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In case of loosing money and all credit cards

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Both mastercard and visa have emergency cash advance facilities.

what do you mean?
Basically, I think what he means is, don't be daft enough to leave the phone number of your bank in your wallet that will be stolen, with all your money and your Visa or Mastercard inside it.

Am i right Mr Blackjack? Or maybe he should stay home, he's not quite ready for the likes of Pattaya yet.

Edited by Ghostnigel
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Both mastercard and visa have emergency cash advance facilities.

what do you mean?
Basically, I think what he means is, don't be daft enough to leave the phone number of your bank in your wallet that will be stolen, with all your money and your Visa or Mastercard inside it.

Am i right Mr Blackjack? Or maybe he should stay home, he's not quite ready for the likes of Pattaya yet.

i have been to pattaya 5 times my friend. i was just wondering what i would do worst case sernio

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Both mastercard and visa have emergency cash advance facilities.

what do you mean?
Basically, I think what he means is, don't be daft enough to leave the phone number of your bank in your wallet that will be stolen, with all your money and your Visa or Mastercard inside it.

Am i right Mr Blackjack? Or maybe he should stay home, he's not quite ready for the likes of Pattaya yet.

what do you mean by "likes of pattaya" ?

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And keep copies of your passport, visa, driver's license and other ID/important papers in secure online storage, so you can access them if you lose everything.

Of course, it's also a good idea not to keep all your important things in one spot, so if there's a problem it's less likely you'll lose everything.

Edited by taxout
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Make sure you inform the credit card companies of your travel plans. That would include your destinations, probable dates and potential uses (ie: hotels, airline tickets and restaurants).

If you plan on any large purchases, inform the CC companies too. They tend to view large, above normal, purchases in Thailand as potentially fraudulent.

Oh, and never carry your passport on your person. Keep it in a secure location, but DO carry a copy that shows your ID page, visa and entry stamp.

Edited by WhizBang
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Both mastercard and visa have emergency cash advance facilities.

what do you mean?
Basically, I think what he means is, don't be daft enough to leave the phone number of your bank in your wallet that will be stolen, with all your money and your Visa or Mastercard inside it.

Am i right Mr Blackjack? Or maybe he should stay home, he's not quite ready for the likes of Pattaya yet.

i have been to pattaya 5 times my friend. i was just wondering what i would do worst case sernio

Get a friend in Denmark (or wherever) to send you some emergency cash visa Western Union.

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...why does this question seem a little strange.....

I'm still trying to figure out "or have to close them" and if he's been to Pattaya 5 times why this has suddenly become a concern.

if i loose my credit cards or have to close them

If you "lose" the cards, you should immediately inform the credit card companies and request their assistance changing the account numbers and asking them for help getting emergency cash. If you lose everything and have no ID, that might put a spanner in the works. You'd need a police report and to make a visit to your embassy.

Travel insurance can be had that offers emergency cash. Of course some people have reportedly falsely claimed to have been robbed and filed police reports in order to get insurance payments. It hasn't always ended well.

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Their were some fraudulent on line credit card purchases charged to me last month. I received

an e-mail alert to contact my banks visa department. After a 5 minute conversation (plus call

answer wait time of 67 minutes) my card was cancelled by the bank and a new card on the way

to Thailand. Three days later it was in my hand. My advise is call your bank and have new

cards sent ASAP. No financial cost to me, just my time waiting for my call to be answered. I

used SKYPE to their 800 number so no charges there either. While in Thailand I split my credit

cards and bank cards into two different locations so the likelihood or loosing them all at one

event is remote. (to different bank cards/accounts, 4 different credit cards)

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Both mastercard and visa have emergency cash advance facilities.

what do you mean?

You can get a express emergency credit card in 24h. https://usa.visa.com/support/consumer/lost-stolen-card.html

Otherwise you can call your bank and ask what can do (Western Union Transfer) or visit your Embassy. They will contact your bank and arrange a payment to you if you have money in your account. Otherwise they tell you <deleted> off!!!

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I keep my wallet in my front pocket and have never had a problem. I also don't drink.

If you don't know what the poster means about the "likes of Pattaya" - the nature of Pattaya, then you must learn to be very careful there in particular, as there are more than plenty of thieves especially on the lookout for a drunken fellow who has become vulnerable.

You should alert both your CC company and your local bank manager that you will be in Thailand.

I think with minimal precautions you should be fine. Enjoy your travels...

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  • 3 weeks later...

bring some gold ring or gold necklace or maybe with some diamonds on it .. or branded watch like rolex ? worst scenario u can pawn them if u lose ur card or money.

Sent from my SM-G900H using Tapatalk

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