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This may be better for older guys as your T gets lower with age.

I am 61 and have been on Testosterone shots for the past year. One every 2 weeks.

My T before was 240. Now it is 720. Not only do I have much more energy (sex life is great) but I have lost weight with the T shots and a no sugar diet. A higher T reduces belly fat (very noticeable at the love handles) and I have lost about 15 pounds and went from a waist 39 to 36.

But, you cannot just sit around and expect results. A little walking and some fitness helps also.

I still drink but mostly Vodka. No sweets except LBFM. :)


Interesting. Is it easy to get testosterone shots in Thailand? I've never heard of men getting them. Aren't they usually used by bodybuilders or weightlifters?


Interesting. Is it easy to get testosterone shots in Thailand? I've never heard of men getting them. Aren't they usually used by bodybuilders or weightlifters?

I am not so sure about the shots themselves (someone to inject them for you) as the actual vials. They are easy to get and many guys take them to augment their own testosterone. As you age your testosterone drops and low testosterone can be bad for the belly fat. By adding some you keep your muscle and help combat belly fat.

Its exactly the same as bodybuilders and weight lifters use with 2 differences (dosage bodybuilders and weight lifter use higher dosages with higher risks) and often bodybuilders / weight lifters use them for a shorter duration. Those that are older and do HRT do so for life. Bodybuilders usually do a 12 week cycle and then off at least 12 weeks or more. (off longer is better)


OP, how did you determine your testosterone levels? A once every 2 weeks shot is not very efficient at keeping your levels stable no matter what the manufacturers of the "shots" tell you. You'd find that over the 2 weeks your level will drop dramatically, especially after 7 days. At what point in your cycle did you test your levels? I know it would be a pain in the butt (literally LOL), but dividing your dosage and injecting smaller doses more frequently would be advantageous. If you keep your levels more stable, you'll also cut back on estrogen conversion and the related side effects thereof.


I have gotten my blood tested as close as 4 days a nd as far as 12 days out. You guys seem right about the more frequent shots. It make s sense, but I am just following my Doctor's orders. He has been getting them every 2 weeks for over 20 years and says it is the best way to go..

He mentioned something about it creating more issues with my liver, hemoglobin, etc. But I did not pay much attention.

I feel really good especially in the sex department.

The interesting thing is toward the end of my 2 weeks (like today 13th day), I am so sexually active it seems crazy sometimes.

I am not trying to brag but I already took 2 ladies today from Soi 6 in Pattaya, and am thinking about more later.

Maybe it is all mental, but before the shots I was maybe 3 times a week.

I guess my point is I am very happy now with the results so am reluctant to change.


I have gotten my blood tested as close as 4 days a nd as far as 12 days out. You guys seem right about the more frequent shots. It make s sense, but I am just following my Doctor's orders. He has been getting them every 2 weeks for over 20 years and says it is the best way to go..

He mentioned something about it creating more issues with my liver, hemoglobin, etc. But I did not pay much attention.

I feel really good especially in the sex department.

The interesting thing is toward the end of my 2 weeks (like today 13th day), I am so sexually active it seems crazy sometimes.

I am not trying to brag but I already took 2 ladies today from Soi 6 in Pattaya, and am thinking about more later.

Maybe it is all mental, but before the shots I was maybe 3 times a week.

I guess my point is I am very happy now with the results so am reluctant to change.

LOL> that's impressive activity for sure, but I'd consider it a curse if I was suffering from such an affliction - having to go down to Soi 6 several times a day to relieve my "itch"... apart from the waste of money I could put to much better use.

TRT has no such effect on me... but it could be a mental thing (a theory) - I put my energy into staying healthy and hit the gym hard and often. I focus more on the rest of the body.

Regarding infrequent shots - it would be a bit difficult for practitioners to find candidates enthusiastic about twice weekly shots, for example. It would not be very popular, so they stick to less optimal methods which still work, only not as well... and then make all kinds of silly excuses for it. I do it once every 5 days myself.

LOL the liver issue... IM shots bypass the liver - that's the whole point. Oral hormones don't and put a huge stress on the liver. Even if IM injections were a risk to liver health, smaller, more frequent shots would be safer as the load is much lighter.

The issue of hemoglobin is a real concern... not only for frequent shots. This really should be discussed more often.

The concern is actually hematocrit, and it often goes far too high with TRT and regular CBC testing should be done. It costs about 100 baht in Thailand and fasting is not necessary, so you can go to a clinic anytime.

What is hematocrit?


Hematocrit (he-MAT-uh-krit) is the proportion of your total blood volume that is composed of red blood cells. A hematocrit (Hct) test indicates whether you have too few or too many red blood cells — conditions that can occur as the result of certain diseases. Red blood cells, or erythrocytes (uh-RITH-roe-sites), transport oxygen throughout your body.

When this gets too high, the blood gets too thick and it is really dangerous... especially if the person is unfit and doesn't exercise much... and also for people who overdo the exercise thing. In fact, people who do a lot of cardio exercise on TRT can raise their hematocrit even faster as exercise increases red blood cell count. With Thailand's hot climate there's a high risk of dehydration which makes the condition even more serious. If you get a test done, make sure you're well hydrated before you go - no alcohol and plenty of fluids in the hours before - otherwise you could have a high reading unrelated to high testosterone levels.

The only way to fix it is to lose blood. I don't believe any doctors will perform phlebotomy (bloodletting) after finding a patient's hematocrit is too high. They will probably look for a cause first, and if they find out you're on TRT they will either tell you to stop or cut back - which is not what most people on TRT will want to do, although it could cut back on Soi 6 visits.biggrin.png

The only solution I know of (other than extracting the blood yourself and discarding it) is to give blood. This will only allow you to lose 500 ml of blood every 2 months, so if you're very high you may have to take other steps.

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