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US military units to stay for South China Sea patrols


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There are a lot of Donald Trump equivalents in the CCP. In fact there are a swarm of 'em.

And there are a lot of CCP equivalents of the USA rightwingnut whackjob racist extremists in the CCP to include especially the fenqing, who insist the South China Sea is theirs, absolutely, completely, no question, no compromise because there is nothing to compromise.


End of.

Not only the nutcase fenqing however as the CCP Chinese population as a whole completely support the Boyz in the SCS and in the East Sea. Unquestionably.

Against the USA and against Japan, to include the Middle Kingdom's tributary states of Asean.

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Okay, above is a link from Fox News, their way of reporting this American involvement in the South China Sea.

Now, please note the comments put on at the bottom of the report by Fox News viewers.
Comments like;

"Most of the crap being shipped through that area is from China anyway. So what's the big deal? Walmart has nothing to worry about."

"The Obama's administration "show of force" is simply a waste of resources and taxpayer money. It means nothing whatsoever to the Chinese government. The White House remains clueless."

"When US "Talk" it take 5 years by that time China make it bigger Hope Trump can do it better!"

"After the island was built & made operational with missiles & fighter jets.... now we send military ships?

Our chance to prevent this has passed... we cannot evict them, but we could have prevented them from taking hold."

Now, Fox News, off-course, supports the Republicans and hates Hillary Clinton. And Fox's viewers obviously support Fox's views. The comments by viewers are mainly about criticising Obama's NON-ACTION in the South China Sea. Also, comments being used to attack China's goods being exported to America. And indeed, a few comments calling for military strikes and war against China.

I really do wonder, what's the difference between a bunch of Fox News viewers and Americans who are on Thai Visa ????
A lot of the Americans on Thai Visa hate Trump, and don't like Fox News. But, the same 'liberals' are also a bunch of war-mongers dishing out their anti-China sentiments on Thai Visa.

Publicus, all this anti-China writing that YOU trot out here on Thai Visa. I think, Fox News would love to have YOU as one of their staff. Your writing might be enough to convince some people that Beijing/China IS actually evil. :)

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Okay, above is a link from Fox News, their way of reporting this American involvement in the South China Sea.

Now, please note the comments put on at the bottom of the report by Fox News viewers.

Comments like;

"Most of the crap being shipped through that area is from China anyway. So what's the big deal? Walmart has nothing to worry about."

"The Obama's administration "show of force" is simply a waste of resources and taxpayer money. It means nothing whatsoever to the Chinese government. The White House remains clueless."

"When US "Talk" it take 5 years by that time China make it bigger Hope Trump can do it better!"

"After the island was built & made operational with missiles & fighter jets.... now we send military ships?

Our chance to prevent this has passed... we cannot evict them, but we could have prevented them from taking hold."

Now, Fox News, off-course, supports the Republicans and hates Hillary Clinton. And Fox's viewers obviously support Fox's views. The comments by viewers are mainly about criticising Obama's NON-ACTION in the South China Sea. Also, comments being used to attack China's goods being exported to America. And indeed, a few comments calling for military strikes and war against China.

I really do wonder, what's the difference between a bunch of Fox News viewers and Americans who are on Thai Visa ????

A lot of the Americans on Thai Visa hate Trump, and don't like Fox News. But, the same 'liberals' are also a bunch of war-mongers dishing out their anti-China sentiments on Thai Visa.

Publicus, all this anti-China writing that YOU trot out here on Thai Visa. I think, Fox News would love to have YOU as one of their staff. Your writing might be enough to convince some people that Beijing/China IS actually evil. smile.png

Well, I have lived and worked in America and as you may imagine , spent most of my leisure time with those of a liberal bent. BUT, I still found most of them to be quite nationalistic and prone to feeling that aggressive actions were the best way to deal with nations that dared to thwart american wishes. Perhaps being forced to stand with their hands over their hearts and recite the pledge of allegiance every morning at school during their formative years, singing a national anthem that glorifies a battle, witnessing US Marines presiding at every social and sporting event they attend and ooing and ahhhing at every air force flyby for every public gathering they attend has unhinged them a tad!!

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Okay, above is a link from Fox News, their way of reporting this American involvement in the South China Sea.

Now, please note the comments put on at the bottom of the report by Fox News viewers.

Comments like;

"Most of the crap being shipped through that area is from China anyway. So what's the big deal? Walmart has nothing to worry about."

"The Obama's administration "show of force" is simply a waste of resources and taxpayer money. It means nothing whatsoever to the Chinese government. The White House remains clueless."

"When US "Talk" it take 5 years by that time China make it bigger Hope Trump can do it better!"

"After the island was built & made operational with missiles & fighter jets.... now we send military ships?

Our chance to prevent this has passed... we cannot evict them, but we could have prevented them from taking hold."

Now, Fox News, off-course, supports the Republicans and hates Hillary Clinton. And Fox's viewers obviously support Fox's views. The comments by viewers are mainly about criticising Obama's NON-ACTION in the South China Sea. Also, comments being used to attack China's goods being exported to America. And indeed, a few comments calling for military strikes and war against China.

I really do wonder, what's the difference between a bunch of Fox News viewers and Americans who are on Thai Visa ????

A lot of the Americans on Thai Visa hate Trump, and don't like Fox News. But, the same 'liberals' are also a bunch of war-mongers dishing out their anti-China sentiments on Thai Visa.

