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Off-licence alcohol sales during Songkran


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I just went down to my local 7-11 and saw that their alcohol fridges are covered over. Is there a blanket ban on sale of off-licence alcohol for the duration of Songkran or is it just different hours that you can buy it?

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That's great that you don't care, but it doesn't actually answer my question as to whether or not I can buy alcohol during Songkran. Nor was I asking for the cheapest place to buy alcohol, the 7-11 was used as an example for the off-licence place that I visited...

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That's great that you don't care, but it doesn't actually answer my question as to whether or not I can buy alcohol during Songkran. Nor was I asking for the cheapest place to buy alcohol, the 7-11 was used as an example for the off-licence place that I visited...

>>but it doesn't actually answer my question as to whether or not I can buy alcohol during Songkran.<<..........So you have no independent groceries (Mom and Pop shops ) in your area ? Where do you live exactly ?

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That's great that you don't care, but it doesn't actually answer my question as to whether or not I can buy alcohol during Songkran. Nor was I asking for the cheapest place to buy alcohol, the 7-11 was used as an example for the off-licence place that I visited...

>>but it doesn't actually answer my question as to whether or not I can buy alcohol during Songkran.<<..........So you have no independent groceries (Mom and Pop shops ) in your area ? Where do you live exactly ?

Mahidol Road area nearish to airport plaza. I possibly do, just thought I'd see if there was a ban before I went out looking for it.

I'm new to the area, been here about a week so I don't have a huge clue what is or isn't in my area. I apologise for asking a (apparently) stupid question...

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All 7-11 nation wide only sell alcohol between 11 am to 2 pm and 5 pm to midnight. By the timing of you post it looks like your may have have been in a 7-11 before 11 am.

I was in about twenty past 11. Possible that the store staff just hadn't taken the covers down I suppose. Cheers for the help!

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>>I apologise for asking a (apparently) stupid question...<<

Not stupid if you are new here .Just dont assume that you have to depend on 7/11. If you see a little shop ,with a glass fronted fridge displaying beer ,you can just point to what you want ( if you do not know Thai ) ,and you can assume that they will sell anytime that they are open ,unlike 7/11 .(who can not break the selling time laws ) .

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