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Why there is so much stereotype around Thai girls?

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Read well. I was banging a married thai women. Her thai husband works a lot and used to travel all the time. The other one had another bf in singapore and the other used to ask for money for sex on wechat and had a thai cop as bf. This later one after I found out she had a cop bf I finished real quick because he didnt know of her p4p activities. The married thai whore I banged for almost 8 months. They are all whores. Money hungry and have no loyalty. Only dumb forigners marry a thai

cheesy.gif Inflammatory or what !!!.... Only dumb foreigner makes posts like the above...

Banging... doesn't actually mean 'banging' with your head you know... seems like you may have already killed off too many brain cells...

... Try harder with your 50th post and next troll, perhaps you'll make yourself look a little less retarded.....

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Think you should go back home and see how things go on. And your thoughts when she suddenly doesnt answer your calls within a day or 2. Same calls she answered flawlessly in a second when you were with her in Thailand. The problem doesnt exist when you are with her on a daily basis. Its when we go back to our homes. But you could marry her and buy land and house, car and come back her after you paid of everything and continue this discussion :)

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smotherb said,

"If you are inferring that any relationship in which the man makes/has more money than the woman is a relationship based on money; the comparison offends me.

I would not want to be with a woman who was only with me, or even primarily with me, for the money. I have friends who are in such relationships and many of them have been hurt; that offends me.

I think I am worth loving; therefore, I want someone who loves me."

luk Aj said,

"If you knew only a little bit about Thai people, you would know they don't make decisions based on money alone. You offend them!"

luk Aj, are you talkin' to me?

Where is it I said anything about Thai people making decisions based upon money?

Smotherb said,

Jeffery, you might as well pound sand down a rat hole. The vast majority of posters who frequent this forum simply have no concept of a relationship with a local female that is not based on money.

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I wonder the same about why people stereotype bargirls so negatively. There are so many obstacles for Thai people to make a decent living, the women work in bars are not bad people necessarily, largely they are just trying to make their living and gain some measure of prosperity and independence. If you have ever worked for Thai companies or institutions you will appreciate how awful a so-called legitimate job can be here. It is not just that you can hardly pay your bills from the salary it's that your paymasters will abuse regularly you for what seemingly is for nothing more than sport and their sadistic amusement. Of course traditional Thai abusive management won't go away when one begins work undr the thumb of a mamasan, but at least in a bar some ladies have the chance to make enough coin to make the nasty game boss-employee game worth it. I am not condoning bargirl work, but until Thais on a wide scale begin to appreciate the value of human life and see the benefis of giving other people a measure of respect, working in a bar will remain a good option considering the circumstances that many have to work with.

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Some people find the thought that they married a prostitute to be excruciatingly embarrassing, so much so that they cannot admit it, even to themselves. They come on these threads vehemently protesting that they are a cut above it all. In my observation, the overwhelming majority of foreign men who are involved with Thai women met them through the entertainment industry. This observation comes from 30 years of coming here and 13 years of living here. Sorry, but I've yet to meet in real life a single couple which doesn't fit this pattern. While I'm sure there are a few out there who met their Thai spouse through work or study, or via other more "innocent" venues, i personally remain skeptical, not due to a lack of imagination, but simply because of a lack of evidence to the contrary.

In Thailand you never see foreign men (especially older foreign men) chatting up Thai women of any age out on the street, hanging out at the mall, waiting at bus stops, sun bathing at the beach, lounging around the pool. I can speak Thai, and can chat up anybody. I'm older now, (not to mention married,) but in my younger days, Thai women found me physically attractive. But with that said, if a Thai woman was forward and wanted to get involved with me, it was more often than not because I represented an opportunity to improve her station in life. So is that person, whose primary motive was financial benefit, a prostitute? Is a garment worker who once in a while goes down to Bangkok on her day off to hang out in the Thermae Bar in the hopes of meeting a foreign guy, a prostitute? Is a Samut Prakan college student who goes down to Pattaya on the weekends to hang out in the bars to make extra money a college student or a prostitute? I guess as the Thais like to say it's 'up to you.'

