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Turkey is sending Syrian refugees back to war zone claims Amnesty


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What war crimes ?

Try understanding what a war crime is.

Well...sending refugees back where they came from - in this case a war- torn country- pretty much covers it for me, thank you very much!

Try to understand "empathy", will you?!

Fantastic understanding of a war crime. A 10 year old could probably come up with a better definition.

Empathy ?

Yes, I have plenty of empathy and sympathy for genuine refugees who are currently holed up in various refugee camps. Empathy and sympathy are in short supply for those that flout the law by paying people traffickers to get them to a destination of their choice.

It may also help you if you try and understand why such a large % are being refused asylum / refugee status, before assaulting your keyboard.

You mean a 10 year old, who takes a dictionary and cites the exact text, written down?

Like you?

(Not implying you are a 10 year old, but you obviously have a very narrow definition!)

You highlight my point so eloquently, thank you.

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Neversure, it's an interesting video, but I can't quite agree with all of it.

Countries take people because those that they take (immigrants) provide something that is needed by the country.


And just what would it be that the receiving country needs that wouldn't be needed even more by the abandoned countries? Are you talking about skill sets or education or something else they can contribute? Like IT people or doctors from India which is an impoverished country?

India needs the skills of its IT people and its doctors a lot more than the West does. Those people should stay and help their own country grow.

I see few immigrants who aren't actually economic opportunists in the mix going into Europe.

Did you watch the video?


"Those people should stay and help their own country grow." So all those immigrants that came to the USA (your beloved home country, I gather) over the last 200 years to make a better life for themselves were just economic opportunists, didn't contribute a whole lot and should have stayed in their own country and help it grow? If you were poor and were given the choice to make 500 dollars a month in your own country, or the chance of making 5000 dollars a month somewhere else, you would take the high road and stay, is that what you're trying to say?

Uneducated immigrants making $5000 per month. Money does indeed grow on trees in the US.

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