Publicus, all this anti-China writing that YOU trot out here on Thai Visa. I think, Fox News would love to have YOU as one of their staff. Your writing might be enough to convince some people that Beijing/China IS actually evil. smile.png

You do point out an interesting dichotomy with some posters, who on the one hand are firmly liberal and dogmatically American Democrat party hacks, and on the other hand, talk about China as if they are General Douglas MacArthur in 1950 trying to convince President Truman to extend the Korean war to China.laugh.png


Fox News and the Republican party are all about monopolizing nationalism and patriotism, and idolizing militarism, so your point is poignant. And, just yesterday, Donald Trump ratcheted up his rhetoric against China again, saying China is 'raping' America and 'robbing the American piggy bank.'

Pub needs to support Trump!

I love early morning rantings and musings before the caffeine kicks in. coffee1.gif

Edited by keemapoot
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Sorry boys to have missed the fun last night

Was a long day of business even though it was Labour Day holiday ...

Comrade P - I agree with some of the posters on your views ...it's like watching Fox Live and I am not sure I'm understanding all these dynasty rhetorics you are saying ...are you tuning out of racial insults already ?

As for the 50,000+ plus boats ...like I say you can keep digging , it's irks China doesn't share eventually in a real war what they will do or can do ?

It's not really unlike the CIA who went uninvited into many ASEAN countries and starting establishing secret bases in the early 70/80s.

Yes it was uninvited and happened even in Chiangmai , the ASEAN countries were furious but USA figured at that time as it was the biggest global powers , the ASEAN countries could suck it up and say nothing as this is Uncle big in your face Sam

So the Chinese are learning from you some of these habits and it's like one of the games you play in the sandpit of mimicking Simeone when they speak and it's irritating

If you think Vietnam is your new BFF , remember they made a Mickey out of you before and kicked your ass ; now is just using you at the prom to make the ex jealous ....so that the ex will come back with a bigger diamond tiara because she knows you are are flashy but broke ....any idiot can see what Vietnam is doing .....its those Ao Dai as Keemapoot will tell you :) highly distracting

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Okay, above is a link from Fox News, their way of reporting this American involvement in the South China Sea.

Now, please note the comments put on at the bottom of the report by Fox News viewers.

Comments like;

"Most of the crap being shipped through that area is from China anyway. So what's the big deal? Walmart has nothing to worry about."

"The Obama's administration "show of force" is simply a waste of resources and taxpayer money. It means nothing whatsoever to the Chinese government. The White House remains clueless."

"When US "Talk" it take 5 years by that time China make it bigger Hope Trump can do it better!"

"After the island was built & made operational with missiles & fighter jets.... now we send military ships?

Our chance to prevent this has passed... we cannot evict them, but we could have prevented them from taking hold."

Now, Fox News, off-course, supports the Republicans and hates Hillary Clinton. And Fox's viewers obviously support Fox's views. The comments by viewers are mainly about criticising Obama's NON-ACTION in the South China Sea. Also, comments being used to attack China's goods being exported to America. And indeed, a few comments calling for military strikes and war against China.

I really do wonder, what's the difference between a bunch of Fox News viewers and Americans who are on Thai Visa ????

A lot of the Americans on Thai Visa hate Trump, and don't like Fox News. But, the same 'liberals' are also a bunch of war-mongers dishing out their anti-China sentiments on Thai Visa.

Publicus, all this anti-China writing that YOU trot out here on Thai Visa. I think, Fox News would love to have YOU as one of their staff. Your writing might be enough to convince some people that Beijing/China IS actually evil. smile.png

You do point out an interesting dichotomy with some posters, who on the one hand are firmly liberal and dogmatically American Democrat party hacks, and on the other hand, talk about China as if they are General Douglas MacArthur in 1950 trying to convince President Truman to extend the Korean war to China.laugh.png


Fox News and the Republican party are all about monopolizing nationalism and patriotism, and idolizing militarism, so your point is poignant. And, just yesterday, Donald Trump ratcheted up his rhetoric against China again, saying China is 'raping' America and 'robbing the American piggy bank.'

Pub needs to support Trump!

I love early morning rantings and musings before the caffeine kicks in. coffee1.gif

Pub needs to support Trump!

Kindly place the suggestion to my TVF Inboxes thx.....along with all the others from youse business and money guyz around these parts.


This poster will determine his own world view thx anyway.

Meantime youse guyz can play around inside your own heads.

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Okay, looking back at previous posts on this South China Sea thing, one type of message still antagonizes me.

So, Vietnam is involved in this South China Sea confrontation, and we see people (people like Publicus) trying to create a picture regardng the imaginary and practically non-existent military link between Vietnam and the USA. And also, this crazy belief that Vietnam and America are linked together in this dispute, linked together against China.

Okay, below is a link regarding the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the fall of Saigon. https://www.yahoo.com/news/vietnam-marks-40-years-since-fall-saigon-222632450.html?ref=gs

Yes, 1975 was the year Saigon fell, and Vietnam became a united country, at peace. A quote from the article "Vietnam marked the 40th anniversary of Saigon's fall Thursday with a huge military parade celebrating the moment communist forces ended a decades-long conflict and delivered a painful blow to American moral and military prestige.The centre of Vietnam's usually bustling southern business hub was sealed off so that regiments of goose-stepping soldiers in dress uniform could march past all the country's flag-waving top leadership as a marching band played"

Yeah, the 40th anniversary, it was last year, April, 2015.

