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Deputy PM: If draft charter is rejected in referendum, new one will be passed without vote


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Goodness me.

It seems that the choice is

A/ delay the constitution if the referendum is not successful until the public vote oyes on it thus delaying elections on the promised date. Of course some will whinge and state "told you say, can't trust Prayut" and "typical of this govt and is of no surprise"

B/ If not voted in don't delay the process and pass a constitution used on previous ones thus ensuring elections are held on the promised date. Of course some will state "Come on junta lovers, spin this one!"

When the referendum is held and if it is a no vote then both will result in people blaming the Junta for something.

If it is a yes vote the comments will be "rigged results"

Poor Prayut can't win if he does and can't win if he doesn't. Just keep moving forward Prayut. No matter what you do the usual suspects will complain.

"Just keep moving forward Prayut."



"Move on" might be a better idea

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If the Thai people accept this...which as it appears now, they will do, due to their undivided apathy, I guess then, there will only be students that protest....(and the army loves students...so easily quelled).......then all is left is som-nom-na.....!

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Goodness me.

It seems that the choice is

A/ delay the constitution if the referendum is not successful until the public vote oyes on it thus delaying elections on the promised date. Of course some will whinge and state "told you say, can't trust Prayut" and "typical of this govt and is of no surprise"

B/ If not voted in don't delay the process and pass a constitution used on previous ones thus ensuring elections are held on the promised date. Of course some will state "Come on junta lovers, spin this one!"

When the referendum is held and if it is a no vote then both will result in people blaming the Junta for something.

If it is a yes vote the comments will be "rigged results"

Poor Prayut can't win if he does and can't win if he doesn't. Just keep moving forward Prayut. No matter what you do the usual suspects will complain.

Which promised election date are you referring to? The 1st one? The 5th one? The next one? Head. Sand. Carry on

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Any constitution not passed by public support will have no weight whatsoever. Simply ignored and rewritten at a later date

The threat to impose a modified version if the referendum has a "no" majority, or there are mass abstentions, is exactly that, a threat. You can't have details, you can't debate, you most certainly can't question, and if you don't vote for it you might get something far worse.

Not only no weight Jon, but removes all credibility. The problem is, how long before there is an opportunity to do a re-write?

Nobody said it was going to be easy but imposing a non debated non communicated version is no answer. It sends the message out "we know what's in it and it ain't what you want".

So.....what's your point.....?

I can't see the army making any threats.....if the referendum gets a "no" vote...Prayuth and his band will simply invoke a new charter based on a previous one......whatever....the army will continue to rule...debate or not!

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The concept of MANDATE is relevant to any supposedly democratic outcome after the Junta releases its grip.

In politics, a mandate is the authority granted by a constituency to act as its representative.[1]

The concept of a government having a legitimate mandate to govern via the fair winning of a democratic election is a central idea of representative democracy. New governments who attempt to introduce policies that they did not make public during an election campaign are said to not have a legitimate mandate to implement such policies.

[source wikipedia, but numerous dictionaries have essentially the same definition]

An imposed constitution after a no vote means the government that takes over under the system has no mandate and eventually the bogus constitution will inevitably be torn up and written again. [arguably everything the junta does is done without a mandate] As the vast majority of the active manipulators of this current junta are either old or very old they may not be looking to far into the future but simply wish to preserve the status quo for the next 10 to 15 years, after which they will no longer be living.

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Goodness me.

It seems that the choice is

A/ delay the constitution if the referendum is not successful until the public vote oyes on it thus delaying elections on the promised date. Of course some will whinge and state "told you say, can't trust Prayut" and "typical of this govt and is of no surprise"

B/ If not voted in don't delay the process and pass a constitution used on previous ones thus ensuring elections are held on the promised date. Of course some will state "Come on junta lovers, spin this one!"

When the referendum is held and if it is a no vote then both will result in people blaming the Junta for something.

If it is a yes vote the comments will be "rigged results"

Poor Prayut can't win if he does and can't win if he doesn't. Just keep moving forward Prayut. No matter what you do the usual suspects will complain.

And yet in your own profile you tell that you re against non-elected governments.

So just to ask, even if, as usual you never answer :

-What Prayut and the Junta has done so far?

-How is the freedom of speech now days compared to Australia, your home country?

-How do you feel when you see a woman arrested for a <deleted> red bowl and a thumb up? Do you think Aussies would find this normal?

