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NCPO grants police powers to military


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Things are going well in Bangkok. Isn't that nice. Do you ever get out of Bangkok, or do you think Bangkok is all that matters?

How long have you been in Thailand? Did you know that up until the year 2000 the Thai government spent 90% of government investment on Bangkok? Bangkok was building state of the art infrastructure while the majority of the country lived a third world existence.

Thaksin had many faults, but he did increase government spending to badly neglected parts of Thailand where the majority of the people lived, building roads, schools and clinics. Parents saw fewer of their children die of preventable diseases and more of them graduate from secondary school and go to university. Thaksin showed the Thai people that the Thai government can serve all of Thailand, which is why he and his parties keep winning elections. It's also why the traditional powers in Bangkok, and expats who confuse Bangkok with Thailand, hate him.

The Thai people have experienced democracy and like it. The only thing that will bring lasting peace and stability to Thailand is for the Bangkok elite to accept real democratic rule in Thailand. Until then any peace in Bangkok will only be a respite between the violence.

This is so true. I will state 1 real life experience. B4 Thaksin came into power. My wife has a shop in BoBae and Pratunam selling clothes. Every other day Mafias would come n collect extortion money for protection n would just come and take whatever they like. When Thaksin came into Power, this matter was brought to his attention becos 1 of the shopkeepers got beaten up badly cos of refusing to pay. Thaksin n his ppl came down personally and had a meeting with all the shop/ business owners affected. He rounded up all the mafia in the area and threw them in jail. And all these mafia came from where? we all know.. So my wife n her family benefited so much from the Thaksin time because everything was so much fair. Opportunities and economy was so good that every other person was doing so well under the Thaksin regime. and then suddenly he got thrown out n subsequent coups happened and everything went down and all the people who voted for Thaksin n benefited from him went down becos of the coups. So how can anyone who got so much goodness from Thaksin n benefited from him ever changed their minds when they get screwed left right up down centre by the coups, junta...

Edited by Moonmoon
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I think that it is not possible for you and I to discuss this subject.

We do not merely have polarised views, we also have deeply entrenched views. And I am too ill to engage in trench warfare, knowing that neither myself or the other person is going to move an inch.

In my social-science books, I put stability and security before anything else, as I believe stability and security are the foundations upon which everything can be built. I support the current leadership, as they have brought stability and security. You prefer the leadership of PTP to the current leadership. That is your view, and I respect it. However, neither of us are going to change our views, and I could sit here and write essays about why I have my views, it would make no difference.

So I will bid you farewell, and I will just let history decide which of these two positions was the right one.

"In my social-science books, I put stability and security before anything else, as I believe stability and security are the foundations upon which everything can be built."

I see. Stability as demonstrated in North Korea, and as was once in Burma/Myanmar. Don't you hate the halting return to the chaos of democracy in Burma? That's why you're cheering on the junta's move towards that wonderful, stable military government that Burma once had.

During the original Star Wars trilogy you were the one rooting for the Empire.

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can people stop quoting these long blocks of text. im tired of reading the same thing multiple times just to get a new morsal of info or a small remark at the end.

The key is shorter posts to begin with. Brevity is close to godliness.

Whilst your posts are invariably worth reading, I very much doubt that The Almighty is interested in your briefs. .


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Under the previous democratically elected government, the military blocked anything that it disagreed with. In case you forgot, the military says that it is not accountable to a democratically elected civilian government. It said it had that right.

I get it, you didn't like the amnesty issue. Know what though? The democratically elected MPs didn't allow the amnesty did they? They held it up for public scrutiny and it never went through. Abhisit was leader of the opposition and he did his job.

