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More US troops for eastern Europe


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More US troops for eastern Europe


The news

The US Army has announced it is to send more troops to eastern Europe.

The Pentagon says it is in response to an “aggressive” Russia.

  • Extra armoured brigade deployed
  • 4,200 extra soldiers
  • 9-month tour of duty
  • A total of three continuously present
  • “More capable, more present, more modern”

Fears of Russian “revanchism”

Relations between Russia and western powers have deteriorated since Moscow annexed the Crimean peninsula from Ukraine in 2014.

The annexation sparked and has stoked fears that Russia is considering interventions in bordering countries, notably the Baltic states.

The concern is that Moscow is seeking to regain territory it feels it has lost.

EUCOM in numbers

  • 62,000 US military personnel permanently based in Europe
  • 21 bases across the continent

What they are saying

“This demonstrates our strong and balanced approach to reassuring our NATO allies and partners in the wake of an aggressive Russia in eastern Europe and elsewhere.” – General Philip Breedlove, senior US commander in Europe.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-03-31

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So, this all costs US taxpayers a fortune to be "the world's police". Europe complains bitterly about that term so the US should just pull out.

Here's an idea: Let Russia and the Muslims fight over who gets Europe. No one else really cares, anyway.


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So, this all costs US taxpayers a fortune to be "the world's police". Europe complains bitterly about that term so the US should just pull out.

Here's an idea: Let Russia and the Muslims fight over who gets Europe. No one else really cares, anyway.


Russia does not want Europe and never did

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So, this all costs US taxpayers a fortune to be "the world's police". Europe complains bitterly about that term so the US should just pull out.

Here's an idea: Let Russia and the Muslims fight over who gets Europe. No one else really cares, anyway.


Russia does not want Europe and never did

Well then, it looks like the Muslims will get it... whistling.gif

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So, this all costs US taxpayers a fortune to be "the world's police". Europe complains bitterly about that term so the US should just pull out.

Here's an idea: Let Russia and the Muslims fight over who gets Europe. No one else really cares, anyway.


Russia does not want Europe and never did

Well then, it looks like the Muslims will get it... whistling.gif

Will??? Already have ;)

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So, this all costs US taxpayers a fortune to be "the world's police". Europe complains bitterly about that term so the US should just pull out.

Here's an idea: Let Russia and the Muslims fight over who gets Europe. No one else really cares, anyway.


Russia does not want Europe and never did

Russia wants parts of Europe and always has -- specifically, warm-water ports in the Baltics. Now that those ports are in NATO, Russia can't have them, so I think tensions, such as they are, will ratchet back down again and NATO and Russia will continue to find useful ways to cooperate. Both sides will need to make some concessions to each other, and I think in the end they will; there are too many interests in common.

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Russia does not want Europe and never did

Russia wants parts of Europe and always has -- specifically, warm-water ports in the Baltics. Now that those ports are in NATO, Russia can't have them, so I think tensions, such as they are, will ratchet back down again and NATO and Russia will continue to find useful ways to cooperate. Both sides will need to make some concessions to each other, and I think in the end they will; there are too many interests in common.

Did you study geography at all??? There is nothing warm in baltics, and no Russia does not want baltics , myth created by Baltic states and US.

Read your history please. Why did Russia then not withdraw from the Baltics states after WWII? And why does Moscow maintain the fiction that the Baltics willingly joined the USSR in 1940? There will be no normal relations between Moscow and the Baltics until Russia accepts the facts of its historical role, which should not be that difficult to do given that the events by now were nearly eighty years ago, but because Moscow maintains these fictions the Baltics rightfully remain suspicious. I'll grant you that the issue of warm-water ports is not as crucial as it once was, given that naval power isn't as important as it used to be and given that, in another fifty years, Russia will have plenty of warm-water ports on its Arctic coast!

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So, this all costs US taxpayers a fortune to be "the world's police". Europe complains bitterly about that term so the US should just pull out.

Here's an idea: Let Russia and the Muslims fight over who gets Europe. No one else really cares, anyway.


It is none of the US business who gets Europe, isn't it? Or is it that the US wants it themselves?

Edited by TheCruncher
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So, this all costs US taxpayers a fortune to be "the world's police". Europe complains bitterly about that term so the US should just pull out.

Here's an idea: Let Russia and the Muslims fight over who gets Europe. No one else really cares, anyway.


It is none of the US business who gets Europe, isn't it? Or is it that the US wants it themselves?

We live in a global society. It's everybody's business.

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Russia does not want Europe and never did

Russia wants parts of Europe and always has -- specifically, warm-water ports in the Baltics. Now that those ports are in NATO, Russia can't have them, so I think tensions, such as they are, will ratchet back down again and NATO and Russia will continue to find useful ways to cooperate. Both sides will need to make some concessions to each other, and I think in the end they will; there are too many interests in common.

