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How Bad Is This Water Crisis Going To Get?


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Anyone coming to Thailand has to realise "no one" is going to help you with anything and learn to do or arrange by planning in advance your own supplies.

I have 2 wells cost 150k for both one 85 metres deep one 55 metres deep supply 4000 litres an hour + an 8 metre deep 1 rai lake

Yes its a total farce in a country that receives HUGE amounts of rainfall...........no planning, no brains ,no hope ,stuck in a retarded serf like system of governance.

If your area starts to fall like mine, You will become the water source for your area if you have wells.

Are you able to refuse them?... Or even more importantly are you able to fend off desperate people?

anyone sets foot near my wells will get something between the ears...the only thing so far the village has done is complain about me.................most recent amusingly "I was stealing water" then I put some stone on the rubbish strewn grass verge and cleaned it all up was told " not belong to you" so i thought about covering it back in rubbish and looking like a jungle, then there was the "fixing the road" saga............. "not your job" all can be read about here somewhere...............I wouldnt piss on the villagers even if they were dying of thirst, then there was the guys stealing the fish from our pond...........they said " who are you to deny us poor people the right to eat". then we had someone from the govt out as "someone" said we were cutting down trees on our land??? most odd as no trees............as u can see Im not enamoured to them.

Thankfully Im about 500 metres outside the village of the damned with no neighbours.

If you go to war with your neighbours Mr Tough Guy it`s not going to end good for you.

If you do have wells then you should go and have a word with the head man and discuss how you can help the community because in actuality that water does belong to the whole village, all you have done is paid to have wells installed as a means of syphoning off the water onto your land, so in effect they are right. But if you are determined to place a barrier of hostility between the community and yourself, then I wish you all the best with that.

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Anyone coming to Thailand has to realise "no one" is going to help you with anything and learn to do or arrange by planning in advance your own supplies.

I have 2 wells cost 150k for both one 85 metres deep one 55 metres deep supply 4000 litres an hour + an 8 metre deep 1 rai lake

Yes its a total farce in a country that receives HUGE amounts of rainfall...........no planning, no brains ,no hope ,stuck in a retarded serf like system of governance.

If your area starts to fall like mine, You will become the water source for your area if you have wells.

Are you able to refuse them?... Or even more importantly are you able to fend off desperate people?

anyone sets foot near my wells will get something between the ears...the only thing so far the village has done is complain about me.................most recent amusingly "I was stealing water" then I put some stone on the rubbish strewn grass verge and cleaned it all up was told " not belong to you" so i thought about covering it back in rubbish and looking like a jungle, then there was the "fixing the road" saga............. "not your job" all can be read about here somewhere...............I wouldnt piss on the villagers even if they were dying of thirst, then there was the guys stealing the fish from our pond...........they said " who are you to deny us poor people the right to eat". then we had someone from the govt out as "someone" said we were cutting down trees on our land??? most odd as no trees............as u can see Im not enamoured to them.

Thankfully Im about 500 metres outside the village of the damned with no neighbours.

If you go to war with your neighbours Mr Tough Guy it`s not going to end good for you.

If you do have wells then you should go and have a word with the head man and discuss how you can help the community because in actuality that water does belong to the whole village, all you have done is paid to have wells installed as a means of syphoning off the water onto your land, so in effect they are right. But if you are determined to place a barrier of hostility between the community and yourself, then I wish you all the best with that.

Very altruistic.....

And of course all the villagers are going to chip in to share the costs that kannot invested.........whistling.gif

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If your area starts to fall like mine, You will become the water source for your area if you have wells.

Are you able to refuse them?... Or even more importantly are you able to fend off desperate people?

anyone sets foot near my wells will get something between the ears...the only thing so far the village has done is complain about me.................most recent amusingly "I was stealing water" then I put some stone on the rubbish strewn grass verge and cleaned it all up was told " not belong to you" so i thought about covering it back in rubbish and looking like a jungle, then there was the "fixing the road" saga............. "not your job" all can be read about here somewhere...............I wouldnt piss on the villagers even if they were dying of thirst, then there was the guys stealing the fish from our pond...........they said " who are you to deny us poor people the right to eat". then we had someone from the govt out as "someone" said we were cutting down trees on our land??? most odd as no trees............as u can see Im not enamoured to them.