You now claim that because there are "weekly announcements of corruption purges and arrests of discredited persons' things are better. That is just BS and you cannot be expected to be treated respectfully when you make such a false and misleading statement. The military has had absolute control for 22 months. In that time, please name one current government official who has been arrested, charged and convicted of corruption. To date we have seen a vendetta against former members of the last democratically elected government. Lots of accusations of malfeasance but no evidence. I don't doubt some of them were corrupt. Well, get the evidence and make a case. In the meantime, in the triangle of corruption, it is as bad as ever. The removal of commercial enterprises from the beaches in Phuket was all for show. The state of corruption is far worse in Phuket today than it has ever been. The taxi mafia rule with impunity. The shakedowns of bars continue. Name one Phuket official who has been arrested and charged. Name one official from Samui who has been arrested and charged. Go on, do it.

You claim there is stability. Is that because the military and its proxies are no longer sabotaging the democratically elected government?

This year, the burning in Chiang Rai was worse than it ever was. And yet, nothing was done by the military government was there?. No arrests, no action. NOTHING. Why not? There are enough army bases and personnel all over the place to have done something.

Do you know what Yaba is and where it comes from? It comes in over the border from Myanmar. Who controls the Thai border?

How can tons of that poison make their way across the border and into every town and village of Thailand when the military has been in absolute control for almost 2 years. Ask yourself why.

Your use of the term "discredited persons" is lifted from the language of repressive regimes. Who decides what a discredited person is?

Make no mistake, I am against corruption and I don't care who is arrested for it. The issue for me as it is for those who travel around the country regularly is that we see the different treatments accorded people and how much worse it is in some regions. Phuket is absolutely disgusting. There isn't supposed to be commercial activity on the beaches. I counted almost 100 jet skis on Patong beach. These machines are illegal, yet they operate with the protection of the Marine 5 office. Please explain how this is done 2 years into absolute military rule.

I think that it is not possible for you and I to discuss this subject.

We do not merely have polarised views, we also have deeply entrenched views. And I am too ill to engage in trench warfare, knowing that neither myself or the other person is going to move an inch.

In my social-science books, I put stability and security before anything else, as I believe stability and security are the foundations upon which everything can be built. I support the current leadership, as they have brought stability and security. You prefer the leadership of PTP to the current leadership. That is your view, and I respect it. However, neither of us are going to change our views, and I could sit here and write essays about why I have my views, it would make no difference.

So I will bid you farewell, and I will just let history decide which of these two positions was the right one.

You will be on the wrong side of history. You'd better get used to that fact.
I don't think history is of any concern to social scientists!
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Things are going well in Bangkok. Isn't that nice. Do you ever get out of Bangkok, or do you think Bangkok is all that matters?

How long have you been in Thailand? Did you know that up until the year 2000 the Thai government spent 90% of government investment on Bangkok? Bangkok was building state of the art infrastructure while the majority of the country lived a third world existence.

Thaksin had many faults, but he did increase government spending to badly neglected parts of Thailand where the majority of the people lived, building roads, schools and clinics. Parents saw fewer of their children die of preventable diseases and more of them graduate from secondary school and go to university. Thaksin showed the Thai people that the Thai government can serve all of Thailand, which is why he and his parties keep winning elections. It's also why the traditional powers in Bangkok, and expats who confuse Bangkok with Thailand, hate him.

The Thai people have experienced democracy and like it. The only thing that will bring lasting peace and stability to Thailand is for the Bangkok elite to accept real democratic rule in Thailand. Until then any peace in Bangkok will only be a respite between the violence.

This is so true. I will state 1 real life experience. B4 Thaksin came into power. My wife has a shop in BoBae and Pratunam selling clothes. Every other day Mafias would come n collect extortion money for protection n would just come and take whatever they like. When Thaksin came into Power, this matter was brought to his attention becos 1 of the shopkeepers got beaten up badly cos of refusing to pay. Thaksin n his ppl came down personally and had a meeting with all the shop/ business owners affected. He rounded up all the mafia in the area and threw them in jail. And all these mafia came from where? we all know.. So my wife n her family benefited so much from the Thaksin time because everything was so much fair. Opportunities and economy was so good that every other person was doing so well under the Thaksin regime. and then suddenly he got thrown out n subsequent coups happened and everything went down and all the people who voted for Thaksin n benefited from him went down becos of the coups. So how can anyone who got so much goodness from Thaksin n benefited from him ever changed their minds when they get screwed left right up down centre by the coups, junta...

