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NCPO says it has proof Thaksin behind smear campaign – but it's classified


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Like I said earlier, didn't they make the same claims with regards to the Samui car bomb, that incidently just magically filtered its way into obscurity, in that an influential Southern Politician was responsible ???? wink.png

Said influential politician's family own large swaths of Samui too right? whistling.gif

They didn't actually name them, but I do also recall that the sycophants here immediately pointed fingers to the North East, despite that incident being the same Modus Operandi of the Southern Insurgency.

They have also said the same about the Black Shirts, but no arrests made

They also said the same thing about the Erwan Shrine bombers

They also said there was NO threat from ISIS despite the FSB sending them a threat warning (on more then one occasion) and then announcing an increased security measure

They also said there was no terrorist threat of any sort to the country.. despite a known watch list ethnic Uihugur TWICE entering the country within the past 12 months.

Credibility isn't something this ship of fools has in abundance.

It has been sailing long before the current government. Recall a certain police captain who regularly made bold statements bu then never backed it up & there were plenty of others like him.

That was then, this is now, I also recall a certain General stating "There will be no coup" .. why is it that certain people here cannot seem to get out of the past,and constantly whine and moan about something that cannot be changed or influenced?

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.

With Fools, there is no companionship. Rather than to live with men who are selfish, vain quarrelsome and obstinate, let a man walk alone.

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What "Smear Campaign"?

Maybe I've missed this "campaign" as all I get to read are government proclamations.

It would be interesting to see if influential families/businesses, the military and or the current "government" use any lobbyists.

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The junta government has all the resources at their disposal to counter any smear campaign. They can use their embassies, delegations, special envoy to explain the facts. They can even hire their own lobbyists like in the previous Surayud's junta administration through their US Embassy. If the junta has a strong case to dispell and counter smear, use it; not just whine and use intimidation to scare and quiet down smear.

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No, we will not disclose the evidences now because it will suit their objective.

If disclosure would suit Thaksin's objective, wouldn't he make the disclosure now?

What logic is there for Thaksin to keep the alleged lobbying support covert if its revelation will damage the junta?

Reveal it publically and the junta will overreact to its own detriment.

Instead the junta is overreacting to its own detriment. wai2.gif

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No, we will not disclose the evidences now because it will suit their objective.

If disclosure would suit Thaksin's objective, wouldn't he make the disclosure now?

What logic is there for Thaksin to keep the alleged lobbying support covert if its revelation will damage the junta?

Reveal it publically and the junta will overreact to its own detriment.

Instead the junta is overreacting to its own detriment. wai2.gif

Logic. Very nice.

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Just when will the timing be right ?

If someone is trying to destabilise the country shouldn't it all be laid out for all to see so it can be stopped.

I hope the press conference wasn't called just to say we know something but we're not telling.

Chalerm lives on.

Dunno what Chalerm has to do with the topic in hand but this lot make him look like a candidate for sainthood.

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What "Smear Campaign"?

Maybe I've missed this "campaign" as all I get to read are government proclamations.

It would be interesting to see if influential families/businesses, the military and or the current "government" use any lobbyists.

Same as all the non-existant protests which Thaksin's supposed to be responsible for. He doesn't have to do anything other than pee himself laughing at the daily episodes of the Goon Show.

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Just when will the timing be right ?

If someone is trying to destabilise the country shouldn't it all be laid out for all to see so it can be stopped.

I hope the press conference wasn't called just to say we know something but we're not telling.

Chalerm lives on.

Chalerm was much more entertaining. He always gave an initial to add to the 'excitement" before sobering up and wondering what the hell he'd said. Then he changed it to the mysterious third hand,

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Just when will the timing be right ?

If someone is trying to destabilise the country shouldn't it all be laid out for all to see so it can be stopped.

I hope the press conference wasn't called just to say we know something but we're not telling.

Chalerm lives on.

Dunno what Chalerm has to do with the topic in hand but this lot make him look like a candidate for sainthood.

Chalerm regularly hinted he knew who was behind something, be that a crime or political activity the Shins didn't like, and often gave an initial with the warning of impending arrest. Then fcku all happened.

Saint - are you familiar with his past? Even the dubious Catholic church would have a problem awarding him that statue although he could probably pay the asking price.

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The reality of the situation is this: Thaksin doesn't need to hire lobbyists to discredit and destabilize the government. They can do it by themselves!

The reality is Thaksin does need and uses lobbyists. He needs to win and keep "friends" in the international global financial and government worlds.

He certainly doesn't want any media journalists poking around the Shin skeletons in the cupboard or some of their activities too closely.

The fact that current government members act like buffons, make ludicrous comments, and appear inept simply plays into their hands and makes their jobs easier.