Yes, the Vietnamese fought a war in order to NOT have American soldiers on their precious soil, and I don't think they want America's military ships parked in their harbours either. People should remember that some people alive today still remember the Vietnam War. And younger people do know about the conflict from television, Hollywood movies, history books, etc.

Please, do NOT try to tell us about the imaginary and non-existent military links between Vietnam and America today. Thanks.

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Okay, above is a link from Fox News, their way of reporting this American involvement in the South China Sea.

Now, please note the comments put on at the bottom of the report by Fox News viewers.

Comments like;

"Most of the crap being shipped through that area is from China anyway. So what's the big deal? Walmart has nothing to worry about."

"The Obama's administration "show of force" is simply a waste of resources and taxpayer money. It means nothing whatsoever to the Chinese government. The White House remains clueless."

"When US "Talk" it take 5 years by that time China make it bigger Hope Trump can do it better!"

"After the island was built & made operational with missiles & fighter jets.... now we send military ships?

Our chance to prevent this has passed... we cannot evict them, but we could have prevented them from taking hold."

Now, Fox News, off-course, supports the Republicans and hates Hillary Clinton. And Fox's viewers obviously support Fox's views. The comments by viewers are mainly about criticising Obama's NON-ACTION in the South China Sea. Also, comments being used to attack China's goods being exported to America. And indeed, a few comments calling for military strikes and war against China.

I really do wonder, what's the difference between a bunch of Fox News viewers and Americans who are on Thai Visa ????

A lot of the Americans on Thai Visa hate Trump, and don't like Fox News. But, the same 'liberals' are also a bunch of war-mongers dishing out their anti-China sentiments on Thai Visa.

Publicus, all this anti-China writing that YOU trot out here on Thai Visa. I think, Fox News would love to have YOU as one of their staff. Your writing might be enough to convince some people that Beijing/China IS actually evil. smile.png

You do point out an interesting dichotomy with some posters, who on the one hand are firmly liberal and dogmatically American Democrat party hacks, and on the other hand, talk about China as if they are General Douglas MacArthur in 1950 trying to convince President Truman to extend the Korean war to China.laugh.png

Fox News and the Republican party are all about monopolizing nationalism and patriotism, and idolizing militarism, so your point is poignant. And, just yesterday, Donald Trump ratcheted up his rhetoric against China again, saying China is 'raping' America and 'robbing the American piggy bank.'

Pub needs to support Trump!

I love early morning rantings and musings before the caffeine kicks in. coffee1.gif

This poster will determine his own world view thx anyway.

Meantime youse guyz can play around inside your own heads.

Publicus, I'm not trying to change your world view. Yes, people like you have got your views, and you're not going to change. I'm convinced anyway, that you know what the real deal is, but you've got something against China. Hence, you knowingly put up stuff that is intended to cause hatred amongst people, hatred for China. And that's the problem. People see the stuff that you put on Thai Visa, and there's a chance that some of them start believing the stuff you've written. And that's what makes you a dangerous character. You yourself know that your stuff is silly and nonsense propaganda.

I'm just here to point out to other Thai Visa viewers how some of your stuff is ridiculous.

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Okay, above is a link from Fox News, their way of reporting this American involvement in the South China Sea.

Now, please note the comments put on at the bottom of the report by Fox News viewers.

Comments like;

"Most of the crap being shipped through that area is from China anyway. So what's the big deal? Walmart has nothing to worry about."

"The Obama's administration "show of force" is simply a waste of resources and taxpayer money. It means nothing whatsoever to the Chinese government. The White House remains clueless."

"When US "Talk" it take 5 years by that time China make it bigger Hope Trump can do it better!"

"After the island was built & made operational with missiles & fighter jets.... now we send military ships?

Our chance to prevent this has passed... we cannot evict them, but we could have prevented them from taking hold."

Now, Fox News, off-course, supports the Republicans and hates Hillary Clinton. And Fox's viewers obviously support Fox's views. The comments by viewers are mainly about criticising Obama's NON-ACTION in the South China Sea. Also, comments being used to attack China's goods being exported to America. And indeed, a few comments calling for military strikes and war against China.

I really do wonder, what's the difference between a bunch of Fox News viewers and Americans who are on Thai Visa ????

A lot of the Americans on Thai Visa hate Trump, and don't like Fox News. But, the same 'liberals' are also a bunch of war-mongers dishing out their anti-China sentiments on Thai Visa.

Publicus, all this anti-China writing that YOU trot out here on Thai Visa. I think, Fox News would love to have YOU as one of their staff. Your writing might be enough to convince some people that Beijing/China IS actually evil. smile.png

You do point out an interesting dichotomy with some posters, who on the one hand are firmly liberal and dogmatically American Democrat party hacks, and on the other hand, talk about China as if they are General Douglas MacArthur in 1950 trying to convince President Truman to extend the Korean war to China.laugh.png

Fox News and the Republican party are all about monopolizing nationalism and patriotism, and idolizing militarism, so your point is poignant. And, just yesterday, Donald Trump ratcheted up his rhetoric against China again, saying China is 'raping' America and 'robbing the American piggy bank.'