What does that label really mean anyway? Are you making a character judgement, or are you just saying that that Oldsmobile has too many miles? And by the way, I've met Thai women in places like shopping malls and airports here who the last thing you would think was a prostitute, but turned out to make the pros in Nana Entertainment Plaza look like vestal virgins. My point is that there's a lot of shades of grey over here, and I thoroughly agree with Thaidream's comment that people should stop acting like they're better than other people depending on whether their spouse worked in the entertainment industry.

Another point. Most Thai women over the age of 20 have to support themselves in one fashion or another. Those who do not have to work, are likely already married and have started a family, and have a husband to look after them. Be it a bank teller, an office worker, a waitress, a seamstress, a hotel receptionist, a men's cologne counter girl, a a school teacher, you name it, please tell me how anybody who is working 9-5 can hook up, and become romantically involved with a foreign tourist who is visiting for 2-4 weeks on holiday? My point is that the logistics of becoming romantically involved with an average Thai woman are nothing less than daunting. When you consider the constraints of her work schedule, the slow tempo of normal Thai courtship, the small problem of "Gee, you're leaving in 3 weeks?", seeking parental and family approval, language barriers, age differences, vacation schedules, etc., it's hard to see how this is done.

Suppose, you're travelling around the countryside, and meet a girl in her home town? You think she's going to risk getting sexually involved with a foreign guy in front of her family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, only to have the guy take a bunch of selfies of the two of them together before heading for the airport? And then when you consider that the siren song and ready availability of countless entertainment venues constantly beckons, where doe-eyed, angel-faced nymphs eagerly await you, who in their right mind would not chose that option?

This is what I think is going on. Time passes and the wife gets older. She's still pretty, but a little hard to picture her as a bar girl any more. Besides, she's spent time overseas or here living with with you. Her diet, grooming, and fashion sense have become more westernized. She's more sophisticated, her English has improved considerably; goodness, she's come so far. Look at her in her Ban-Ray prescription sunglasses, driving around in her Toyota Fortuner, always with her seat belt tightly fastened. Lilly Pulitzer dresses and Jimmy Choo heels complete the package. There's one tiny butterfly tattoo on the small of her back, but most of the time it's demurely covered up. Time and money have erased every trace of her bar girl past. It's all good. No one can prove whether what I'm saying is the truth or not. Certainly not on an anonymous internet forum. That's my take on what's going on most of the time on threads like these.

Edited by Gecko123
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There are very few male-female relationships in the world that don't have money in the mix somewhere. Financially independent women are a fairly small minority.

Is a relationship based on money offensive to you? If so,why?

If you are inferring that any relationship in which the man makes/has more money than the woman is a relationship based on money; the comparison offends me.

I would not want to be with a woman who was only with me, or even primarily with me, for the money. I have friends who are in such relationships and many of them have been hurt; that offends me.

I think I am worth loving; therefore, I want someone who loves me.

Possibly you are a hopeless romantic.

Think about it. Men work uninterrupted most of their lives, or used to. Many women have their working lives interrupted by childbirth and ensuing rearing. They also earn less in most occupations. If you look at the superannuation balances of men vs. women in most Western countries as they get to retirement, women lag far behind.So the expectation is the male partner will provide the bulk of the support in retirement. Of course the relationship is partly based on money.

I think I am pragmatic. As long as I can keep the money flowing, I don't care if it is love or a reasonable facsimile. Thai women are no different to Western women in that they will all walk away from a loser. It's called the survival instinct. I don't see any reason to be offended by that.

I suppose the only way of telling a person really loves you for yourself is if they stay with you when you are broke. I've never tested those waters.