Thankfully Im about 500 metres outside the village of the damned with no neighbours.

If you go to war with your neighbours Mr Tough Guy it`s not going to end good for you.

If you do have wells then you should go and have a word with the head man and discuss how you can help the community because in actuality that water does belong to the whole village, all you have done is paid to have wells installed as a means of syphoning off the water onto your land, so in effect they are right. But if you are determined to place a barrier of hostility between the community and yourself, then I wish you all the best with that.

Very altruistic.....

And of course all the villagers are going to chip in to share the costs that kannot invested.........whistling.gif

I have been here long enough to see how much Thais bend over backwards to help each other in need.

When in Rome and all that.

But regardless of that, it still does not change the fact that Thais are very teritorial and can become very jealous especially of foreigners when they see someone 'taking advantage' with his obviously stronger financial situation.

First of all they will know that a farang can not own land, and so any well on that land actually belongs to a Thai.

In any case, if the village head says share the water, then that is that. That is as good as law. They will push down his walls if they have to and there is very little or nothing he can do to prevent that.

The villagers may well offer to chip in, but you have to be diplomatic. But any conflict between locals and a foreigner in Thailand.... The foreigner WILL lose.

Edited by Brewster67
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Very altruistic.....

And of course all the villagers are going to chip in to share the costs that kannot invested.........whistling.gif

It doesn`t work that way in Thailand.

In England we paid water rates or had a water meter for our water supply and therefore no one could lay claim to our water because it was exclusive for our property. Over here it`s the same for people that have meters and are paying for their water supply each month. But people can`t just build wells, syphoning off the water and then sticking two fingers up to everybody else saying tough s**t it`s my water now and I`m not sharing, especially a Farlang who doesn`t own the land anyway. It`s the same with electric wiring posts, all the houses near by that were built in the last few years are sharing our posts but so what, that`s how it is in Thailand.

There was a recent thread about the good, the bad and the ugly Farlangs in Thailand. Some should read it. Another thing to remember is that the Thais have long memories and I wouldn`t want to live in my house knowing that my neighbours hate and despise me, because I wouldn`t want to meet up with an unfortunate accident one night.

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Very altruistic.....

And of course all the villagers are going to chip in to share the costs that kannot invested.........whistling.gif

It doesn`t work that way in Thailand.

In England we paid water rates or had a water meter for our water supply and therefore no one could lay claim to our water because it was exclusive for our property. Over here it`s the same for people that have meters and are paying for their water supply each month. But people can`t just build wells, syphoning off the water and then sticking two fingers up to everybody else saying tough s**t it`s my water now and I`m not sharing, especially a Farlang who doesn`t own the land anyway. It`s the same with electric wiring posts, all the houses near by that were built in the last few years are sharing our posts but so what, that`s how it is in Thailand.

There was a recent thread about the good, the bad and the ugly Farlangs in Thailand. Some should read it. Another thing to remember is that the Thais have long memories and I wouldn`t want to live in my house knowing that my neighbours hate and despise me, because I wouldn`t want to meet up with an unfortunate accident one night.

I was not saying he was right but you are missing the point - along with a number of potential fallacies above which I kannot (sic) be arsed to discuss. wink.png

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Our unlimited amount of well water, apparently has a limit..

We had to extend the pipe deeper - the first time in "no one knows"...

But we still have water for now... :)

Edited by D3030
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Kannot maybe the best thing to do is to sell the water to the rest of the villagers. You paid for the pumps, electric, bore hole, wear and tear etc. Work a fair price out including a profit? No need for namjai in a drought if you don't like the neighbours and they don't like you.

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Anyone coming to Thailand has to realise "no one" is going to help you with anything and learn to do or arrange by planning in advance your own supplies.

I have 2 wells cost 150k for both one 85 metres deep one 55 metres deep supply 4000 litres an hour + an 8 metre deep 1 rai lake

Yes its a total farce in a country that receives HUGE amounts of rainfall...........no planning, no brains ,no hope ,stuck in a retarded serf like system of governance.

If your area starts to fall like mine, You will become the water source for your area if you have wells.