-Of course the results will be rigged, do you really believe 98% of the thai people support this Junta as the past poll shown?

This chart will just put the military in control like in Burma, do you like to see Thailand as the lowest growth in ASEAn because of the poor management the army has done the last two years.

You must be pretty upset to have seen the Minister of Economy, as it is the one Thaksin hired and tje Junta finally decided to hire him because they were clueless about what to do

You must be pretty upset to see the Junta decide to give 200,000 thb to each village in the north...like Thaksin did...no doubt you will be the first in the street to fight against this

The thai media do not speak of that but, as you don not like unelected government who kill and frighten kids :

How do you feel when the Junta just told the whole family of a militant will be deported if he doesn't stop ?

What is your opinion on the fact that NONE of the coup have solved anything?

In the eyes of the Junta everybody who is not with them is a usual suspect, as you are a farang you re a suspect whatever you think

And on e side not, Prayut is everything but poor... but he doesn t want to let us know where the money come from...

seriously mate, libing in the North is not good for you, you re surrounded by the Red and probably have nightmare every night

but but but Thaksin reply coming soon.

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Oh dear, Mickey and his mouse have a plan to get Zimbabwe Thailand to democracy whether the voters like it or not.

Mugabe was voted in through elections for 33 years by a majority of the population. His name usually comes up when arguing against the other side of the political divide in Thailand.

Thirty-three, of course he was. Obviously that being the most prominent Freemason number has absolutely nothing to do with anything hidden in plain sight. Mugabe's a Western stooge pretending to be a Western enemy.

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So the army is expecting it to be a no?

Perhaps that may be in their game plan as this allows them to introduce whatever constitution they really like - and there would be no specific time frame for drafting that one - basically giving unlimited time at the trough.

The people of Burma had to struggle for a limited freedom to be fleshed out later. Things will be no different here. The military want to frame this constitution so it stands for 5 years at least. By then it will be government from the end of a gun again and history repeats itself.

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Oh dear, Mickey and his mouse have a plan to get Zimbabwe Thailand to democracy whether the voters like it or not.

Mugabe was voted in through elections for 33 years by a majority of the population. His name usually comes up when arguing against the other side of the political divide in Thailand.

Thirty-three, of course he was. Obviously that being the most prominent Freemason number has absolutely nothing to do with anything hidden in plain sight. Mugabe's a Western stooge pretending to be a Western enemy.

ls this humor, or is this part of an actual Freemason conspiracy conjecture?

I don't like to demean the word "theory" by using it to describe absurd and unsubstantiated ideas.

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Goodness me.

It seems that the choice is

A/ delay the constitution if the referendum is not successful until the public vote oyes on it thus delaying elections on the promised date. Of course some will whinge and state "told you say, can't trust Prayut" and "typical of this govt and is of no surprise"

B/ If not voted in don't delay the process and pass a constitution used on previous ones thus ensuring elections are held on the promised date. Of course some will state "Come on junta lovers, spin this one!"

When the referendum is held and if it is a no vote then both will result in people blaming the Junta for something.

If it is a yes vote the comments will be "rigged results"

Poor Prayut can't win if he does and can't win if he doesn't. Just keep moving forward Prayut. No matter what you do the usual suspects will complain.

So its okay for you that someone can be locked up for 10 years for posing with a red bowl on fb. Although there is no law against it, it is against the army's law. You are backing people that have a total disregard of human rights and the well being of their people. I ask you again when the s... hits the fan, will you be on the first flight out or the second one?

If a country continue to vote in a leader in fair lections and that leader screws them it is their discission and there problem, that is the nature of democracy. If however you have a junta that screws their people and the majority are against them but the junta deny them the right to vote for their leaders or impede the will of the majority its called a autocratic state. To enlighten you thats the kind of state we saw in Burma for decades, you know the country next door that was shut out of the world community for not allowing their people to vote and even when they voted the army continued to controled the country. Does this not sound like your dear great leaders plan.

I'll not be on any flight... I'll be watching it.. They don't have any interest in foreigners

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Eat this sh.t willingly or have a far worse imposed in your plate!

Boy this guy is funny influence the voting. The cat is already out of the bag on this one. Either take your medicine or we will force it down your throat. Democracy here? Not in my life time.