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The more I read this thread and some of the posters who go on about if you run out of money the girl will leave you,and how they all have a Thai husband or how 60 year old men only want to marry a 20 year old ,the more I realize how many losers come on here,thank goodness I never have had to mix with any of them ,

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Take a look at the western-Thai relationships around. Most of the men want a very, very young girl. Many of the men that enter the country to stay for the long term are of retirement age. The only way they're going to find the "looks" they want is to pay. It's exceptionally rare to see a western man with an age appropriate woman. As such, they're willing to pay to play. That's their choice.

I'm 32 and my wife is 31. She has a masters degree in marketing, speaks three languages, has never asked me for or about money and we have a great relationship. Good people do exist, even here. You're just not going to find them at a bar or on a Thai dating website. Go out, be friendly, speak a little Thai and impress a girl, things will work out.

i am not so sure it is that easy. there is a real stigmatism for thai girls against dating western men. i asked my pretty little accountant if she had a ferang boyfriend, she said no and looked a bit shocked at the thought of it. this is why it is typically only poor esan girls who go with foreigners. of course there are exceptions but they are rare. after a decade in thailand i dont know of many, infact i cant think of any off the top of my head.

Could i humbly suggest you get your head out the sand then...there was even a news article on this exact subject on TV middle of last year entitled " new trend of young Thai women with farang husbands"

And not as rare as you think

like i said i have done about 10 years in thailand. i meet alot of people through work and social activities. almost without exception the westerners i meet have esan girlfriends from poor back grounds. funnily enough most of the guys who try to get a more upper class girl just get them selves into more trouble than the ones trying to have relationships with the bar girls. like i said i have only had about 10 years experience living and working in thailand.

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Well this thread rapidly became another 'I didn't meet my wife in a bar, and anyone who did is a loser' chest-puffing thread.

Shame really as there is an interesting point to be found at the basis of it all.

I'm going to keep a 'check list' on these types of thread in the future seeing if I can 'check' off the following words and phrases:



"Speaks several languages'

'Her family richer than I am''

'Low Class 'Farangs' and their Bar Girls'

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Well this thread rapidly became another 'I didn't meet my wife in a bar, and anyone who did is a loser' chest-puffing thread.

Shame really as there is an interesting point to be found at the basis of it all.

I'm going to keep a 'check list' on these types of thread in the future seeing if I can 'check' off the following words and phrases:



"Speaks several languages'

'Her family richer than I am''

'Low Class 'Farangs' and their Bar Girls'

Don't forget "salary"
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My experience with "nice caring girls" is worse than the pay for play. At least with PfP they're is little to no drama... My nice girls have cheated and lied. The bar girls ..freelancers etc..are a better option. Have you met her family yet? Good look with that.

Thank you for your good wishes for when I meet her family but you are some 20 years too late with your generalisations.

Not only have I met her family (we have been married for 16 years and have a 12 year old son) but her Mum lived with us in a small house we built for her for about 7 years.

Sadly her Mum died last October and I was involved in the cremation as well and last weekend I went with most of her family to drop her ashes into the river down near Chacheongsao.

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As far i know, most of the people who come to thailand do end up with a Bar girl as its not easy for them to meet up with a normal Thai girl unless they know how to pick up (Which Thai girls arent that used to) or if they work in some office. Now when their relationship doesnt work, they just label all Thai girls the same. Thats too bad

Your OP and this post indicates you know very little about Thai women. You lady no doubt is a lovely person (as are MANY women working in bars) .....If you had shacked up with her for a few weeks and decided it wasn't working out you would what...just leave? Say thanks.

If on the other hand you upon leaving had put money in her bag and told her there's some money to help her out....... She would what throw it at you. Yeah right.

Your avatar Thaiguy. ...5555

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There are so many dating sites now with social media that the average thai girl that speaks uni english has multiple farang boyfriends and they make more money than the bar girls because silly farang thinks she is no hooker so is happy to send cash for iphones ,family , motorbike etc etc etc

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There are very few male-female relationships in the world that don't have money in the mix somewhere. Financially independent women are a fairly small minority.

Is a relationship based on money offensive to you? If so,why?

If you are inferring that any relationship in which the man makes/has more money than the woman is a relationship based on money; the comparison offends me.