I guess that if Taksin just paid his tax and obeyed the laws he would still be leading the country. Now he is abroad with 4 billion$ (2 got confisticated i read) and can't come back.

How much money does a Thai need to be happy and feel rich???

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Things are going well in Bangkok. Isn't that nice. Do you ever get out of Bangkok, or do you think Bangkok is all that matters?

How long have you been in Thailand? Did you know that up until the year 2000 the Thai government spent 90% of government investment on Bangkok? Bangkok was building state of the art infrastructure while the majority of the country lived a third world existence.

Thaksin had many faults, but he did increase government spending to badly neglected parts of Thailand where the majority of the people lived, building roads, schools and clinics. Parents saw fewer of their children die of preventable diseases and more of them graduate from secondary school and go to university. Thaksin showed the Thai people that the Thai government can serve all of Thailand, which is why he and his parties keep winning elections. It's also why the traditional powers in Bangkok, and expats who confuse Bangkok with Thailand, hate him.

The Thai people have experienced democracy and like it. The only thing that will bring lasting peace and stability to Thailand is for the Bangkok elite to accept real democratic rule in Thailand. Until then any peace in Bangkok will only be a respite between the violence.

This is so true. I will state 1 real life experience. B4 Thaksin came into power. My wife has a shop in BoBae and Pratunam selling clothes. Every other day Mafias would come n collect extortion money for protection n would just come and take whatever they like. When Thaksin came into Power, this matter was brought to his attention becos 1 of the shopkeepers got beaten up badly cos of refusing to pay. Thaksin n his ppl came down personally and had a meeting with all the shop/ business owners affected. He rounded up all the mafia in the area and threw them in jail. And all these mafia came from where? we all know.. So my wife n her family benefited so much from the Thaksin time because everything was so much fair. Opportunities and economy was so good that every other person was doing so well under the Thaksin regime. and then suddenly he got thrown out n subsequent coups happened and everything went down and all the people who voted for Thaksin n benefited from him went down becos of the coups. So how can anyone who got so much goodness from Thaksin n benefited from him ever changed their minds when they get screwed left right up down centre by the coups, junta...

I guess that if Taksin just paid his tax and obeyed the laws he would still be leading the country. Now he is abroad with 4 billion$ (2 got confisticated i read) and can't come back.

How much money does a Thai need to be happy and feel rich???

You could ask Prayuth.

Or maybe better not, he might haul you in for "adjustment" for questioning his vast wealth.

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Lets not be naive n think that there is any politician that is 100% honest n upright. There is but 99% r not. Thaksin might not be honest n good in some ways maybe but he sure is damn alot better than what was after n now. Even if he is corrupted he knows how to work n give back,At least the ppl benefit in alot of ways. CanT say much for now. I m doing well, but alot of other friends having their own small businesses r suffering.

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How much money does a Thai need to be happy and feel rich???

You could ask Prayuth.

Or maybe better not, he might haul you in for "adjustment" for questioning his vast wealth.

There was the story this week about the junta buying four new armoured Mercedes-Benz sedans, two of which were to be assigned to Prayuth.

Each one was said cost almost 20 million baht, which surprised me because the price I found online says they're worth 470,000 Euro (18.5 million baht).

What was more surprising, though, was the news that previously he used his own private armoured Mercedes...

For someone who declared 128.6 million baht ($3.9 million) in assets and 654,745 baht ($20,000) in liabilities, the transfer of 466.5 million baht ($14.3 million) to other family members - it seems he is not only unusually rich, but highly insecure.

<waits to be invited to attitude adjustment> ph34r.png

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Things are going well in Bangkok. Isn't that nice. Do you ever get out of Bangkok, or do you think Bangkok is all that matters?

