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Worachai released by military but insists on his right to free expressions


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Worachai released by military but insists on his right to free expressions


BANGKOK: -- Former Pheu Thai MP Worachai Hema was released from military custody on Tuesday after he was escorted from his house in Samut Prakan by an army unit last Saturday for “attitude adjustment.”

The former Samut Prakan MP was taken to his house in the company of Lt-Col Chumjate Noppakate, commander of the 2nd artillery battalion of the Royal Guards.

Mr Worachai was seen smiling when he exited from an army car to the warm welcome of his family. He later invited Lt-Col Chumjate into his house for a brief informal talk.

He told the media that he was taken good care of by the military during his detention. He said he was told by some army officers to tone down his criticism of the military junta.

The former Pheu Thai MP said he told the officers that he was an elected representative of the people and that he harbored no ill intention against any individuals when he made public comments based on facts.

He disclosed that he signed a memorandum of understanding with the military like the other politicians who were invited for “attitude adjustment”. However, he said he told military officers that, as a politician, he was entitled to express opinions that he deemed to be beneficial to the country.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/157395

-- Thai PBS 2016-03-30

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He is lucky that there are so many eyes watching these days. Stupid little dictatorships don't do so well under these circumstances. The internet has changed so many things in the past decade.

Perhaps! But one day he just might disappear. He is going to push until they lock him up. Nevertheless, his claims about being a politician and other remarks are a joke. This guy is just another PTP thug. Voted in from paid ballets and force majeure. He certainly doesn't speak for the people nor does he care about them. His idea of democracy is do as I say, not as I do.
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At this stage his finger nails are intact,

as we go down the adjustment road

and severity increasing

he will find it very hard to pick his nose with his elbow

"... and severity increasing ..."

Is it really?

Not according to the article and Worachai's statement. Both parties seem relaxed, even friendly. .

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At this stage his finger nails are intact,

as we go down the adjustment road

and severity increasing

he will find it very hard to pick his nose with his elbow

"... and severity increasing ..."

Is it really?

Not according to the article and Worachai's statement. Both parties seem relaxed, even friendly. .

this time a talk , next time a talk worth a couple of days, and next ? is what i was leading too.

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He is lucky that there are so many eyes watching these days. Stupid little dictatorships don't do so well under these circumstances. The internet has changed so many things in the past decade.

Perhaps! But one day he just might disappear. He is going to push until they lock him up. Nevertheless, his claims about being a politician and other remarks are a joke. This guy is just another PTP thug. Voted in from paid ballets and force majeure. He certainly doesn't speak for the people nor does he care about them. His idea of democracy is do as I say, not as I do.

That's the pot calling the kettle black.

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He is lucky that there are so many eyes watching these days. Stupid little dictatorships don't do so well under these circumstances. The internet has changed so many things in the past decade.

Perhaps! But one day he just might disappear. He is going to push until they lock him up. Nevertheless, his claims about being a politician and other remarks are a joke. This guy is just another PTP thug. Voted in from paid ballets and force majeure. He certainly doesn't speak for the people nor does he care about them. His idea of democracy is do as I say, not as I do.

Any chance you have proof of him being "just another PTP thug" ? or "Voted in from paid ballets and force majeure"?

Do support a military of any country and your country dictating what people can and can not say?

Do military in your country take away people for "attitude adjustments" that express their opinions be they politicians or civilian's? Somehow I think not.

But hey this Thailand and they can do as they please, not my business, regardless of my opinion.

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He is lucky that there are so many eyes watching these days. Stupid little dictatorships don't do so well under these circumstances. The internet has changed so many things in the past decade.

Perhaps! But one day he just might disappear. He is going to push until they lock him up. Nevertheless, his claims about being a politician and other remarks are a joke. This guy is just another PTP thug. Voted in from paid ballets and force majeure. He certainly doesn't speak for the people nor does he care about them. His idea of democracy is do as I say, not as I do.

Any chance you have proof of him being "just another PTP thug" ? or "Voted in from paid ballets and force majeure"?

Do support a military of any country and your country dictating what people can and can not say?

Do military in your country take away people for "attitude adjustments" that express their opinions be they politicians or civilian's? Somehow I think not.

