrorism that is their main objective it is what flows from that act of terrorism. A society gripped by fear, violence and hatred. The more ISIS can encourage a society to oppress and mistreat Muslims within a Nation the more success they have of grooming the ever increasing number of the most vulnerable to strike back at their oppressors and take revenge for their mistreatment. I doubt very much, the meaning of the 'Nazi Salute' is lost on the Muslim community of Belgium or Muslims throughout the world. The message is clear their intent is to exterminate Muslims the way Hitler attempted to exterminate the Jewish peoples.

People who believe a successful and civilised society is strengthened and prospers by mutual respect and acceptance are vilified and labelled as 'the PC brigade', 'Left Wing Nuts' and those evil 'Liberals' in an attempt to sideline them from the debate. While those that play right into the strategy of ISIS are labelled 'Hero's', 'Patriots', protectors of 'womenfolk' and 'an advanced civilisation'.

I once would have held exactly the same view , but I have become aware of a quantum shift in the attitude of the "immigrant" now arriving in Europe.

When once he and his family appeared grateful to be accepted and willing to make some effort to fit in , the new immigrant of today is a swaggering testosterone charged single male , who has abandoned the women and children , and is hell bent on taking anything he can get for free , whether that be legally or otherwise.

He is disdainful of the host nations existing population and its systems - he takes no time to contemplate why his home country is such a mess while he insists that its way of life be imposed on his new location , he is a chauvinist and a religious bigot and ready to take every advantage he can over a country that has saved some of its wealth for the common good , while complaining loudly about its short comings.

At the extreme end he is violent. His culture has taught him that he must fight hard for anything he ever got , so he imposes this rationale on his new culture , walks all over them , and calls them weak and mocks them.

His holy book tells him he is good , and they are wrong.

He bites the hand ...

Your response takes the line that there was some sort of "social cohesion" and good will between the existing communities and those of more recent Arab immigrants ( of say the past 30 years ) BEFORE ISIS came along to disrupt them , and its my observations that that is a falsehood.

I witnessed a neighbouring area called Punchbowl in Sydney become an Arab/Moslem ONLY area over a period of 10 years from the mid seventies - by the 80's no police would enter that 'no go zone' and that community offered nothing to the mainstream except its backs , and this was in a country that was almost entirely made up of immigrants who had spread and mixed far and wide.

Age peers tell me of the same thing happening in North Paris and in the UK about the same period - the majority of middle Eastern Moslems rejecting the host countries ways , congregating in their own areas and screaming "racism" when they were not given help in building mosquse and their own SCHOOLS and asserting that one day the hosts WILL bend to their ways.... because 'Allah' will prevail.

And the majority culture being silly enough to give them what they wanted !

Im over it.

I learnt back then in the 80s , and have seen nothing to change my view from my travels since , that the Moslem young man is rarely someone who will meet anyone half way.

He is in Europe demanding and receiving ...

And he now holidays in Thailand.

He is invariably brash and loud and opinionated.

He and his brothers travel in packs , they drive large scooters aggressively and they love running red lights through my town.

They moan like wounded bulls when they are caught.

French friends watch them and shake their heads and say they are pretty much all involved in drug pedalling and that they are affable enough in broad daylight - unless you cross ONE of them ...

Even the Thai bar girls want nothing to do with them ...

These are not the kind of immigrant/illegal/refugee any country should want to attract in my opinion.

Its time to stop acting as if this brand of "immigrant" even wants acceptance ... he sees hes role as a colonizer carrying Allahs word , not as someone trying to fit in.

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BS. None of the killers on 9/11 were from countries which had been attacked by countries in the West nor were any of them poor in the sense that they were sponsored by Bin Laden who was extremely wealthy. He was a Saudi. They were mostly from Saudi with a couple from the UAE and maybe one from Egypt. All were in the US legally.

They came after us, looking for us.

BS. BS. This huge and horrible act of terror is all on them and their gdddddm Muslim religion.

Anyone stupid enough to think that the West caused or causes this problem will never get the problem solved.

Europe - stupid - horse - barn door - see ya - yer history.


Daesh is proud of you and your work to help promote confrontation, which is their main goal!

Anyone stupid enough to believe the terrorist attacks come from nowhere and just "muslim hate toward non muslim" will never get the problem solved.

Terrorism kill more muslim than non muslim

USA - Stupid - donkey - planes in tower - "mission accomplished" - what a joke - let's have fun with Trump

No, there is no hate from Muslims to other religions, they love them all; are happy to live along side them, and abide by the laws of the countries they have chosen to emigrate to in the pursuit of economic advancement, whilst respecting all cultures. rolleyes.gif

All the West's fault. We should give them all the demand and allow them to follow Sharia whilst raping our women and children, ignoring our laws and treating us lower than dogs. And we should thank them for doing it.

What crap the PC Muslim loving do-gooders spout.

The Muslims even hate on another and have no qualms butchering one another or anyone else when it suits - after all their god will reward them.

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