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Four year old dies tragically in a baking hot car parked at a Thai funeral


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Kids will be kids and will always do what kids do, tragically at times, such mischievous acts leads

to tragedy with no one at fault as in this case......

Allowing a four year old to be out of your sight for hours constitutes fault.

Not in Thailand sir/madam...kids play with kids..I'm not going to sit there for hours watching my kid play with other kids. I agree with ezzra..no one at fault...what I don't understand is why did the kid go inside the car in the first place?..he/she should of at least notify the parents and he/she didn't notice how hot it was inside? Doesn't make sense to me..

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As usual 99% of the posts by TV members are cr@p. Self-righteous and offensive. All subjective made with little information. No one's got it right.

I was there, I knew the little girl and her parents, in fact I knew everyone present, the people being my family, friends and neighbours.

Remember, perception is relative, not absolute, something members here have difficulty comprehending.

I hope there's nothing in my posts that was not right. Sorry for your and your family's loss.

And I also apologize for some very stupid and indeed useless posts others have made.

It's very sad that some people even make such a situation a lot worse by not thinking what they write.

I'm sure that all involved are in the state of a shock now. But it was an accident. There's nobdy to blame now. The little one had to go. RIP, little girl.

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Kids will be kids and will always do what kids do, tragically at times, such mischievous acts leads

to tragedy with no one at fault as in this case......

Allowing a four year old to be out of your sight for hours constitutes fault.

Not in Thailand sir/madam...kids play with kids..I'm not going to sit there for hours watching my kid play with other kids. I agree with ezzra..no one at fault...what I don't understand is why did the kid go inside the car in the first place?..he/she should of at least notify the parents and he/she didn't notice how hot it was inside? Doesn't make sense to me..

If the 4 year old child had been properly supervised she never would have climbed in.

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It begs to wonder how long it took before the parents or grandparents ever thought about where this poor child was. What a waste of life mostly due to poor parental guidance and supervision. If this was in my country those people responsible for this child would be imprisoned. Unfortunately here, nothing will happen.

could well be a tragic accident , seems they didn't leave her in the car unlike the following death in Australia -- say's she forgot her.


And slightly off topic but I would like to know why 90% of the incidents involving kids in cars, whether it be in sunshine or left unattended while parents are in gambling rooms, are Asian-Australians. Chinese and Vietnamese mostly. Normally very diligent and caring parents but some seem to have a brain snap when it comes to this issue.

Where do you get your "90%" figure?

Does the Aussie woman in the news clip look Asian to you??

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It doesn't matter. Criminal negligence resulting in the death of a minor.... Even if they lost track of the girl for an hour they are at fault and are ultimately responsible for this child's death

This is Thailand...and many things are not right. But....most parents do not have concerns about its children whereabouts, because here, is not like in many western countries and in special the US, where child kidnapping, rape, and murder is very common.

Unfortunately, some day, Thai parents will have to walk its children on a leach, like in some "developed" countries

For an American, is very refreshing to watch groups of Thai kids playing hours on the villages' streets, without supervision, safely, and talking and playing with "strangers" without concerns. Accidents happens.

This was just a tragic accident, nothing more.

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It begs to wonder how long it took before the parents or grandparents ever thought about where this poor child was. What a waste of life mostly due to poor parental guidance and supervision. If this was in my country those people responsible for this child would be imprisoned. Unfortunately here, nothing will happen.

This sort of thing happens in the USA as well. But if I was the parent, I'd say you're a judgmental bastard and hope that you rot in hell.

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Kids will be kids and will always do what kids do, tragically at times, such mischievous acts leads

to tragedy with no one at fault as in this case......

CRAP......... a 4 year old should be permanently watched and with a parent or adult.

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It doesn't matter. Criminal negligence resulting in the death of a minor.... Even if they lost track of the girl for an hour they are at fault and are ultimately responsible for this child's death

This is Thailand...and many things are not right. But....most parents do not have concerns about its children whereabouts, because here, is not like in many western countries and in special the US, where child kidnapping, rape, and murder is very common.