Pub needs to support Trump!

I love early morning rantings and musings before the caffeine kicks in. coffee1.gif

This poster will determine his own world view thx anyway.

Meantime youse guyz can play around inside your own heads.

Publicus, I'm not trying to change your world view. Yes, people like you have got your views, and you're not going to change. I'm convinced anyway, that you know what the real deal is, but you've got something against China. Hence, you knowingly put up stuff that is intended to cause hatred amongst people, hatred for China. And that's the problem. People see the stuff that you put on Thai Visa, and there's a chance that some of them start believing the stuff you've written. And that's what makes you a dangerous character. You yourself know that your stuff is silly and nonsense propaganda.

I'm just here to point out to other Thai Visa viewers how some of your stuff is ridiculous.

I often wonder if an American liberal isn't MORE dangerous than an American conservative. You expect aggressive foreign adventurism from the conservatives but the liberals kinda sneak up on you. Kennedy, Johnson,Carter,Clinton,Obama all went adventuring.

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Okay, looking back at previous posts on this South China Sea thing, one type of message still antagonizes me.

So, Vietnam is involved in this South China Sea confrontation, and we see people (people like Publicus) trying to create a picture regardng the imaginary and practically non-existent military link between Vietnam and the USA. And also, this crazy belief that Vietnam and America are linked together in this dispute, linked together against China.

Okay, below is a link regarding the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the fall of Saigon. https://www.yahoo.com/news/vietnam-marks-40-years-since-fall-saigon-222632450.html?ref=gs

Yes, 1975 was the year Saigon fell, and Vietnam became a united country, at peace. A quote from the article "Vietnam marked the 40th anniversary of Saigon's fall Thursday with a huge military parade celebrating the moment communist forces ended a decades-long conflict and delivered a painful blow to American moral and military prestige.The centre of Vietnam's usually bustling southern business hub was sealed off so that regiments of goose-stepping soldiers in dress uniform could march past all the country's flag-waving top leadership as a marching band played"

Yeah, the 40th anniversary, it was last year, April, 2015.

Yes, the Vietnamese fought a war in order to NOT have American soldiers on their precious soil, and I don't think they want America's military ships parked in their harbours either. People should remember that some people alive today still remember the Vietnam War. And younger people do know about the conflict from television, Hollywood movies, history books, etc.

Please, do NOT try to tell us about the imaginary and non-existent military links between Vietnam and America today. Thanks.


And this man here. Those who were around back in the 1960s will probably know who this man is. Younger people might know from history programmes on television. This man is Ho Chi Minh.

Five decades, still a hero to his nation. Never will be forgotten. This man spent his life working for his nation. If people want to know what love and sacrifice for the nation is about, well, you look at Ho Chi Minh. And yes, he fought a war against America.

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Okay, looking back at previous posts on this South China Sea thing, one type of message still antagonizes me.

So, Vietnam is involved in this South China Sea confrontation, and we see people (people like Publicus) trying to create a picture regardng the imaginary and practically non-existent military link between Vietnam and the USA. And also, this crazy belief that Vietnam and America are linked together in this dispute, linked together against China.

Okay, below is a link regarding the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the fall of Saigon. https://www.yahoo.com/news/vietnam-marks-40-years-since-fall-saigon-222632450.html?ref=gs

Yes, 1975 was the year Saigon fell, and Vietnam became a united country, at peace. A quote from the article "Vietnam marked the 40th anniversary of Saigon's fall Thursday with a huge military parade celebrating the moment communist forces ended a decades-long conflict and delivered a painful blow to American moral and military prestige.The centre of Vietnam's usually bustling southern business hub was sealed off so that regiments of goose-stepping soldiers in dress uniform could march past all the country's flag-waving top leadership as a marching band played"

Yeah, the 40th anniversary, it was last year, April, 2015.

Yes, the Vietnamese fought a war in order to NOT have American soldiers on their precious soil, and I don't think they want America's military ships parked in their harbours either. People should remember that some people alive today still remember the Vietnam War. And younger people do know about the conflict from television, Hollywood movies, history books, etc.

Please, do NOT try to tell us about the imaginary and non-existent military links between Vietnam and America today. Thanks.


And this man here. Those who were around back in the 1960s will probably know who this man is. Younger people might know from history programmes on television. This man is Ho Chi Minh.

Five decades, still a hero to his nation. Never will be forgotten. This man spent his life working for his nation. If people want to know what love and sacrifice for the nation is about, well, you look at Ho Chi Minh. And yes, he fought a war against America.

With the able assistance from one of the greatest strategists of the 20 th century


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^&^^ Well, Lawrence put his finger on it earlier this morning when he likened the bromance between the US and Vietnam now as the infatuation one feels with a beautiful Vietnamese girl. (insert Thai if you like wink.png ). Tell you what you want to hear, whisper sweet nothings in your ear to get you to buy her gold (or protection from big bad CCP), and then keep another lover on the side.biggrin.png

Not true love, but political expediency. And not unique to Vietnam. Every country will do this, it's just that the Vietnamese are more clever at it than most. But, insofar as Ho Chi Min and that lot, from what I've seen, the younger generation does not seem all that reverential, and are more interested in smart phones, fast motorbikes and condoms that the Viet Cong legacy.

Edited by keemapoot
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I agree Vietnamese are a strategic lot.

