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Hi all,

As you might know I have a cat 4 month old and after she jumped from six floor she was paralised about 70% of her lower body.

Went to doctor for 5 days and they injected her with something to stimulate to body but no succces.

I asked the to give her some injection so she could stay in Cat heaven, but they not do.

Ok i Told I will give her and so they give me some stuff which I have to inject.

So what I did is I injected hat stuff into my friend, and yes within a few minutes she stopped breathing.

OK that is good but now I am just thinking how much I should inject to my cat. I have 50 CC left and the friend I gave 100 cc.

Is 50 CC enough for a cat?


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Hi all,

As you might know I have a cat 4 month old and after she jumped from six floor she was paralised about 70% of her lower body.

Went to doctor for 5 days and they injected her with something to stimulate to body but no succces.

I asked the to give her some injection so she could stay in Cat heaven, but they not do.

Ok i Told I will give her and so they give me some stuff which I have to inject.

So what I did is I injected hat stuff into my friend, and yes within a few minutes she stopped breathing.

OK that is good but now I am just thinking how much I should inject to my cat. I have 50 CC left and the friend I gave 100 cc.

Is 50 CC enough for a cat?


Correct me. You killed your friend :D:D:o ???


Hi all,

As you might know I have a cat 4 month old and after she jumped from six floor she was paralised about 70% of her lower body.

Went to doctor for 5 days and they injected her with something to stimulate to body but no succces.

I asked the to give her some injection so she could stay in Cat heaven, but they not do.

Ok i Told I will give her and so they give me some stuff which I have to inject.

So what I did is I injected hat stuff into my friend, and yes within a few minutes she stopped breathing.

OK that is good but now I am just thinking how much I should inject to my cat. I have 50 CC left and the friend I gave 100 cc.

Is 50 CC enough for a cat?


Correct me. You killed your friend :D:D:o ???

err, i hope he's just trying to humor us...

by the way, how is your cat doing?


Hi all, sure just kidding I did not inject my cat.

Anyway I find it difficult to find a doctor who want to give a lethal injection here in BKK.

My cat is Ok apart from not being able to move. Yep she can eat but not move anything but her two front legs and her head.

I can see she is not happy as when she see my other cat play around she cry all the time and tries to move.

Also for going pee pee and take out feaces I have to squeeze her bladder and stummick.

Therefore I just wanna end her unhappy life.

Yes it sounds bad but I think it is best.



Quote: But your friend.

He/she breathing yet , or dead ?

I dunno, she is still on the sofa, sleeping I guess :o

I will kick her in the butt tonight, that lazy bi***


Thais believe killing cats to be very bad luck. (So do Cambodians).

While your cat is unhappy being lame, he/she doesn't necessarily want to be dead, either. I have seen wheeled deviced (low tech, homemade) to enable cats and dogs like yours to move around. The animals adapted well and seemed happy.

Suggest you consult the Animal Hospital on Ramkanhaeng as to what might be possible. Tel 02-729-5706. It's on the north side of Ramkamhaeng just before the Ring Road, next to a Lemon Farm. Or try contacting Laurie Rosenthal <[email protected]> for suggestions of places that could help.

Good luck.

While your cat is unhappy being lame, he/she doesn't necessarily want to be dead, either. I have seen wheeled deviced (low tech, homemade) to enable cats and dogs like yours to move around. The animals adapted well and seemed happy.

Thats true, they do seem to adapt well to them and I've seen some very happy animals in their 'chariots'. Take Sheryl's advice, its a terrible shame to kill an animal unless absolutely 'neccesary'.


Nonsense. Animals don't have the intelligence to make a decision whether they like it or not. They live with it. We are the ones making that decision.

Each to his, but I think it border on cruelty to animals the way they refuse to end the misery of animal life here, as in the case of this cat or many of the barely alive soi dogs you see around.


I agree with both Phil and Sheryl,

And that is what it makes it so difficult.

