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What's the problem with western women in Thailand?


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A minority? How so?

In Thailand

I really have no idea what point you're trying to make here. Of course I'm a minority in Thailand.

Try using that degree you like to brandish on TV occasionally.

Grow up and cut the personal stuff.

Do you even have a point - or is this just rage posting now?

Shall we move on?

I think he's implying that chaps who are still married to their first wife when and after they come to Thailand are a minority. That's not my experience, but his experience may be different.


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My opinion.

If a young Western woman is looking to come to Thailand for a long stay, the best and safer way is getting in some kind of activity, paid or not, like teaching, tutoring, learning, etc. Probably, in those settings, will meet other foreigners and more educated Thai people to communicate better, if she is not interested in learn Thai.

Coming just for fun and curiosity, the chances to meet nice people will get smaller.....and the chances to get into trouble will get bigger.

Bali is a lot better destination for English speakers, plus better weather and easy traveling to other Asian/English speaking countries, like Singapore, Malaysia, India, and Australia. Also Bali, is the favorite destination for single Western women after the " Eat, Pray, Love " book and movie.

My female friends in Bali, also said that it is very common and easy for Western women to hook up and party with local men.

Bali people have a lot better sense of humor and communication skills that Thai people, and it is easy to find work without so much visa restrictions, Learn the language is a piece of cake to do it well and fast.

Bangkok - Kuala Lumpur - Bali by Air Asia = $250/round trip. Cost of living in Bali very similar to Thailand.

Best areas to live in Bali - Sanur Beach or Ubud Hills.

Beautiful country! Only I do not move there because I am too old, and my a lot younger Thai wife have family and work here....

Thailand is "safer". Men in Bali are very "Italian" like myself. Too "dangerous" around beautiful women.

The men you're talking about in Bali that Western woman "hook up with" are sex workers, pure and simple. No judgement here, just making it clear.

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sm is.

From your myopic point of view 'grumpy'. How ridiculous ... not even close in my real life. I have a lively life with many friends Farang and Thai - men and women friends. They don't think I am grumpy... You do not know me and you just do not understand the concept of how the better parts of Feminism got lost in the propaganda and indoctrination of a movement that lost its way in America... I know exactly what Feminism has morphed into in the U.S. among middle aged women and it is not good. Feminism in America has become an ugly 'WE - THEY' ... where women who subscribe to this misapplied doctrine posture and ronounce that they are superior and men are just - WELL - Men - a substandard part of the species... Many women who have succumbed to the Feminist Dogma and Indoctrination became blind to the fact that they are outside the current norm as time has past. Younger women in America are throwing off the doctrine of Feminism as they see it went astray from the concept of women's rights and equal pay to Female Superiority thus producing an alienation from the other 1/2 of the species.

Is it feminism you don't like?

equal opportunities?

someone else making decisions on their own without your input?

or is it just middle aged coffee drinking women?

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Well, darlin', you're not making many friends on this thread.

A heffer? And what is your weight and age?

I am fifty two, i am 5'8 and i weigh 53 kilos. I am a gazelle.

But you still can't spell "heifer"

And you can bugger off!!?? I knew the scottish bastards would be right up my thinkings!! or thoughts.

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What I have seen is that normally the traveler girls love thailand and are impervious to any weirdness....they are partying backpacker yoga massage students acrayoga instructor pot smokin cookin class takin hotties with a body (just kidding about the last part but not really)

My friends or girls I randomly met...with boyfriends traveling .... are in boyfriend land and were happy as clams having the trip of their lives...I know other girls who come to thailand for 3 to 6 months a year and they come with or without boyfriends...will party in gogo bars and pay bar fines for girls to do photo shoots and eat with....

The girls I have known who lived here stayed 1 to 3 years...had fun got bored and banged out to go get a masters degree back home or some other adventure....

These are girls in their 20's and 30's.

I banged this hot french expat living with her dad once....23...pill head...met her on a visa run....we stayed in contact after the trip and hooked up later....she was a rich girl seeming to have a blast...

The other group I have met are the diplomat embassy kids....RCA partiers and they usually have farang guys...or thai guys...and there are thai girls in the group too. Again ...they didn't seem to have a problem living in bangkok. IN FACT they seemed to be living the life.

i have walked by foriegners with girlfriends...from the west...holding hands and walking down suk at night. Some of those girls looked panicked.

Whatever. I get panicked on that thanon sometimes.

Edited by fireplay
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What are you waffling on about?

I was forty when i first set foot in Thailand. Or 37ish. Who gives a crap. I had lived a life before that. But the men that trawl around forums, seem to have left their previous lives behind.

I went to Thailand on holiday, on and on and on. I spent two weeks alone. as a female in a hotel in Chaweng, and i was always treated with utmost respect by men.

I even had a wee holiday romance, so if you say that western women can't get their leg over - you are wrong.

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Hah? Just wafflin I guess... western women cant get their leg over? I said nothing of the sort.

I don't even know what that means...

But my friend from the U K caroline was in Thailand for a year and a half before moving onto Burma then singapore...she is a journalist...and was 40 or so when I met her.

Cool lady.

What does leg over mean anyway? Get laid?

All the western girls I know who have been to lived in traveled around Thailand always had or found guys.

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I don't think being married to a farang woman is particularly superior to anything.

I think being married to my wife is superior to most things, because she's awesome. That's why I married her. Hopefully others feel the same way about their wives, wherever they're from.

I still have no idea why you're going on about this minority thing, or what relevance it has to any point I've made in this thread. I suspect you don't know where you're going with it either, which is why you've begun to attack me instead of my argument.

Let's stick to addressing the points people make, shall we?