You only have to see history to know they are a tough adversary and in the height of the war, you can see the strategies used to plummet a bigger opponent USA into losing their will to fight

The Chinese and Vietnamese have a long history together , some moments were good , most moments were approached with suspicion

The Chinese know in a fight , the Vietcong is one of the most determined in this region and more dangerous than the USA as the terrain and resolve of the troops is something to be admired

So wisely both communist brothers have agreed to disagree and do politics for a show and continue trade ...after all who can be against making money ..

Any smart thinker would have plonked some $$$ here in Vietnam

Comrade P you guys marketed capitalism so you cannot deny that :P

Edited by LawrenceChee
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Okay, looking back at previous posts on this South China Sea thing, one type of message still antagonizes me.

So, Vietnam is involved in this South China Sea confrontation, and we see people (people like Publicus) trying to create a picture regardng the imaginary and practically non-existent military link between Vietnam and the USA. And also, this crazy belief that Vietnam and America are linked together in this dispute, linked together against China.

Okay, below is a link regarding the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the fall of Saigon. https://www.yahoo.com/news/vietnam-marks-40-years-since-fall-saigon-222632450.html?ref=gs

Yes, 1975 was the year Saigon fell, and Vietnam became a united country, at peace. A quote from the article "Vietnam marked the 40th anniversary of Saigon's fall Thursday with a huge military parade celebrating the moment communist forces ended a decades-long conflict and delivered a painful blow to American moral and military prestige.The centre of Vietnam's usually bustling southern business hub was sealed off so that regiments of goose-stepping soldiers in dress uniform could march past all the country's flag-waving top leadership as a marching band played"

Yeah, the 40th anniversary, it was last year, April, 2015.

Yes, the Vietnamese fought a war in order to NOT have American soldiers on their precious soil, and I don't think they want America's military ships parked in their harbours either. People should remember that some people alive today still remember the Vietnam War. And younger people do know about the conflict from television, Hollywood movies, history books, etc.

Please, do NOT try to tell us about the imaginary and non-existent military links between Vietnam and America today. Thanks.


And this man here. Those who were around back in the 1960s will probably know who this man is. Younger people might know from history programmes on television. This man is Ho Chi Minh.

Five decades, still a hero to his nation. Never will be forgotten. This man spent his life working for his nation. If people want to know what love and sacrifice for the nation is about, well, you look at Ho Chi Minh. And yes, he fought a war against America.

One of the smartest strategies in using assets to defend his country and replying them wisely while working the international diplomacy to his advantage

A very wise man indeed ....when I am in Hanoi I still head to pay respects to him at his resting place

Edited by LawrenceChee
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I have no love for Trump, but that doesn't mean I disagree with everything he puts forth. On the SCS issue, he's only made a vague reference, something about "...get tough with......" It's hard to have an opinion on a vague statement. I actually like Obama, HRC and Kerry, but even so, I think they've been too standoffish on the SCS.

I usually try to find peaceful solutions to int'l issues. I've even become a bit more of an isolationist (particularly with M.East issues) as I get older. Yet pacifism is a non-starter re; the SCS. There is a blatant aggressor in that scenario. You could call it passive-aggression, because China isn't commandeering territory by military force. Instead, it just shows up unannounced, occupies, and starts building and setting in military hardware and soldiers.

If a large bear enters your house at night, and decides to reside in your kitchen, pacifism and dialog aren't going to fix the situation. Unless you want the bear and his family living in your kitchen full-time, you've got to take dynamic action. Putting posters on the wall saying "bear, get out!" isn't going to banish the beast. Neither is placing a folding chair to block the entry to the kitchen (embargo-style).

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Publicus, I'm not trying to change your world view. Yes, people like you have got your views, and you're not going to change. I'm convinced anyway, that you know what the real deal is, but you've got something against China. Hence, you knowingly put up stuff that is intended to cause hatred amongst people, hatred for China. And that's the problem. People see the stuff that you put on Thai Visa, and there's a chance that some of them start believing the stuff you've written. And that's what makes you a dangerous character. You yourself know that your stuff is silly and nonsense propaganda.

I'm just here to point out to other Thai Visa viewers how some of your stuff is ridiculous.

Publicus can, of course, speak for himself, but I'll put some spin on the missive above .....

I don't think he hates China. I think it's more (in a nutshell) as wanting China to behave decently domestically and internationally. How can you say he sees his "stuff is silly and nonsense propaganda" ? We're all entitled to opinions here. If you take issue, fine. Let's see some articulation.

I often wonder if an American liberal isn't MORE dangerous than an American conservative. You expect aggressive foreign adventurism from the conservatives but the liberals kinda sneak up on you. Kennedy, Johnson,Carter,Clinton,Obama all went adventuring.

Here are some of the things that liberal-leaning presidents have done in recent decades:

Carter tried to rescue hostages held in Iran. Mission aborted.

Clinton was about to bomb Al Qaeda in Afghanistan (prior to 9-11), but withheld at last minute because civilians were spotted.

Bombed Al Qaeda in Sudan, prior to 9-11

Liberated former Yugoslavian principalities. Helped liberate East Timor,

Obama is trying to pull the US out of two wars, and he gave the green light to killing Bin Laden.