Did you study geography at all??? There is nothing warm in baltics, and no Russia does not want baltics , myth created by Baltic states and US.

Sure, like Russia did not want parts of Georgia, Ukraine and Moldova... Russia is behaving more aggressively by the day, and in 2014 and 2015 the number of near border flights by Russian military planes reported in Baltics had increased nearly tenfold compared to the previous years. More and more often you can hear some Russian politicians stating that these countries have no right to an existence. Given the history of the Baltic countries, I think they are quite rightly worried.

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So, this all costs US taxpayers a fortune to be "the world's police". Europe complains bitterly about that term so the US should just pull out.

Here's an idea: Let Russia and the Muslims fight over who gets Europe. No one else really cares, anyway.


It is none of the US business who gets Europe, isn't it? Or is it that the US wants it themselves?

We live in a global society. It's everybody's business.

Now that is spoken like a real American.

So, it is my business what my neighbor does?

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Russia wants parts of Europe and always has -- specifically, warm-water ports in the Baltics. Now that those ports are in NATO, Russia can't have them, so I think tensions, such as they are, will ratchet back down again and NATO and Russia will continue to find useful ways to cooperate. Both sides will need to make some concessions to each other, and I think in the end they will; there are too many interests in common.

Did you study geography at all??? There is nothing warm in baltics, and no Russia does not want baltics , myth created by Baltic states and US.

The only myth is that Russia is anything more than a criminal, mafia state.

Russia is always trying to stir up trouble in the Baltics but is finding that ethnic Russians living there, while horribly misinformed because they watch Russian TV channels, have no interest in trading their EU Schengen passports for a Russian one.

But Russia has already seized a piece of Baltic territory. Along the Baltic Sea, Russia stole Königsberg after WWII and renamed it Kaliningrad. To supply it by land from Russia the trains must run through Lithuania. Two years ago Putin let the window shut on his golden opportunity to finally connect the Russian exclave with the rest of Russia. Now it would be too difficult without guaranteeing a wider war which he couldn't win.

The residents of Kaliningrad should hold a referendum to see if they want independence or join Poland or Germany. After all, they have a much better historical and logical reason to do so.

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So, this all costs US taxpayers a fortune to be "the world's police". Europe complains bitterly about that term so the US should just pull out.

Here's an idea: Let Russia and the Muslims fight over who gets Europe. No one else really cares, anyway.


It is none of the US business who gets Europe, isn't it? Or is it that the US wants it themselves?

You make my point. The US should either withdraw all troops, missile silos, and other equipment from Europe, or make Europe pay for it if they ask for it. The US hardly wants Europe. The American people are tired of paying for Europe's defense including contributing so much to NATO without being compensated.

Europe is busy trying to donate itself to Muslims so the US should just pull out and let it happen. If Russia gets a piece, so be it.


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So, this all costs US taxpayers a fortune to be "the world's police". Europe complains bitterly about that term so the US should just pull out.

Here's an idea: Let Russia and the Muslims fight over who gets Europe. No one else really cares, anyway.


It is none of the US business who gets Europe, isn't it? Or is it that the US wants it themselves?

We live in a global society. It's everybody's business.

Now that is spoken like a real American.

So, it is my business what my neighbor does?

Yes. That's if you don't want a Poland circa 1939 situation to develop again

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So, this all costs US taxpayers a fortune to be "the world's police". Europe complains bitterly about that term so the US should just pull out.

Here's an idea: Let Russia and the Muslims fight over who gets Europe. No one else really cares, anyway.


It is none of the US business who gets Europe, isn't it? Or is it that the US wants it themselves?

You make my point. The US should either withdraw all troops, missile silos, and other equipment from Europe, or make Europe pay for it if they ask for it. The US hardly wants Europe. The American people are tired of paying for Europe's defense including contributing so much to NATO without being compensated.

Europe is busy trying to donate itself to Muslims so the US should just pull out and let it happen. If Russia gets a piece, so be it.


Well, I'm not for letting Russia have Europe, because they would have to go through the eastern part, the part which is actually resisting the migrant invasion. Now, if they wanted to take Europe via Greece and Italy that would be a different story.

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Too few NATO nations are pulling their own weight. They are supposed to be spending 2% of GDP on defense, but so far only 5 are, Poland. UK, Estonia, Greece, and the US. Only five out of 28-countries is lame.

NATO Members’ Defense Spending, in Two Charts


The charts are too big to post here (unless someone knows how to re-size them?) but they are interesting to see who the freeloaders are...

#1 NATO Defense Spending: % of GNP

# 2 NATO Defense Spending: % Change, 2014-2015

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and here is Russian response for this.

no one trust Putin Russia anymore so i agree on more troops in Europe but prefer NATO troops than IS ones still it is also OK.