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My Thai wife hasn't got a clue as to what is happening,furthermore she doesn't even care.Nor do all the other residents of our village. Sublime ignorance.This is just what the junta wants,a controlled populace.Here in Isaan,they still think that Thaksin was a saint and they still talk about 'when he comes back'.All her family believe that he's on holiday in another country???It seems a case of 'Damned if you do,damned if you don't' I tried to explain to her what was happening,but all she said was 'It doesn't mean you'll have to go home does it?' She hasn't even heard of North and South Korea. And thinks that it was the Thais that landed on the moon.She does not know that governments should be elected by the people,she thinks that the present government has been in power for 50 years,just the name of the leader has changed.How can you begin to explain something so important to a person that has no interest.The fact is that her mind could not contemplate it.And,although i hate to say it,she also believes that the world revolves around the great country that is Thailand.

So sad.

Lump of sugar,pat on the head!

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My Thai wife hasn't got a clue as to what is happening,furthermore she doesn't even care.Nor do all the other residents of our village. Sublime ignorance.This is just what the junta wants,a controlled populace.Here in Isaan,they still think that Thaksin was a saint and they still talk about 'when he comes back'.All her family believe that he's on holiday in another country???It seems a case of 'Damned if you do,damned if you don't' I tried to explain to her what was happening,but all she said was 'It doesn't mean you'll have to go home does it?' She hasn't even heard of North and South Korea. And thinks that it was the Thais that landed on the moon.She does not know that governments should be elected by the people,she thinks that the present government has been in power for 50 years,just the name of the leader has changed.How can you begin to explain something so important to a person that has no interest.The fact is that her mind could not contemplate it.And,although i hate to say it,she also believes that the world revolves around the great country that is Thailand.

So sad.

Lump of sugar,pat on the head!

Good read sad story. Your right sublime ignorance is what the junta wants and I am sure they are well aware of the situation you described. No wonder they do not want to improve the educational system keep em dumbed down.

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My Thai wife hasn't got a clue as to what is happening,furthermore she doesn't even care.Nor do all the other residents of our village. Sublime ignorance.This is just what the junta wants,a controlled populace.Here in Isaan,they still think that Thaksin was a saint and they still talk about 'when he comes back'.All her family believe that he's on holiday in another country???It seems a case of 'Damned if you do,damned if you don't' I tried to explain to her what was happening,but all she said was 'It doesn't mean you'll have to go home does it?' She hasn't even heard of North and South Korea. And thinks that it was the Thais that landed on the moon.She does not know that governments should be elected by the people,she thinks that the present government has been in power for 50 years,just the name of the leader has changed.How can you begin to explain something so important to a person that has no interest.The fact is that her mind could not contemplate it.And,although i hate to say it,she also believes that the world revolves around the great country that is Thailand.

So sad.

Lump of sugar,pat on the head!

Good read sad story. Your right sublime ignorance is what the junta wants and I am sure they are well aware of the situation you described. No wonder they do not want to improve the educational system keep em dumbed down.

I'd like your comment, but don't want to be picked up for special treatment 'cos I liked your comment...

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Goodness me.

It seems that the choice is

A/ delay the constitution if the referendum is not successful until the public vote oyes on it thus delaying elections on the promised date. Of course some will whinge and state "told you say, can't trust Prayut" and "typical of this govt and is of no surprise"

B/ If not voted in don't delay the process and pass a constitution used on previous ones thus ensuring elections are held on the promised date. Of course some will state "Come on junta lovers, spin this one!"

When the referendum is held and if it is a no vote then both will result in people blaming the Junta for something.

If it is a yes vote the comments will be "rigged results"

Poor Prayut can't win if he does and can't win if he doesn't. Just keep moving forward Prayut. No matter what you do the usual suspects will complain.

I really tried to give Prayut the benefit of the doubt when he took over. However, stupid comments like 'democracy doesn't mean the same thing everywhere;' calling in people for 'attitude adjustment'; and putting forth draft constitutions that ignore civil rights have all shown that he has more interest in keeping power than in returning Thailand to democracy.

This doesn't even get into the childish way he interacts with the press.

He's lost the benefit of the doubt. He has EARNED every bit of criticism he gets.

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"Dr. Wissanu said the government cannot currently reveal exactly what steps will be taken if the Thai people refuse to accept the draft charter."

Anyone who has heard the original Thai and can tell us if Wissanu used 'refuse', 'reject', or 'voted against' ?