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"just amazed he didn't say 'feminazi'."

Another Man Who Thinks They Know Everything About Feminism (Thanks to Fox News and Rush) But Somehow Has No Clue What Feminism Actually Is Was or Will Be.

IOW, a living, breathing, walking cliche, 555

Let's get the definition done: http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Feminism

Thank you for verifying every thing I wrote! You actually believe that garbage, don't you?


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"just amazed he didn't say 'feminazi'."

Another Man Who Thinks They Know Everything About Feminism (Thanks to Fox News and Rush) But Somehow Has No Clue What Feminism Actually Is Was or Will Be.

IOW, a living, breathing, walking cliche, 555

Let's get the definition done: http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Feminism
Thank you for verifying every thing I wrote! You actually believe that garbage, don't you?


Why of course, everything in TVF is peer reviewed scientific fact, especially links to wikis.
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I remember many years ago in Indonesia Java a place called delta Geko village. I felt a little out of place as there were so many older European women and many young Indo guys. They were female sex tourists. The same with Scandinavian woman in the Gili islands of Lombok. The Indo men call themselves crocodiles.

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I don't think being married to a farang woman is particularly superior to anything.

I think being married to my wife is superior to most things, because she's awesome. That's why I married her. Hopefully others feel the same way about their wives, wherever they're from.

I still have no idea why you're going on about this minority thing, or what relevance it has to any point I've made in this thread. I suspect you don't know where you're going with it either, which is why you've begun to attack me instead of my argument.

Let's stick to addressing the points people make, shall we?

Certainly, provided you address the points I make as well. Most of the time it's the sound of one hand clapping.

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I'm still waiting for you to clarify quite what your point was. Sadly, you seem more interested in juvenile bickering, so I'm not holding my breath.

My point is there are a lot more falangs in relationships with Thai women than there are with falang women in Thailand. They don't regard themselves as settling for second best, dumbing down or sex tourists. As you may have gathered from posts other than mine, many would sooner slash their wrists than get into a relationship with a Western woman again. You may have a great relationship with your wife; however, that's just your good luck.

I do find it quite amusing that you use phrases such as "grow up" and "juvenile bickering", and accuse me of personal attacks, when your own modus operandi on TV reflects exactly that. Perhaps your level of self-absorption prevents you from acknowledging you enjoy TV for the opportunities it affords you for character assassination.

One of my life's lessons is not to take crap from anybody. So expect to have fire met with fire.

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I still don't see why you're making this point. I've never denied that many expats have relationships with Thai women, or that these can be happy - I know many people in such relationships myself.

What does this have to do with anything I said?

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I still don't see why you're making this point. I've never denied that many expats have relationships with Thai women, or that these can be happy - I know many people in such relationships myself.

What does this have to do with anything I said?

Suggest you go back through your many posts in this area - I have better things to do with my time.

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What a strange contribution you've made to this thread. Angrily ranting at me for several pages about something that appears to have no connection to the previous discussion, or to anything I've said, along with numerous off-topic personal attacks. And yet you apparently don't have time to explain yourself. Bizarre behaviour.

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It's farang not falang if you can't be bothered to spell out foreigner.

Back to bar girl language class to you.

It's neither. The correct way to spell the word is using the Thai alphabet. We're not allowed to use that in this part of the forum, but arguing about which transliterated approximation is better is rather futile.

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Thailand is not just a handful of hiso people and then a whole load of farmers.

The whole load of farmers is accounted for below. So what do you think the rest of the breakdown is?

"Agricultural production as a whole accounted for an estimated nine percent of Thai GDP and 40 percent of the population works in agriculture-related jobs."


Edited by 1BADDAT
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Thailand is not just a handful of hiso people and then a whole load of farmers.

The whole load of farmers is accounted for below. So what do you think the rest of the breakdown is?

"Agricultural production as a whole accounted for an estimated nine percent of Thai GDP and 40 percent of the population works in agriculture-related jobs."


Well, unless 60 percent of the population are hiso, I'd say there was quite a few people in the middle somewhere, wouldn't you?

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Thailand is not just a handful of hiso people and then a whole load of farmers.

The whole load of farmers is accounted for below. So what do you think the rest of the breakdown is?

"Agricultural production as a whole accounted for an estimated nine percent of Thai GDP and 40 percent of the population works in agriculture-related jobs."


Well, unless 60 percent of the population are hiso, I'd say there was quite a few people in the middle somewhere, wouldn't you?

Quite a lot of people seem to be working on market stalls, roadside food vendors, serving and wait staff in shops.

Are those hiso? or can we include them with the low income farmers?

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What a strange contribution you've made to this thread. Angrily ranting at me for several pages about something that appears to have no connection to the previous discussion, or to anything I've said, along with numerous off-topic personal attacks. And yet you apparently don't have time to explain yourself. Bizarre behaviour.

Ah, so now you're the victim. Of course, you've never said anything which could be construed as a personal attack, or a putdown. Nice try. I think the word I'm looking for is obfuscation. In the Australian vernacular it's called coming the raw prawn.

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What a strange contribution you've made to this thread. Angrily ranting at me for several pages about something that appears to have no connection to the previous discussion, or to anything I've said, along with numerous off-topic personal attacks. And yet you apparently don't have time to explain yourself. Bizarre behaviour.

Ah, so now you're the victim. Of course, you've never said anything which could be construed as a personal attack, or a putdown. Nice try. I think the word I'm looking for is obfuscation. In the Australian vernacular it's called coming the raw prawn.

For someone who's time is supposedly precious, you seem quite keen to drag this out for as long as possible.

I imagine everyone else is as bored with it as I am, so let's give it a rest now, eh?

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