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House Speaker Paul Ryan refuses to back Donald Trump


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House Speaker Paul Ryan refuses to back Donald Trump

WASHINGTON (AP) — House Speaker Paul Ryan is refusing to support Donald Trump as the Republican nominee for president, insisting Thursday that the businessman must do more to unify the GOP.

The surprise declaration from Ryan on CNN's "The Lead" amounted to a stunning rebuke of Trump from the Republican Party's highest-ranking officeholder.

"I'm just not ready to do that at this point. I'm not there right now," the Wisconsin Republican said. "And I hope to. And I want to, but I think what is required is that we unify this party."

In a statement, Trump responded that he isn't ready to support Ryan's agenda.

"Perhaps in the future we can work together and come to an agreement about what is best for the American people," Trump said. "They have been treated so badly for so long that it is about time for politicians to put them first!"

Even in an election cycle that's exposed extreme and very public divisions within the GOP, Ryan's decision to withhold his support from Trump was remarkable, as the GOP's top elected leader, second in line to the presidency, turned his back on his own party's presumptive nominee.

The salvos involving the likely White House nominee and the House speaker were highly unusual and rarely seen in the days after a political party essentially crowns its winner and all involve work to unify the party for November's elections.

Ryan had maintained his silence since Trump effectively clinched the nomination with a commanding win in Indiana on Tuesday that forced his two remaining rivals from the race. Other Republican leaders, including Senate Majority Mitch McConnell, offered their grudging support for Trump, and Ryan had seemed likely to eventually do the same.

Instead he balked, in comments that could also reflect concern for his own political future and potential run for president in 2020.

"We will need a standard-bearer that can unify all Republicans, all conservatives, all wings of our party, and then go to the country with an appealing agenda that can be appealing to independents and disaffected Democrats," Ryan said. "And we have work to do on this front, and I think our nominee has to lead in that effort."

Ryan made clear he won't be supporting Hillary Clinton and that he wants to come around to backing Trump. And he acknowledged the import of Trump's victories over a field of some of the GOP's most experienced politicians, saying the mogul had "tapped into something in this country that was very powerful. And people are sending a message to Washington that we need to learn from and listen to."

"But at the same time, now that we have a presumptive nominee who is going to be our standard-bearer, I think it's very important that there's a demonstration that our standards will be beared," Ryan said.

Ryan himself, his party's 2012 vice presidential nominee, had been seen as a possible "white knight" candidate who could emerge as an alternative to Trump at a contested convention. He called a press conference last month to rule himself out, and Trump now looks set to gather the 1,237 delegate votes needed to clinch the nomination ahead of the July gathering in Cleveland, foreclosing the possibility of a contested convention.

Ryan will serve as the convention's chairman, presiding over portions of the proceedings that will elevate Trump to the official status of nominee.

With deep concerns about Trump at the top of the ticket, Ryan is positioning himself to play a central role in helping to protect vulnerable Republican House and Senate candidates heading into the general election, said Spencer Zwick, who is Ryan's national finance chairman. Ryan has been working since becoming speaker last fall on an "agenda project" that could give lawmakers something to run on apart from the top of the ticket.

"Paul Ryan is the single most effective tool and person to maintain control of the Senate and the House," said Zwick, who attended a Detroit-area fundraiser with Ryan on Wednesday.

"He's focused on an agenda. He's constantly out there talking about his agenda. Talk to (Sen. Rob) Portman in Ohio, or congressmen who are up, and they are very happy with the fact that Paul Ryan is promoting an agenda they can all sign on to. Many people aren't sure what the Trump agenda is yet."

Trump and Ryan have publicly clashed in the past. Ryan rebuked Trump for plans to bar Muslims from the country, and when Trump was slow to disavow former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke. Trump told a crowd in South Carolina in February that Ryan doomed the GOP presidential ticket four years ago by saying entitlement programs need reform, criticism that Ryan dismissed.

Trump has flouted a number of conservative tenets in his campaign. He has praised Planned Parenthood even as a House GOP committee investigates its practices regarding fetal tissue collection. He's bashed trade agreements even as a major trade deal is pending before Congress. And just Wednesday he said he was open to the idea of raising the minimum wage.


Associated Press writers Steve Peoples and Andrew Taylor contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-05-06

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And so begins the process of trying to get Trump to shape up his platform and rhetoric so that normal Republicans can 'shoehorn' their support in for him. This must be just killing these guys. Trump will probably adjust his rhetoric and platform somewhat to accommodate Ryan and the establishment, but he cannot just jettison all his irrational, ill-informed crap without losing the base of his supporters, cause that's the tooth fairy Trump they believe in.

