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Iranian commander threatens to close Strait of Hormuz to US


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Iran is the country threatening to close down the Straits of Hormuz and, suddenly, it is the fault of the US?

You folks, in your blatant hatred of all things American, are an amazing group.

Slag off the US Military until you get your collective tits in a wringer and then call the US to get you out of the mess you got yourselves into.

This isn't about Trump. He has absolutely nothing to do with the US position in the Arabian Gulf nor the power to do anything about it.

You want to blame an American?

How about the guy that has occupied the White House for the last 7+ years?

He is the policy maker now.

Try reading the article again. There was no mention of general blockade but only one targetting US interests, AND only in the event of Iran being threatened by the US.

The current POTUS has worked hard to undo the decades of damage that self serving policies from previous Western governments have caused, but clearly there is still some way to go. I think most posters are suggesting that The Donald is not the man to be trusted to continue along the path to normalisation of relationships.

Obama's "what we inherited" nonsense played well the first few months...at some point he has to own it. As every US president before him has had to do.

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"If the Americans and their regional allies want to pass through the Strait of Hormuz and threaten us, we will not allow any entry,"

Whilst I am unsure what provoked this particular comment, on the balance of things it doesn't seem unreasonable. If the Iranian navy was to have a similar presence in the Gulf of Mexico, I am certain that it would not go down so well with the self appointed defenders of the free world.

It is not equal.

The ayatollahs are the bad guyz and we are the good guyz.

Get used to it cause it's true everywhere, to include the Old World elites of Russia, CCP China, North Korea, the Assads, Daesh (non state), Zimbabwe, the gold bugs of the Austrian school of economics and its Mad Max lunacy; the global right reactionaries who might be right under our noses.

USA has always done the post WW II heavy lifting by the conscious agreement of the Anglophile world, Europe, Nato, Japan, South Korea et al.

When the bad guyz in Tehran, Moscow, Beijing mention a Potus Hillary Clinton their nuts shrivel up. Other places too btw.

Just listen to yourselves. The world is in the state it's in because of your bumbling about like a bull in a china shop... and you wonder why they can't stand you.

There are people who are not persuadable.

They also find little if any fault in any dictatorship or elite that starts hollering at the US or outright tries to issue threats against the global economy by means of Hormuz. And they take no prisoners in assailing the USA.

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"If the Americans and their regional allies want to pass through the Strait of Hormuz and threaten us, we will not allow any entry,"

Whilst I am unsure what provoked this particular comment, on the balance of things it doesn't seem unreasonable. If the Iranian navy was to have a similar presence in the Gulf of Mexico, I am certain that it would not go down so well with the self appointed defenders of the free world.

It is not equal.

The ayatollahs are the bad guyz and we are the good guyz.

Get used to it cause it's true everywhere, to include the Old World elites of Russia, CCP China, North Korea, the Assads, Daesh (non state), Zimbabwe, the gold bugs of the Austrian school of economics and its Mad Max lunacy; the global right reactionaries who might be right under our noses.

USA has always done the post WW II heavy lifting by the conscious agreement of the Anglophile world, Europe, Nato, Japan, South Korea et al.

When the bad guyz in Tehran, Moscow, Beijing mention a Potus Hillary Clinton their nuts shrivel up. Other places too btw.

Just listen to yourselves. The world is in the state it's in because of your bumbling about like a bull in a china shop... and you wonder why they can't stand you.

There are people who are not persuadable.

They also find little if any fault in any dictatorship or elite that starts hollering at the US or outright tries to issue threats against the global economy by means of Hormuz. And they take no prisoners in assailing the USA.

nonsense, they have little use for bullies of any stripe but they understtand the hatred of your meddling

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"If the Americans and their regional allies want to pass through the Strait of Hormuz and threaten us, we will not allow any entry,"

Whilst I am unsure what provoked this particular comment, on the balance of things it doesn't seem unreasonable. If the Iranian navy was to have a similar presence in the Gulf of Mexico, I am certain that it would not go down so well with the self appointed defenders of the free world.

