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Air Rifles/Pistols for pest control


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Looks like my next few longish term visits to thailand will be spent out in the countryside rather than the throbbing metropolis of Krung thep.

I'm not a big fan of snakes and was considering getting hold of either an air rifle or an air pistol so that in the eventuality of a slithering pest arriving I can scare them off from a safe distance.

I know Thai's can be a little anti harming animals and was wondering if anyone has experience knowledge of this method of getting rid of them, and are there rubber pellets that will not harm just frighten ?


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Topic's been done quite a few times, and in great detail.

The search function is your friend. You'll find more useful information there than you'll get with a fresh post. After I've posted the same info a dozen times or so, I feel pretty stupid posting it again. Wisecracks and troll responding, on the other hand, never seem to get old.

Edited by impulse
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The snake was thinking the same thing - obviously if you mess with them of accidentally get involved there can be problems but if you don't mess with them and properly check before lefting odd things in the yard then your trip getting to Thailand will be more dangerous then they are. The trip will be twice as dangerous if you ride a bus.

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Thais a little bit anti harming animals ??? <deleted> mate how long you been here? Lol. also lol people that bring up the pellet gun, air rifle taser, pepper spray thing as "animal defense techniques". Dont know you mate so dont know if your in that category but all the above weapons are easily obtainable and also very illegal if you are caught with them in your possession. Like a lot of things in Thailand just cos you can buy it doesnt make it legal. As for snakes I have no fear of them and the dogs normally sort em out but if you have kids around or just feel like eradicating every snake, poisonous or not, round your house then have at it. Big forked stick works best with a coup de grace with a machete or a cane cutter that every Thai farmer has lying around. If on the other hand as you say you dont want to go near them then believe me they wont be going out of there way to go near you and if one was to get into your house or whatever your more chance of scaring it off with a big stick than trying to plink it with an air gun.

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Plastic pellet, gas BB guns are widely available and legal.(cannot carry in public) But, best advice already given above.

Sorry mate Dont want to rain on your parade but I think you will find all gas operated/ break barrel style air guns you need a license to posess. Not sure about the weak as piss slide cocked air softs but if its a replica you could be in the shit as well. I will put it this way you might be the most law abiding person in the world but if you get pinched for something that replica pistol will be sitting on the table in front of you with the coppers all pointing at you. Had a mate get pinched over here for being silly and all his chefs knives were put on display and he was charged with possessing offensive weapons. Morale of the story dont be stupid here and jerry that if you get pinched or in trouble for whatever reason everything you own or posess is open to police scrutiny by one of the most corrupt in the world....tread lightly

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How close do you think you have to be to a cobra to kill it with a plastic pellet BB Gun?

More likely you just piss it of and get tagged...assuming you actually hit it.

Chances are you won't even see a snake and if you do use a machete to chop it up...just don't miss. Critters are quick.

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Most snakes would be equally eager to avoid you and would only attack defensively if you clumsily provoke them or trod on them or they find themselves with no escape route.

If you do manage to piss one off, the chances of you targeting it with a pea shooter aren't that great. If you're going to be tromping about off the beaten path, wear long trousers and high boots. If it makes you feel more like an intrepid woodsman, carry some pebbles to hurl at the snake. If snakes have a sense of humor, he'll probably be dining out on that tale with his snake friends for some time.

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Buy a crossbow,they are legal and kill cobras if you need to kill them.

Just make sure it stands up straight and has an apple on its head.

leave the damn things alone.

keep out of their territory....if you cannot then wear appropriate clothing, boots and long loose pants.

Not that hard. Long grass is snake territory - treat it as such. And learn to look down...that's where the snake that is going to bite you after you tread on it is....not up in the tree.

If you see a snake keep away from it. It wants to attack you as much as you maybe want to attack a rhinoceros - not a lot - too big and ugly and can't be eaten easily.

You pussies from Europe need to do a course in Australia before being let loose in SEA or anywhere else. Or simply stay in Europe.

Edited by Mudcrab
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Just clean the place up. No food waste left then no rats and then the snakes don't come looking for rats . Simple.

Killing snakes shows lack of knollage . Leave them alone and they will leave you alone.

Edited by Thongkorn
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Plastic pellet, gas BB guns are widely available and legal.(cannot carry in public) But, best advice already given above.

Sorry mate Dont want to rain on your parade but I think you will find all gas operated/ break barrel style air guns you need a license to posess. Not sure about the weak as piss slide cocked air softs but if its a replica you could be in the shit as well. I will put it this way you might be the most law abiding person in the world but if you get pinched for something that replica pistol will be sitting on the table in front of you with the coppers all pointing at you. Had a mate get pinched over here for being silly and all his chefs knives were put on display and he was charged with possessing offensive weapons. Morale of the story dont be stupid here and jerry that if you get pinched or in trouble for whatever reason everything you own or posess is open to police scrutiny by one of the most corrupt in the world....tread lightly

You are correct! The law here seems to classify a firearm under the condition of expanding gas (so a bullet gun air pistol shotgun all fall under a firearm) You need a license. The easy way is to get a shotgun in your Thai wifes name. It is going to cost you at least twice what you would pay in the US.

