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Un Married Partner Visa For Uk

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I have to work out of Europe for the next year and was looking to see what visa we would need to get for my TGF. Had a look at the UK visa website and came across the "unmarried partner visa" which seems too good to be true so would appreciate any advice or input. Background is that we have lived together for just over 3 years (Abu Dhabi and Japan) and based on this last December she was granted a 6 month Tourist C multi entry (no problem). Thanks EE

How do I qualify to join my unmarried or same-sex partner in the UK?

You and your unmarried or same sex partner must show that:

- any previous marriage, civil partnership or similar relationship, has permanently broken down

- you have been living together in a relationship similar to marriage or civil partnership for two years or more

- you have suitable accommodation which is owned or lived in only by you and your household, and where you and your dependants can live without any help from public funds

- you can support yourselves and any dependants without any help from public funds

- you intend to live together permanently

- your partner is not under 18, and

- you are not under 18.

The Entry Clearance Officer will need to see evidence of a two-year relationship. This may include; documents showing joint commitments, such as bank accounts, investments, rent agreements or mortgages; letters linking you to the same address, and official records of your address

At first, you (she) will be allowed to stay and work in the UK for two years. Near the end of this time, if you are still partners and intend to continue living together, you can apply to stay permanently in the UK.

Edited by eddie eagle
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You have to demonstrate that your relationship is "akin to marriage" and the evidential burden for this is high. However, providing that you have sufficient documentation detailing your relationship, there's no reason why your girlfriend shouldn't qualify. The best evidence that you will have is your passports which should show both of you going to Japan, the UAE etc simultaneously.


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Thanks Scouser and Vinnie, we meet the Art 13.4 criteria for the unmarried partnership so will have a go at applying for the UK visa, will let you know how it goes. :o

The parties having been living together in a relationship akin to marriage/civil partnership which has subsisted for two years or more.

"Living together", should be applied fairly tightly, in that we would expect a couple to show evidence of cohabitation in the preceding 2 year period. Periods apart would be acceptable for good reasons, such as work commitments, or looking after a relative which takes one partner away for up to 6 months where it was not possible for the other partner to accompany and it can be seen that the relationship continued throughout that period by visits, letters etc. Where a couple have been living together for the preceding 2-year period but have been dividing their time between countries and may, for example, have used the "visitor" category, then this will be sufficient to meet the requirement.

"Akin to marriage or civil partnership", is a relationship that is similar in its nature to a marriage or civil partnership which would include both unmarried and same-sex relationships.

In order to demonstrate a 2-year relationship evidence of cohabitation will be needed. In order to show a relationship akin to marriage/civil partnership, ECOs should look for evidence of a committed relationship. The following types of evidence would be useful in this respect:

joint commitments, (such as joint bank accounts, investments, rent agreements, mortgage, death benefit etc);

- if there are children of the relationship, a record of their birth entry correspondence which links them to the same address;

- any official records of their address (e.g. Doctors records, DSS record, national insurance record etc);

- any other evidence that adequately demonstrates their commitment to each other

It will not be necessary to provide all of the above: ECOs are looking for satisfactory evidence of relationship.

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