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Donald Trump is set to be the Republican US presidential candidate


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If he becomes the new president will he be allowed to travel to the UK ? I think he is not wanted there .....

I think he will just return the favor..in kind.

No British Leaders allowed over our Walls

and they don't get to sell stuff here. lol.

The alternative is scary....tea and trump steaks with the queen, and some good old familiarity.

Edited by slipperylobster
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In 8 months time we will see the three T's in the newspaper headlines.

Trump, Trumpets to Triumph.

big headlines when Trump defeats Hillary.

Strumpet Trumped by Trumpets.


Trump's Trumpets stumps the "strumpet."

Edited by slipperylobster
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All the trump fanboys here seem to think they are the majority

Here is a reality Check


Only FOX News polls show him victoriouscheesy.gif

Is he laughing at his own joke...or is it the medication has not been refilled?

somebody tell him that polls are not accurate...

he thinks that a poll taken weeks ago can predict who wins in November.

What these polls did not take into account was that Cruz and Kasich just dropped out...and Trump pretty much wins the nomination.

If it's polls that convince you...then wait for some new ones...something more fresh. You are not factoring in the momentum that this victory gives Trump...and the new party backing (that he did not previously have)

Hillary is stagnant. Bernie has been take large bites out of her popularity........ Trump is on the move.


Yeah polls are not accurate in Thailand, but when ALL the polls are in favor of a candidate for the pas months, and yet you still try to find a way to support the Donald, YOU are the one who should take medication mate.

You should as well reread the whole page to understand how polls work when they ask for only : who will you vote for between Trump and Clinto, Cruz neither Bernie are involved...

But this is one more proof of your lack of attention to the page i linked

Edited by GeorgesAbitbol
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What if he gets elected and does what he says he wants to do?....Maybe appoints some Ambasadors that know business and can work on the many problems. Whats so wrong about having a guy in the oval office that is not beholden to anyone. He seems to have done well for himself in the private sector. He also has some very smart people in his organization. So with the right people around him who knows. He seems to think that there are liberal fixes and conservative fixes to problems.....Not stuck on just one side of the fence......

"He seems to have done well for himself in the private sector." You hit the nail right on the head there. He's done well for himself and a small clique around him, but stepped on a lot of toes and screwed a lot of people over in the process, and did not seem to give two hoots about the thousands of people that he employed.

And he did well for himself in the private sector, but running a country is a completely different matter altogether.

Trump was born rich. Massively rich. Hardly the tale of a guy who made it on his own.

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What if he gets elected and does what he says he wants to do?....Maybe appoints some Ambasadors that know business and can work on the many problems. Whats so wrong about having a guy in the oval office that is not beholden to anyone. He seems to have done well for himself in the private sector. He also has some very smart people in his organization. So with the right people around him who knows. He seems to think that there are liberal fixes and conservative fixes to problems.....Not stuck on just one side of the fence......

"He seems to have done well for himself in the private sector." You hit the nail right on the head there. He's done well for himself and a small clique around him, but stepped on a lot of toes and screwed a lot of people over in the process, and did not seem to give two hoots about the thousands of people that he employed.

And he did well for himself in the private sector, but running a country is a completely different matter altogether.

Trump was born rich. Massively rich. Hardly the tale of a guy who made it on his own.

Who cares about tales and stories?

It seems that country (at least half) is anxious for a change in the status quo.

Seems like the smart bet is to let him win (after all, it's limited power) and wait 4 years, because it will take longer to fix/improve all the issues.

Then ride the other party for the future.

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Republican party gathering forces...

Looks like a fine day to be American.

What inspiring times.... The face of American Politics is changing.

I do feel Trump has moved the Nation....towards an interest in positive changes.

No more Obama....no more Hillary.... please.

Living overseas, I have seen other Nations disrespect the USA....more and more. It breaks my heart.