If I was paralised what would I do, end my life or look for other ways to make my life a bit better.

Yes you might say animals cannot think or have feelings but this is not true.

I know my cat and dog are always happy to see me when I come back from work.

But I also know my other cat is not happy the way she is (paralised).

I think the question is, if I would be commited to take care an animal that needs care 24 hours a day.

Why I have so much difficulties thinking about this while I not think of the millions of animals being slaughtered for consumption....


I think the question is, if I would be commited to take care an animal that needs care 24 hours a day.


Exactly, Alex. This is what I was trying to get at...not that an animal can make a decision about euthenasia but that we who can are often more influenced by the burden of caring for them than by a desire to end their suffering. It is easy to confuse one's motives.

I am not absolutely opposed to euthenasia, either for animals or people. But I am very cautious about it and think that caretakers often have trouble distinguishing between the suffering of the ill/injured person or pet and their own suffering or difficulty in observibng it or taking care of them. It's not the same.

In the case of your cat it sounds like there could be things that can be done to still give her an enjoyable life. At the very least it is premature to assume otherwise. Whether or not you're willing and able to do what it takes...is a decision you have to make.

If worse comes to worse a place like the Animal Hospital might be willing to take her as an alternative to euthenasia. I believe they alreday have a few "special" boarders like that.


I think the question is, if I would be commited to take care an animal that needs care 24 hours a day.


Exactly, Alex. This is what I was trying to get at...not that an animal can make a decision about euthenasia but that we who can are often more influenced by the burden of caring for them than by a desire to end their suffering. It is easy to confuse one's motives.

I am not absolutely opposed to euthenasia, either for animals or people. But I am very cautious about it and think that caretakers often have trouble distinguishing between the suffering of the ill/injured person or pet and their own suffering or difficulty in observibng it or taking care of them. It's not the same.

In the case of your cat it sounds like there could be things that can be done to still give her an enjoyable life. At the very least it is premature to assume otherwise. Whether or not you're willing and able to do what it takes...is a decision you have to make.

If worse comes to worse a place like the Animal Hospital might be willing to take her as an alternative to euthenasia. I believe they alreday have a few "special" boarders like that.

sheryl...if it was not for your kind and intelligent post I would have nominated this thread as 'bizzaro-thread-of-the-week'...OP and responding posters included...


Yo Tutsi,

Just wanted to grab the attention OK?

Typed words are not always reflect the feeling you have.

Just wanted to add a bit of (black) humor for the problem I am facing.

Hence that is why I told (as a joke) I injected my friend just to see if the stuff works.

As you know or maybe not, Thai doctors many times give the wrong medicine description.

Yo Tutsi,

Just wanted to grab the attention OK?

Typed words are not always reflect the feeling you have.

Just wanted to add a bit of (black) humor for the problem I am facing.

Hence that is why I told (as a joke) I injected my friend just to see if the stuff works.

As you know or maybe not, Thai doctors many times give the wrong medicine description.

I hear you bro'...

best regards from tutsi...the bizarro master...


You have my sympathies. I recently went through a similar ordeal or trying to get my cat put down. To no avail. She is now better (the problem wasn't paralysis). I did find out that they can be given an injection of insulin and that will put them into a coma and cause death.

I was told that there are vets (of Chinese background) who will put them down, but I couldn't find any and no vet clinic was helpful. Several said they would help, but when I showed up, I just got a long lecture on how evil it was to kill. Like you, I was willing to give the injection myself.

Best of luck. Paralysis in a cat is very serious--I mean they are a hunting type animal.


Hi Scott,

Thank you so much for your understanding!

I will let you all know what my decision will be.

Kind regards,


You have my sympathies. I recently went through a similar ordeal or trying to get my cat put down. To no avail. She is now better (the problem wasn't paralysis).... no vet clinic was helpful. Several said they would help, but when I showed up, I just got a long lecture on how evil it was to kill.