It is not equal.

The ayatollahs are the bad guyz and we are the good guyz.

Get used to it cause it's true everywhere, to include the Old World elites of Russia, CCP China, North Korea, the Assads, Daesh (non state), Zimbabwe, the gold bugs of the Austrian school of economics and its Mad Max lunacy; the global right reactionaries who might be right under our noses.

USA has always done the post WW II heavy lifting by the conscious agreement of the Anglophile world, Europe, Nato, Japan, South Korea et al.

When the bad guyz in Tehran, Moscow, Beijing mention a Potus Hillary Clinton their nuts shrivel up. Other places too btw.

SecDef Ashton Carter is a hawk yet he is prudent. Carter ended 15 years of US strategic ambiguity by naming Russia as behind Door Number One, CCP China behind Door Number Two, Iran behind Door Number Three. The USN 5th Fleet is based in Bahrain for a reason.

This blather out of Iran is the Revolutionary Guards soiling and staining their revolutionary undergarments. They seized the Marines then let 'em go. They proved they were allowed to seize US Marines and that they let 'em go, virtually immediately. Nobody shot up anybody. The ayatollahs do not want an actual or serious incident.

Poof goes the Guards.

so international law depends on who a guy like you defines as good guys?? lol

International law did not drop out of the sky.

Nor was it discovered accidentally while exploring caves or later on while drilling for oil.

No one walked down from the mount bearing tablets of international law for all the world to read and to live by.

The post WW II international order was created by men for a purpose, for reasons, and toward specific goals using specified ends. The men who defeated global fascism.

Iran does however have its own laws and its own ideas of international law that did come down from on high and above, definitely written in stone, i.e., their exclusive book. The ayatollahs are being arbitrary, authoritarian, and elitist to try to impose their narrow view of international law on the region and against the established international order by consensus.

If Iran wants to create a new consensus of international law, then let them begin in rational and reasonable ways rather than by military belligerence or bellicose nuclear threats.

Global sanctions plus the P-5 + 1 combined did force negotiations that whipped the ayatollahs into some semblance of shape concerning their nuclear program. Still however, the ayatollahs have yet to display any tendencies away from their own and exclusive book of laws for everyone. The once upon a time book written by their own men of long ago.

lol! an american tries to make a case for unselfish interpretation of international law? what a hoot!


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It is not equal.

The ayatollahs are the bad guyz and we are the good guyz.

Get used to it cause it's true everywhere, to include the Old World elites of Russia, CCP China, North Korea, the Assads, Daesh (non state), Zimbabwe, the gold bugs of the Austrian school of economics and its Mad Max lunacy; the global right reactionaries who might be right under our noses.

USA has always done the post WW II heavy lifting by the conscious agreement of the Anglophile world, Europe, Nato, Japan, South Korea et al.

When the bad guyz in Tehran, Moscow, Beijing mention a Potus Hillary Clinton their nuts shrivel up. Other places too btw.

SecDef Ashton Carter is a hawk yet he is prudent. Carter ended 15 years of US strategic ambiguity by naming Russia as behind Door Number One, CCP China behind Door Number Two, Iran behind Door Number Three. The USN 5th Fleet is based in Bahrain for a reason.

This blather out of Iran is the Revolutionary Guards soiling and staining their revolutionary undergarments. They seized the Marines then let 'em go. They proved they were allowed to seize US Marines and that they let 'em go, virtually immediately. Nobody shot up anybody. The ayatollahs do not want an actual or serious incident.

Poof goes the Guards.

so international law depends on who a guy like you defines as good guys?? lol

International law did not drop out of the sky.

Nor was it discovered accidentally while exploring caves or later on while drilling for oil.

No one walked down from the mount bearing tablets of international law for all the world to read and to live by.

The post WW II international order was created by men for a purpose, for reasons, and toward specific goals using specified ends. The men who defeated global fascism.

