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Marriage Bureau In Udon Thani


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Some Thai gals i know are looking for a farang hubby to take them away and make them happy in farangland. One of their neighbours has done it and they want a piece of the action .

There is a marriage bureau in Udon Thani but i dont know the telephone number or address. They need the number to join up on their service . I promised them i would find out and let them know. They have tried a Thai hubby and it didnt work out ,so they want a farang hubby now.

Searches turned up nothing , any ideas on this company ???

(maybe ###### could shackle up all the marriage bureaus in LOS to his website ?)

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Just tell them that in farang land they cannot own land or houses, they will have to have $400,000 inthe bank which can be checked at any time, they will have to cross the border every three months (ok if in the states but not good for Australia), they will not be able to work without a work permit, they will be charged inflated prices for everything because they are not farang and that police will stop them all the time to ask for fines for stupid things. But hey they will love it anyway, dont we all. :o

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Just tell them that in farang land they cannot own land or houses, they will have to have $400,000 inthe bank which can be checked at any time, they will have to cross the border every three months (ok if in the states but not good for Australia), they will not be able to work without a work permit, they will be charged inflated prices for everything because they are not farang and that police will stop them all the time to ask for fines for stupid things. But hey they will love it anyway, dont we all. :D

What about carrying the passport at all times too Ned. :o

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I've get the same sort of requests from girls in KK area they want falang (stuff the r) husbands, seriously I've got about 10 who want one now but none of the blokes I know I would dare introduce to any one from my villiage.

There must be a way???

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I've get the same sort of requests from girls in KK area they want falang (stuff the r) husbands, seriously I've got about 10 who want one now but none of the blokes I know I would dare introduce to any one from my villiage.

There must be a way???

Me too Bronco, in fact I steer clear of these ladies(not young girls) as they really do put pressure on me and my wife, I too would not introduce any of the available guys I know for fear the girl and/or her family would come looking for me in retalliation for my introducing "my friend" to her, this would only be about one month down the road.

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Its easy. Build a retirment home/village in KK or Udon and fill it with farang. then set up the intro part....very easy !! :D

I was walking through a local market one time near Kanch......just a small village near one of those big temples on the river..... an Older Thai woman comes running over to me and grabs me by the arm......all the time screaming something inThai......i thought to myslef geesus what have I done wrong........but thennoticed everyone laughing.

My guide at the time told me that the woman was propositioning me !!! The womanlook about 45 or 50 and not bad looking for her age !! :D

Many months later I was walking along the road in Kanch near the market alongside the bus station......a small girl came up to me with a single rose.......as it was valentines day I thought oh how sweet.......but looked around suspiciously like someone was playing a trick on me........then you would'nt believe it.......there was this woman from months ago standing there with a big grin......she had given me the flower via the small girl......... have to love Thailand !! I will never forget this woman now......her face is etched in memory.........and she did not see my etchings !! :o

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We are coming back in june and I am bringing a mate with us, he is from the back blocks of Tea Tree Gully, is semi-trained human, should be interesting to see the reaction by the villiagers when they see him.

My wifes niece is also planning to return to Oz with us for 3 months, again that should be interesting.

I just hope it doesnt all turn to shit and come back on me.

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We are coming back in june and I am bringing a mate with us, he is from the back blocks of Tea Tree Gully, is semi-trained human, should be interesting to see the reaction by the villiagers when they see him.

My wifes niece is also planning to return to Oz with us for 3 months, again that should be interesting.

I just hope it doesnt all turn to shit and come back on me.

You won't be able to get your mate out of the LOS so secretely prepare him before you leave :o home.

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