I would not want to be with a woman who was only with me, or even primarily with me, for the money. I have friends who are in such relationships and many of them have been hurt; that offends me.

I think I am worth loving; therefore, I want someone who loves me.

Possibly you are a hopeless romantic.

Think about it. Men work uninterrupted most of their lives, or used to. Many women have their working lives interrupted by childbirth and ensuing rearing. They also earn less in most occupations. If you look at the superannuation balances of men vs. women in most Western countries as they get to retirement, women lag far behind.So the expectation is the male partner will provide the bulk of the support in retirement. Of course the relationship is partly based on money.

I think I am pragmatic. As long as I can keep the money flowing, I don't care if it is love or a reasonable facsimile. Thai women are no different to Western women in that they will all walk away from a loser. It's called the survival instinct. I don't see any reason to be offended by that.

I suppose the only way of telling a person really loves you for yourself is if they stay with you when you are broke. I've never tested those waters.

You can have money and still be a loser.

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Some people find the thought that they married a prostitute to be excruciatingly embarrassing, so much so that they cannot admit it, even to themselves. They come on these threads vehemently protesting that they are a cut above it all. In my observation, the overwhelming majority of foreign men who are involved with Thai women met them through the entertainment industry. This observation comes from 30 years of coming here and 13 years of living here. Sorry, but I've yet to meet in real life a single couple which doesn't fit this pattern. While I'm sure there are a few out there who met their Thai spouse through work or study, or via other more "innocent" venues, i personally remain skeptical, not due to a lack of imagination, but simply because of a lack of evidence to the contrary.

In Thailand you never see foreign men (especially older foreign men) chatting up Thai women of any age out on the street, hanging out at the mall, waiting at bus stops, sun bathing at the beach, lounging around the pool. I can speak Thai, and can chat up anybody. I'm older now, (not to mention married,) but in my younger days, Thai women found me physically attractive. But with that said, if a Thai woman was forward and wanted to get involved with me, it was more often than not because I represented an opportunity to improve her station in life. So is that person, whose primary motive was financial benefit, a prostitute? Is a garment worker who once in a while goes down to Bangkok on her day off to hang out in the Thermae Bar in the hopes of meeting a foreign guy, a prostitute? Is a Samut Prakan college student who goes down to Pattaya on the weekends to hang out in the bars to make extra money a college student or a prostitute? I guess as the Thais like to say it's 'up to you.'

What does that label really mean anyway? Are you making a character judgement, or are you just saying that that Oldsmobile has too many miles? And by the way, I've met Thai women in places like shopping malls and airports here who the last thing you would think was a prostitute, but turned out to make the pros in Nana Entertainment Plaza look like vestal virgins. My point is that there's a lot of shades of grey over here, and I thoroughly agree with Thaidream's comment that people should stop acting like they're better than other people depending on whether their spouse worked in the entertainment industry.

Another point. Most Thai women over the age of 20 have to support themselves in one fashion or another. Those who do not have to work, are likely already married and have started a family, and have a husband to look after them. Be it a bank teller, an office worker, a waitress, a seamstress, a hotel receptionist, a men's cologne counter girl, a a school teacher, you name it, please tell me how anybody who is working 9-5 can hook up, and become romantically involved with a foreign tourist who is visiting for 2-4 weeks on holiday? My point is that the logistics of becoming romantically involved with an average Thai woman are nothing less than daunting. When you consider the constraints of her work schedule, the slow tempo of normal Thai courtship, the small problem of "Gee, you're leaving in 3 weeks?", seeking parental and family approval, language barriers, age differences, vacation schedules, etc., it's hard to see how this is done.

Suppose, you're travelling around the countryside, and meet a girl in her home town? You think she's going to risk getting sexually involved with a foreign guy in front of her family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, only to have the guy take a bunch of selfies of the two of them together before heading for the airport? And then when you consider that the siren song and ready availability of countless entertainment venues constantly beckons, where doe-eyed, angel-faced nymphs eagerly await you, who in their right mind would not chose that option?