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The reality of the situation is this: Thaksin doesn't need to hire lobbyists to discredit and destabilize the government. They can do it by themselves!

The reality is Thaksin does need and uses lobbyists. He needs to win and keep "friends" in the international global financial and government worlds.

He certainly doesn't want any media journalists poking around the Shin skeletons in the cupboard or some of their activities too closely.

The fact that current government members act like buffons, make ludicrous comments, and appear inept simply plays into their hands and makes their jobs easier.

According to the "Lobbying disclosure" database of the U.S. House of Representatives, Thaksin has effectively used lobbying firms in previous years (the motives are not indicated).

However since 2014 there has been no significant spending, only a few cases with less than $ 5000 fees (probably a retainer fee).

So (at least) this data supports the claim that he has not hired lobbying firms to discredit the current government.

And frankly, as pookiki outlines, it's so obvious to anyone! No need to hire lobbyists to discredit the current government!

Check by yourself: select "client name" in search field and put "Thaksin" in criteria.


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The reality of the situation is this: Thaksin doesn't need to hire lobbyists to discredit and destabilize the government. They can do it by themselves!

The reality is Thaksin does need and uses lobbyists. He needs to win and keep "friends" in the international global financial and government worlds.

He certainly doesn't want any media journalists poking around the Shin skeletons in the cupboard or some of their activities too closely.

The fact that current government members act like buffons, make ludicrous comments, and appear inept simply plays into their hands and makes their jobs easier.

All rich guys hire people to help them with legal, financial, and PR matters. Do you have evidence that TS does anything different? Or is this just more supposition?

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The reality of the situation is this: Thaksin doesn't need to hire lobbyists to discredit and destabilize the government. They can do it by themselves!

The reality is Thaksin does need and uses lobbyists. He needs to win and keep "friends" in the international global financial and government worlds.

He certainly doesn't want any media journalists poking around the Shin skeletons in the cupboard or some of their activities too closely.

The fact that current government members act like buffons, make ludicrous comments, and appear inept simply plays into their hands and makes their jobs easier.

Just like using brand new offshore companies to take care of your business interests just before you become head of the country right?

Shall I correct your statement for you?

" The reality is Thaksin did need and used lobbyists in the past, for a multitude of various reasons, possible even political "

He doesn't need to win or keep friends it's the Junta who needs this ..badly..

But you're like the proverbial broken record, always living in the past, always blaming past Shin Regimes, but you can't bring yourself to admit this coup has been going in the wrong direction for well over a year now, and shows no sign of wishing to relinquish power and control back to the people it's supposed to be protecting.

But come on then, seeing as you seem to be backing up their claim, how about YOU provide some meat for the pie, or are you just jumping on the gravy train as well ?

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The only difference between thaksin and Prayut is the uniform. They are becoming more and more like each other.

All Prayut needs to do is say declare he is running a democracy and you simply could not seperate the two.

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The only difference between thaksin and Prayut is the uniform. They are becoming more and more like each other.

All Prayut needs to do is say declare he is running a democracy and you simply could not seperate the two.

It took a while for the penny to drop but at least you've finally admitted the only thing that's changed is the colour of snout in the trough !! Well done.

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I have little interest in their manufactured proof if its evidence can't yet be shown , it's unlikely to be conclusive , but rather some ""agent of the devil"" reporter being accused of taking money from Thaksin.

That's really their pet fear.

Money .

Thaksin's money.

If he can buy lobbyists they maybe wonder if there are those in this big hanger ( see photo) being offered billions to go to the dark side.?

The America silence might be contributing to their paranoia.?

They have shown their cards and now expect a US response.

Will they have "" real evidence of slavery continuing ""? ( America findings against them?)

Maybe accusing some governments of being favourable to their Boogie man is a tactic in their mind.

Fabricate is now advisable in their minds

But they are getting sloppy.

Even this gathering as evidenced by the camera would be tempting to many would be patriots .

What if they all got wiped out?

That's really another 9/11 type conspiracy thing .

Born of high tech drones and CIA and so forth.

But the question begs would Thailand still be under military rule if its leaders suddenly disappeared.?

While Thaksin breathes they all know that fear is possible.

He was feared for good reason.

The man is ruthless and more likely than not to have his fingers in many pies that involve their demise.

They certainly might wheel out evidence in coming days.

But the oven is now hot and the smell of burning flesh can be faintly smelt .

It's always a matter of time with military strong armed leaders.

They always get cooked.

Either way.

Externally , internally, traitors or , rogue generals , doesn't mater how.

It's when

And we the lucky get to watch the whole process right through to the deaths captured on social media.

Like the Libyan leaders.