Change is not only needed....it is a requirement for survival. Old policies just don't work. Old Politics has no more place here.

go Trump.

(give him a chance)

Wouldn't it be nice to have a president of his stature to be hated by half the Americans and 3/4 of the rest of the world. Spells a nice disaster.

Commander in chief?

It already is that way. I don't know why you missed the boat, but America has, for a long time now, become a pariah.

That was before Trump. Nobody has a crystal ball, but we do know what the past and present says. Start asking your British, Australian, German neighbors what they think of America. I hear precious few good comments...compared to how it was when I was a teenager (traveling all over Europe and living there)

So you fear the future? You fear Trump cannot arrange Trade/business negotiations, increase the stature of our military, let Generals do the job they were paid to do?

Are you aware that many excellent presidents (Commanders in Chief) were not military leaders..nor were they experienced in strategy? The best ones trusted their Generals out on the field.

Presidents are not warlords like genghis kahn. Nor should they be.

Well, Pew Research polled lots of countries round the world and generally speaking, America is viewd more favorably in 2014 than it was in 2006 which would be the comparable year in Bush's term. The same goes if you want to compare 2008 to 2014. A few countries like Russia definitely have a lot less favorable view of us. http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2014/07/15/which-countries-dont-like-america-and-which-do/

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The Press (and pundits on TVF) misunderstand when they attack Trump's personality or list things he has said.

People are voting for Trump and Bernie because they are angry at the years of mismanagement. When folk have to survive on 1995 wages and their taxes bail out banks and being told how and what is the politically correct way to think about everything, eventually the silent majority blue collars create an anti establishment groundswell the momentum of which is hard to stop. Trump has just provided that vent.

Trump has been totally unpredictable from the start. He was treated as a joke when he first announced he was one of 17 contestants. This was reflected on TVF too.

So many predictions that Trump could never reach the numbers, then when that looks possible the deniers change to they hope he IS the nominee because they"know" Hillary will wipe the floor with him. Now are they all so cocksure? Don't they need to amend that to "hope" now.?

This election still remains highly unpredictable, and yet the same Ivy Leaguers with their educated and advanced clairvoyant predictive powers still "know" that it will be a Hillary victory. Well who really knows? There may be no stopping the Trump Train

Edited by Linzz
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Trumps's problem can be summed in two words: non-whites and women.

Women make up over half the voters and Trump has tragically poor support from them. He can try to fix it, but he has such a long history of marginally sexist comments and has made many gender related blunders in the primaries, I highly doubt he will be able to recover.

Non-whites make up 38% of the electorate. Trump has basically thrown away the (non-cuban) Hispanic vote. The black population also supports Clinton strongly. I guess he hasn't completely alienated the Asian population.

On top of this, there is Trump's problem with religious conservatives. Trump is polling so bad in Utah, there is a chance it will go blue for the first time in 50 years -- something that was unthinkable before Trump. Texas is a similiar situation.

The real challenge for Democrats will be voter turnout. They need to keep the threat of Trump real to make sure people show up at the polls, not only to ensure Clinton is elected, but also to regain the Senate and gain seats in the house.

But hey, Leicester just won the EPL, so more unusual things than Trump winning can happen.

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Lets all wait and see if the federal courts indite her for her emails and actions overseas we should know in 8 weeks.

Trump is in far worse legal problems:

How many major-party Presidential front-runners have faced trial on financial elder abuse charges as they rolled toward the nomination?

Chock up yet another first for the Teflon-plated real-estate mogul and reality-TV star Donald J. Trump. His now-discontinued Trump University operation has been accused not just of fraud, false advertising, and unfair business practices, but also of having used such tactics against vulnerable seniors in ways that violated special financial elder abuse statutes in California and Florida. The civil trial is currently on track to begin in August in federal court in San Diego, just a few weeks after the Republican convention concludes in Cleveland on July 21.