How long have you been in Thailand? Did you know that up until the year 2000 the Thai government spent 90% of government investment on Bangkok? Bangkok was building state of the art infrastructure while the majority of the country lived a third world existence.

Thaksin had many faults, but he did increase government spending to badly neglected parts of Thailand where the majority of the people lived, building roads, schools and clinics. Parents saw fewer of their children die of preventable diseases and more of them graduate from secondary school and go to university. Thaksin showed the Thai people that the Thai government can serve all of Thailand, which is why he and his parties keep winning elections. It's also why the traditional powers in Bangkok, and expats who confuse Bangkok with Thailand, hate him.

The Thai people have experienced democracy and like it. The only thing that will bring lasting peace and stability to Thailand is for the Bangkok elite to accept real democratic rule in Thailand. Until then any peace in Bangkok will only be a respite between the violence.

This is so true. I will state 1 real life experience. B4 Thaksin came into power. My wife has a shop in BoBae and Pratunam selling clothes. Every other day Mafias would come n collect extortion money for protection n would just come and take whatever they like. When Thaksin came into Power, this matter was brought to his attention becos 1 of the shopkeepers got beaten up badly cos of refusing to pay. Thaksin n his ppl came down personally and had a meeting with all the shop/ business owners affected. He rounded up all the mafia in the area and threw them in jail. And all these mafia came from where? we all know.. So my wife n her family benefited so much from the Thaksin time because everything was so much fair. Opportunities and economy was so good that every other person was doing so well under the Thaksin regime. and then suddenly he got thrown out n subsequent coups happened and everything went down and all the people who voted for Thaksin n benefited from him went down becos of the coups. So how can anyone who got so much goodness from Thaksin n benefited from him ever changed their minds when they get screwed left right up down centre by the coups, junta...

I guess that if Taksin just paid his tax and obeyed the laws he would still be leading the country. Now he is abroad with 4 billion$ (2 got confisticated i read) and can't come back.

How much money does a Thai need to be happy and feel rich???

n so the answer to that is overthrowing an elected government with a coup. Dont be naive. Everyone in this country is corrupted 1 way or another. I just want someone who at least works for the ppl. Not someone who talks so nicely but yet is failing so badly. If the person in charge now is actually doing well i would ask him to stay in power so everyone can benefit. Twisted as it sounds this is the state of affairs in thailand n even the world.
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jamesbrock that is interesting indeed. But you see he is one of the "good people" so I steadfastly refuse to believe the NCPO are anything else than Thailand's own justice league of superheroes.

Now...where's that kool aid...

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jamesbrock that is interesting indeed. But you see he is one of the "good people" so I steadfastly refuse to believe the NCPO are anything else than Thailand's own justice league of superheroes.

Now...where's that kool aid...

Yeah, they're all squeaky clean...



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jamesbrock that is interesting indeed. But you see he is one of the "good people" so I steadfastly refuse to believe the NCPO are anything else than Thailand's own justice league of superheroes.

Now...where's that kool aid...

Yeah, they're all squeaky clean...



General Na-Ayudyah is worth nearly half a billion baht. Is he the daddy Praewa the toll way killer?

No wonder she got a joke of a sentence...

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In regards to a previous comment, understand that certain surnames identical to regions in Thailand go back hundreds of years and it's wise not to be discussed on this forum.

Edited by lkv
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Under the previous democratically elected government, the military blocked anything that it disagreed with. In case you forgot, the military says that it is not accountable to a democratically elected civilian government. It said it had that right.

I get it, you didn't like the amnesty issue. Know what though? The democratically elected MPs didn't allow the amnesty did they? They held it up for public scrutiny and it never went through. Abhisit was leader of the opposition and he did his job.