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Trump has momentum at the moment and things like this just feed that momentum. Trump has the country angry with the establishment and want change. The more the establishment fight him the more Average Joe will back him. Trump is seen as the man to do a correction on American politics, by the man on the street.People who have not voted for years or have never voted will come out because they will believe Trump can get the US back in order.Best the establishment stop bashing him.

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This plays perfectly into Trumps anti-establishment hand..

Sometimes you hope that it is all just part of the plan.

The more Trump gets dumped on, the more victorious he becomes.

In the classic strategy book written by Tsun Tzu...(Ancient Art of War),

Trump sure knows how to turn things his way.

He talks like a street guy, but he knows how to win.

Hillary is predictable...Trump is not

Paul Ryan is creating political suicide...but may be trying to impress Obama and Hillary.

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Trump has momentum at the moment and things like this just feed that momentum. Trump has the country angry with the establishment and want change. The more the establishment fight him the more Average Joe will back him. Trump is seen as the man to do a correction on American politics, by the man on the street.People who have not voted for years or have never voted will come out because they will believe Trump can get the US back in order.Best the establishment stop bashing him.

I sure respect your view, even if people don't like Trump, they empower him all the more.

For me, I do want to see him win.

It is enjoyable to watch the majority of Clinton Supports bash him, and then see it all get turned around.

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Ryan is one of the few reasonable Republicans out there, respected by both sides of the political aisle. His conservative and Republican credentials are unquestioned. Trump, not so much.

I don't like Trump (although I admire him for some of his policies) but I LOATH hypocrites who say "I will support the winner" then do not do so when the voters choose someone he does not like. The office Ryan holds is not his personal office he represents the GoP voters so how dare he pontificate.

I liked him before but he's played this one like a two year old and he will suffer the obvious reactions to his hypocrisy.

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And so begins the process of trying to get Trump to shape up his platform and rhetoric so that normal Republicans can 'shoehorn' their support in for him. This must be just killing these guys. Trump will probably adjust his rhetoric and platform somewhat to accommodate Ryan and the establishment, but he cannot just jettison all his irrational, ill-informed crap without losing the base of his supporters, cause that's the tooth fairy Trump they believe in.

Nonsense. They're locked in now with no where else to go. Whose going to out-Trump Trump? Cruz tried it and it backfired because it wasn't his usual personality. Just as so many overlook Trump's rhetoric so just as many will overlook it when he modifies it. Make no difference. He's clever, he knows how to push buttons where it counts.People like him because he appears to be himself and not your usual phony politician. When he's challenged he just says he 's changed his mind. Politicians say "no I never said that". People prefer a "bad" honest man to a "good" dishonest one. That's the perception.

But what's really behind the groundswell is the general dissatisfaction with the political establishment and so many finding it difficult to make ends meet with no prospects of change into the foreseeable future unless there is major political change.It's only the Ivy Leaguers who care or can afford to get excited about his rhetoric.

Edited by Linzz
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I think many republicans think the same as Ryan, just look at the Bush family as an example. Like it or not that is the way it is. The Trump followers are not the mainstream republicans and I think many mainstream voters won't vote this year. This is all great news for the democrats as if voters don't turn out then seats in the house and senate will go democrat. I just wonder if this was all planned by big money as Hillary is their poster child.

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I think many republicans think the same as Ryan, just look at the Bush family as an example. Like it or not that is the way it is. The Trump followers are not the mainstream republicans and I think many mainstream voters won't vote this year. This is all great news for the democrats as if voters don't turn out then seats in the house and senate will go democrat. I just wonder if this was all planned by big money as Hillary is their poster child.

I don't think so i think the majority will damn Ryan for being two faced when he should be showing leadership by keeping to his promise. He waits until Trump wins then says 'i've changed my mind'? I dun think so...

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But what's really behind the groundswell is the general dissatisfaction with the political establishment and so many finding it difficult to make ends meet with no prospects of change into the foreseeable future unless there is major political change.It's only the Ivy Leaguers who care or can afford to get excited about his rhetoric.

It's finally sunk in what Trump supporters want. They don't want someone smart, or strong, or principled, or honest, or even someone who can govern. What Trump supporters want is someone "different." That's it, and that's all. Trump certainly is that.

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I think many republicans think the same as Ryan, just look at the Bush family as an example. Like it or not that is the way it is. The Trump followers are not the mainstream republicans and I think many mainstream voters won't vote this year. This is all great news for the democrats as if voters don't turn out then seats in the house and senate will go democrat. I just wonder if this was all planned by big money as Hillary is their poster child.

I don't think so i think the majority will damn Ryan for being two faced when he should be showing leadership by keeping to his promise. He waits until Trump wins then says 'i've changed my mind'? I dun think so...