Scott, you say your cat has now recovered. Might it not be that the vets had agreed to euthanize on the phone assuming the cat was terminally ill or injured, and then refused when they saw him/her and realized that there was a chance of recovery?

Granted their communication style wasn't the best, instead of a lecture they should have explained their assessment of the cat's condition and their policy/criteria for euthanasia. But they may have assumed you knew the cat could recover and just wanted to euthanize it for convenience...crazy, I know, but I find Thais often make strange assumptions about a foreigner's intentions and motives.

My impression is that Thai vets will euthanize but only if it is beyond a doubt that the animal is terminal and can't recover. Whereas in the West it is pretty much done on demand.


Ok all, my cat is still alive.

She can eat but she not drinks water (find that a bit strange).

Sometimes I carry her to my living room, let her walk around by supporting her lower body but she always runs back to my bedroom.

When I am back next month I will ask a few doctors what they think is best.

Take care all and cheers!



I haveta say that it is nice to see so many cat people on this forum. Alex...despite my previous sarcasm I am glad to hear that you still have your pet with you. I lost my favorite pet of all time...my precious Delphi, or the Psychocat as I useta call her. Left her food and water then went across the bay to stay with the girlfriend one night to return and find that she had been run over...never did see her...the animal control people just came and took her away...

she was a special cat and condolences came in from all the people that knew her...there was a death in the family...

believe me...I understand your concern...


Tutsi, sorry to hear of your loss - I can fully empathize.

If you think a cute kitten or two would help fil the void, let me know ...I still need homes for the stray litter I've been caring for!

Tutsi, sorry to hear of your loss - I can fully empathize.

If you think a cute kitten or two would help fil the void, let me know ...I still need homes for the stray litter I've been caring for!

sheryl...thanks for your sympathy. She was killed over 20 years ago but I still think of her alot. Can't presently handle another cat as I am away at work most of the time and I can't trust anyone in the family to look after one properly. They also recently got a dog at Mama's next door, an ugly mangy looking little critter that has tried to bite me twice...doesn't like falangs, apparently...


Hi all,

As I promised to keep you updated, here is the news.

Cola (my paralysed cat) is no more.

She has been send to cat heaven where she can do what she likes to do.

I know some of you adviced to build a wheelchair sort of things but looking at her and to hear her cry all the time and see her wanting to go back to my bedroom all the time when I supported her lower body I told my friend to visit a doctor and explain the situation and they also told it was better to give her a long sleep.

Yes I feel bad about it but how many animals are killed just for consumption?


Hi all,

As I promised to keep you updated, here is the news.

Cola (my paralysed cat) is no more.

She has been send to cat heaven where she can do what she likes to do.

I know some of you adviced to build a wheelchair sort of things but looking at her and to hear her cry all the time and see her wanting to go back to my bedroom all the time when I supported her lower body I told my friend to visit a doctor and explain the situation and they also told it was better to give her a long sleep.

Yes I feel bad about it but how many animals are killed just for consumption?


sorry to hear it Alex but sometimes it's the best way forward especially if there was not ever any hope of recovery. My condolences...


Sheryl: My cat's condition was and is terminal--it will die from the condition and it will most likely have a painful and agonizing death. It is in a remission. I love the cat and cherish every day with him. He is an exceptional animal.

The vets knew well the cats condition and prognosis. They decided to lay a bunch of moral and religious clap-trap on me, which I don't appreciate. I take care of my pets as best I can, when I can't, I don't abandon them, don't "drop them off at the temple" or any such stuff. I will have them put down.

I don't proseltize to others and I don't appreciate being preached to.



I weasn't trying to preach to you, just trying to make sense out of a vet saying yes on the phone and then no in person.


Hi Tutsi and all,

It is OK I feel better now, knowing her suffering has ended.

You know, I had no idea while squeezing her bladder and stuff if I was pressing too hard (causing pain) ore not. It just left me feeeling very bad, I might have hurt her while doing that.

Just thinking to adopt the two cats from Sheryl.

Take care all!


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