But hey this Thailand and they can do as they please, not my business, regardless of my opinion.

No, they just arrest you and if you can't afford a lawyer then you will be persuaded to agree to a plea of guilty just to get out of jail.
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He is lucky that there are so many eyes watching these days. Stupid little dictatorships don't do so well under these circumstances. The internet has changed so many things in the past decade.

Perhaps! But one day he just might disappear. He is going to push until they lock him up. Nevertheless, his claims about being a politician and other remarks are a joke. This guy is just another PTP thug. Voted in from paid ballets and force majeure. He certainly doesn't speak for the people nor does he care about them. His idea of democracy is do as I say, not as I do.

You seem to have your wires all tangled up. The people of Samut Prakan elected him and gave him the mandate in a DEM Party stronghold and former MP Jirapat. Why? Because the people want him to speak for them and feel he was best suited to care for them. It was no force majeure; just the wishes of the people and democracy in motion. And you seem to have a problem with loyalty and doing what best for his party.

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He is lucky that there are so many eyes watching these days. Stupid little dictatorships don't do so well under these circumstances. The internet has changed so many things in the past decade.

Yep , gone are the days when they could burn people alive in red oil drums and get away with it. Still ....early days and as the country moves forward in reverse gear perhaps those old happy days will have a renaissance.

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He is lucky that there are so many eyes watching these days. Stupid little dictatorships don't do so well under these circumstances. The internet has changed so many things in the past decade.

Perhaps! But one day he just might disappear. He is going to push until they lock him up. Nevertheless, his claims about being a politician and other remarks are a joke. This guy is just another PTP thug. Voted in from paid ballets and force majeure. He certainly doesn't speak for the people nor does he care about them. His idea of democracy is do as I say, not as I do.

You seem to have your wires all tangled up. The people of Samut Prakan elected him and gave him the mandate in a DEM Party stronghold and former MP Jirapat. Why? Because the people want him to speak for them and feel he was best suited to care for them. It was no force majeure; just the wishes of the people and democracy in motion. And you seem to have a problem with loyalty and doing what best for his party.

I t goes a bit further than that, he has a problem with the idea that people have voted for (and in sufficient numbers to elect) somebody with whose ideas he disagrees! As a result he finds himself aligned with a military Junta intending to incarcerate it's critics. Don't ask him to justify it - the mental gymnastics required would be just too extraordinary!

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Just one small point - perhaps you might like to remember he was a driving force in trying to get the amnesty for his fled convicted criminal highly divisive paymaster boss through parliament at 3:00 am in the morning when Thailand was asleep. Such a nice genuine guy.

He says he's a politician, can you name one item of strong value to the nation this guy ever introduced into the parliament and which was agreed and passed into law?

Go for it jayboy.

Forget trying to remind him. His loyalty has been shown many times here regardless of proof shown.

Proof? Please show us poor, misguided souls your proof so that we can see the light and become true "But, but, but...Thaksin" posters!!

Wasn't this gentleman one of drafters (allegedly all his own work) of one version of the copious versions of the infamous Amnesty Bills and the fiasco in trying to get the one bill that favored Thaksin the most pushed through parliament?

I'm sure you can do your own research and checking and become as illuminated as you want to be.

Discussing the Junta, suppressing of civil liberties, free speech and lack of reforms does not mean that this Thaksin lacky is suddenly transformed into a real MP who really represents the people. He's a paid stooge who votes as instructed, says what he's told to say, does what he's told to do and picks up his pay check in reward.

If he says something, which does represent the people, it's only because it suits his boss. If he did otherwise he'd be out on his ear.

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At this stage his finger nails are intact,

as we go down the adjustment road

and severity increasing

he will find it very hard to pick his nose with his elbow

"... and severity increasing ..."

Is it really?

Not according to the article and Worachai's statement. Both parties seem relaxed, even friendly. .

New to Thailand, aren't you? Still haven't learned that a smile means absolutely nothing here?

As for looking relaxed, I'd venture that this was part of the deal for letting him out.

I'm sure sure that every single word of what he's said when out has been carefully negotiated with those who were detaining him.

