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Trips to book, or places to go to see snakes?


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My father is coming to visit in April - he keeps snakes and loves to see them in the wild. Does anyone have any advice as to where to go, or perhaps trips to book in Chiang Rai where one could maybe see some wild snakes? I understand that snakes are elusive at the best of times, but figured it could be worth asking just in case anyone has any suggestions.


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Having 'herped' in many places in Thailand though not Chiang Rai, I'd say head out into the sticks in a rural or semi rural area early evening, especially after rain.

Try asking some locals, I always find Moto boys a good source of information of this nature for some reason, as could be your local Police or Fire Department (Whose task it is to remove snakes).

Kanchanaburi province is the 'snakiest' place I've ever been to in Thailand along with maybe Phattalung province in the south but both are some way from Chiang Rai.

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Thanks for the tips. There are some young guys in my wife's village who were willing to take us out with their dogs last year, but it wasn't the best time of year to see them. We did find a beautiful-looking Sunsnake after a couple of hours of digging, but I think he'd really like to see a Cobra. It's funny - I've seen them randomly at the side of the road as I'm driving to Tesco, but when you go looking you'll inevitably see nothing! We'll hope for some rain and go for a trek out in the sticks.

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We get a few snakes in the yard but they are more obvious if they are swimming in the pond. If they leave without threatening our cats or dogs they are left alone but if they are dangerous and cornered I have been known to dispatch them to keep my animals from getting hurt. The guys in the pond are harmless and good swimmers.


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I don’t see snakes very often but as luck would have it, one made an appearance this evening. Little did he know he would end up on the internet and as someone’s evening snack. I delivered it to my neighbors and they thought I was crazy to be messing with such a dangerous snake. A dog and a cat had it cornered and I didn’t want them getting hurt so protected my own. My apologies to all the snake lovers but he was too near my animals, front door and came uninvited.




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Thanks for the tips. There are some young guys in my wife's village who were willing to take us out with their dogs last year, but it wasn't the best time of year to see them. We did find a beautiful-looking Sunsnake after a couple of hours of digging, but I think he'd really like to see a Cobra. It's funny - I've seen them randomly at the side of the road as I'm driving to Tesco, but when you go looking you'll inevitably see nothing! We'll hope for some rain and go for a trek out in the sticks.

If you might travel to Chiang Mai, there is at least one snake 'farm'. North of CM to MaeRim, then turn left and drive some km till you'll notice

an ATV and bungee-place on the left. The snakes are on the other side of the road. Bring time and talk to the people (and snakes) about your ideas.

There is coke, coffee and some snake-snacks too. Sorry, joking. - Tipping might be a good idea; it will provide the snakes a better tomorrow.

It's a bit sad, but I think most of the zoos are. Alternative: visit any TVmember upcountry and wait some weeks, months, ...,

Good luck and have a great time.

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If he is ever over Khon Kaen way he would love King Cobra village, 50-75km NNE of KK. Not a bit like the typical small zoo and the 'show' is only a minor part and not too demeaning of the snakes! All types of Cobras (plus other varieties) and some large ones and babies to put on your arm.

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