Today it is Ukraine, Crimea and Syria Russia invaded and tomorrow it might be Poland, German, Czech Republic, Slovaki, Romania, Moldova and Baltic countries.

Russia constantly intrudes on the borders of others and expands its military capability and power round those regions so i believe, this is right move from US.

Edited by Galactus
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So, this all costs US taxpayers a fortune to be "the world's police". Europe complains bitterly about that term so the US should just pull out.



Though I recognise you enjoy trolling in reference to the EU, a rather one eyed view of the world. Currently the trade between the US and EU is roughly US$1 trillion p.a. which creates employment for about 7 million people on both sides of the Atlantic, so just protecting trade and employment for the US economy one assumes is worth the investment by the US. In addition NATO forces provide capability and have lost lives supporting military engagements led by the US. In addition NATO, besides other responsibilities, contributes to securing global trade routes which is one of the core functions of our nations' military.

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So, this all costs US taxpayers a fortune to be "the world's police". Europe complains bitterly about that term so the US should just pull out.

Here's an idea: Let Russia and the Muslims fight over who gets Europe. No one else really cares, anyway.


It is none of the US business who gets Europe, isn't it? Or is it that the US wants it themselves?

We live in a global society. It's everybody's business.

Now that is spoken like a real American.

So, it is my business what my neighbor does?

If it has a detrimental impact on your life, then absolutely. I'm sure you would agree with that.
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So, this all costs US taxpayers a fortune to be "the world's police". Europe complains bitterly about that term so the US should just pull out.

Here's an idea: Let Russia and the Muslims fight over who gets Europe. No one else really cares, anyway.


It is none of the US business who gets Europe, isn't it? Or is it that the US wants it themselves?

You make my point. The US should either withdraw all troops, missile silos, and other equipment from Europe, or make Europe pay for it if they ask for it. The US hardly wants Europe. The American people are tired of paying for Europe's defense including contributing so much to NATO without being compensated.

Europe is busy trying to donate itself to Muslims so the US should just pull out and let it happen. If Russia gets a piece, so be it.


America won't do that. It needs some friends. Besides if America pulled out as EU would almost certainly not want rent-a-cop then the EU would expand it's own military. And that is most certainly something America doesn't want, a very well armed EU becoming a federal super state and super power.

The US is finding, as Britain did, that being the world's policeman and super power is costly, thankless and will eventually lead to very big economic and financial issues and the break up of your own empire.

Influence - and US loves and relies on influence, power and prominence doesn't come cheap. And the price just keeps getting higher and higher.

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Costly? In what way? Just print more money

Actually, probably money well spent. "Head them off at the pass" to coin one of quaint americanisms

Don't forget though, you have to keep feeding your military/industrial complex

In truth though, I would let them have hegemony over all of Ukraine east of the Dnieper

The Europeans should be able to defend the borders and rely upon fast back-up if required

We used to have nuclear mines all along the border just in side West Germany. They reckoned that would hold back the heathens for about 3 days. Then, no more mister nice guy!

We could "protect" the Baltic states in that way. Worth it for the blondes IMHO

Edited by Grouse
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Seems Russia isn't happy with Poland now:


Poland's plans to demolish around 500 Soviet-era monuments have angered Russia, according to media reports, further damaging relations between the former Soviet satellite state and the country.

Poland is planning a mass demolition of monuments that are relics of the country's Communist past which are seen as reminders of Soviet Russia's invasion and subsequent decades-long political dominance of the eastern European nation until a popular uprising in 1989 overthrew Communist rule.

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America won't do that. It needs some friends. Besides if America pulled out as EU would almost certainly not want rent-a-cop then the EU would expand it's own military. And that is most certainly something America doesn't want, a very well armed EU becoming a federal super state and super power.

The US is finding, as Britain did, that being the world's policeman and super power is costly, thankless and will eventually lead to very big economic and financial issues and the break up of your own empire.

Influence - and US loves and relies on influence, power and prominence doesn't come cheap. And the price just keeps getting higher and higher.

I more or less agree, but here are additional comments...

1) The only reason not to want EU militaries to get too strong is that in the not too distant future they will have blocs of non-European voters influencing things until they become a large enough part of the population to just take control out right. Otherwise, the USA & EU share too close of historic and cultural bondsat this point to be a threat to each other, IMO

2) The Brit Empire breaking up hurt the wealth of the UK because they were a colonial power "robbing" their colonies of resources. The USA's "empire" is such all that they need to do is close some bases and bring some troops home. Financially it would save the US billion$.

3) Influence: EVERY COUNTRY acts in its own interest and exerts influence where it can. The bigger and richer ones just have more at their disposal. Obama has been unique in that he often doesn't seem to be acting in the interest of his own country and that's why he gets labelled "the Manchurian Candidate" by some.

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