Are you able to refuse them?... Or even more importantly are you able to fend off desperate people?

anyone sets foot near my wells will get something between the ears...the only thing so far the village has done is complain about me.................most recent amusingly "I was stealing water" then I put some stone on the rubbish strewn grass verge and cleaned it all up was told " not belong to you" so i thought about covering it back in rubbish and looking like a jungle, then there was the "fixing the road" saga............. "not your job" all can be read about here somewhere...............I wouldnt piss on the villagers even if they were dying of thirst, then there was the guys stealing the fish from our pond...........they said " who are you to deny us poor people the right to eat". then we had someone from the govt out as "someone" said we were cutting down trees on our land??? most odd as no trees............as u can see Im not enamoured to them.

Thankfully Im about 500 metres outside the village of the damned with no neighbours.

If you go to war with your neighbours Mr Tough Guy it`s not going to end good for you.

If you do have wells then you should go and have a word with the head man and discuss how you can help the community because in actuality that water does belong to the whole village, all you have done is paid to have wells installed as a means of syphoning off the water onto your land, so in effect they are right. But if you are determined to place a barrier of hostility between the community and yourself, then I wish you all the best with that.

If you believe what you write than perhaps I should have a word with the factorys I live beside..... They're working 24/7 and I haven't received a single cheque yet.....

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Anyone coming to Thailand has to realise "no one" is going to help you with anything and learn to do or arrange by planning in advance your own supplies.

I have 2 wells cost 150k for both one 85 metres deep one 55 metres deep supply 4000 litres an hour + an 8 metre deep 1 rai lake

Yes its a total farce in a country that receives HUGE amounts of rainfall...........no planning, no brains ,no hope ,stuck in a retarded serf like system of governance.

You do realize that the current water shortages are primarily due to an El Nino condition that is going into its third year. This has impacted the normal northeastern moonsoon causing significantly lower then normal rainfall in thailand for the past two years. The El Nino arose rather unexpectedly in 2014 so the reservoirs were lowered as usual in anticipation of normal rainfall that did not occur in 2014 and 2015 causing the low reservoir levels that are now causing problems for many.

Data is showing the El Nino is weakening and forecast are the rainy season in the second half of this year should be normal or higher.

Contrary to popular opinion on this site, the water management system in Thailand has been fairly effective in mitigating the impacts, but at this point is there is little that can be done other then promoting water conservation and wait for the rainy season.


The north easterly monsoon prevails in the dry season. It's the south westerly monsoon that brings the rain.

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Anyone coming to Thailand has to realise "no one" is going to help you with anything and learn to do or arrange by planning in advance your own supplies.

I have 2 wells cost 150k for both one 85 metres deep one 55 metres deep supply 4000 litres an hour + an 8 metre deep 1 rai lake

Yes its a total farce in a country that receives HUGE amounts of rainfall...........no planning, no brains ,no hope ,stuck in a retarded serf like system of governance.

If your area starts to fall like mine, You will become the water source for your area if you have wells.

Are you able to refuse them?... Or even more importantly are you able to fend off desperate people?

anyone sets foot near my wells will get something between the ears...the only thing so far the village has done is complain about me.................most recent amusingly "I was stealing water" then I put some stone on the rubbish strewn grass verge and cleaned it all up was told " not belong to you" so i thought about covering it back in rubbish and looking like a jungle, then there was the "fixing the road" saga............. "not your job" all can be read about here somewhere...............I wouldnt piss on the villagers even if they were dying of thirst, then there was the guys stealing the fish from our pond...........they said " who are you to deny us poor people the right to eat". then we had someone from the govt out as "someone" said we were cutting down trees on our land??? most odd as no trees............as u can see Im not enamoured to them.

Thankfully Im about 500 metres outside the village of the damned with no neighbours.

what an idyllic way to live. im sure you are very happy there.

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There has been no water supply in parts of rural Khampaeng Phet for months now and the 2 fire truck from the tessaban are out 8 hours a day 5 days a week and are having trouble just keeping up. The last delivery we had was over 3 weeks ago.

I have 20 ongs cross connected and 7 as spare for the tanker to pump into. They each hold about 1,500 usable litres and I am now down to the last 6.

Originally my wife and family laughed at the "stupid farang" for having so many ongs, but not anymore.