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Goodness me.

It seems that the choice is

A/ delay the constitution if the referendum is not successful until the public vote oyes on it thus delaying elections on the promised date. Of course some will whinge and state "told you say, can't trust Prayut" and "typical of this govt and is of no surprise"

B/ If not voted in don't delay the process and pass a constitution used on previous ones thus ensuring elections are held on the promised date. Of course some will state "Come on junta lovers, spin this one!"

When the referendum is held and if it is a no vote then both will result in people blaming the Junta for something.

If it is a yes vote the comments will be "rigged results"

Poor Prayut can't win if he does and can't win if he doesn't. Just keep moving forward Prayut. No matter what you do the usual suspects will complain.

I really tried to give Prayut the benefit of the doubt when he took over. However, stupid comments like 'democracy doesn't mean the same thing everywhere;' calling in people for 'attitude adjustment'; and putting forth draft constitutions that ignore civil rights have all shown that he has more interest in keeping power than in returning Thailand to democracy.

This doesn't even get into the childish way he interacts with the press.

He's lost the benefit of the doubt. He has EARNED every bit of criticism he gets.

Some of us hoped the situation would change for the better. It's not hard to see now it was wishful thinking. When I am a lot older, dead and gone maybe there will be a true patriot rise from the quagmire and lead the Thai people to a better future.....but it won't be the PM of today that does it! I'd better not say to much or I maybe dead and gone before my time!

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My Thai wife hasn't got a clue as to what is happening,furthermore she doesn't even care.Nor do all the other residents of our village. Sublime ignorance.This is just what the junta wants,a controlled populace.Here in Isaan,they still think that Thaksin was a saint and they still talk about 'when he comes back'.All her family believe that he's on holiday in another country???It seems a case of 'Damned if you do,damned if you don't' I tried to explain to her what was happening,but all she said was 'It doesn't mean you'll have to go home does it?' She hasn't even heard of North and South Korea. And thinks that it was the Thais that landed on the moon.She does not know that governments should be elected by the people,she thinks that the present government has been in power for 50 years,just the name of the leader has changed.How can you begin to explain something so important to a person that has no interest.The fact is that her mind could not contemplate it.And,although i hate to say it,she also believes that the world revolves around the great country that is Thailand.

So sad.

Lump of sugar,pat on the head!

Good read sad story. Your right sublime ignorance is what the junta wants and I am sure they are well aware of the situation you described. No wonder they do not want to improve the educational system keep em dumbed down.

I feel that this sublime ignorance is not just what the Junta wants—the Junta is, after all, just a blunt tool used by some of those at the centre of the Thai body politic to ensure power when the storm comes—rather the following of the idealised, fictional, narrative of the Thai nation and of what it means to be Thai, a narrative that depicts the country as a uniquely blessed kingdom in which nobody questions the established order. Thailand is a nation of secrets, and most of the biggest secrets are unable to be spoken about under threat of imprisonment.

Discussing Thai politics in Thailand is like trying to tell the story of the Titanic without making any mention of the iceberg. Speaking with Thais I know who have lived overseas for extended periods, it becomes apparent that almost all of them are well aware that the truth is very different from the official narrative, and yet many continue to suspend their disbelief and, at least publicly, and profess their faith in the official myths.

As I wrote the other day, Thailand’s tragedy is that people have come to view the dismal farce acted out by their politicians, generals, bureaucrats and business tycoons as a poorly acted TV show - one that everybody knows is fake, but everybody feels it wouldn’t be polite (or legal) to interrupt the theatrics by saying so.

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Goodness me.

It seems that the choice is

A/ delay the constitution if the referendum is not successful until the public vote oyes on it thus delaying elections on the promised date. Of course some will whinge and state "told you say, can't trust Prayut" and "typical of this govt and is of no surprise"

B/ If not voted in don't delay the process and pass a constitution used on previous ones thus ensuring elections are held on the promised date. Of course some will state "Come on junta lovers, spin this one!"

When the referendum is held and if it is a no vote then both will result in people blaming the Junta for something.

If it is a yes vote the comments will be "rigged results"

Poor Prayut can't win if he does and can't win if he doesn't. Just keep moving forward Prayut. No matter what you do the usual suspects will complain.

Lucky for the people of Thailand he can't win.

He is loosing all the time and he is still a disaster for the country, so what would happen if he could win....

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