Unfortunately, some day, Thai parents will have to walk its children on a leach, like in some "developed" countries

For an American, is very refreshing to watch groups of Thai kids playing hours on the villages' streets, without supervision, safely, and talking and playing with "strangers" without concerns. Accidents happens.

This was just a tragic accident, nothing more.

Accidents are avoidable if nparents take proper care. I totally disagree with your statement and the non related nonsense within it. RIP poor neglected child. The parents must be made accountable as a lesson to others.

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The same questions were asked about Jamie Vulgar, what type of parent takes their eye off a child in a shopping Mall. It takes seconds for a tragic scenario to unfold.

Are you being deliberately offensive and insensitive when you presumably refer to James Bulger?

Are you being deliberately offended by my typographical error? If I could edit the post I would, but I can't.

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The same questions were asked about Jamie Vulgar, what type of parent takes their eye off a child in a shopping Mall. It takes seconds for a tragic scenario to unfold.

It was very tiring, but I never let my children out of my sight when we were in public areas.

You might care to edit your post - or perhaps not - but it was not Vulgar, it was Bulger.

Yes I'm aware of my typographical error, would you care to try edit your post?

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The same questions were asked about Jamie Vulgar, what type of parent takes their eye off a child in a shopping Mall. It takes seconds for a tragic scenario to unfold.

It was very tiring, but I never let my children out of my sight when we were in public areas.

IT'S BULGER Not Vulgar! Jamie Bulger.

Oh god, not another one!

Typographical <deleted> error, okay!

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Anyone here with a child knows that other family members often (uninvited) take care of your childen. There are times I don't see my daughter for 20 minutes, ask my wife where she is, off with an aunt, she comes back an hour later. This is the way it is here, and trying to change it creates more problems.

With this, there comes the inherent danger that both parents believe the child is with a grandparent, the grandparents believe the child is with an aunt next door, the aunt next door saw the child for 10 minutes and the child left to go and see Mum, but now the child is nowhere. This isn't inconceivable back in the west. You can't wrap your children in cotton wool 24hrs a day.

This death of a child of 4 is a terrible tragedy, and one at which you don't need to assign blame to anyone. The child climbed into a car and fell asleep. This is not something I would ever foresee happening, and not one many of you would either, you can't eliminate all risks. One of the problems with western culture is there always needs to be someone to blame.

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Parents should be charged with involuntary manslaughter.

She was playing, they didn't leave her or lock her in the car.

Putting them in jail is ridiculous and solves nothing.

You can't keep a four year old kid unattended. They should be charged. I did not say, to lock the relative in charge up.

Edited by fxe1200
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A four year old needs constant care and should not be left with other children to look after. Still it's so easy to say that sat in my armchair. I wasn't there. Tragic accidents happen all over the world. When it involves a child, I think it should stay in the local media and not be discussed throughout the country. The local authorities can deal with the parents. When a child dies, privacy should be respected, sometimes the rush for the next headline causes untold pain upon not only the family of the deceased but the town and province that it happened in. And all to sell a few papers.

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So the village elder let his 4yr old granddaughter play in his unlocked car! Yeh right! So he gave her the key's! mmmm 4yrs old? Yeh right! Left her in there and couldn't find her until he finished drinking some 8+hrs later! Must be the very unusual hot sun they have this time of year. MANSLAUGHTER BY NEGLECT, Oops accident again! RIP little neglected lady

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And the funeral; of the little one in three days. RIP. little one. Sorry.-

In the afternoon when it was time to go home Sangharn could not find his granddaughter and a search was made. It was not until 8pm when a villager found the lifeless body of the girl in the back of the car. They frantically tried to revive her but it was too late.

So they couldn't find the little one in a few hours?

But before blaming the Thais, here's a great example: It seems that kids also die under the same circumstances in more developed countries.:

More than 36 children die in overheated cars every year in the United States, research shows, adding up to more than 600 deaths since 1998.

. A child’s body temperature can rise up to five times faster than an adult’s. A child dies with a 107 degree body temperature.= 41.6 Degrees Celsius.


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So you don't want Thais to be blamed for anything that also happens in other countries? OK, we will leave out any reference to Thais. We will even change the names so that no one will know that anything happens in Thailand. Then Thailand can adopt Communism and become a totalitarian state where all media is tightly controlled and no one ever has to take blame for anything.