This is what I think is going on. Time passes and the wife gets older. She's still pretty, but a little hard to picture her as a bar girl any more. Besides, she's spent time overseas or here living with with you. Her diet, grooming, and fashion sense have become more westernized. She's more sophisticated, her English has improved considerably; goodness, she's come so far. Look at her in her Ban-Ray prescription sunglasses, driving around in her Toyota Fortuner, always with her seat belt tightly fastened. Lilly Pulitzer dresses and Jimmy Choo heels complete the package. There's one tiny butterfly tattoo on the small of her back, but most of the time it's demurely covered up. Time and money have erased every trace of her bar girl past. It's all good. No one can prove whether what I'm saying is the truth or not. Certainly not on an anonymous internet forum. That's my take on what's going on most of the time on threads like these.

I've only lived here a few years, and I know a bunch of couples who didn't meet in the 'entertainment industry' (a ludicrously coy euphemism - call it what it is). Maybe it depends where you hang out, and who with.

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You need to understand that the bulk of western guys who land in Thailand don't appeal to nice girls in their own country so why would a decent Thai girl want them? These girls have standards like any other decent girl. I have quite a few colleagues like myself who met our wives in the office environment ( I'm an international business lawyer). Unfortunately the vast majority of guys only see Thai women through the small prism of prostitutes. If you only spent time in your own country with prostitutes you'd certainly have a skewed view of the women in your country. Those of us who actually have good marriages with good Thai women (10 great years now) simply don't flood the Internet about it like the ones who involve themselves with hookers then wonder why it all went bad and need to vent about their own stupidity. It is entertaining though!

Some western men are simply not attracted to western women whom they perceive overly arrogant, demanding or simply fat. Nice girls are for those with $$$, entertainers, FB stars, and out of reach.

Of course we hear about horror stories in Thailand, but /probably/ no more than in the west. Google 'talk show fights' for instance.

In Thailand by contrast, these men find nice girls, who, whatever their past, give them presence and love.

Is anyone against that?

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It isn't a small percentage, it's 95% of all Thai girls foreigners are able to meet.

Among the foreigners I know with Thai girls, 100%, despite 75% claiming they aren't.

Good luck with the 'loyal and caring'

Not sure about them being 'the best quality' but they are certainly easy and cheap.

No,no,no. I don't know where you're getting your information from l, but I do know you need a new source.
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My wife is 3 years younger.

Happily married almost six years, together eight.

Same religion, never changed for her I changed to Buddhism as a boy.

I have no desire to be Thai or act Thai or even really understand, she can do her thing and I do mine as long as we remain faithful.

Great so far, two kids, never Fight,only petty crap, no complaints.

Really she is my best mate and wife, we talk about everything, except thai drama then I have to shut up.

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An answer to your question OP is, the most stories the people hear are "how he got screwed or she's cheating on me". People rarely hear of all the successful love stories. Just like the saying "bad news travels fast". I know there are plenty of people on Thaivisa who will tell you the same thing. Oh yeah, and there's people who think Thailand is some kind of sex haven. Where this image came from who knows, so far from the truth it's pathetic.

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Possibly you are a hopeless romantic.

Think about it. Men work uninterrupted most of their lives, or used to. Many women have their working lives interrupted by childbirth and ensuing rearing. They also earn less in most occupations. If you look at the superannuation balances of men vs. women in most Western countries as they get to retirement, women lag far behind.So the expectation is the male partner will provide the bulk of the support in retirement. Of course the relationship is partly based on money.

I think I am pragmatic. As long as I can keep the money flowing, I don't care if it is love or a reasonable facsimile. Thai women are no different to Western women in that they will all walk away from a loser. It's called the survival instinct. I don't see any reason to be offended by that.

I suppose the only way of telling a person really loves you for yourself is if they stay with you when you are broke. I've never tested those waters.

You can have money and still be a loser.