Here are some of the things that conservative presidents have done in recent decades:

Iran-Contra, First Gulf War, Grenada, nearly 100 Marines killed in a Beirut apartment, 2nd Gulf War, War in Afghanistan,

Stayed chummy with Saudi princes even while they're implicated in 9-11.

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Publicus, I'm not trying to change your world view. Yes, people like you have got your views, and you're not going to change. I'm convinced anyway, that you know what the real deal is, but you've got something against China. Hence, you knowingly put up stuff that is intended to cause hatred amongst people, hatred for China. And that's the problem. People see the stuff that you put on Thai Visa, and there's a chance that some of them start believing the stuff you've written. And that's what makes you a dangerous character. You yourself know that your stuff is silly and nonsense propaganda.

I'm just here to point out to other Thai Visa viewers how some of your stuff is ridiculous.

Publicus can, of course, speak for himself, but I'll put some spin on the missive above .....

I don't think he hates China. I think it's more (in a nutshell) as wanting China to behave decently domestically and internationally. How can you say he sees his "stuff is silly and nonsense propaganda" ? We're all entitled to opinions here. If you take issue, fine. Let's see some articulation.

I often wonder if an American liberal isn't MORE dangerous than an American conservative. You expect aggressive foreign adventurism from the conservatives but the liberals kinda sneak up on you. Kennedy, Johnson,Carter,Clinton,Obama all went adventuring.

Here are some of the things that liberal-leaning presidents have done in recent decades:

Carter tried to rescue hostages held in Iran. Mission aborted.

Clinton was about to bomb Al Qaeda in Afghanistan (prior to 9-11), but withheld at last minute because civilians were spotted.

Bombed Al Qaeda in Sudan, prior to 9-11

Liberated former Yugoslavian principalities. Helped liberate East Timor,

Obama is trying to pull the US out of two wars, and he gave the green light to killing Bin Laden.

Here are some of the things that conservative presidents have done in recent decades:

Iran-Contra, First Gulf War, Grenada, nearly 100 Marines killed in a Beirut apartment, 2nd Gulf War, War in Afghanistan,

Stayed chummy with Saudi princes even while they're implicated in 9-11.

but the point I was making was that I EXPECTED the conservative presidents to behave like that, the liberals ones not so much.

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Off-topic post removed. I suggest that you return to the topic.

Whew. What a relief Scott. I thought you removed my pic of the pretty Vietnamese girls. biggrin.png

I don't wish to go that far back in the thread, but thanks for reminding me. I'll try to get to that picture later!

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Publicus, I'm not trying to change your world view. Yes, people like you have got your views, and you're not going to change. I'm convinced anyway, that you know what the real deal is, but you've got something against China. Hence, you knowingly put up stuff that is intended to cause hatred amongst people, hatred for China. And that's the problem. People see the stuff that you put on Thai Visa, and there's a chance that some of them start believing the stuff you've written. And that's what makes you a dangerous character. You yourself know that your stuff is silly and nonsense propaganda.

I'm just here to point out to other Thai Visa viewers how some of your stuff is ridiculous.

Publicus can, of course, speak for himself, but I'll put some spin on the missive above .....


The poster you quote is on the Ignore Honor Roll of this poster.

The poster being ignored has his well lubricated opinions to which he is entitled. It's the incivility that is OTT.

All the same the poster needs to be given all the rope he'll take...which is all the rope one can find to dispense.

My signature applies to the poster so thanks anyhow.

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Off-topic post removed. I suggest that you return to the topic.

Whew. What a relief Scott. I thought you removed my pic of the pretty Vietnamese girls. biggrin.png

I don't wish to go that far back in the thread, but thanks for reminding me. I'll try to get to that picture later!

Please nooooo :) Ao Dai is a the best distraction on a hot afternoon doing business in Vietnam ....

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Off-topic post removed. I suggest that you return to the topic.

Whew. What a relief Scott. I thought you removed my pic of the pretty Vietnamese girls. biggrin.png

I don't wish to go that far back in the thread, but thanks for reminding me. I'll try to get to that picture later!

Please nooooo smile.png Ao Dai is a the best distraction on a hot afternoon doing business in Vietnam ....

One of the best scenes ever in a movie was the one in Robin Williams Good Morning Vietnam, where he was I think riding in a sick-low and chasing after that beauty in Ao Dai who was actually a Thai actress I think if I remember correctly.

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Publicus, I'm not trying to change your world view. Yes, people like you have got your views, and you're not going to change. I'm convinced anyway, that you know what the real deal is, but you've got something against China. Hence, you knowingly put up stuff that is intended to cause hatred amongst people, hatred for China. And that's the problem. People see the stuff that you put on Thai Visa, and there's a chance that some of them start believing the stuff you've written. And that's what makes you a dangerous character. You yourself know that your stuff is silly and nonsense propaganda.

I'm just here to point out to other Thai Visa viewers how some of your stuff is ridiculous.

Publicus can, of course, speak for himself, but I'll put some spin on the missive above .....


The poster you quote is on the Ignore Honor Roll of this poster.

The poster being ignored has his well lubricated opinions to which he is entitled. It's the incivility that is OTT.

All the same the poster needs to be given all the rope he'll take...which is all the rope one can find to dispense.

My signature applies to the poster so thanks anyhow.

Publicus, stop trying to dodge me.

Instead of letting Boomer talk for you, how about YOU comment on some of the comments I've made about your posts ?

You come along here, comment on two issues that YOU started.