It also seems that there are no laws that allow you to use this on your property other than for self defence, so no shooting squirrels or drunken Thais.

If caught with an illegal firearm, the maximum sentence is life in prison, so probably best be careful.

I have had a few over the years, wife through the last 12 gauge pistol in the river. (She still hasn't found the bag of buckshot) I use one of those home made pump up rifles, they fire an 8mm steel BB and are pretty effective, however, they are about 5 foot long and take 5 minutes to reload and the BB rolls out the barrel if you point it downwards (maybe fit a magnet?) They will take out a cat at 50 yards, or pierce a 200 litre steel oil drum both sides at the same distance (as a more animal friendly comparison)

I'd love a .177 or .22 air gun here, you just cannot get a hold of them.

Good luck though!

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i love shooting but it is obviously tricky in thailand. i bought a couple airsoft BB guns. battery opperated. they are alot of fun and easy to buy. magazines hold about 400 BBs. i deal with the paint ball club in pattaya. he has a pretty good stock of them. i use them indoors in pattaya or on my girls farm up north.

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If the snake is near or in your house, get somebody to watch it if it tries to move and phone the local snake catchers in your area. In Phuket their number is 076 621 339. I have used them on three occasions and they do a good job of removing the snake and letting it go far away in the jungle. Try not to kill it, this just invites more snakes to arrive for the funeral.

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If the snake is near or in your house, get somebody to watch it if it tries to move and phone the local snake catchers in your area. In Phuket their number is 076 621 339. I have used them on three occasions and they do a good job of removing the snake and letting it go far away in the jungle. Try not to kill it, this just invites more snakes to arrive for the funeral.

Or lunch around these parts

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Just clean the place up. No food waste left then no rats and then the snakes don't come looking for rats . Simple.

Killing snakes shows lack of knollage . Leave them alone and they will leave you alone.

yea right ........bada bada bing

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If you really want to control pests, the last think you want to do is drive snakes away. They are natural pest control.

Indeed. Controlling other pests, like rats/mice, is an effective strategy to help reduce the chance of a snake hanging around the property for the food source. Frogs are another favorite.

MIL had a big rat problem due to all the big sacks of rice she stores in her kitchen. To their Buddhist shock and horror, I trapped 14 in 2 of those sticky pad things in just one night. They preferred I not do it again.

I was pleased, and so where they but for different reasons, when a soi cat adopted the place a while back, jumping into the kitchen through an open window at will. Within days, rats were thinned out. Eaten or otherwise moved camp due to the threat. Cat found dead out by the back pond a few months ago. Rats are back in force.

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Plastic pellet, gas BB guns are widely available and legal.(cannot carry in public) But, best advice already given above.

Sorry mate Dont want to rain on your parade but I think you will find all gas operated/ break barrel style air guns you need a license to posess. Not sure about the weak as piss slide cocked air softs but if its a replica you could be in the shit as well. I will put it this way you might be the most law abiding person in the world but if you get pinched for something that replica pistol will be sitting on the table in front of you with the coppers all pointing at you. Had a mate get pinched over here for being silly and all his chefs knives were put on display and he was charged with possessing offensive weapons. Morale of the story dont be stupid here and jerry that if you get pinched or in trouble for whatever reason everything you own or posess is open to police scrutiny by one of the most corrupt in the world....tread lightly

You are correct! The law here seems to classify a firearm under the condition of expanding gas (so a bullet gun air pistol shotgun all fall under a firearm) You need a license. The easy way is to get a shotgun in your Thai wifes name. It is going to cost you at least twice what you would pay in the US.

It also seems that there are no laws that allow you to use this on your property other than for self defence, so no shooting squirrels or drunken Thais.

If caught with an illegal firearm, the maximum sentence is life in prison, so probably best be careful.

I have had a few over the years, wife through the last 12 gauge pistol in the river. (She still hasn't found the bag of buckshot) I use one of those home made pump up rifles, they fire an 8mm steel BB and are pretty effective, however, they are about 5 foot long and take 5 minutes to reload and the BB rolls out the barrel if you point it downwards (maybe fit a magnet?) They will take out a cat at 50 yards, or pierce a 200 litre steel oil drum both sides at the same distance (as a more animal friendly comparison)

I'd love a .177 or .22 air gun here, you just cannot get a hold of them.

Good luck though!

Pre junta the co2 semi auto pistols and as i said the break barrel gamo air rifles in .177 and .22 were easy to acquire (not cheap though) could even set them up with half pie decent scopes. PM if you want I can point you in the right direction if that sort of thing floats your boat. Personally aluminium baseball bat suits all my pest/ home self defense requirements ;)

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For snake control you just need to catch a snake with your hands tie it in a knot

And throw it away.

After the snake wriggles itself free it will

Tell all the other snakes in the area what happened and they will stay away.

If you are scared you can practice with worms.

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