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I used to dislike Trump least in the combined crowd. Increasingly I like Trump most. I reasoned this was a false appraisal only because so few are left standing to contrast. However, it is not a false appraisal. Trump really is the only voice in a very long time to articulate the angst of this center right nation.

Trump increasingly defines and distills exactly what ails the USA- leftist minority agenda being inflicted upon the whole. Trump's resilience is both hopeful and terrifying, however. Its hopeful because America cannot long survive this leftist insurgency couched in other guise. Its terrifying because no where in recent memory is there any evidence of anything going right (good) for any America First policies. There is just no reference point as 2 steps left, 1 step right politics has long been replaced by 3 steps left.

The etiology of America's malaise is the Progressive insurgency of the minority. Trump knows this, speaks to this, and for this reason he reflects a disgusted populace.

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Republican party gathering forces...

Looks like a fine day to be American.

What inspiring times.... The face of American Politics is changing.

I do feel Trump has moved the Nation....towards an interest in positive changes.

No more Obama....no more Hillary.... please.

Living overseas, I have seen other Nations disrespect the USA....more and more. It breaks my heart.

Change is not only needed....it is a requirement for survival. Old policies just don't work. Old Politics has no more place here.

go Trump.

(give him a chance)

Wouldn't it be nice to have a president of his stature to be hated by half the Americans and 3/4 of the rest of the world. Spells a nice disaster.

Commander in chief?

It already is that way. I don't know why you missed the boat, but America has, for a long time now, become a pariah.

That was before Trump. Nobody has a crystal ball, but we do know what the past and present says. Start asking your British, Australian, German neighbors what they think of America. I hear precious few good comments...compared to how it was when I was a teenager (traveling all over Europe and living there)

So you fear the future? You fear Trump cannot arrange Trade/business negotiations, increase the stature of our military, let Generals do the job they were paid to do?

Are you aware that many excellent presidents (Commanders in Chief) were not military leaders..nor were they experienced in strategy? The best ones trusted their Generals out on the field.

Presidents are not warlords like genghis kahn. Nor should they be.

Well, Pew Research polled lots of countries round the world and generally speaking, America is viewd more favorably in 2014 than it was in 2006 which would be the comparable year in Bush's term. The same goes if you want to compare 2008 to 2014. A few countries like Russia definitely have a lot less favorable view of us. http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2014/07/15/which-countries-dont-like-america-and-which-do/

The hell with polls about whether someone likes you. If you want to know whether someone views you "favorably" , then look to see if you have a commerce relationship with them. If you do, then you share mutual interests.

That's the closest you get to being "friends" ....if that's important to you

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Wouldn't it be nice to have a president of his stature to be hated by half the Americans and 3/4 of the rest of the world. Spells a nice disaster.

Commander in chief?

It already is that way. I don't know why you missed the boat, but America has, for a long time now, become a pariah.

That was before Trump. Nobody has a crystal ball, but we do know what the past and present says. Start asking your British, Australian, German neighbors what they think of America. I hear precious few good comments...compared to how it was when I was a teenager (traveling all over Europe and living there)

So you fear the future? You fear Trump cannot arrange Trade/business negotiations, increase the stature of our military, let Generals do the job they were paid to do?

Are you aware that many excellent presidents (Commanders in Chief) were not military leaders..nor were they experienced in strategy? The best ones trusted their Generals out on the field.

Presidents are not warlords like genghis kahn. Nor should they be.

Well, Pew Research polled lots of countries round the world and generally speaking, America is viewd more favorably in 2014 than it was in 2006 which would be the comparable year in Bush's term. The same goes if you want to compare 2008 to 2014. A few countries like Russia definitely have a lot less favorable view of us. http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2014/07/15/which-countries-dont-like-america-and-which-do/

The hell with polls about whether someone likes you. If you want to know whether someone views you "favorably" , then look to see if you have a commerce relationship with them. If you do, then you share mutual interests.

