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Woman driver ignores dodgy second hand motor warning - ends up in a klong


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Nice of the relative selling her a car that he/she knew was faulty and potentially dangerous. At least he/she told her. Might have been better getting it fixed though, don't you think, before selling it? A few hundred baht would have covered it. But in the usual Thai way, it was somebody else's problem.

In the usual Thaivisa poster way why didn't you read the report properly, that might have been better, don't you think? The relative wasn't the seller.

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Nice reason for truck problem and all the family and friend tell same story. If the peddle was bad if it ever was why did they let her drive this truck. This whole family should be arrested for being to dumb or lieing.

Dumb or lieing about a peddle? A great post, indeed.

The Meaning of LIEING

LIEING means "Misspelling of 'lying'"

  1. try to sell (something, especially small goods) by going from house to house or place to place.
    "he peddled art and printing materials around the country"
    synonyms: sell, sell from door to door, hawk, tout, vend; More
    • sell (an illegal drug or stolen item).
      "certain youths who were involved in theft and drug peddling"
    • derogatory
      promote (an idea or view) persistently or widely.
      "he criticized his fellow candidate for peddling risky ideas"
      synonyms: advocate, champion, preach, put forward, proclaim, propound, promote,promulgate
      "peddling unorthodox views"

Google it, please.

Edited by lostinisaan
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"...as she was a woman..."

Who the heck voiced/thought that? The woman? The people around her? The "journalist" of this article?

Again, very sloppy writing. Disgusting, actually. post-4641-1156693976.gif

She said it herself, that's who the heck.

Very sloppy reading, disgusting, actually.

I read it three more times. It does NOT say who said this.

Very sloppy interpretation of post, disgusting, actually.

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