You now claim that because there are "weekly announcements of corruption purges and arrests of discredited persons' things are better. That is just BS and you cannot be expected to be treated respectfully when you make such a false and misleading statement. The military has had absolute control for 22 months. In that time, please name one current government official who has been arrested, charged and convicted of corruption. To date we have seen a vendetta against former members of the last democratically elected government. Lots of accusations of malfeasance but no evidence. I don't doubt some of them were corrupt. Well, get the evidence and make a case. In the meantime, in the triangle of corruption, it is as bad as ever. The removal of commercial enterprises from the beaches in Phuket was all for show. The state of corruption is far worse in Phuket today than it has ever been. The taxi mafia rule with impunity. The shakedowns of bars continue. Name one Phuket official who has been arrested and charged. Name one official from Samui who has been arrested and charged. Go on, do it.

You claim there is stability. Is that because the military and its proxies are no longer sabotaging the democratically elected government?

This year, the burning in Chiang Rai was worse than it ever was. And yet, nothing was done by the military government was there?. No arrests, no action. NOTHING. Why not? There are enough army bases and personnel all over the place to have done something.

Do you know what Yaba is and where it comes from? It comes in over the border from Myanmar. Who controls the Thai border?

How can tons of that poison make their way across the border and into every town and village of Thailand when the military has been in absolute control for almost 2 years. Ask yourself why.

Your use of the term "discredited persons" is lifted from the language of repressive regimes. Who decides what a discredited person is?

Make no mistake, I am against corruption and I don't care who is arrested for it. The issue for me as it is for those who travel around the country regularly is that we see the different treatments accorded people and how much worse it is in some regions. Phuket is absolutely disgusting. There isn't supposed to be commercial activity on the beaches. I counted almost 100 jet skis on Patong beach. These machines are illegal, yet they operate with the protection of the Marine 5 office. Please explain how this is done 2 years into absolute military rule.

I think that it is not possible for you and I to discuss this subject.

We do not merely have polarised views, we also have deeply entrenched views. And I am too ill to engage in trench warfare, knowing that neither myself or the other person is going to move an inch.

In my social-science books, I put stability and security before anything else, as I believe stability and security are the foundations upon which everything can be built. I support the current leadership, as they have brought stability and security. You prefer the leadership of PTP to the current leadership. That is your view, and I respect it. However, neither of us are going to change our views, and I could sit here and write essays about why I have my views, it would make no difference.

So I will bid you farewell, and I will just let history decide which of these two positions was the right one.

Your faint hearted views also conflict with the man who wrote the follow: Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Benjamin Franklin . Totalitarianism is only possible with views like yours.

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anyone can put on a uniform n just do anything he likes cos there is no need for warrants.

Good point. I was listening to music this afternoon not to loud, but loud enough to fill my front room with sound. I get a knock at the door. A man outside my front door dressed in shorts and a camouflage T-shirt tells me to turn the music down. I say OK, no problem. I turn it down. I was curious on whether this guy was a soldier being dressed in camouflage. I told my wife when she got home. I saw him outside the house and pointed the guy out to her. She said no he's not a soldier it's my uncle from Isaan come to see the family. He's always drunk, ignore him. How was I to know?

How do you know if your being questioned by a soldier or a person dressed in designer camouflage gear? I,m concerned. One day it could go dangerously wrong.

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Some people have voiced opposition to the new charter. All of a sudden the army gives itself sweeping powers to arrest anyone it wants without warrants. Not rocket science to work out who the army will be paying a visit. It's not going to be any mafia guys.

"Some people have voiced opposition to the new charter. "

True, and note which group / color spoke up very quickly with lots of instant negative but with little substance.

Anybody surprised? Anything convinced the opposition was not ordered from abroad?

Little substance ? You must be living on another planet ! This charter does not return democracy to Thailand. There is really no room for discussion. And that's why 'some people' are dead set against this charter, in fact any true democratic person would be..

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anyone can put on a uniform n just do anything he likes cos there is no need for warrants.

Good point. I was listening to music this afternoon not to loud, but loud enough to fill my front room with sound. I get a knock at the door. A man outside my front door dressed in shorts and a camouflage T-shirt tells me to turn the music down. I say OK, no problem. I turn it down. I was curious on whether this guy was a soldier being dressed in camouflage. I told my wife when she got home. I saw him outside the house and pointed the guy out to her. She said no he's not a soldier it's my uncle from Isaan come to see the family. He's always drunk, ignore him. How was I to know?

