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PM happy as Thais read more


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I know western countries have "classic literature", also Arabic and Indian literature have classics, has anyone any knowledge of similar literature in Thai ? Genuine question people as if so maybe I should buy some for my young Thai relations, but yes, they all use facebook or similar !!!

I am afraid you will either end up with a book written by a member of the royal family or a book describing the heroic features of an ancient member of the royal family.

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Maybe I am out of touch but reading Facebook, Line or Hi5 is not exactly hat I would call reading


Yep...you are clearly out of touch! clap2.gif

But on a more serious note: I don't believe this statistic for a second!

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One exception: little brother (now 18 years old) reads Thai comics when he is on the toilet, but I have never "seen" him doing that as he keeps the doors closed.

Are you sure that's a comic book? Maybe it's just the cover... wink.png

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