Here's the new story:

"A four year old child died somewhere because it was left in a hot car while parents were attending a funeral. It's OK, no one is to blame because it happens in every country in the world. Do not accuse us. The names are censored so that the country does not lose face. Anyone who discloses the identity of this country will be prosecuted for slander".

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I suspect alcohol kept the locals busy that's why the child was forgotten for so long.

Alcohol, and the legendary FACE BRAGGING stories which are soooooo important for the parents and their relatives.

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Anyone here with a child knows that other family members often (uninvited) take care of your childen. There are times I don't see my daughter for 20 minutes, ask my wife where she is, off with an aunt, she comes back an hour later. This is the way it is here, and trying to change it creates more problems.

With this, there comes the inherent danger that both parents believe the child is with a grandparent, the grandparents believe the child is with an aunt next door, the aunt next door saw the child for 10 minutes and the child left to go and see Mum, but now the child is nowhere. This isn't inconceivable back in the west. You can't wrap your children in cotton wool 24hrs a day.

This death of a child of 4 is a terrible tragedy, and one at which you don't need to assign blame to anyone. The child climbed into a car and fell asleep. This is not something I would ever foresee happening, and not one many of you would either, you can't eliminate all risks. One of the problems with western culture is there always needs to be someone to blame.

You seem to be making excuses by saying there is nothing you can do to change it when someone runs off with your child and disappears for an hour.

Many times my Thai family takes my kids while at a wedding or funeral. After about 10 minutes of not physically seeing my kid I start to walk around looking for her. Once I see her I position myself where she is within my sight.

So your excuses are pointless and it's just your laziness that prevents you from doing anything about it

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Is there no end to senseless deaths in this country, this one really tugs at the heart-strings, complete lack of responsibility and supervision and a child dies. One can dress up the reasons anyhow you like but bottom line is the grandfather and grandmother are guilty of negligence . Though as others have said I doubt if anything will happen to the adults. They will just hve to live with their stupidity fore the rest of their lives and their family. Stupid is as stupid does, very very sad.

RIP little one,

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Is there no end to senseless deaths in this country, this one really tugs at the heart-strings, complete lack of responsibility and supervision and a child dies. One can dress up the reasons anyhow you like but bottom line is the grandfather and grandmother are guilty of negligence . Though as others have said I doubt if anything will happen to the adults. They will just hve to live with their stupidity fore the rest of their lives and their family. Stupid is as stupid does, very very sad.

RIP little one,

I want to go to bat for the sentiments posted here by another Thai person, yes I agree that there are many senseless deaths in Thailand, as there are everywhere. Thaivisa reports on Thailand and outsiders might get an exaggerated sense that Thailand is worse than other countries, but sadly it is not, I see these things just as often here in the US. We have even worse things such as parents who deliberately kill their children. Just today a child suffocated to death when he was left face down sleeping on a plastic mat. The parents want to shirk their responsibility by blaming the mat's manufacturer. It's all tragic and painful.

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Very sad

But have said elsewhere Thai parents very keen to control their kids, but often have no clue where they are.

We have a thermometer in the car. With the windows closed the temperature, even under 'cover' rises to 55C + in the Big C Car park

I had a voltmeter sitting on my dashboard for a couple of hours. When I came back, the plastic was melted.

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Kids will be kids and will always do what kids do, tragically at times, such mischievous acts leads

to tragedy with no one at fault as in this case......

Allowing a four year old to be out of your sight for hours constitutes fault.

I was sort of thinking the same thing. I have a five year old

daughter. If she is out of my sight for a minute I look around

for her to make she is not doing anything that would harm

her . How a child could be out of sight for hours and not

raise alarms is simply unfathomable for me.....

As Thai funerals are the only place where you can gamble legally...... one can just guess what kept them so occupied. it for sure was not talking about the dead person


Gambling at Thai funerals is illegal! Police usually turn a blind eye to card playing (mostly old ladys) but when Hi-Lo is played then a bribe must be payed to the local cops in advance. About 10,000 baht a night.

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