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Retirement Visa Extension

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We repeat this question often here; but for good reason. The requirements do seem to change from year to year; and the ThaiVisa info is not always updated. So I hope you'll bear with me, and provide a response if you have recently gotten an extension on your retirement visa at the Jomtien Immigration Office. I'll be processing my application for extension in about a week; and I want to ensure that I have everything I need to get it done in one trip.

I plan to bring the following:

My passport

1 copy of the first 2 pages, and my last 90 day report page (1 OK, or need 2?)

2 passport size photos

1 completed Form TM 7

Verification of Income letter from US Embassy

Copy of first and last page of Thai bank book

Is that it? Is a letter from my bank still required, along with the letter from my Embassy? Or is the Embassy letter enough?

Thanks in advance.

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From your passport you will also need:

A copy of your last arrival card

A copy of your prior years retirement visa

A copy of your last entry into the country.

As for financial info, if your embassy letter includes enough income to meet the standards required for a retirement visa, then you will not need any bank information at all. If you need to use the bank money then you will need a letter from the bank verifying that the money has been in the account for the past 90 days.

You will also need a copy of your house book or your rental contract.

All photo copy page4s must be signed and include your phone number.

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I did mine last Wednesday Took ten minutes, collected next morning. Requirements were:

1 completed form TM7 (add your phone number at the bottom)

1 passport photo 4 x 6cm attached to TM7

Copy of Passport ID Page (and the original passport)

Copy of passport page with last entry stamp.

Copy of your last visa

Copy of your arrival card

Letter from Thai Bank issued within the last two working days confirming funds have been on deposit for the preceding three months. Copy of bank pass book ID page with name and Account number. Copies of transaction pages for the preceding three months, updated to date of bank letter.


Verification letter from Embassy.

Copies of documents confirming you Thai address (supported by originals). i.e. rent book or letter headed receipt of rent paid, True visions invoice, water, electric etc. as long as they are in your name. (They were happy with my electric, water and True invoices but I have been at the same address for five years).

They added a new form to the application which you have to sign. Declaration of compliance.

1,900 Baht application fee.

Don't forget to sign all of the copies.

There are reports of requiring copies company papers of proof of ownership of a condominium or residence. I took along but they were not asked for. I think this could be the start of identifying landlords who are not paying tax on their rentals.

Edited by Oink
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I was at Immigration today, to renew my OA/retirement visa
I had all the needed documents, HOWEVER the letter from the bank and
copies of my bank book were _7-days old_!

I was told that those documents must be no more than _3-days_ old when
renewing my OA visa.

I don't know if the 3-day requirement applies to income verification from the Embassy.

For residence verification, they accept a recent bill from I-net, electric company, water bill, etc.
For me, this is easier than using a house book or copy of a lease.

Edited by LukDod
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Are you sure you were trying to renew a "VISA" ?

Virtually all immigration offices require a bank statement/book updated within the last 24 hours or so when applying for an extension of stay.

It depends on which office you use as to what proof of address is required. Many will want a copy of the lease plus copies of the owners ID and tabian baan.

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