Iran does however have its own laws and its own ideas of international law that did come down from on high and above, definitely written in stone, i.e., their exclusive book. The ayatollahs are being arbitrary, authoritarian, and elitist to try to impose their narrow view of international law on the region and against the established international order by consensus.

If Iran wants to create a new consensus of international law, then let them begin in rational and reasonable ways rather than by military belligerence or bellicose nuclear threats.

Global sanctions plus the P-5 + 1 combined did force negotiations that whipped the ayatollahs into some semblance of shape concerning their nuclear program. Still however, the ayatollahs have yet to display any tendencies away from their own and exclusive book of laws for everyone. The once upon a time book written by their own men of long ago.

lol! an american tries to make a case for unselfish interpretation of international law? what a hoot!


ROFL. An America-hater tries to make a case for the abandonment of it. When it's a question of international court jurisdiction, they absolutely LOVE it! But then when some global thug like Iran or China or N. Korea wants to flout it, it goes quickly out of fashion and becomes a lame excuse to bash the U.S. for "imposing their imperialist version" of it. It doesn't get much more two-faced, and certainly no more ludicrous, than that. Really. If you're gonna' play the game, you gotta' bring something!

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The world warned America that if she kept ignoring international law and UN Resolutions. they would lose all their hard won moral authority in international relations. Now it has come true and no one takes their whingeing seriously anymore, all the cheerleaders who scoffed at The world court and the UN are cryin foul when China behaves badly! lol

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"If the Americans and their regional allies want to pass through the Strait of Hormuz and threaten us, we will not allow any entry,"

Whilst I am unsure what provoked this particular comment, on the balance of things it doesn't seem unreasonable. If the Iranian navy was to have a similar presence in the Gulf of Mexico, I am certain that it would not go down so well with the self appointed defenders of the free world.

Well for one thing the Strait of Hormuz doesn't belong to Iran nor do they have ownership of this waterway. They only have one side of it. The other side belongs to Oman and United Arab Emirates. So unless they all agree, which they won't, then they have no right to shut anything down. Anymore right than Iraq had rights to invade Kuwait. Or anymore rights then Iran going to Egypt and shutting down the Suez Channel.

The second thing is that this is a very important waterway for the shipment of oil. Not only for Iran but also Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and other Gulf States. Saudi Arabia is not on very friendly terms with Iran right now as it is. If they shut down there ability to ship oil you can be sure they will be somewhat pissed off at them. Saudi Arabia is probably right now far better militarily equipped to due battle with Iran then they are. So not only do they have to watch there front but also there back to.

Thirdly, Iran his already tried this with the USA back in the late 70's and early 80's and got there Butts kicked Big Time. Not only did they lose there ships but a couple of Oil Rigs as well, for good measure. So now they think they can defeat the USA and their Air Craft Carriers with Drones? At bes,t practice for the crew at a Turkey Shoot. I highly doubt one would even come close enough to see this ship.

You know when I read this stuff coming out of Iran I always get a smile on my face as it is so ridiculous it is comical. I guess this is why it is called "Rederick". The ink hasn't even dried yet from the embargo and they are at it again. I wonder of they actually believe anyone takes them seriously?

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The world warned America that if she kept ignoring international law and UN Resolutions. they would lose all their hard won moral authority in international relations. Now it has come true and no one takes their whingeing seriously anymore, all the cheerleaders who scoffed at The world court and the UN are cryin foul when China behaves badly! lol

The world warned America? Really? LOL. I don't see where there is any "whingeing". But the world court is looking into China's actions:


It's going to be interesting to see how this plays out...

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I seriously doubt anything will come of this.

However, if there is military action at the Straits of Hormuz, it will be tightly focused on that immediate region. In order for Iran to enforce a closure, it would have to have arms nearby (ship, air or land-based). Those arms (and their control systems) would be what's targeted, not Tehran or other parts of Iran. Even a hot-head like Trump could understand that, .....one hopes.

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