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Thai Police Arrest More than 20,000 Suspected Criminals in One Week


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6 ya ba tablets 2 stolen motorbikes and 19,988 red bowls with a goodwill message from a fugitive former prime minister were also recovered.

seriously though, this is more than the criminal "justice" system can handle in 2 years. How many of these "criminals" will be brought to trial, convicted and sentenced. They don't seem to realise that the arrest is the start and not the end of the process

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I believe it. This mob could catch 1 million if they wanted. Now whether they have arrested 20,000 people correctly is complete BS.

So 20,000 court cases plus evidence legal representation and so on. Silly me that's not required here. This is a round up and publicity stunt to cover up the fools day-to-day behaviour.

I haven't seen many photos so I also assume they never did a thing, just lied about it. Makes me sleep comfortably at night.

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why bother with petty details like due process or evidence.....just round 'em up and lock 'em up

Duh, they had arrest warrents. What kind of due process might you be talking about. Or did you just want to do some Thai bashing.

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Basically people got arrested without having done anything, just "to prevent the from repeating their crimes"?

I see, the rule of law is prevailing again.

Looks like the Police is anticipating the job of all the sub-Lieutenants empowered by the general to make arrests without court warrants.

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"Police have arrested 20,172 suspects wanted under 42,915 arrest warrants nationwide in one week from April 1 to 7th"

One beg to question, ( ok, ok, i know we are not really allowed to do that!)

Why dont they do this all year around?

Where did they "store" them all?

why do they not continue with the 22.743 others?

as mentioned a 20,172 * 500 sounds plausible


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cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif Why in the name of Satan don't they do their job All year round instead just for a week before Songkran??? If they did their job All year round then their would be no criminals in Thailand,,,,,, Oh shit,can't have that ,,,,,, facepalm.gif

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Why hadn't they been arrested before?

Mass arests bring to mind countries like Egypt and N. Korea......

I dont think this was some kind of mass arrest......... This number is nationwide. It would be relatively easy to arrest this amount of people within one week if each province only captured a couple of people every day.

This idiot who addressed the news is trying to glamorize a national figure to the people in hopes it makes them look good because most people will miss the Nationwide part. This article is complete B.S.

You might want to redo your figures?

77 provinces times a couple = 154

7 days in a week would make that 1078

That's a bit short of the over 20,000 they claim to have arrested.

40 per province maybe?

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20,000 arrests......personally, I do not believe one bit of this fantasy.......a very poor attempt to glorify the most corrupt organisation in Thailand.....well...nearly the most corrupt..!

I think this number arrested over 10 years would be a stretch. If that many were arrested in one week can you imagine the total amount of criminals running around? Its just another feel safe during Songkran propaganda story.

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If they managed to arrest 20,000 in one week, I wonder how many they can arrest in one month or one year?

maybe after few months like that, Thailand will be all cleaned out of criminals...... just come to show

what the police can do if they put tier minds to it, assuming it's all true of course.....

It was another one of their famous crack downs

This one lasted for a week and is now finished.

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Otherwise I am always prepared to allow for differences in culture. But this stuff here beats me. I know a little about Police work. It is a painstakingly slow and tedious matter to assemble a case against an individual. When the case is ready it must be executed forthwith, to reduce chances of the criminal being warned and escaping, proof becoming invalid and all the rest. You cannot wait until next Christmas, Elections or whatever other public festivity. And where do they even put those 20,000? Prisons are full ! Such a huge number rounded up and detained just for figures, it will all come apart afterwards, i.e. at least for those among the detained who can afford lawyers, that is, the fraction that really matters ! What a nonsense...

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What a crap. Amazing that they really dare to present such figures and think anybody in control of his brain would believe it. > 14.000 in BKK in 7 days = 2.000 per day? How will they handle this amount of work each day? Would only be possible if they knew exactly where all those guys with open arrest warrants are, which just proves that they were never doing their job in the first place.

Congratulations, you made a point with this article.

The same nonsense applies to the article the other day trying to tell us that several hundred thousand (!!!) visa over-stayers had been deported. Man, how stupid do they think people are? Or it is the other way around, maybe.

Edited by Dasekel
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I believe it!!!! Maybe 20,002.....but YES....I am a believer

anyone watch zeitgeist?

"watch zeitgeist" - can you explain that?

Zeitgeist is a nearly 2 hour film, the ultimate conspiracy film to end all films.

lts in 3 parts,

1) about how religion is a big con job.

2) how 9/11 was an inside job

3) how the banks rule the world & manipulate events such as wars, depressions, value of currency etc.

The finale explains how future populations will be micro chipped.

You may not agree with everything that is said but it is food for thought.


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Another announcement for happiness of Thai peoples and impressing foreigner? whistling.gif

Yeah, I'm sure foreign investors and governments looking into this are impressed indeed.

This garbage should be restricted to Thai language newspapers, it's meant for domestic consumption.

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Another announcement for happiness of Thai peoples and impressing foreigner? whistling.gif

Yeah, I'm sure foreign investors and governments looking into this are impressed indeed.

This garbage should be restricted to Thai language newspapers, it's meant for domestic consumption.

The Junta obviously looks at this as a PR victory.

Otherwise the papers would not be permitted to print the story. It got front page.

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Government officials are happy to announce the building of 3 new jails, to be constructed by our friends in the construction sector no bribes we promise.

Just wait for the above headline in the future lol

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How many police stations in Bangkok?

I don't know, but even if there's 100, that would be 20 arrests per day per station

if theres 200 then 10 arrests per station,

In a city of 10 million people 100 dosen't sound excesive to me

Dosen't sound quite so absurd now,

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