One. You paint a picture about Vietnam's big economic links with America, and how the link will be made greater by this TPP thing. My comment to you is, is this. Vietnam's exports, about 20% go to America, yes, only about 10% goes to China. But, Vietnam's imports, about 30% is from China, only 4 or 5% is from the USA. Hence, in trade, Vietnam is more linked to China. Publicus, try to comment on my comment.

Two. That Vietnam War, the Vietnamese fought that war AGAINST the USA. Ho Chi Minh still lives in the memory of those who were actually there back in the 1960s. American soldiers will not be going back onto Vietnamese soil, because of that war. Actually, because of the outcome of that war. Publicus, again, please comment on my comment.

By the way, this TPP thing. Trans Pacific Partnership. It might be the case that Hillary Clinton has decided to be against it. So, Obama was for it. Trump, they say, might be against. And now Hillary.

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TBB: what you offer is opinions. Fine, that's part of what this discussion is about. No need for aspersions toward other posters.

One of the best scenes ever in a movie was the one in Robin Williams Good Morning Vietnam, where he was I think riding in a sick-low and chasing after that beauty in Ao Dai who was actually a Thai actress I think if I remember correctly.

When Williams finally gets to escort the VN beauty around town, at one point, she points to a sidewalk vendor and says, "would you like some fish balls?"

Robin responds, "I didn't know fish had balls."

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So far CCP moving onto the Scarborough Shoal inside the Phillipines' EEZ is the dog that has not barked. Likewise for CCP Dictators in Beijing establishing an Air Defense Identification Zone over any of the islands it has occupied or constructed, or over the entire SCS. All's quiet on both fronts, at least for the moment.

Scarborough Shoal is included in the US-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty, whereas the Paracels Islands off Vietnam have nothing to do with the United States. This may well be a factor as CCP occupation of Scarborough would put their offensive missiles in an easy range of both Manila and US forces in bases there.

Scarborough is 120 miles off the Phils which places it within the Phils EEZ of 200 miles (370 km).

South China Morning Post in Hong Kong reported last week a PLA source said they are ready to move onto the Shoal. The spokesperson of the Foreign Ministry said however, “As for whether China will conduct new activities of reclamation, I just said I haven’t heard of the news." This shows the tension occurring in Beijing between the CCP hawks versus the doves, much the same as in Washington where DepState and DepDefense are on opposite sides of the Potomac, literally and metaphorically.

It is possible Washington and Beijing have been working backchannels, given the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague is within weeks of issuing its ruling and that it is widely expected to hammer the CCP Boyz in Beijing.

It is also possible CCP got a significant pound of flesh when it denied the aircraft carrier John C. Stennis and the four ships of its strike force (plus an attack sub) their scheduled visit in Hong Kong. The denial was selective however, as the US 7th Fleet Command Ship the cruiser Blue Ridge had already docked at HKG no problem. CCP is still stinging over 1996 when President Clinton sent two carrier strike groups to the Taiwan Strait after CCP in the weeks ahead of Taiwan's first democratic election of their president and parliament had begun launching missiles into the Strait 24/7. CCP had to quit and withdraw when the two carrier strike forces arrived at either end of the Strait (but did not enter it). Every CCP fenqing still rails on about it.

The issue of Scarborough Shoal, a possible ADIZ, further FONOPs remain open yet unsettled. Which seems better at the moment than the CCP moving in on yet another atoll and one which the US recognises as a part of Phillipine sovereignty, not CCP sovereignty. This one is pretty clear cut. Perhaps even in Beijing too.

Same was true in respect of the Senkaku Islands in the East Sea which CCP covets but are owned by Japan. US included the Senkaku island chain in Japanese sovereignty after WW II and also included the Senkaku as a part of the Japan-US Mutual Defense Treaty. CCP after two years kicking around in and over the East Sea, to include each side making targeting radar locks on ships and planes, has since left it quiet.

The SCS Code of Conduct signed in 2002 between Asean and CCP but ignored by CCP since 2012 calls for mutual negotiation and mutual agreement, which CCP has ignored. Asean has most recently called on all SCS countries to freeze in place.

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So far CCP moving onto the Scarborough Shoal inside the Phillipines' EEZ is the dog that has not barked. Likewise for CCP Dictators in Beijing establishing an Air Defense Identification Zone over any of the islands it has occupied or constructed, or over the entire SCS. All's quiet on both fronts, at least for the moment.

Scarborough Shoal is included in the US-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty, whereas the Paracels Islands off Vietnam have nothing to do with the United States. This may well be a factor as CCP occupation of Scarborough would put their offensive missiles in an easy range of both Manila and US forces in bases there.

Scarborough is 120 miles off the Phils which places it within the Phils EEZ of 200 miles (370 km).

South China Morning Post in Hong Kong reported last week a PLA source said they are ready to move onto the Shoal. The spokesperson of the Foreign Ministry said however, “As for whether China will conduct new activities of reclamation, I just said I haven’t heard of the news." This shows the tension occurring in Beijing between the CCP hawks versus the doves, much the same as in Washington where DepState and DepDefense are on opposite sides of the Potomac, literally and metaphorically.

It is possible Washington and Beijing have been working backchannels, given the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague is within weeks of issuing its ruling and that it is widely expected to hammer the CCP Boyz in Beijing.

