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Regarding Missionaries


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Why is it that only Christians and Muslims are trying to convert people to their religion?

I disagree.

My experience has been that Christians and Muslims go out of their way to exclude people from their religions, sometimes to the extent that if you don't strictly adhere to their way, then you are the enemy and they will try to kill you.

Have you seen any Muslims trying to convert any Hebrews lately? Or any Catholics trying to convert Islamic extremists? Or vice versa?

For Catholicism, if you can't adhere to their rules, then you simply cannot belong. On the other hand, with them, if you can donate a lot of money then you can pretty much do what you want. What a wacky way to run a religion that is!

The only groups that I've seen actively trying to recruit people into their religions are Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons. They are pretty aggressive in many parts of the world where their recruiting activities are tolerated. Haven't seen too many other groups on active missions or going door to door like they do.

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Why is it that only Christians and Muslims are trying to convert people to their religion?

I disagree.

My experience has been that Christians and Muslims go out of their way to exclude people from their religions, sometimes to the extent that if you don't strictly adhere to their way, then you are the enemy and they will try to kill you.

Have you seen any Muslims trying to convert any Hebrews lately? Or any Catholics trying to convert Islamic extremists? Or vice versa?

For Catholicism, if you can't adhere to their rules, then you simply cannot belong. On the other hand, with them, if you can donate a lot of money then you can pretty much do what you want. What a wacky way to run a religion that is!

The only groups that I've seen actively trying to recruit people into their religions are Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons. They are pretty aggressive in many parts of the world where their recruiting activities are tolerated. Haven't seen too many other groups on active missions or going door to door like they do.

When I lived in Yantakhao, a predominantly Muslim village just outside Trang, a few years ago, we used to get Muslims who could speak english coming over to visit the local Mosque, they would take great pleasure in sitting outside my bungalow drinking my coke and trying to show me the true way. Being Agnostic they thought they stood a chance in convertion... didn't work but I still know the fellas now I live in Phuket, nice bunch.


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I certainly share the view of the majority of the posters, whether explict or implied, that faith based religions have no business trying to "sell" their point of view, especially when money or "life improvement" is used as an inducement.

I am not an expert on Muslims, but I do know that many branches of that religion preach "death to the infidel". Certainly, the state religion of Saudia Arabia, Whahabism, does. Christians, with all their misguided dogma and bible fable justification for what is "right", at least they don't preach death to non-christians, (infidels) even though they do relegate non-believers to their fabled "lucifer run kingdom" (Sorry for the euphamisim but the h word is a no-no in this forum)

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The church collection bowl

The church roof appeal

The Church of England - one of the largest, if not THE largest land owner in England.

It's all take take take.

Finally some bloke in a dress gives you some valuable words as the cancer finally takes your last breath. Then he asks your grieving loved ones for a donation. The money trail continues.

Of course they need money to send the parish perverts to deepest Africa so that they can carry on their filth away from the western media which is now waking up to them.

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I have never thought a great deal of missionarys,I kinda think that all should be expelled from a country not their own and maybe even from there if they knock on my door and refuse to leave when asked.

I did read about what they are doing in the AKHA villages of north Thailand here on this site yesterday and now I really do believe that they should be expelled from Thailand as soon as possible. Go to NEWS STORIES and look for the links,if you don't know,I think it is time you found out just what they do.

I too was in saudi and as an athiest I was recruited to join the muslims,they thought that we are easier than a died in the wool christian I guess. Even before I was in saudi, while I was waiting for my visa in Manama Bahrain the agent of the company tried to get to accept allah and said I would have an easier time in Saudi and would reap many benefits.

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Great post, Snark.

Bob Woodward's new book, "Plan of Attack," involves many interviews with the present US Administration, including a 3 hour sitdown with Bush himself. The scariest quote from the latter alludes to 'Divine intervention' as his rationale for going to war against Iraq!! Mindboggling (and John McCaine won't be running again to save us). And Bush said a year ago that his use of the word "Crusade" was unfortunate. Yeah, unfortuntate for the rest of us, now that we know where he is coming from.

One glance at the World's hot spots clearly shows religion as the biggest destabilizing force, by far. Mainly Muslim, but let's not forget Northern Ireland or Abortion Clinic USA. And there are others.

One of the most influential books I read in high school was Bertrand Russell's "Why I'm not a Christian." I found the key essay from it on the Internet:


From one of the best philosophical brains in several centuries, it is well worth your while to read this.

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Way back when, don't know when, the Catholic Church forced its priests to take a vow of celibacy. Why you ask? Simple business sense, nothing to do with religion.

If a priest had assets such as land, gold, or whatever it is handed down to the Church; no wife, no chidren. That is one of the reasons they are so rich. Plundering other countries wealth also gained them plenty of booty. Arrrrrrr!

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