You can have an education and still be an idiot too.

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Take a look at the western-Thai relationships around. Most of the men want a very, very young girl. Many of the men that enter the country to stay for the long term are of retirement age. The only way they're going to find the "looks" they want is to pay. It's exceptionally rare to see a western man with an age appropriate woman. As such, they're willing to pay to play. That's their choice.

I'm 32 and my wife is 31. She has a masters degree in marketing, speaks three languages, has never asked me for or about money and we have a great relationship. Good people do exist, even here. You're just not going to find them at a bar or on a Thai dating website. Go out, be friendly, speak a little Thai and impress a girl, things will work out.

You may be one of the lucky ones,however it is well known that some Thai university girls,do like to supplement their income in the evening/night. Some of them do meet younger farangs with whome they have a lasting relationship.Usually their partner are completely unaware of their previous activities.

I know this for a fact,as I know the history of two,now respectfull wives of young farangs,

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Generalizations are not always right, but this is my personal opinion after many experiences.

One of the differences between Thai women and Western women, it is that Thai women it is more direct and open about their real interest in the relationship. and will show it to friends and family without shame. Sometimes they will be very direct and open if you asked about.

Western women will keep the appearances with its partners and others, even after separation or divorce.

Another one, is that Thai women, like Thai men, are not discrete about its infidelities, or concerned that others will know about, in particular the single and younger ones. For Thai women, sex is a form of introduction to men they met, not a consequence....that why they seems too "easy" to foreigners, but not too easy to understand if the relationship last longer than a first date. Multiple partners is a common practice with Thai women, specially the ones looking in dating foreigners.

Older foreigners married or in relationship with Thai women a lot younger, and beautiful...have to accept the big possibility of betrayal.... and also accept the fact that financial interest is a big part in the relationship. After all, most Thai women do not have nothing in common with Western men.

That may change, between people with similar age, and more mature thinking and education.

Anyway...love is a fantasy that so few men will found, with Thai or Western women.

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Generalizations are not always right, but this is my personal opinion after many experiences with Thai "decent" women.

One of the differences between Thai women and Western women, it is that Thai women it is more direct and open about their real interest in the relationship. and will show it to friends and family without shame.

Sometimes they also will be very direct and open if you ask about.

Western women will keep the appearances with its partners and others, even after separation or divorce.

Another one, is that Thai women, like Thai men, are not discrete about its infidelities, or concerned that others will know about, in particular the single and younger ones. For Thai women, sex is a form of introduction to men they met, not a consequence....that's why they seems too "easy" to foreigners, but not too easy to understand if the relationship last longer than a first date. Multiple partners is a common practice with Thai women, specially the ones looking in dating foreigners. Many will even say that they are single, when in reality they are married or in a relationship.

Older foreigners married or in relationship with Thai women a lot younger, and beautiful...have to accept the big possibility of betrayal.... and also accept the fact that financial interest is a big part in the relationship. After all, most Thai women do not have nothing in common with Western men.

That may change, between people with similar age, and more mature thinking and education.

Anyway...love is a fantasy that so few men will found, with Thai or Western women.

Edited by Muzarella
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I think I am worth loving; therefore, I want someone who loves me.

Every man thinks they are worth loving, but usually it's only their mum and children that do.

They made an engaging looking couple in the swank 5-star hotel restaurant: the man was

handsome, greying and obviously well off; the woman was a joy to any eye -

very young, ravishing and delectable.

As they each read their menus, the gentleman asked his partner what she would

like to eat.

She scanned the menu yet again, and said: "To begin, I'll have two champagne

cocktails, then a dozen oysters on the half shell and a tureen of turtle

soup. As entrees I'll have the filet of English sole followed by pheasant

under glass, plus an a la carte order of asparagus tips. For dessert, just

bring the cart.

Somewhat surprised not only by her appetite, but also by the cost of all of

this, he asked, "Tell me. Do you eat this well at home too?"

"Well, no," she admitted, "But no one at home wants to sleep with me."

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