Lol.... as far back as 9 months ago I was warning the local farang population via our local facebook community page, and I was mocked and laughed at by some of them as a 'doom monger' and with comments like 'the sky is falling, the sky is falling'..... Now all you get on there is people having water problems.... Now they are not taking the pi$$. So it is not just limited to Thais. smile.png

You are the anti-Noah.

indeed, his hidsight seems to be a smidgeon better than 20/20

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Anyone coming to Thailand has to realise "no one" is going to help you with anything and learn to do or arrange by planning in advance your own supplies.

I have 2 wells cost 150k for both one 85 metres deep one 55 metres deep supply 4000 litres an hour + an 8 metre deep 1 rai lake

Yes its a total farce in a country that receives HUGE amounts of rainfall...........no planning, no brains ,no hope ,stuck in a retarded serf like system of governance.

If your area starts to fall like mine, You will become the water source for your area if you have wells.

Are you able to refuse them?... Or even more importantly are you able to fend off desperate people?

anyone sets foot near my wells will get something between the ears...the only thing so far the village has done is complain about me.................most recent amusingly "I was stealing water" then I put some stone on the rubbish strewn grass verge and cleaned it all up was told " not belong to you" so i thought about covering it back in rubbish and looking like a jungle, then there was the "fixing the road" saga............. "not your job" all can be read about here somewhere...............I wouldnt piss on the villagers even if they were dying of thirst, then there was the guys stealing the fish from our pond...........they said " who are you to deny us poor people the right to eat". then we had someone from the govt out as "someone" said we were cutting down trees on our land??? most odd as no trees............as u can see Im not enamoured to them.

Thankfully Im about 500 metres outside the village of the damned with no neighbours.

If you go to war with your neighbours Mr Tough Guy it`s not going to end good for you.

If you do have wells then you should go and have a word with the head man and discuss how you can help the community because in actuality that water does belong to the whole village, all you have done is paid to have wells installed as a means of syphoning off the water onto your land, so in effect they are right. But if you are determined to place a barrier of hostility between the community and yourself, then I wish you all the best with that.

Ha you dont know the head of the village here, he is sick to death of the villagers also, he told us he wish he had never applied for the job, nothing but childish bickering and inventing stories tittle tattle, he actually got the village water supply working whereas the old head of village did bugger all ,even when I offered to buy them a new pump at 40k baht for free they still said they would have to ask the committee and it would take a month or two ( useless) and it was frequently off and filthy which led to my two wells being dug............his words, he's ex army. good bloke, he also doesnt like the orbortor who is totally on the make he "knows" what they are like.

Some of you must spend all day crapping yourself wondering what the neighbours are gonna do to you, wouldnt say "boo to a goose"

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Anyone coming to Thailand has to realise "no one" is going to help you with anything and learn to do or arrange by planning in advance your own supplies.

I have 2 wells cost 150k for both one 85 metres deep one 55 metres deep supply 4000 litres an hour + an 8 metre deep 1 rai lake

Yes its a total farce in a country that receives HUGE amounts of rainfall...........no planning, no brains ,no hope ,stuck in a retarded serf like system of governance.

If your area starts to fall like mine, You will become the water source for your area if you have wells.

Are you able to refuse them?... Or even more importantly are you able to fend off desperate people?

anyone sets foot near my wells will get something between the ears...the only thing so far the village has done is complain about me.................most recent amusingly "I was stealing water" then I put some stone on the rubbish strewn grass verge and cleaned it all up was told " not belong to you" so i thought about covering it back in rubbish and looking like a jungle, then there was the "fixing the road" saga............. "not your job" all can be read about here somewhere...............I wouldnt piss on the villagers even if they were dying of thirst, then there was the guys stealing the fish from our pond...........they said " who are you to deny us poor people the right to eat". then we had someone from the govt out as "someone" said we were cutting down trees on our land??? most odd as no trees............as u can see Im not enamoured to them.

Thankfully Im about 500 metres outside the village of the damned with no neighbours.

what an idyllic way to live. im sure you are very happy there.

Indeed I am I dont need interaction with the village in any way I have no plans to assimilate with their way of thinking.

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Anyone coming to Thailand has to realise "no one" is going to help you with anything and learn to do or arrange by planning in advance your own supplies.

I have 2 wells cost 150k for both one 85 metres deep one 55 metres deep supply 4000 litres an hour + an 8 metre deep 1 rai lake

Yes its a total farce in a country that receives HUGE amounts of rainfall...........no planning, no brains ,no hope ,stuck in a retarded serf like system of governance.