That's the closest you get to being "friends" ....if that's important to you

If true, "viewed more favorably" needs context. America was for most of its existence viewed favorably such that the core image it projected was sought to be emulated, seen as great, ideal, and a grand experiment.

These days, viewing America favorably means what does America have to offer, its bounty, its soldier's blood, its subordination to the cries/demands of others. If America is "viewed more favorably" under Obama I hold its because Obama subordinates everything that is America's self interest to the interests of the unelected other countries and this causes... a favorable view.

The false logic that Americans should remotely give a crap about what others think is the same cool-aid that has Obama subordinating the US to others- as if the world had a right to be part of our local discourse. The hostage-taking Trump opponents offer- 'the world does not like Trump'- on its face suggests that Trump is the right person for the job.

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One image says a thousand words..

"The Trump campaign is not a hostile takeover of the Republican Party. It is a rebellion of shareholders who are voting to throw out the corporate officers and board of directors that ran the company into the ground.

Only the company here is our country." -- Pat Buchanan thumbsup.gif

However, many years ago in a republic far, far away....

"There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution."

-- John Adams, Letter to Jonathan Jackson (2 October 1780), "The Works of John Adams", vol 9, p.511

So basically the entire presidential pageantry is simply circuses for the distracted, dumbed-down masses. But some of the more awake and disfranchises voters got behind Trump thinking that he'll provided something different. That's to be seen...

Edited by connda
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Trump couldn't get elected dawg catcher in a one dog town. If Bernie can't pull off a miracle, Hillary the Killary will still win. Trump, the most disliked candidate in history. America has sunk to a low even I couldn't imagine.

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I definitely don't like the US republicans, but Trump is my man, and so are those of the same political stretch in the rest of the world today.

Look at what is going on elsewhere in the world. All those with similar ideas to those of trump are gaining big support, and it is about time, because everyone should realize what is going on with the huge immigrant influx.

It is all a provocation created by the 1% to instigate local civil wars, which could escalate to a third world war, to eliminate the middle class.

Yay for Trump for president.

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Wouldn't it be nice to have a president of his stature to be hated by half the Americans and 3/4 of the rest of the world. Spells a nice disaster.

Commander in chief?

It already is that way. I don't know why you missed the boat, but America has, for a long time now, become a pariah.

That was before Trump. Nobody has a crystal ball, but we do know what the past and present says. Start asking your British, Australian, German neighbors what they think of America. I hear precious few good comments...compared to how it was when I was a teenager (traveling all over Europe and living there)

So you fear the future? You fear Trump cannot arrange Trade/business negotiations, increase the stature of our military, let Generals do the job they were paid to do?

Are you aware that many excellent presidents (Commanders in Chief) were not military leaders..nor were they experienced in strategy? The best ones trusted their Generals out on the field.

Presidents are not warlords like genghis kahn. Nor should they be.

Well, Pew Research polled lots of countries round the world and generally speaking, America is viewd more favorably in 2014 than it was in 2006 which would be the comparable year in Bush's term. The same goes if you want to compare 2008 to 2014. A few countries like Russia definitely have a lot less favorable view of us. http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2014/07/15/which-countries-dont-like-america-and-which-do/

The hell with polls about whether someone likes you. If you want to know whether someone views you "favorably" , then look to see if you have a commerce relationship with them. If you do, then you share mutual interests.

That's the closest you get to being "friends" ....if that's important to you

Interesting that you didn't object when slilpperylobster maintained that America had become a pariah. According to your lights, that should be just as irrelevant as the USA being liked. And I was simply pointing out that what slipperylobster wrote wasn't true. I would add, for slipperylobster's benefit, that the case for America being regarded as a pariah was much stronger during the Bush Administration.

