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Any thoughts on attached lab results for sick dog greatly appreciated

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If anyone has any insights regarding the attached lab results for my German Shepard I would be most appreciative if you would advise accordingly.

Thanking you in advance.

Test results 3/11/16 3/17/16 3/26/16 4/3/16

Weight (KG) 29.5 30 29 28

Hb 6.2 6.6 11.4 3.2

HCT 14.7 19 34.2 9.6

WBC 238,000 89000 3500 14700

Plt 57,000 95000 90000 52000

Plt Smear NA decrease decrease decrease

Neutophil NA 5% 45% 72%

Lymphocyte 25.1% 20% 50% 23%

Monocyte 10.7 3% 3% 3%

Eosinophil NA 2% 2% 2%

Bun 10% 22% 19%

Crt 2% .087% 1.16%

AST 21% 35% 187%

ALT 34% 74 % 37% 295%

Dog diagnosed on 3/11/16 with sepsis anemia - thombocytopenia (deficiency of platlets in blood)

Dog has extreme weakness, unable to rise to its feet or walk.

Poor appetite, however drinks a lot of water.

Between 3/11/16 and 3/26/16 dog did show improvement in blood work

Estimated age of German Shepard is 10-12 human years.

Gums are pale whitish to pale pink

Some abdomenal distension.

Has been on antibiotics, blood supplements.

Has been given anti-inflammatory shots.

Have discussed this with several vets. Old age, possible heart disease are leading theories about what is wrong.

Dog currently on marbofloxacin 80.0 mg antibiotic

3/11 lab tests done by one lab; all other lab results from 2nd lab

Edited by Gecko123
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I can't follow this the way it is written.

Which are the dog's current result vs reference range? There seem to be 4 values listed for each parameter. one would likely be the result, 2 would be the lower and upper limits of the reference range and the fourth is ???what??

Regardless, with low platlets should have a blood test to rule out anaplasmosis (Ehrlichiosis) if this has not already been done. It is a tick borne infectious disease.

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I can't follow this the way it is written.

Which are the dog's current result vs reference range? There seem to be 4 values listed for each parameter. one would likely be the result, 2 would be the lower and upper limits of the reference range and the fourth is ???what??

Regardless, with low platlets should have a blood test to rule out anaplasmosis (Ehrlichiosis) if this has not already been done. It is a tick borne infectious disease.

I originally tried to post an Excel spreadsheet which came out all garbled. Please take another look at OP as I think it is clearer now. Test dates are at top of each column.

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If these results are accurate the dog is seriously ill. In fact the last result is almost incompatible with life.

Possible leukemia, erlichosis (anaplasmosis) or massive bacetrial sepsis are what come to my mind but I am no Vet, and a really good vet is what you need.

I don't know where you live but if possible should head to university vetinerary hospital (in Bangkok: Kasetsart Univ and Mahidol/Salaya) , or if you prefer and are in the Bangkok area then this place which is private run by Profs from Kasetsart & Mahidol

http://www.psahospital.com/pet/ Dr. Tony there speaks fluent English. They have specialists in oncology on their staff if it should turn out to be a leukemia.

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I can't follow this the way it is written.

Which are the dog's current result vs reference range? There seem to be 4 values listed for each parameter. one would likely be the result, 2 would be the lower and upper limits of the reference range and the fourth is ???what??

Regardless, with low platlets should have a blood test to rule out anaplasmosis (Ehrlichiosis) if this has not already been done. It is a tick borne infectious disease.

i have results from 5different labs and i am finding it very hard to match up most of yours.

some of the results are off the map eg.wbc.3,500 - 238,000 my lower and upper limits, 6,000 -17,000.

if crt.is creatinine thats the kidney that seems ok.

alt.which is liver,his last test 295% is high max 91%

what is the platelet count.

it is strange you have no range to compare with,or there is nothing to show its either H OR L.

this is why i keep repeating ask the vet,what each value means,high or low,and what are the meds you are given and for what,eg.doxy to fight the parasite.

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