If your area starts to fall like mine, You will become the water source for your area if you have wells.

Are you able to refuse them?... Or even more importantly are you able to fend off desperate people?

anyone sets foot near my wells will get something between the ears...the only thing so far the village has done is complain about me.................most recent amusingly "I was stealing water" then I put some stone on the rubbish strewn grass verge and cleaned it all up was told " not belong to you" so i thought about covering it back in rubbish and looking like a jungle, then there was the "fixing the road" saga............. "not your job" all can be read about here somewhere...............I wouldnt piss on the villagers even if they were dying of thirst, then there was the guys stealing the fish from our pond...........they said " who are you to deny us poor people the right to eat". then we had someone from the govt out as "someone" said we were cutting down trees on our land??? most odd as no trees............as u can see Im not enamoured to them.

Thankfully Im about 500 metres outside the village of the damned with no neighbours.

what an idyllic way to live. im sure you are very happy there.

Indeed I am I dont need interaction with the village in any way I have no plans to assimilate with their way of thinking.

Can I ask please why then you live in Thailand you not like village you not like most Thai people I not understand has a thai upset you or just grumpy ????

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Re Village life Mr Kannot i totally agree

Mrs Poohy and myself moved into a village about 15km south of PKK renovated a farm house the first night we went to village shop and a good few thais lurking around, shop owner's wife spoke to mine, (at that time she was unaware i spoke thai) saying farang jai dee etc she said normally the other farang in area (there's only 2) always buy locals beer

Outcome short and sharp as mrs Poohy is not local to the area and was, well they can if they want ... we wont so you or them don't bother asking,

years on, they dont bother us, we dont bother them we made it clear we live there and dont want to get involved the intricacies of the local community its just not worth it.

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Yes, I'm far superior to my neighbors as well. Occasionally they forget but I never do.

not necessary, no one is saying superior perhaps we just dont like the idiotic goings on of the locals.

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Indeed I am I dont need interaction with the village in any way I have no plans to assimilate with their way of thinking.

Can I ask please why then you live in Thailand you not like village you not like most Thai people I not understand has a thai upset you or just grumpy ????

I have explained before, my "attitude" is based on my 10 years experience of not only "working" with Thais but living amongst them also.

I do not "love" Thailand its culture and some of its people, the odd few are decent but many are just idle gossipers with nothing better to do all day, unreliable and shoddy work at best, happy sitting on their idle <deleted> around here in many cases and if u think I complain you should hear them.

I stay here as my Wife works here, she earns good money there is no need for me to work again, I like not working, we live on 15 rai OUTSIDE of the village by about 500 metres, I have no direct neighbours and i am perfectly happy if they stay away from me.

I have done a few things to help the village initially ( see water pump) but now I stay well away, got asked some favours by one neighbour which involved my lawyer and half a day of time for him cutting a neighbours trees down including an hour at the police station ( he asked for help) about 6 months later we asked if he could water our trees for one day............nahhhhh he couldnt do it too " busy" which was crap as we found out he was NOT busy at all.

Do you think you can only live in Thailand by "becoming Thai"?

I could live in Spain, Madeira or the UK , none suit my Wife's work.

Edited by kannot
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Yes, I'm far superior to my neighbors as well. Occasionally they forget but I never do

I am not saying I am superior but If i lived in town i wouldn't get involved with my neighbours so that's why I choose to live in the countryside i have no neighbours

After 14 years working in Bangkok i feel the need of peace and quiet !

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Indeed I am I dont need interaction with the village in any way I have no plans to assimilate with their way of thinking.

Can I ask please why then you live in Thailand you not like village you not like most Thai people I not understand has a thai upset you or just grumpy ????

I have explained before, my "attitude" is based on my 10 years experience of not only "working" with Thais but living amongst them also.

I do not "love" Thailand its culture and some of its people, the odd few are decent but many are just idle gossipers with nothing better to do all day, unreliable and shoddy work at best, happy sitting on their idle <deleted> around here in many cases and if u think I complain you should hear them.

I stay here as my Wife works here, she earns good money there is no need for me to work again, I like not working, we live on 15 rai OUTSIDE of the village by about 500 metres, I have no direct neighbours and i am perfectly happy if they stay away from me.