How do you know if your being questioned by a soldier or a person dressed in designer camouflage gear? I,m concerned. One day it could go dangerously wrong.

and how about the fake police blocks on the roads? whose not to say someone would soon don some camou gear and start putting up army stops dead at night at some secluded area to make some fast cash.

PS:Camouflage design is in trend and fashion now in Thailand lol.

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I think that it is not possible for you and I to discuss this subject.

We do not merely have polarised views, we also have deeply entrenched views. And I am too ill to engage in trench warfare, knowing that neither myself or the other person is going to move an inch.

In my social-science books, I put stability and security before anything else, as I believe stability and security are the foundations upon which everything can be built. I support the current leadership, as they have brought stability and security. You prefer the leadership of PTP to the current leadership. That is your view, and I respect it. However, neither of us are going to change our views, and I could sit here and write essays about why I have my views, it would make no difference.

So I will bid you farewell, and I will just let history decide which of these two positions was the right one.

"In my social-science books, I put stability and security before anything else, as I believe stability and security are the foundations upon which everything can be built."

I see. Stability as demonstrated in North Korea, and as was once in Burma/Myanmar. Don't you hate the halting return to the chaos of democracy in Burma? That's why you're cheering on the junta's move towards that wonderful, stable military government that Burma once had.

During the original Star Wars trilogy you were the one rooting for the Empire.

I enjoyed your use of North Korea as an example of "stability and security." The fact that NK is not stable or secure, is of minor importance isn't it.

On stability, NK is held together by external financial support, it is teetering on the brink of catastrophic macro-famine, manufacturing and industry and science are uniformly hijacked for unstable endeavours. It is what I would use as an example of "unstable."

On security, NK have been rattling toy sabres forever, and striving to obtain a real sabre, with which to rattle. There is nothing secure about a nation that wishes it had the power to wage wars abroad, and is hurtling towards conflict with all the speed it can muster.

Of all the arguments against the current leadership in Thailand, the "but, but, but, North Korea, Nazi Germany!" arguments are the most ridiculous and easiest to topple. Those examples are of nations who wish/ed to engage in foreign wars of conquest. Thailand is no such nation, the military is defensive to protect the security of the Sovereign Kingdom and all persons therein. Thailand also has a unique culture and philosophy which to a certain degree inoculate it against this type of external conquest war behaviour. In comparing Thailand to those situations, you are totally undermining your own argument.

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I think that it is not possible for you and I to discuss this subject.

We do not merely have polarised views, we also have deeply entrenched views. And I am too ill to engage in trench warfare, knowing that neither myself or the other person is going to move an inch.

In my social-science books, I put stability and security before anything else, as I believe stability and security are the foundations upon which everything can be built. I support the current leadership, as they have brought stability and security. You prefer the leadership of PTP to the current leadership. That is your view, and I respect it. However, neither of us are going to change our views, and I could sit here and write essays about why I have my views, it would make no difference.

So I will bid you farewell, and I will just let history decide which of these two positions was the right one.

"In my social-science books, I put stability and security before anything else, as I believe stability and security are the foundations upon which everything can be built."

I see. Stability as demonstrated in North Korea, and as was once in Burma/Myanmar. Don't you hate the halting return to the chaos of democracy in Burma? That's why you're cheering on the junta's move towards that wonderful, stable military government that Burma once had.

During the original Star Wars trilogy you were the one rooting for the Empire.

I enjoyed your use of North Korea as an example of "stability and security." The fact that NK is not stable or secure, is of minor importance isn't it.

On stability, NK is held together by external financial support, it is teetering on the brink of catastrophic macro-famine, manufacturing and industry and science are uniformly hijacked for unstable endeavours. It is what I would use as an example of "unstable."