Now will he stay on the line in the future? I very much doubt so, so he might well be "invited" again, maybe for a longer time and in a not so "friendly" atmosphere.

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Just one small point - perhaps you might like to remember he was a driving force in trying to get the amnesty for his fled convicted criminal highly divisive paymaster boss through parliament at 3:00 am in the morning when Thailand was asleep. Such a nice genuine guy.

He says he's a politician, can you name one item of strong value to the nation this guy ever introduced into the parliament and which was agreed and passed into law?

Go for it jayboy.

Forget trying to remind him. His loyalty has been shown many times here regardless of proof shown.

Proof? Please show us poor, misguided souls your proof so that we can see the light and become true "But, but, but...Thaksin" posters!!

Wasn't this gentleman one of drafters (allegedly all his own work) of one version of the copious versions of the infamous Amnesty Bills and the fiasco in trying to get the one bill that favored Thaksin the most pushed through parliament?

I'm sure you can do your own research and checking and become as illuminated as you want to be.

Discussing the Junta, suppressing of civil liberties, free speech and lack of reforms does not mean that this Thaksin lacky is suddenly transformed into a real MP who really represents the people. He's a paid stooge who votes as instructed, says what he's told to say, does what he's told to do and picks up his pay check in reward.

If he says something, which does represent the people, it's only because it suits his boss. If he did otherwise he'd be out on his ear.

I don't care if he's the devil incarnate. It's not about who is saying what, it's about actually being allowed to say anything that runs contrary to the junta's agenda. Or are you of the belief that only "upstanding" citizens (and who is the judge of that?) are allowed to speak?

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Let see how far this junta will go to suppress dissent now that PT has issued a statement for their supporters to vote no. The gauntlet has been thrown right to the direction of the junta while the other party so call Dem is still pondering and reviewing. Sparks will fly and intensify inthe coming days. Just pray for no violence from either side.

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Under forced detention, but treated nicely. If true, this attitude adjusting stiff is complete BS.

It isn't what happens once whisked away, it's the fact that he and others have been forcefully detained for speaking their mind. If you think that is normal in a so-called civilised country then your home country must be some sort of Orwelian hell hole.

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Just one small point - perhaps you might like to remember he was a driving force in trying to get the amnesty for his fled convicted criminal highly divisive paymaster boss through parliament at 3:00 am in the morning when Thailand was asleep. Such a nice genuine guy.

He says he's a politician, can you name one item of strong value to the nation this guy ever introduced into the parliament and which was agreed and passed into law?

Go for it jayboy.

Forget trying to remind him. His loyalty has been shown many times here regardless of proof shown.

Proof? Please show us poor, misguided souls your proof so that we can see the light and become true "But, but, but...Thaksin" posters!!

Wasn't this gentleman one of drafters (allegedly all his own work) of one version of the copious versions of the infamous Amnesty Bills and the fiasco in trying to get the one bill that favored Thaksin the most pushed through parliament?

I'm sure you can do your own research and checking and become as illuminated as you want to be.

Discussing the Junta, suppressing of civil liberties, free speech and lack of reforms does not mean that this Thaksin lacky is suddenly transformed into a real MP who really represents the people. He's a paid stooge who votes as instructed, says what he's told to say, does what he's told to do and picks up his pay check in reward.

If he says something, which does represent the people, it's only because it suits his boss. If he did otherwise he'd be out on his ear.

Even if all the above wasn't complete fabricated, unproven blx, the fact still remains that he was banged up for voicing an opinion. You fanboys condoning this sort of behaviour is beyond comprehension. Edited by jesimps
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quote from the OP.

"The former Pheu Thai MP said he told the officers that he was an elected representative of the people and that he harboured no ill intention against any individuals when he made public comments based on facts."

AFAIR the last elected government (the PTP) was dissolved by the PM, Yingluck Shinawatra, in December 2013 and has not been in power since. Therefore Worachai is correct in saying that he WAS an elected representative elected by the people and forgot to mention that he IS no longer elected. That makes him exactly the dame as the majority of Thais, rich or poor. He has no power or position of authority any more.

Perhaps in the future however close or far away when elections are permitted he may or may not win a seat in parliament and then he may or may not have a voice once again.

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