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First thing he will do is get those Americans imprisoned in Iran out, what Obama should have done when dealing with them, some countries are in for a big wake up call,

"We defend everybody. No matter who it is, we defend everybody. We’re defending the world. But we owe, soon, it’s soon to be $21 trillion. You know, it’s 19 now but it’s soon to be 21 trillion. But we defend everybody. When in doubt, come to the United States. We’ll defend you. In some cases free of charge. And in all cases for a substantially, you know, greater amount. We spend a substantially greater amount than what the people are paying"

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I used to dislike Trump least in the combined crowd. Increasingly I like Trump most. I reasoned this was a false appraisal only because so few are left standing to contrast. However, it is not a false appraisal. Trump really is the only voice in a very long time to articulate the angst of this center right nation.

Trump increasingly defines and distills exactly what ails the USA- leftist minority agenda being inflicted upon the whole. Trump's resilience is both hopeful and terrifying, however. Its hopeful because America cannot long survive this leftist insurgency couched in other guise. Its terrifying because no where in recent memory is there any evidence of anything going right (good) for any America First policies. There is just no reference point as 2 steps left, 1 step right politics has long been replaced by 3 steps left.

The etiology of America's malaise is the Progressive insurgency of the minority. Trump knows this, speaks to this, and for this reason he reflects a disgusted populace.

Other than an expression of angst (and I get that this is real, even if to a lesser extent) - how is Trump himself good for the USA as a president?

If it sums up to kicking an anthill, without much by way of having a clue what to do next, doesn't strike me as a great proposition. And no, I do not think that Trump, other than capitalizing on said angst, presented a vision of realistic goals and policies. Once he clears the nomination, hard to see him not simply taking over the Republican Party (and given the nomination, many will come running). To assume anything other than the further degradation of the political system requires casting Trump as an agent of reform....admittedly, lacking the needed imagination (or self-delusion). Perhaps the underlying idea is that Trump's "role" is to bring things to a tipping point with regard to public disgust of politics? If so, that's quite a roundabout way of getting a result. not to mention a possibly a painful one, or the danger of things not getting back on track.

Even if there was a general agreement as to the causes of divisions within the USA, how is Trump going to change that? Most of what's coming from his corner promises even more of the same. More to do with over compensating to the right, rather than finding ways to bring people together.

There's a position, sometimes articulated by yourself (I think) and others, that choosing the lesser evil is one of the banes of USA politics. Often brought up in the context of HRC's candidacy. Is support for Trump that much different? What qualifies Trump as a good candidate - one that would be worthy regardless of the opposition? Or beyond being an expression of public angst?

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It already is that way. I don't know why you missed the boat, but America has, for a long time now, become a pariah.

That was before Trump. Nobody has a crystal ball, but we do know what the past and present says. Start asking your British, Australian, German neighbors what they think of America. I hear precious few good comments...compared to how it was when I was a teenager (traveling all over Europe and living there)

So you fear the future? You fear Trump cannot arrange Trade/business negotiations, increase the stature of our military, let Generals do the job they were paid to do?

Are you aware that many excellent presidents (Commanders in Chief) were not military leaders..nor were they experienced in strategy? The best ones trusted their Generals out on the field.

Presidents are not warlords like genghis kahn. Nor should they be.

Well, Pew Research polled lots of countries round the world and generally speaking, America is viewd more favorably in 2014 than it was in 2006 which would be the comparable year in Bush's term. The same goes if you want to compare 2008 to 2014. A few countries like Russia definitely have a lot less favorable view of us. http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2014/07/15/which-countries-dont-like-america-and-which-do/

The hell with polls about whether someone likes you. If you want to know whether someone views you "favorably" , then look to see if you have a commerce relationship with them. If you do, then you share mutual interests.

That's the closest you get to being "friends" ....if that's important to you

Interesting that you didn't object when slilpperylobster maintained that America had become a pariah. According to your lights, that should be just as irrelevant as the USA being liked. And I was simply pointing out that what slipperylobster wrote wasn't true. I would add, for slipperylobster's benefit, that the case for America being regarded as a pariah was much stronger during the Bush Administration.