I have done a few things to help the village initially ( see water pump) but now I stay well away, got asked some favours by one neighbour which involved my lawyer and half a day of time for him cutting a neighbours trees down including an hour at the police station ( he asked for help) about 6 months later we asked if he could water our trees for one day............nahhhhh he couldnt do it too " busy" which was crap as we found out he was NOT busy at all.

Do you think you can only live in Thailand by "becoming Thai"?

I could live in Spain, Madeira or the UK , none suit my Wife's work.

I thank you for your answer . Your life I suppose I know may many Thais who are not lazy who do a good job based on many more years than your 10. Maybe because one or two you see as lazy now you say all Thais are not so. Not know where you are from but I guess people there are same as thai some good some bad. I feel sorry for you it must be very lonley.

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Indeed I am I dont need interaction with the village in any way I have no plans to assimilate with their way of thinking.

Can I ask please why then you live in Thailand you not like village you not like most Thai people I not understand has a thai upset you or just grumpy ????

I have explained before, my "attitude" is based on my 10 years experience of not only "working" with Thais but living amongst them also.

I do not "love" Thailand its culture and some of its people, the odd few are decent but many are just idle gossipers with nothing better to do all day, unreliable and shoddy work at best, happy sitting on their idle <deleted> around here in many cases and if u think I complain you should hear them.

I stay here as my Wife works here, she earns good money there is no need for me to work again, I like not working, we live on 15 rai OUTSIDE of the village by about 500 metres, I have no direct neighbours and i am perfectly happy if they stay away from me.

I have done a few things to help the village initially ( see water pump) but now I stay well away, got asked some favours by one neighbour which involved my lawyer and half a day of time for him cutting a neighbours trees down including an hour at the police station ( he asked for help) about 6 months later we asked if he could water our trees for one day............nahhhhh he couldnt do it too " busy" which was crap as we found out he was NOT busy at all.

Do you think you can only live in Thailand by "becoming Thai"?

I could live in Spain, Madeira or the UK , none suit my Wife's work.

I thank you for your answer . Your life I suppose I know may many Thais who are not lazy who do a good job based on many more years than your 10. Maybe because one or two you see as lazy now you say all Thais are not so. Not know where you are from but I guess people there are same as thai some good some bad. I feel sorry for you it must be very lonley.

I dont seek the company of others so i dont feel lonely, youre looking at it from your perspective maybe you like company, I do what I like and grow my trees. From what I see Id say 3 in 10 Thais are decent round here and those are mostly the shop owners and have a totally different outlook to the majority, always willing to help whereas the other 7 arent.

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I am with you on that one.

Indeed I am I dont need interaction with the village in any way I have no plans to assimilate with their way of thinking.

Can I ask please why then you live in Thailand you not like village you not like most Thai people I not understand has a thai upset you or just grumpy ????

I have explained before, my "attitude" is based on my 10 years experience of not only "working" with Thais but living amongst them also.

I do not "love" Thailand its culture and some of its people, the odd few are decent but many are just idle gossipers with nothing better to do all day, unreliable and shoddy work at best, happy sitting on their idle <deleted> around here in many cases and if u think I complain you should hear them.

I stay here as my Wife works here, she earns good money there is no need for me to work again, I like not working, we live on 15 rai OUTSIDE of the village by about 500 metres, I have no direct neighbours and i am perfectly happy if they stay away from me.

I have done a few things to help the village initially ( see water pump) but now I stay well away, got asked some favours by one neighbour which involved my lawyer and half a day of time for him cutting a neighbours trees down including an hour at the police station ( he asked for help) about 6 months later we asked if he could water our trees for one day............nahhhhh he couldnt do it too " busy" which was crap as we found out he was NOT busy at all.

Do you think you can only live in Thailand by "becoming Thai"?

I could live in Spain, Madeira or the UK , none suit my Wife's work.

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I've found it! I've found water! Apparently in limitless quantities!

As I type, it's flowing down the middle of every town and village road I drove through today--in the heart of drought-plagued Isaan. The locals have so much surplus, they're throwing it away. I even inadvertently collected bucket loads of it, sloshing back and forth in the bed of my pickup as I drove through.

Thai optimism is absolutely contagious!

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