These days it's grizzly .

I don't think amnesty will work once the orders to execute immediately are given.

Or assassins arrive.

Clearly Thailand is unstable and all scripts of how it might play out .

Including years of this first can be possible.

Which will happen depends on how hot they turn up the heat.

Maybe jailing YS might get the country a bit more motivated?

What will Thaksin do next if he is indeed bothered?

And can the general keep demanding compliance and dishing out AA without sanctions?

I am waiting for Thaksin to get out a message that's peaceful and uplifting to the Thai people.

That's because he is clever.

And these guys are not

Lets wait and see in coming days

What evidence they have.?

In a religious country it's hard tarnishing values people have.

No amount of make believe polls can transcend the people's love of Thaksin

Hi, and thanks for the post, I lost interest at "I have little interest in their manufactured proof if its evidence can't yet be shown"

Looks like you have a brain storm there.

But having said that I would like to give you 10/10 for imagination and creativity.

You Da Man!!thumbsup.gif

Years ago if you suggested Thailand would lurch towards China so dramatically , have propaganda type Friday evening addresses by a general who seized power and demands compliance - people would question what fortune teller you consulted ?

Maybe suggest your imagination is over active.

Add then AA camps and LM laws and article 44 and spooks and midnight calls to residences.

Journalists being told to stop telling the truth.

Toe the line,and get on the big brother plane.

The apathy of western governments in their silence .

Polls that show 99% support .

And the Thaksin mantra .

My outcomes are speculative and ok creative as its currency is futuristic .

But crystal balls aside the politics in that part of Asia is being played out with increasing interest.

The cross roads are power vs will and international over site .

And the elephant in the room.

The power play is internal as well as external.

China eyeing out the prize.

And history loans me my explanations as to foreseeable outcomes.

Not many military coups end happily in the guise of good governance .

People eventually step up to protest.

The whole magic trick is they are unelected

And they wave a magic wand pretending its powerful and just.

And the people's will is contained their in the wand .

Yet in reality they are just guys with guns

I think Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen or Don McLean could have put that essay to music with some success. thumbsup.gif

Bob thought the band could handle the melody, but some of the words were missing.

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They would loose a general election against him plain and simple .

Guns are the only way the elites can win.

Their insidious natures have little appeal to the poor who until TS came along were down trodden.

I think the time is closer when their grip of power will be too reckless

And their road map could crash .?

Protests are not far off on mass.

And the streets will become dangerous once more.

Thaksin is the all seeing devil haunting these men crazy .

Thaksin whispers the breeze at midnight as they wake in sweat .


The old fortune teller tells of a general 's fate

Thaksin .!

It's funny to watch .

These guys need serious therapy .

By the way, do you believe that Thaksin is behind smear campaigns against Thailand?
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The only difference between thaksin and Prayut is the uniform. They are becoming more and more like each other.

All Prayut needs to do is say declare he is running a democracy and you simply could not seperate the two.

Jamie...are you feeling alright mate?

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From the full article:

"Deputy Prime Minister Prawit Wongsuwan gave somewhat more specific details about the alleged evidence, saying that it was “foreign media” who exposed Thaksin’s link to the lobbyists."

They actually think they can classify something that has been reported in foreign media. Before I thought they were semi-detached from reality, now....

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From the full article:

"Deputy Prime Minister Prawit Wongsuwan gave somewhat more specific details about the alleged evidence, saying that it was “foreign media” who exposed Thaksin’s link to the lobbyists."

They actually think they can classify something that has been reported in foreign media. Before I thought they were semi-detached from reality, now....

I read the foreign media story. (can't find it now)

But BP reported on this 3 days ago also.

Edit: found the "foreign media" story. It;s the Tony Cartalucci blog called Land Destroyer. In general, I find this blog to be worse than worthless. It is obvious, pot-stirring nonsense. However "he" does give the screen shot to the US lobbyist filings, without providinga decent analysis of the information (while BP did a better job). And that, in a nutshell, is the evidence against TS so far. Not classified. In fact, a public record.

Edited by phoenixdoglover
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As a follow-up to my post above, here are the amounts Thaksin Shinawatra spent on US lobbyists as reported on disclosure records of the official US disclosure site during the tenure of the Junta so far:

Q3 2014 less than $5,000

Q4 2014 less than $5,000

Q1 2015 less than $5,000

Q2 2015 less than $5,000

Q3 2015 less than $5,000

Q4 2015 less than $5,000

Q1 2016 less than $5,000

All to the same company.

This means the company is on retainer for a modest quarterly amount, but also would imply no services were performed, as that would have resulted in much higher spending amounts.

So, one would hope, for their own sake, the Junta has something more than this.

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