Just like Trump always says when he flip flops " I changed my mind". So why can't Ryan change has mind or is that something only trump can do ?

Main stream Republicans would rather skip an election than have Trump change the entire base. Time will tell... Will be an interesting year.

I am sick of the way things are run in Washington also but I support Bernie even though he may not win. If trump was not so rude and could give a speech or even open his mouth without insulting someone or an entire race I might have considered him. He will make us all look like idiots if he ever speaks to the UN or any other group outside of America. The guy just don't know what's really happening in the world and don't even know the names or countries or leaders.

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He will make us all look like idiots if he ever speaks to the UN or any other group outside of America. The guy just don't know what's really happening in the world and don't even know the names or countries or leaders.

When asked what he thinks about Thailand, Trump's likely answer: "Yeah, I love Jackie Chan movies & dim sum."

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I think many republicans think the same as Ryan, just look at the Bush family as an example. Like it or not that is the way it is. The Trump followers are not the mainstream republicans and I think many mainstream voters won't vote this year. This is all great news for the democrats as if voters don't turn out then seats in the house and senate will go democrat. I just wonder if this was all planned by big money as Hillary is their poster child.

I don't think so i think the majority will damn Ryan for being two faced when he should be showing leadership by keeping to his promise. He waits until Trump wins then says 'i've changed my mind'? I dun think so...

Just like Trump always says when he flip flops " I changed my mind". So why can't Ryan change has mind or is that something only trump can do ?

Main stream Republicans would rather skip an election than have Trump change the entire base. Time will tell... Will be an interesting year.

I am sick of the way things are run in Washington also but I support Bernie even though he may not win. If trump was not so rude and could give a speech or even open his mouth without insulting someone or an entire race I might have considered him. He will make us all look like idiots if he ever speaks to the UN or any other group outside of America. The guy just don't know what's really happening in the world and don't even know the names or countries or leaders.

I'll start off by saying I'm a Bernie supporter.. not Trump

To answer your question Ryan is:

  1. speaker and therefore has to represent the majority who voted for Trump - it's not a 'personal' thing it's a 'speaker' thing
  2. is NOT running for office and therefore should not be commenting
  3. promised to support 'whoever wins the nomination' when he thought it would be a contested election

I dislike Trump immensely but LOVE his destruction of the pompous establishment like Ryan

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I think many republicans think the same as Ryan, just look at the Bush family as an example. Like it or not that is the way it is. The Trump followers are not the mainstream republicans and I think many mainstream voters won't vote this year. This is all great news for the democrats as if voters don't turn out then seats in the house and senate will go democrat. I just wonder if this was all planned by big money as Hillary is their poster child.

I don't think so i think the majority will damn Ryan for being two faced when he should be showing leadership by keeping to his promise. He waits until Trump wins then says 'i've changed my mind'? I dun think so...

Just like Trump always says when he flip flops " I changed my mind". So why can't Ryan change has mind or is that something only trump can do ?

Main stream Republicans would rather skip an election than have Trump change the entire base. Time will tell... Will be an interesting year.

I am sick of the way things are run in Washington also but I support Bernie even though he may not win. If trump was not so rude and could give a speech or even open his mouth without insulting someone or an entire race I might have considered him. He will make us all look like idiots if he ever speaks to the UN or any other group outside of America. The guy just don't know what's really happening in the world and don't even know the names or countries or leaders.

"The entire race might have considered him" Don't think so. The entire race would have overlooked him if he presented himself as the same as all the other politicians. He's just proven that being up against 17 others well funded like Jeb Bush Reality TV is the medium these days and he has exploited it.

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But what's really behind the groundswell is the general dissatisfaction with the political establishment and so many finding it difficult to make ends meet with no prospects of change into the foreseeable future unless there is major political change.It's only the Ivy Leaguers who care or can afford to get excited about his rhetoric.

It's finally sunk in what Trump supporters want. They don't want someone smart, or strong, or principled, or honest, or even someone who can govern. What Trump supporters want is someone "different." That's it, and that's all. Trump certainly is that.

You're right and they don't give a <deleted> about that. But they do think he's smart, strong and honest to a fault. He's already proven that being the last man standing.. Whether he's principled or able to govern remains to be seen.

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If the Bush family won't endorse Trump, how is that not a good thing? Left wing liberals who rightfully hate the Bush dynasty would have to agree with them or not laugh.png

Trump has entirely turned the tables in this election

Edited by Linzz
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I think many republicans think the same as Ryan, just look at the Bush family as an example. Like it or not that is the way it is. The Trump followers are not the mainstream republicans and I think many mainstream voters won't vote this year. This is all great news for the democrats as if voters don't turn out then seats in the house and senate will go democrat. I just wonder if this was all planned by big money as Hillary is their poster child.