It is also possible CCP got a significant pound of flesh when it denied the aircraft carrier John C. Stennis and the four ships of its strike force (plus an attack sub) their scheduled visit in Hong Kong. The denial was selective however, as the US 7th Fleet Command Ship the cruiser Blue Ridge had already docked at HKG no problem. CCP is still stinging over 1996 when President Clinton sent two carrier strike groups to the Taiwan Strait after CCP in the weeks ahead of Taiwan's first democratic election of their president and parliament had begun launching missiles into the Strait 24/7. CCP had to quit and withdraw when the two carrier strike forces arrived at either end of the Strait (but did not enter it). Every CCP fenqing still rails on about it.

The issue of Scarborough Shoal, a possible ADIZ, further FONOPs remain open yet unsettled. Which seems better at the moment than the CCP moving in on yet another atoll and one which the US recognises as a part of Phillipine sovereignty, not CCP sovereignty. This one is pretty clear cut. Perhaps even in Beijing too.

Same was true in respect of the Senkaku Islands in the East Sea which CCP covets but are owned by Japan. US included the Senkaku island chain in Japanese sovereignty after WW II and also included the Senkaku as a part of the Japan-US Mutual Defense Treaty. CCP after two years kicking around in and over the East Sea, to include each side making targeting radar locks on ships and planes, has since left it quiet.

The SCS Code of Conduct signed in 2002 between Asean and CCP but ignored by CCP since 2012 calls for mutual negotiation and mutual agreement, which CCP has ignored. Asean has most recently called on all SCS countries to freeze in place.

I love how you always manage to get the word communist or dictator in there! lol

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So far CCP moving onto the Scarborough Shoal inside the Phillipines' EEZ is the dog that has not barked. Likewise for CCP Dictators in Beijing establishing an Air Defense Identification Zone over any of the islands it has occupied or constructed, or over the entire SCS. All's quiet on both fronts, at least for the moment.

Scarborough Shoal is included in the US-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty, whereas the Paracels Islands off Vietnam have nothing to do with the United States. This may well be a factor as CCP occupation of Scarborough would put their offensive missiles in an easy range of both Manila and US forces in bases there.

Scarborough is 120 miles off the Phils which places it within the Phils EEZ of 200 miles (370 km).

South China Morning Post in Hong Kong reported last week a PLA source said they are ready to move onto the Shoal. The spokesperson of the Foreign Ministry said however, “As for whether China will conduct new activities of reclamation, I just said I haven’t heard of the news." This shows the tension occurring in Beijing between the CCP hawks versus the doves, much the same as in Washington where DepState and DepDefense are on opposite sides of the Potomac, literally and metaphorically.

It is possible Washington and Beijing have been working backchannels, given the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague is within weeks of issuing its ruling and that it is widely expected to hammer the CCP Boyz in Beijing.

It is also possible CCP got a significant pound of flesh when it denied the aircraft carrier John C. Stennis and the four ships of its strike force (plus an attack sub) their scheduled visit in Hong Kong. The denial was selective however, as the US 7th Fleet Command Ship the cruiser Blue Ridge had already docked at HKG no problem. CCP is still stinging over 1996 when President Clinton sent two carrier strike groups to the Taiwan Strait after CCP in the weeks ahead of Taiwan's first democratic election of their president and parliament had begun launching missiles into the Strait 24/7. CCP had to quit and withdraw when the two carrier strike forces arrived at either end of the Strait (but did not enter it). Every CCP fenqing still rails on about it.

The issue of Scarborough Shoal, a possible ADIZ, further FONOPs remain open yet unsettled. Which seems better at the moment than the CCP moving in on yet another atoll and one which the US recognises as a part of Phillipine sovereignty, not CCP sovereignty. This one is pretty clear cut. Perhaps even in Beijing too.

Same was true in respect of the Senkaku Islands in the East Sea which CCP covets but are owned by Japan. US included the Senkaku island chain in Japanese sovereignty after WW II and also included the Senkaku as a part of the Japan-US Mutual Defense Treaty. CCP after two years kicking around in and over the East Sea, to include each side making targeting radar locks on ships and planes, has since left it quiet.

The SCS Code of Conduct signed in 2002 between Asean and CCP but ignored by CCP since 2012 calls for mutual negotiation and mutual agreement, which CCP has ignored. Asean has most recently called on all SCS countries to freeze in place.

I love how you always manage to get the word communist or dictator in there! lol

I love how I get misrepresented around these parts by people who have a false construct of me in their own mind.

I do not for instance use the word communist. All we need to know is that these CCP Dictators in Beijing are dictators. If I'm going to apply any ideology to them, the terminology would be 21st century fascists.

Live and learn beyond the glib world of cliches to all of youse guyz over there who also do not understand US liberals and US foreign policy. Sen Henry Jackson would be a good starting point but that would require a knowledge of things geostrategic as well as in geo-economics, not to mention history (recent history besides).

Silly boyz.

Donald Trump laugh.pngcheesy.gif

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So let's not focus on posters.

This would be the case whether the poster is one's self or he might be another poster.

The thread is the topic and the topic is the thread.

It's pretty much a rule around here y'know.

The more a poster focuses on another poster, the more obvious it is the poster is losing the argument...if the poster in the wrong does in fact have an argument. The more posters who focus in this way, the larger the surrender party becomes, or is.

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