On security, NK have been rattling toy sabres forever, and striving to obtain a real sabre, with which to rattle. There is nothing secure about a nation that wishes it had the power to wage wars abroad, and is hurtling towards conflict with all the speed it can muster.

Of all the arguments against the current leadership in Thailand, the "but, but, but, North Korea, Nazi Germany!" arguments are the most ridiculous and easiest to topple. Those examples are of nations who wish/ed to engage in foreign wars of conquest. Thailand is no such nation, the military is defensive to protect the security of the Sovereign Kingdom and all persons therein. Thailand also has a unique culture and philosophy which to a certain degree inoculate it against this type of external conquest war behaviour. In comparing Thailand to those situations, you are totally undermining your own argument.

I like the way you use Frightfully Important terms like "macro-famine" to mask the fact you are either making things up or simply don't know what you are talking about. The food situation in the DPRK is better than it has been in a good while and the economy is likewise improving. Furthermore the DPRK has not invaded one foreign country in its history or even threatened to, nor do they have a military government.

Unstable, is it? How many coups has it undergone since 1948? And how many has Thailand? Nice try, though.

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I think that it is not possible for you and I to discuss this subject.

We do not merely have polarised views, we also have deeply entrenched views. And I am too ill to engage in trench warfare, knowing that neither myself or the other person is going to move an inch.

In my social-science books, I put stability and security before anything else, as I believe stability and security are the foundations upon which everything can be built. I support the current leadership, as they have brought stability and security. You prefer the leadership of PTP to the current leadership. That is your view, and I respect it. However, neither of us are going to change our views, and I could sit here and write essays about why I have my views, it would make no difference.

So I will bid you farewell, and I will just let history decide which of these two positions was the right one.

"In my social-science books, I put stability and security before anything else, as I believe stability and security are the foundations upon which everything can be built."

I see. Stability as demonstrated in North Korea, and as was once in Burma/Myanmar. Don't you hate the halting return to the chaos of democracy in Burma? That's why you're cheering on the junta's move towards that wonderful, stable military government that Burma once had.

During the original Star Wars trilogy you were the one rooting for the Empire.

I enjoyed your use of North Korea as an example of "stability and security." The fact that NK is not stable or secure, is of minor importance isn't it.

On stability, NK is held together by external financial support, it is teetering on the brink of catastrophic macro-famine, manufacturing and industry and science are uniformly hijacked for unstable endeavours. It is what I would use as an example of "unstable."

On security, NK have been rattling toy sabres forever, and striving to obtain a real sabre, with which to rattle. There is nothing secure about a nation that wishes it had the power to wage wars abroad, and is hurtling towards conflict with all the speed it can muster.

Of all the arguments against the current leadership in Thailand, the "but, but, but, North Korea, Nazi Germany!" arguments are the most ridiculous and easiest to topple. Those examples are of nations who wish/ed to engage in foreign wars of conquest. Thailand is no such nation, the military is defensive to protect the security of the Sovereign Kingdom and all persons therein. Thailand also has a unique culture and philosophy which to a certain degree inoculate it against this type of external conquest war behaviour. In comparing Thailand to those situations, you are totally undermining your own argument.

I like the way you use Frightfully Important terms like "macro-famine" to mask the fact you are either making things up or simply don't know what you are talking about. The food situation in the DPRK is better than it has been in a good while and the economy is likewise improving. Furthermore the DPRK has not invaded one foreign country in its history or even threatened to, nor do they have a military government.

Unstable, is it? How many coups has it undergone since 1948? And how many has Thailand? Nice try, though.

Nice try on your part, but what would your personel choice be, DPRK or Thailand, no need for lots of waffle or BS, just a straight answer would suffice. Edited by Artisi
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"Nice try on your part, but what would your personel choice be, DPRK or Thailand, no need for lots of waffle or BS, just a straight answer would suffice." - Artsi

A straight answer to a choice that doesn't exist? What would be the point of that? Shall we debate the wingspan of angels next?

I notice you did not refute anything I said, however.

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