I don't think so i think the majority will damn Ryan for being two faced when he should be showing leadership by keeping to his promise. He waits until Trump wins then says 'i've changed my mind'? I dun think so...

Just like Trump always says when he flip flops " I changed my mind". So why can't Ryan change has mind or is that something only trump can do ?

Main stream Republicans would rather skip an election than have Trump change the entire base. Time will tell... Will be an interesting year.

I am sick of the way things are run in Washington also but I support Bernie even though he may not win. If trump was not so rude and could give a speech or even open his mouth without insulting someone or an entire race I might have considered him. He will make us all look like idiots if he ever speaks to the UN or any other group outside of America. The guy just don't know what's really happening in the world and don't even know the names or countries or leaders.

"The entire race might have considered him" Don't think so. The entire race would have overlooked him if he presented himself as the same as all the other politicians. He's just proven that being up against 17 others well funded like Jeb Bush Reality TV is the medium these days and he has exploited it.

read again .... As to how I used the word Race, as in a group of people who share similar and distinct physical characteristics.
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If the Bush family won't endorse Trump, how is that not a good thing? Left wing liberals who rightfully hate the Bush dynasty would have to agree with them or not laugh.png

Trump has entirely turned the tables in this election

like it or not the Bush family has power in the Republican Party. It is really Trump against the party. Those voting for Trump are not party leaders but people who are angry with the system, same as Sander supporters. The question is, are there enough angry people who are upset with the system to vote for someone like Trump ? Maybe, maybe not .... Edited by ttthailand
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But what's really behind the groundswell is the general dissatisfaction with the political establishment and so many finding it difficult to make ends meet with no prospects of change into the foreseeable future unless there is major political change.It's only the Ivy Leaguers who care or can afford to get excited about his rhetoric.

It's finally sunk in what Trump supporters want. They don't want someone smart, or strong, or principled, or honest, or even someone who can govern. What Trump supporters want is someone "different." That's it, and that's all. Trump certainly is that.

You're right and they don't give a <deleted> about that. But they do think he's smart, strong and honest to a fault. He's already proven that being the last man standing.. Whether he's principled or able to govern remains to be seen.

Hahaha.... You can't be talking about Trump. Smart, honest ... really ??? I don't think so !
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Trump singlehanded destruction of the Republican party is historic. Last time a crazy Mormon got crushed by a landslide. The 4 years before that we hid the nucleur from the Hockey Mom and Grandpa McCain.FOX News staff half drunk half high stunned and in denial... Priceless. No way anyone could have told me that the Repunlican party would become cannibalistic, and scrambling to find ways to kill and eat Donald (The Trump) Duck before Thanksgiving. Hope they (the Republicans) remember to pluck that patch of neon yellow feathers off his head before cooking that Trump Duck. Technically there are only two parties now...The Democrats and Liberals...

Edited by Whyamiandwhatamidoinghere
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"The entire race might have considered him" Don't think so. The entire race would have overlooked him if he presented himself as the same as all the other politicians. He's just proven that being up against 17 others well funded like Jeb Bush Reality TV is the medium these days and he has exploited it.

read again .... As to how I used the word Race, as in a group of people who share similar and distinct physical characteristics.

Apologies I skipped your "I" wai2.gif

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But what's really behind the groundswell is the general dissatisfaction with the political establishment and so many finding it difficult to make ends meet with no prospects of change into the foreseeable future unless there is major political change.It's only the Ivy Leaguers who care or can afford to get excited about his rhetoric.

It's finally sunk in what Trump supporters want. They don't want someone smart, or strong, or principled, or honest, or even someone who can govern. What Trump supporters want is someone "different." That's it, and that's all. Trump certainly is that.

You're right and they don't give a <deleted> about that. But they do think he's smart, strong and honest to a fault. He's already proven that being the last man standing.. Whether he's principled or able to govern remains to be seen.

Hahaha.... You can't be talking about Trump. Smart, honest ... really ??? I don't think so !

Quite. But that's not the point, I already know what you think. I was talking about his supporters, and they do because for better or worse he says what he thinks and be damned and not some usual politico double speak that the electorate are used to hearing

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If the Bush family won't endorse Trump, how is that not a good thing? Left wing liberals who rightfully hate the Bush dynasty would have to agree with them or not laugh.png

Trump has entirely turned the tables in this election

like it or not the Bush family has power in the Republican Party. It is really Trump against the party. Those voting for Trump are not party leaders but people who are angry with the system, same as Sander supporters. The question is, are there enough angry people who are upset with the system to vote for someone like Trump ? Maybe, maybe not ....

You are right about Bernie and Trump supporters being very similar and sharing the same issues It would be interesting if Bernie got the nomination and ran against Trump.

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