Just because you were the last post on the thread I tagged on to doesn't mean I was speaking to you directly.

Most countries are hypocrites. Their govt's publicly voice faux moral outrage to unpopular policies or actions strictly for consumption by the bovine masses at home while still fully engaging in business as usual

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I used to dislike Trump least in the combined crowd. Increasingly I like Trump most. I reasoned this was a false appraisal only because so few are left standing to contrast. However, it is not a false appraisal. Trump really is the only voice in a very long time to articulate the angst of this center right nation.

Trump increasingly defines and distills exactly what ails the USA- leftist minority agenda being inflicted upon the whole. Trump's resilience is both hopeful and terrifying, however. Its hopeful because America cannot long survive this leftist insurgency couched in other guise. Its terrifying because no where in recent memory is there any evidence of anything going right (good) for any America First policies. There is just no reference point as 2 steps left, 1 step right politics has long been replaced by 3 steps left.

The etiology of America's malaise is the Progressive insurgency of the minority. Trump knows this, speaks to this, and for this reason he reflects a disgusted populace.

Socialism /Marxism is hard at work destroying America. America is not a capitalist country. When banks go on a spending spree they do it because they know they have a government bailout guarantee, hence the term "too big to fail and too big to jail", State socialism in action. If the US was truly capitalist then banks would be left to the consequences of their gambling and so they would not take the risks.The bailouts, negative interest rates which is already destroying pension funds and printing money is distorting the economy.

Socialism is lowering living standards. Once upon a time women could afford to stay at home, but because of higher taxes needed for profligate spending on wars,social programs and corruption it now takes two to work and pay tax. This will become more onerous as the debt goes up and up, now at $20 Trillion official debt and that does not include government guarantees and unfunded liabilities approaching $200 Trillion.Others will dismiss that and say America's economy can handle it. Well if Trump has a business and trader's mind then maybe there is some hope but it may already be too late. The US could be headed for the biggest crash in history which would affect the world.. No doubt he would then get the blame, but really the fault lies with socialist policy and warmongering.

Hopefully Trump understands saving and production and that you cannot build a nation on debt and consumption..Hillary is part of that problem and if she wins in November then she may just seal her own fate along with the nation's.

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I used to dislike Trump least in the combined crowd. Increasingly I like Trump most. I reasoned this was a false appraisal only because so few are left standing to contrast. However, it is not a false appraisal. Trump really is the only voice in a very long time to articulate the angst of this center right nation.

Trump increasingly defines and distills exactly what ails the USA- leftist minority agenda being inflicted upon the whole. Trump's resilience is both hopeful and terrifying, however. Its hopeful because America cannot long survive this leftist insurgency couched in other guise. Its terrifying because no where in recent memory is there any evidence of anything going right (good) for any America First policies. There is just no reference point as 2 steps left, 1 step right politics has long been replaced by 3 steps left.

The etiology of America's malaise is the Progressive insurgency of the minority. Trump knows this, speaks to this, and for this reason he reflects a disgusted populace.

The best function for him would be interior minister. Keep him away from foreign affairs.

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Trump is in far worse legal problems:

NONSENSE! Hillary has had dozens of FBI agents investigating her activities for months.

And her trial starts when?

Personally, I would define "far worse legal problems " as actually having a trial date scheduled when you have defend yourself against actual charges of fraud, etc.

But, you can continue to filter facts as you choose.


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Did Yellen's transfer from head of the Fed to AG happen in the last few minutes? Clearly we have a well informed poster here. And I wouldn't be at all surprised if an A.G. Christie would prosecute HRC. As you may recall, when Senator Bob Martinez was running for reelection, Christie announced that he was investigating Martinez for possible criminal acts. That investigation was never heard of again once Martinez had won.

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Janet Yellen is the Chairperson of the Federal Reserve.

Loretta Lynch is the current Attorney General.

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